ITU-T Q 1248 1-2001 Interface Recommendation for Intelligent Network Capability Set 4 Common aspects (Study Group 11)《对于智能网能力集4接口的建议 对于智能网能力集4接口的建议-共同方面》.pdf

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ITU-T Q 1248 1-2001 Interface Recommendation for Intelligent Network Capability Set 4 Common aspects (Study Group 11)《对于智能网能力集4接口的建议 对于智能网能力集4接口的建议-共同方面》.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T Q 1248 1-2001 Interface Recommendation for Intelligent Network Capability Set 4 Common aspects (Study Group 11)《对于智能网能力集4接口的建议 对于智能网能力集4接口的建议-共同方面》.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T Q 1248 1-2001 Interface Recommendation for Intelligent Network Capability Set 4 Common aspects (Study Group 11)《对于智能网能力集4接口的建议 对于智能网能力集4接口的建议-共同方面》.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T Q 1248 1-2001 Interface Recommendation for Intelligent Network Capability Set 4 Common aspects (Study Group 11)《对于智能网能力集4接口的建议 对于智能网能力集4接口的建议-共同方面》.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T Q 1248 1-2001 Interface Recommendation for Intelligent Network Capability Set 4 Common aspects (Study Group 11)《对于智能网能力集4接口的建议 对于智能网能力集4接口的建议-共同方面》.pdf_第5页
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1、 INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T Q.1248.1 TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU (07/2001) SERIES Q: SWITCHING AND SIGNALLING Intelligent Network Interface Recommendation for Intelligent Network Capability Set 4: Common aspects ITU-T Recommendation Q.1248.1 ITU-T Q-SERIES RECOMM




5、S FOR IMT-2000 Q.1700Q.1799 SPECIFICATIONS OF SIGNALLING RELATED TO BEARER INDEPENDENT CALL CONTROL (BICC) Q.1900Q.1999 BROADBAND ISDN Q.2000Q.2999 For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recommendations. ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.1 (07/2001) i ITU-T Recommendation Q.1248.1 Interface Recommen

6、dation for Intelligent Network Capability Set 4: Common aspects Summary The Q.1248.x family of ITU-T Recommendations defines the Intelligent Network (IN) Application Protocol (INAP) for IN Capability Set 4 (IN CS-4). This definition is based upon IN CS-3 Q.1238.x (2000) family of ITU-T Recommendatio

7、ns and upon the general rules for INAP provided in ITU-T Rec. Q.1208, and is consistent with the scope of IN CS-4 as defined in ITU-T Rec. Q.1241. In addition to the features supporting IN CS-3, the Q.1248.x family Recommendations provides general extensions to the CS-3 INAP in support of IN CS-4 ta

8、rget services; Within the Q.124x series of ITU-T Recommendations, the Q.1248.x family of ITU-T Recommendations describes the protocol realizing the Q.1241 Distributed Functional Plane (DFP) in a service and vendor implementation independent manner, as constrained by the capabilities of the embedded

9、base of network technology. This provides the flexibility to allocate distributed functionality into multiple physical network configurations and to evolve IN from IN CS-4 to some future CS-N. The Q.1248.x family of ITU-T Recommendations describes the Intelligent Network modelling of each Functional

10、 Entity (FE) and their relationships as defined as part of the DFP. It also defines the INAP (Intelligent Network Application Protocol) required for the communication of functional entities when they are located in different physical entities. Intelligent Network Capability Set 4 (IN CS-4) supports

11、the following functional entities: Service Switching Function (SSF); Service Control Function (SCF); Specialized Resource Function (SRF); Service Data Function (SDF); Call-Unrelated Service Function (CUSF); Service Management Function (SMF). Each of the interfaces defined between the functional enti

12、ties is defined in a separate Recommendation in the Q.1248.x series: ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.1 Describes the common aspects of IN including an overview of each FE. It also describes aspects of the protocol that are common to all interfaces, including services assumed from lower layers, IN security informa

13、tion and the common data types used on all the interfaces. The interfaces and the description of the functional entities in relation to those interfaces are defined in: ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.2 SSF-SCF interface. ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.3 SCF-SRF interface. ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.4 SCF-SDF interface. ITU-T Rec. Q.1

14、248.5 SDF-SDF interface. ii ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.1 (07/2001) ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.6 SCF-SCF interface. ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.7 SCF-CUSF interface. This Recommendation includes an electronic attachment containing the ASN.1 definitions for the CS-4 common aspects. Source ITU-T Recommendation Q.1248.1 was prepar

15、ed by ITU-T Study Group 11 (2001-2004) and approved under the WTSA Resolution 1 procedure on 13 July 2001. Keywords IN CS-4, INAP. ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.1 (07/2001) iii FOREWORD The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of telecommunications. T

16、he ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of ITU. ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Stand

17、ardization Assembly (WTSA), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of ITU-T Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSA Resolution 1. In some areas of information

18、 technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with ISO and IEC. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration“ is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. IN

19、TELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights,

20、 whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process. As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, ITU had not received notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors a

