ITU-T Q 836 1-2000 SSF Management Information Model Series Q Switching and Signalling Specifications of Signalling System No 7 - Q3 Interface《SSF管理信息模型-系列Q 交换和信令-NO 7信令系统的准则-Q3接口(第.pdf

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ITU-T Q 836 1-2000 SSF Management Information Model Series Q Switching and Signalling Specifications of Signalling System No 7 - Q3 Interface《SSF管理信息模型-系列Q 交换和信令-NO 7信令系统的准则-Q3接口(第.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T Q 836 1-2000 SSF Management Information Model Series Q Switching and Signalling Specifications of Signalling System No 7 - Q3 Interface《SSF管理信息模型-系列Q 交换和信令-NO 7信令系统的准则-Q3接口(第.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T Q 836 1-2000 SSF Management Information Model Series Q Switching and Signalling Specifications of Signalling System No 7 - Q3 Interface《SSF管理信息模型-系列Q 交换和信令-NO 7信令系统的准则-Q3接口(第.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T Q 836 1-2000 SSF Management Information Model Series Q Switching and Signalling Specifications of Signalling System No 7 - Q3 Interface《SSF管理信息模型-系列Q 交换和信令-NO 7信令系统的准则-Q3接口(第.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T Q 836 1-2000 SSF Management Information Model Series Q Switching and Signalling Specifications of Signalling System No 7 - Q3 Interface《SSF管理信息模型-系列Q 交换和信令-NO 7信令系统的准则-Q3接口(第.pdf_第5页
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1、STD-ITU-T RECMN Q*B3b-L-ENGL 2000 4BbZ59L Ob85936 592 INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU Q.836.1 (02/2000) SERIES Q: SWITCHING AND SIGNALLING Specifications of Signalling System No. 7 - Q3 interface SSF management information model ITU-T Recom

2、mendation Q.836. I (Previously CCITT Recommendation) STD-ITU-T RECMN Q.B3b* - the name bindings; - the GDMO templates and associated ASN.1 syntax used in speciQing the information model; and the representation of the management information at the 43 interface between the system supporting the SSF fu

3、nctionality and the management system. - This Recommendation does not define: - the internal implementation of the data structures used to represent the information model in the physical system. 2 Normative references The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which,

4、 through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision; all users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of

5、applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. - ITU-T Recommendation Q. 1236 (1 999), Intelligent Network Capability Set 3 - Management Information Model Requirements and Methodol

6、ogy. 2.1 Informative reference - ETSI ES 201 386 Ver. 1.1.1 (1 999), Telecommunications Management Network (Tm); Service Switching Function (SSF) management information model. 3 Definitions This Recommendation defines the following terms: 3.1 assisting: If SRF functionality is required but no approp

7、riate SRP is available at the SSP, the call is forwarded to a second SSP, the “assisting SSP“, having a suitable SRF. Signalling to this SRP is relayed via the assisting SSP. 3.2 IN-based Service Feature Control: This is the control of the feature processing of a specified IN service. It uses signal

8、ling addresses to invoke associations with SCPs. STDmITU-T RECMN Q.83b-L-ENGL 2000 4862592 0685946 431 3.3 IN trigger: A mechanism for deciding under which conditions normal call processing has to be suspended and IN-based Service Feature Control has to be activated. 3.4 service key: An abstract ide

9、ntification of service logic. Within this Recommendation, only the concept of a logical service key is used. Other terms used in this Recommendation are defined in the Q. 12xx series of Recommendations (IN cs-I). 4 Abbreviations This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations: ACSE AE AP ASN.l

10、BCSM CMIP CMISE INAP ISUP ITU ITU-T MOC NE os os1 SCF SCP SE SMASE SRF SRP SSF SSP TDP TMN Association Control Service Element Application Entity Application Process Abstract Syntax Notation One Basic Call State Model Common Management Information Protocol Common Management Information Service Eleme

11、nt Intelligent Network Application Protocol ISDN User Part International Telecommunication Union International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector Managed Object Class Network Element Operations System Open Systems Interconnection Switching Control Function Switching C

12、ontrol Point application-service-element Systems Management Application Service Element Special Resource Function Special Resource Point Service Switching Function Service Switching Point Trigger Detection Point Telecommunications Management Network STD-ITU-T RECMN Q.83b-L-ENGL 2000 48b259L 0685947

13、378 5 Requirements met 5.1 Management functional areas This Recommendation meets the following SSF management: 5.1.1 Fault management e Report automatic restoration. 5.1.2 Configuration Management e Download trigger data. The following trigger data is configurable for each trigger: - trigger type; -

14、 routing to SCF; - service key; - congestion control (action to be taken in case of SCF overload); a) terminate call; b) play announcement; c) alternate route. o Modi trigger data. e Delete trigger data. b Block and unblock trigger tables. 5.1.3 Accounting management For further study. 5.1.4 Perform

