ITU-T Q 107-1988 Standard sending sequence of forward address information《前向地址信息的标准发送顺序》.pdf

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ITU-T Q 107-1988 Standard sending sequence of forward address information《前向地址信息的标准发送顺序》.pdf_第1页
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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 1 TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU%.%2!,G0G02%#/-%.$!4)/.3G0G0/.G0G04%,%0(/.%37)4#().G0G0!.$G0G03).!,).#,!53%3G0G0!00,)#!“,%G0G04/G0G0)45G134G0G034!.$!2$3934%-334!.$!2$G0G03%.$).G0G03%15%.#%G0G0/ modified at Melbourne, 1988)A distinction is m

2、ade in this Recommendation between the information to be sent by the telephone user fordifferent types of calls and the corresponding information to be sent by the international signalling equipment.With regard to the latter, the sequence of forward address information signals is dealt with in detai

3、l. Thedetailed exchange of other signalling information is covered by the procedures described in the specifications of theCCITT signalling systems concerned.1 Information to be sent by the telephone userThe normal sequence of address information required for the set-up of an international call and

4、to be sent bythe user, i.e. the calling subscriber or operator, is as shown in Table 1/Q.107. This sequence does not depend on theCCITT signalling system used in the international network. Here five different types of call, from a) to e) are covered.TABLE 1/Q.107Standard sequence of the address info

5、rmation to be sentby the telephone userType Call to : Address information sent by the usera) A subscriber (automatic) 1. International prefixa)2. Country codeb)3. National (significant) numberc)b) A subscriber (semi-automatic) 1. Country code b),d)2. National (significant) numberc)3. Sending-finishe

6、dc) Any incoming or delay operators position(semi-automatic)1. Country code b),d)2. Extra digit designating the incominginternational exchange e)3. Code 11 or code 12 f)4. Sending-finishedd) An particular delay operator, or one of thoseoperating a particular group of delayoperators positions (semi-a

7、utomatic)1. Country code b), d)2. Extra digit designating the incominginternational exchange e)3. Code 12 f)4. Number of a particular positionor a group of positions5. Sending-finishede) An information operator or a special serviceoperator1. Special numbersa)The recommended international prefix is 0

8、0, see Recommendation Q. 11 bis, 4.1.b)The country code consists of one these digit combinations: I1, I1I2, I1I2I3.c)The national (significant) number consists of the subscriber number and the trunk code: N1, N2, N3,. It does not contain thenational (trunk) prefix (the preferred national prefix is 0

9、 - see Recommendation Q.11 bis 4.5.2). The subscriber using the2 Fascicle VI.1 - Rec. Q.107international automatic telephone network should be informed in an appropriate manner that the national prefix after the countrycode must not be sent.d)If, in the case of semi-automatic calls, the language dig

10、it L = 1, 2, 3, . is not sent automatically by the outgoing signallingequipment, it has to be sent by the operator to the outgoing equipment. In this case, the operator must send the L digitimmediately following the country code.e)The extra digit (N1) designating the incoming international exchange

11、is used in cases where more than one incominginternational exchange can be reached in the country of destination. (It is recognized that the existing design of some equipmentdoes not permit the insertion of the extra digit.)f)See Recommendation Q.101.2 Sequence of forward address information to be s

12、ent by the outgoing international signalling equipmentThe information to be sent in the forward direction by the outgoing international signalling equipment in orderto set up telephone connections differs from the information to be sent by the telephone user. The content and thesequence of forward a

13、ddress information is furthermore dependent on the signalling systems used in the internationalnetwork. In the following, a distinction is made between common channel and channel associated signalling systems.2.1 Common channel signalling systemsIn the case of common channel Signalling Systems No. 6

14、 and No. 7, the first signal to be sent to an(international) signalling data link relating to the set up of a telephone connection is the initial address message.According to the definitions in Recommendations Q.254 1, Q.722 2 and Q.762 7, the initial address messagenormally contains, among others,

15、the following forward address information:a) nature-of-address indicator indicating that the- international number,- national (significant) number, or- subscriber number is included;b) nature-of-circuit indicator indicating that- a satellite circuit is included- no satellite circuit is included;c) e

16、cho-suppressor indicator indicating that- an outgoing half-echo suppressor is included- no outgoing half-echo suppressor is included;d) calling-partys-category indicator including, among others,- a language digit, L- the discriminating digit D;e) address signals- country code- national (significant)

17、 numbers- code 11- code 12- end-of-pulsing (ST) signal or code 15.Fascicle VI.1 - Rec. Q.107 3As the initial address message of Signalling Systems No. 6 and No. 7 carries at least the informationmentioned above, it is not necessary to describe here in detail the sequence of the forward address infor

18、mation to besent by the outgoing international signalling equipment; reference is made to Recommendations Q.258 3, Q.723 6and Q.763 8, instead.Nevertheless, the following additional comments are made:a) In cases where the international call is routed- from an originating international exchange (CT)

19、to an international transit CT, or- from one international transit CT to another international transit CT(i.e. for international transit calls) the appropriate nature-of-address indicator (international number -Signalling System No. 7) or country code indicator (country code included - Signalling Sy

20、stem No. 6)will be used together with the country code.b) If a terminal international link is selected; i.e. in cases where the call is routed- from an originating CT direct to a destination CT, or- from a transit CT to a destination CTthe nature-of-address indicator national (significant) number: S

21、ignalling System No. 7 or the countrycode indicator (country code not included: Signalling System No. 6) will be used. In this case, no countrycode has to be sent.In both cases a) and b) described above, further routing information will be included in the initial addressmessage. For further details,