21、re cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent database. ITU 2002 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written permission of ITU. iv ITU-T Rec. Q.1248

22、.1 (07/2001) CONTENTS Page 1 Scope. 1 2 References. 1 2.1 Normative references 1 2.2 Bibliography. 4 3 Abbreviations and acronyms 5 4 Scope of IN Distributed Functional Plane for Capability Set 4 10 4.1 End-user access. 11 4.2 Call-related service invocation and control 11 4.3 End-user interaction 1

23、2 4.4 IN service management functionality. 12 4.5 Call Party Handling 12 4.6 Internetworking 13 4.7 Security. 13 4.8 Out-Channel User Interaction. 13 4.9 Call-unrelated service invocation and control 13 4.10 Feature Interaction 13 4.11 Distributed Functional Model. 13 4.12 Communication model . 14 5

24、 FE models . 15 5.1 Call Control Function/Service Switching Function (CCF/SSF) models 15 5.1.1 General 15 5.1.2 CCF/SSF components 18 5.1.3 CCF/SSF trigger information objects. 19 5.1.4 SSF FSM structure . 20 5.2 Specialized Resource Function (SRF) models . 22 5.2.1 General 22 5.2.2 SRF components.

25、23 5.2.3 SRF functional resources 23 5.2.4 SRF FSM structure . 24 5.3 Service Control Function (SCF) models 25 5.3.1 General 25 5.3.2 SCF components. 26 5.3.3 The SCF FSM structure 29 5.4 Service Data Function (SDF) models. 31 5.4.1 General 31 5.4.2 SDF components 32 5.4.3 Data types handled by SDF

26、33 ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.1 (07/2001) v Page 5.4.4 SDF FSM structure. 33 5.5 Call Control Function/Call-Unrelated Service Function (CCF/CUSF) models. 34 5.5.1 General 34 5.5.2 CCF/CUSF components . 35 5.5.3 Relationship of CCF/CUSF model components. 36 5.5.4 CUSF trigger information objects 36 5.5.5 CUSF

27、 FSM structure 37 5.6 Service Management Function (SMF) models. 38 5.6.1 General 38 5.6.2 SMF components 39 6 Use of FE relationships. 40 6.1 SCF-SSF relationship . 40 6.2 SCF-SCF relationship. 40 6.3 SCF-IAF relationship . 40 6.4 SRF-CCF relationship 40 6.5 SRF-SCF relationship. 40 6.6 SCF-SDF rela

28、tionship 40 6.7 SDF-SDF relationship 41 6.8 CUSF-SCF relationship 41 6.9 CUSF-SSF relationship 41 6.10 SMF-SCF relationship 41 6.11 SMF-SDF relationship 41 6.12 SMF-CCF/SSF relationship 41 6.13 SMF-SRF relationship 42 6.14 SMF-SMAF relationship 42 6.15 SMF-SCEF relationship . 42 6.16 SMF-SMF relatio

29、nship. 42 6.17 SMF-CCF/CUSF relationship 43 7 Protocol realization. 43 7.1 Overview 43 7.2 Application contexts. 43 7.3 Abstract syntax and transfer syntax 44 7.4 SACF/MACF rules. 44 7.4.1 Reflection of TCAP AC . 44 7.4.2 Sequential/Parallel execution of operations . 44 8 Congestion control 45 8.1 L

30、ower layer flow control in a SS7 environment. 45 8.2 Application level flow control 46 vi ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.1 (07/2001) Page 9 Protocol mechanisms 46 9.1 Compatibility mechanisms and extensibility rules. 46 9.1.1 Introduction 46 9.1.2 Definition of INAP compatibility mechanisms 47 9.2 IN generic int

31、erface security. 47 9.2.1 Interface security requirements 47 9.2.2 INAP screening requirements. 48 9.2.3 Security procedures and algorithms . 49 9.2.4 Mapping of Security Information Flow Definitions to Tokens 50 9.2.5 Security FSM definitions 50 10 Services assumed from lower layers. 50 10.1 Servic

32、es assumed from TCAP 50 10.1.1 Common procedures. 51 10.2 Services assumed from SCCP 61 10.2.1 Normal procedures . 61 10.2.2 Service functions from SCCP. 61 11 Error definitions 64 11.1 AttributeError . 64 11.1.1 Error description. 64 11.1.2 Parameter description . 64 11.1.3 Relevant interfaces . 64

33、 11.2 Cancelled 64 11.2.1 Error description. 64 11.2.2 Parameter description . 64 11.2.3 Relevant interface. 64 11.3 CancelFailed . 64 11.3.1 Error description. 64 11.3.2 Parameter description . 64 11.3.3 Relevant interfaces . 65 11.4 ChainingRefused 65 11.4.1 Error description. 65 11.4.2 Parameter

34、description . 65 11.4.3 Relevant interface. 65 11.5 DirectoryBindError. 65 11.5.1 Error description. 65 11.5.2 Parameter description . 65 11.5.3 Relevant interfaces . 65 11.6 DSAReferral . 65 11.6.1 Error description. 65 ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.1 (07/2001) vii Page 11.6.2 Parameter description . 65 11.6.3