15、ance management o Monitor call gapping, e.g.: - - number of calls blocked per call gap; number of calls blocked per call gap type. type of call gapping (manual, SCF overload, destination overload, etc.); call gapping critena (e.g. calling region, called region, calling party, called party); call tre

16、atment for gapped calls (e.g. play announcement, busy tone). number of failed calls due to caller abandon, SSF failure or SCF failure; number of queries sent to SCF; average waiting time per call. e Manage call gap parameters: - - status of call gap; - - gapping duration interval; - o Traffic measur

17、ements, e.g.: - - number of successful calls; - - 5.1.5 Security management For further study. - - STD-ITU-T RECMN Q.83b.L-ENGL 2000 - 48b2591 Ob85748 204 5.2 Operational requirements The operational requirements to be met by this specification are specified in Recommendation Q. 1236. That Recommend

18、ation provides detailed requirements for the functionality identified in the overview below. The information model specified in this Recommendation is being released in phases and presently the requirement identified as OR9 in Recommendation 4.1236 is not met by this information model. OR9 would req

19、uire access to charging information while a call was in progress. Support of this capability would result in introducing complexity that is currently not supported. 5.2.1 Introduction The following operational requirements are defined: Configure triggering of IN-based service feature control; Start

20、call gapping; Stop call gapping; Read current gapping criteria; Configure default values (call gapping); Configure SRF/SCF relaying capabilities of the SSF; Configure SRF assisting; Configure default parameters (service filtering); Read service filtering; Configure a set of originating call set-up d

21、ata for SCF initiated call; Read current defined originating call set-up data for SCF initiated call; Configure IN charging; Configure error handling; Start INAP Measurements counters; Stop INAP Measurements counters; Read current INAP Measurement counters. Information Model - Overview Managed Objec

22、t Class Relationship Model “Configure SRF/SCF relaying capabilities“ and “Configure SRF assisting“ Relationships See Figure 1. STD*ITU-T RECMN Q-83b.L-ENGL 2000 = 48b2591 Ob85949 140 SSFISCF A I SSF AP I SSFISRF A SSFJSSF A + 1P Capabilities 1 .* 1 1 1 I.* I.* TDP I + Trigger Criteria I Figure 1/Q.8

23、36.1- “Configure SRF/SCF relaying capabilities“ and “Configure SRF assisting“ Relationships 6.1.2 Managed Object descriptions SSF AP General description The SSF Application Process MOC represents all of the possible SSF processes associated with the SSF-SCF, SSF-SRF and SSF-SSF interface. Co

24、ntained within this class are all the Application Entities, i.e. the set of INAP messages. SSF/SRF AE General description The “SSF/SRF AE“ MOC represents the set of INAP messages defined for the SSF-SRF interface. It has a many-to-one relationship with the Assist Treatment MOC. Attributes e

25、IP Capabilities: describes which type of feature interactions are possible by the SRF. - STD.ITU-T RECMN Q.83b-L-ENGL 2000 D 48b259L Ob85950 962 SSFISCF AE General description The SSF/SCF Application Entity MOC represents the set of INAP messages defined for the SSF-SCF interface. It has a m

26、any-to-one relationship with the Assist Treatment MOC. SSF/SSF AE General description The SSF/SSF Application Entity MOC represents the set of INAP messages defined for the SSF-SSF interface. These messages will be enveloped in ISUP. Assist Treatment General description The “Assist T

27、reatment“ MOC represents the set of operations contained within the SSF/SRF and SSF/SCF Application Entities. The Assist Treatment MOC has a one-to-one relationship with the TDP MOC. Attributes O IP Available specifies which SRF is available and what features it can support. SCF Id mapping is used t

28、o identi6 which SCF the Assist treatment is to be sent to. O e Correlation Id is used to identi6 which call is related to the SRF association. TDP General description The TDP MOC is used to describe at which conditions normal call processing has to be suspended and IN-based service feature c

29、ontrol is activated. It has a one-to-one relationship with the Assist Treatment MOC. Attributes Trigger Criteria represents the conditions upon which the trigger is initiated. Timer General description The Timer MOC represents the timer that is set at association time between the SSF control

30、 and assisting. The timer is controlled and reset if necessary by the controlling SSF. 6.2 Inheritance Hierarchy See Figure 2. STD-ITU-T RECMN Q*83b- inAuthorizationPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR inAuthorizationBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS “This object class is used to support IN features offered to cu

31、stomers from remote exchanges. The inAuthorkition managed object is associated with trunk- or office-based triggers to identie the customers who have access to the IN capabilities.“; ATTRIBUTES in AuthorizationId GET; REGISTERED AS inSSFManagedObjectC1ass 101 ); inAuthorizationOriginating MANAGED OB

32、JECT CLASS DERIVED FROM inAuthorization; CHARACTERIZED BY inAuthorizationOriginatingPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR inAuthorizationOriginatingBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS “This object class is used to authorize the use of originating triggers or trigger bases by individual customers. This managed object