22、 see Recommendations Q.258 3, Q.723 6 and Q.763 8.2.2 Channel associated signalling systemsFor channel associated signalling systems, it is important to determine the first interregister signal and thesequence of forward address information. This matter is dealt with in the following, taking into ac

23、count various typesof calls and Signalling Systems No. 4, No. 5, R1 and R2.With the exception of the seizing signals in Signalling System No. 4, no line signals are dealt with.2.2.1 The first signals to be sent on international linksTable 2/Q.107 shows the first type of signal to be sent on four dif

24、ferent types of international links in the casewhere channel associated signalling systems are used.TABLE 2/Q.107First signal to be sent on international linksType International linkFirst signal sentfrom toon the international linka) Originating country Designation country Terminal-call indicator or

25、 discriminatingor language digitb) Originating country Transit country Transit-call indicatorc) Transit country Transit country Transit-call indicatord) Transit country Destination country Terminal-call indicator or discriminatingor language digit4 Fascicle VI.1 - Rec. Q.107The terminal-call indicat

26、or is a type of signal indicating that an international terminal link a) or d) is involvedand that no country code has to be sent to the incoming CT. In the case of Signalling System No. 4, the terminal-callindicator is represented by the terminal seizing signal - a forward line signal. For the othe

27、r channel associatedsignalling systems, interregister signals are used. The discriminating digit D and the language digit L (both are alsocalled the characteristic digit Z) must be in accordance with Recommendation Q.104.The transit-call indicator is a type of signal indicating that an international

28、 transit link b) or c) is involved andthat the country code will be included in the signalling sequence. In the case of Signalling System No. 4, the transit-callindicator is represented by the transit seizing signal - a forward line signal. For the other channel associated signallingsystems, interre

29、gister signals are used.2.2.2 Sequence of forward address information for automatic and semi-automatic calls to a subscriberThe forward address information to be sent by the outgoing international signalling equipment differs from theinformation sent by the telephone user as described in 1.Details c

30、overing the different channel associated CCITT signalling systems are shown in Table 3/Q. Sequence of forward address information for calls to any incoming or delay operators positionTable 4/Q.107 shows in detail the standard sequence of forward address information for calls to any incoming

31、or delay operators position to be sent by the outgoing international signalling equipment. A distinction is madebetween international transit and terminal calls as well as between different channel associated CCITT signallingsystems.Fascicle VI.1 - Rec. Q.107 5 6 Fascicle VI.1 - Rec. Q.1072.2.4 Sequ

32、ence of forward address information for calls to a particular delay operatorThe standard sequence of forward address information for calls to a particular delay operator or one of thoseoperating a particular group of delay operators position is shown in detail in Table 5/Q.107. Again a distinction i

33、smade between international transit and terminal calls as well as between different channel associated CCITT signallingsystems.The footnotes relating to Table 4/Q.107 are also valid for Table 5/Q.107.Fascicle VI.1 - Rec. Q.107 73 Standard sending sequence of forward address information in the case o

34、f calls to testing and measuringdevicesInternational calls to testing and measuring devices are terminal calls. Therefore, the outgoing signallingequipment will not send the country code. In Signalling System No. 4, the terminal-call indicator is a line signal.Table 6/Q.107 contains the standard sen

35、ding sequence and forward address information in the case of calls totesting and measuring devices to be sent by the outgoing signalling equipment for Signalling Systems No. 4, No. 5,No. 6, No. 7, R1 and R2.Recommendation O.11 4 contains the detailed specifications for CCITT manual maintenance acces

36、s lines.Recommendation O.22 5 contains the detailed specifications for the CCITT ATME No. 2. Further information withregard to calls to testing and measuring devices can be found in the detailed specifications of the relevant CCITTsignalling systems.In the case of the common channel Signalling Syste

37、ms No. 6 and No.7, all information will be carried bymeans of an initial address message in which the message indicators will be set to their appropriate values as specifiedin Recommendations Q.258 3, Q.723 6 and Q.763 8.In Table 7/Q.107 the access codes required to reach the testing and measuring d

38、evices in the exchange ofdestination are given for CCITT Signalling Systems No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7 and R2.8 Fascicle VI.1 - Rec. Q.107 Fascicle VI.1 - Rec. Q.107 9TABLE 7/Q.107Access codes for a particular testing or measuring deviceCCITT signalling systemAccess codesNo. 4 No. 5 R2 No. 6 No. 7Mu

39、ltiple address capabilityfor transmission access test line21-29 21-29 21-2967821-29ATME 2 Type aATME 2 Type bATME 2 Type c616263616263616212616263Quiet terminationEcho suppressor testLoop aroundEcho canceller testLoop back test line6465666768646566676864656667683459106465666768Simplified testGood/no

40、 good transmissionTest009000Continuity check 00010 Fascicle VI.1 - Rec. Q.107References1 CCITT Recommendation Telephone signals, Vol. VI, Fascicle VI.3, Rec. Q.254.2 CCITT Recommendation General function of telephone messages and signals, Vol. VI, Fascicle VI.8,Rec. Q.722.3 CCITT Recommendation Tele

41、phone signals, Vol. VI, Fascicle VI.3, Rec. Q.258.4 CCITT Recommendation Specifications for manual maintenance access lines, Vol. IV, Fascicle IV.4,Rec. O.11.5 CCITT Recommendation CCITT automatic transmission measuring and signalling testing equipment(ATME No. 2), Vol. IV, Fascicle IV.4, Rec. O.22.6 CCITT Recommendations, Formats and codes, Vol. VI, Fascicle VI.8, Rec. Q.723.7 CCITT Recommendations, General function of messages and signals, Vol VI, Fascicle VI.8, Rec. Q.762.8 CCITT Recommendations, Formats and codes, Vol. VI, Fascicle VI.8, Rec. Q.763.

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