35、 Relevant interface. 65 11.7 ETCFailed. 65 11.7.1 Error description. 65 11.7.2 Parameter description . 65 11.7.3 Relevant interface. 66 11.8 ExecutionError 66 11.8.1 Error description. 66 11.8.2 Parameter description . 66 11.8.3 Relevant interfaces . 66 11.9 ImproperCallerResponse 66 11.9.1 Error de

36、scription. 66 11.9.2 Parameter description . 66 11.9.3 Relevant interfaces . 66 11.10 MissingCustomerRecord 66 11.10.1 Error description. 66 11.10.2 Parameter description . 67 11.10.3 Relevant interfaces . 67 11.11 MissingParameter . 67 11.11.1 Error description. 67 11.11.2 Parameter description . 6

37、7 11.11.3 Relevant interfaces . 67 11.12 NameError 67 11.12.1 Error description. 67 11.12.2 Parameter description . 67 11.12.3 Relevant interfaces . 67 11.13 ParameterOutOfRange 67 11.13.1 Error description. 67 11.13.2 Parameter description . 67 11.13.3 Relevant interfaces . 68 11.14 Referral . 68 1

38、1.14.1 Error description. 68 11.14.2 Parameter description . 68 11.14.3 Relevant interface. 68 11.15 RequestedInfoError 68 11.15.1 Error description. 68 11.15.2 Parameter description . 68 11.15.3 Relevant interface. 68 11.16 ScfBindFailure 68 11.16.1 Error description. 68 viii ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.1 (0

39、7/2001) Page 11.16.2 Parameter description . 68 11.16.3 Relevant interface. 68 11.17 ScfReferral 69 11.17.1 Error description. 69 11.17.2 Parameter description . 69 11.17.3 Relevant interface. 69 11.18 ScfTaskRefused 69 11.18.1 Error description. 69 11.18.2 Parameter description . 69 11.18.3 Relevan

40、t interfaces . 69 11.19 SecurityError 69 11.19.1 Error description. 69 11.19.2 Parameter description . 69 11.19.3 Relevant interfaces . 69 11.20 ServiceError 69 11.20.1 Error description. 69 11.20.2 Parameter description . 70 11.20.3 Relevant interfaces . 70 11.21 ShadowError. 70 11.21.1 Error descr

41、iption. 70 11.21.2 Parameter description . 70 11.21.3 Relevant interface. 70 11.22 SystemFailure . 70 11.22.1 Error description. 70 11.22.2 Parameter description . 70 11.22.3 Relevant interfaces . 70 11.23 TaskRefused . 70 11.23.1 Error description. 70 11.23.2 Parameter description . 70 11.23.3 Rele

42、vant interfaces . 71 11.24 TfcBindError 71 11.24.1 Error description. 71 11.24.2 Parameter description . 71 11.24.3 Relevant interfaces . 71 11.25 UnavailableResource 71 11.25.1 Error description. 71 11.25.2 Parameter description . 71 11.25.3 Relevant interface. 71 11.26 UnexpectedComponentSequence

43、. 71 11.26.1 Error description. 71 ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.1 (07/2001) ix Page 11.26.2 Parameter description . 71 11.26.3 Relevant interfaces . 71 11.27 UnexpectedDataValue 72 11.27.1 Error description. 72 11.27.2 Parameter description . 72 11.27.3 Relevant interfaces . 72 11.28 UnexpectedParameter. 72 11

44、.28.1 Error description. 72 11.28.2 Parameter description . 72 11.28.3 Relevant interfaces . 72 11.29 UnknownLegID 72 11.29.1 Error description. 72 11.29.2 Parameter description . 72 11.29.3 Relevant interfaces . 72 11.30 UnknownResource . 72 11.30.1 Error description. 72 11.30.2 Parameter descripti

45、on . 73 11.30.3 Relevant interface. 73 11.31 UpdateError 73 11.31.1 Error description. 73 11.31.2 Parameter description . 73 11.31.3 Relevant interfaces . 73 Annex A ASN.1 Common definitions (electronic attachment) . 73 Annex B Overview of IN-CS-4 additions. 73 ITU-T Rec. Q.1248.1 (07/2001) 1 ITU-T

46、Recommendation Q.1248.1 Interface Recommendation for Intelligent Network Capability Set 4: Common aspects11 Scope This Recommendation provides a brief introduction to the modelling of IN CS-4 Functional Entities (FE). It also describes aspects of the protocol that are common to all interfaces. This

47、includes physical examples of interface interconnection, services assumed from lower layers (e.g. TCAP), IN security information and the common data types used on all the interfaces. 2 References 2.1 Normative references The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions whi

48、ch, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision; all users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility

49、of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. ITU-T Recommendation E.164/I.331 (1997), The international public telecommunication numbering plan. ITU-T Recommendation E.410 (1998), International network management General information. ITU-T Recommendation F.811 (1996), Broadband connection-oriented bearer service. ITU-T Recommendation H.225.0 (2000), Call signalling protocols and media stream packetization f

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