33、 class may only be associated with originating side triggers or trigger bases. This object is only used to associate triggers to customers in remote exchanges. For line based (customer profile based) triggers the association to a particular directory number is established via the trigger criteria in

34、 the appropriate trigger object.“; ATTRIBUTES authenticationcode SET-BY-CREATE, - Replaceable but not readable. callingPartyNumberList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS inSSFManagedObjectClass 102) ; inAuthorizationTerminating MANAGED OBTECT CLASS DERIVED FROM inAuthorization; CHARACTERIZED BY i

35、nAuthorizationTerminatingPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR in AuthorizationTerminatingBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS “This object class is used to authorize the use of terminating triggers or trigger bases by individual customers. This managed object class may only be associated with terminating side trigge

36、rs or trigger bases. This object is only used to associate triggers to customers in remote exchanges. For line-based (customer profile based) triggers the association to a particular directory number is established via the trigger criteria in the appropriate trigger object.“; STD-ITU-T RECMN Q-83b.L

37、-ENGL 2000 4Bb257L Ob85953 671 ATTRIBUTES calledPartyNumberList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOV E; ; REGISTERED AS inSSFManaged0bjectClas.s 61 ; 7.2 bcsm MANAGED OBJECT CLASS Basic Call State Model (BCSM) DERIVED FROM “Recommendation X.721 : 1992“: top; CHARACTERIZED BY bcsm Package PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR bcsmBeha

38、viour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS “This object class represents the basic call processing capability.“; ATTRIBUTES bcsmld GET, version GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS inSSFManagedObjectClass 62) ; 7.3 Trigger Detection Point (TDP) tdp MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM “Recommendation X.72 1 : 1992“: top;

39、CHARACTERIZED BY tdpPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR tdpBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS “This object class is a non-instantiable superclass for trigger point objects. Trigger point objects serve as launch points for the invocation of IN features. The tdpld attribute is used as the RDN for naming. TDPs may b

40、e of one of two types: “request“ (which request that a control relation be established between the SCF and SSF and an operation may need to be performed at the SCF, the SSF may need to wait before continuing call processing) and a “notification“ (which does not result in the establishment of a contr

41、ol relation). The triggerAssociation attribute identifies the trigger base associated with that trigger. The inEscape attribute defines a set of conditions that will cause escape from IN feature invocation and result in normal call processing. The congestionAction attribute defines the action to be

42、taken when the SCF is overloaded and IN service requests cannot be processed in a timely manner. Possible actions are termination of the call, playing of an announcement with subsequent termination or playing announcement with user option of continuing the call. The serviceKey attribute defines whic

43、h IN service will be activated in response to this trigger. The administrative attribute may be used to administratively lock a trigger; this results in the trigger becoming inactive. Only the locked and unlocked state values are used (shutting-down is not meaningful in this context).“; STD-ITU-T RE

44、CMN Q.83h.L-ENGL 2000 m 486257L Ob85954 508 m ATTRIBUTES tdpld GET, tdpMode GET-REPLACE, triggerAcsociat ion GET-REPLACE, inEscape GET-REPLACE, congestionAction GET-REPLACE, serviceKey GET-REPLACE, “ITU-T Rec. X.735“:administrativeState GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS inSSFManagedObjectClass 63) ; 7.4 Or

45、iginating Attempt Authorized Trigger o-Attempt-Authorized MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM tdp; CHARACTERIZED BY o-Attempt-AuthorizedPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR o-Attempt-Authorizedehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS “This object class is a subclass of tdp. It is used to trigger IN control at point in call

46、 O-NULL ; ATTRIBUTES tdp1Criteria GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS inSSFManagedObjectC1ass 1 ; 7.5 Collected Information Trigger collected-InfoTrigger MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM tdp; CHARACTERIZED BY collected-Infopackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR collected-InfoBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS “This object c

47、lass is a subclass of tdp. It is used to trigger IN control at point in call collect Information as dialled digits are received. Triggering might be unconditional or dependent on trigger criteria. The attribute tdp2Criteria indicates whether the trigger is conditional or unconditional. If the trigge

48、r is conditional, the tdp2Criteria attribute contains the logical expression that specifies the applicable criteria. Valid parameters in the tdp2Criteria construct include: CalledPartyNumber, CallingPartyNumber, digitstring and stringlength.“; STD-ITU-T RECMN Q*83b*%-ENGL 2000 W 48b2591 Ob85955 444

49、ATTRIBUTES tdp2Criteria GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS inSSFManagedObjectCIass 2) ; 7.6 Analysed Information Trigger analysed-InfoTrigger MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM tdp; CHARACTERIZED BY analysed -1nfoPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR analysed -InfoBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS “This object class is a subclass of tdp. It is used to trigger IN control at point in call Analyse Information when the exchange analyses the received digits. Triggering may be unconditional or dependent on trigger criteria. The attribute tdp3Critena indicates whether


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