ITU-T Q 85 6 ANNEX A-1996 Stage 2 Description for Community of Interest Supplementary Services Global Virtual Network Service (GVNS) Annex A Service Procedures and Information Flowie.pdf

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ITU-T Q 85 6 ANNEX A-1996 Stage 2 Description for Community of Interest Supplementary Services Global Virtual Network Service (GVNS) Annex A Service Procedures and Information Flowie.pdf_第5页
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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU=T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU Q.85.6 Annex A (07196) SERIES Q: SWITCHING AND SIGNALLING Functions and information flows for services in the ISDN - Supplementary services Stage 2 description for community of interest supplementary services

2、: Global Virtual Network Service (GVNS) Annex A: Service procedures and information flows based on Intelligent Network CS-I capabilities ITU-T Recommendation Q.85.6 - Annex A (Previously CCITT Recommendation) ITU-T Q-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS SWITCHING AND SIGNALLING SIGNALLING IN THE INTERNATIONAL MAN

3、UAL SERVICE INTERNATIONAL AUTOMATIC AND SEMI-AUTOMATIC WORKING Q.1-Q.3 Q.4-Q. 59 Basic Recommendations Q .4-Q. 9 Numbering plan and dialling procedures in the international service General Recommendations relative to signalling and switching systems (national or international) Tones for use in natio

4、nal signalling systems General characteristics for international telephone connections and circuits Signalling for circuit multiplication equipment Q.50-Q.59 Methodology Q.60-Q.67 II Basic services Q.68-Q.79 Q.10-Q.11 Q.20-Q.34 Q.35-Q.39 Q.40-Q.47 Routing plan for international service Q. 12-Q. I 9



7、 Q.250-Q.309 Q.310-Q.399 Q.400-Q.499 Q .500-Q. 599 Q.600-Q.699 Q.700-Q.849 Q. 850-Q. 999 Q. 1000-Q. 1 O99 Q.1100-Q.1199 Q. 1200-Q. 1999 Q .2000-Q. 2999 For further details, please refer to ITU-T List of Recommendations. STD*ITU-T RECMN Q-85-b ANNEX A-ENGL 199b = 48b259L Ob27000 584 = ITU-T RECOMMEND

8、ATION 4.85.6 - Annex A SERVICE PROCEDURES AND INFORMATION FLOWS BASED ON INTELLIGENT NETWORK CS-1 CAPABILITIES Summary Annex A to Recommendation Q.85.6: “Stage 2 description for community of interest supplementary services: Global Virtual Network Service (GVNS)“ (1995) contains a Stage 2 description

9、 of GVNS modelled as an Intelligent Network Capability Set 1 service. It describes information flows and actions that conform to those of the revised IN CS-1 Recommendations. It is complementary to and consistent with all aspects of Recommendation 4.85.6. It provides information on the IN CS-1 model

10、ling of procedures as defined for GVNS in Recommendation F.16, 1995. The main body of text of this Annex contains descriptions of the functional requirements of GVNS for a variety of successful and unsuccessful operations. The procedures, functional entities and information flows relate in general t

11、o service provision across multiple networks. Access to and from other networks is provided by accessing data across network boundaries, in conformance with IN CS-1 capabilities. Source ITU-T Recommendation 4.85.6, Annex A, was revised by ITU-T Study Group 11 (1993-1996) and was approved under the W

12、TSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 9th of July 1996. STDoITU-T RECMN Q.85-b ANNEX A-ENGL L77b = qBb2571 Ob27001 410 FOREWORD ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (I

13、T-T) is a permanent organ of the ITU. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets e

14、very four years, establishes the topics for study by the IT-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993). In some a

15、reas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized o

16、perating agency. O ITU 1997 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. 11 Recommendation Q.85.6 - Annex A (07/96) STD-ITU-T REC

17、MN Q.85.b ANNEX A-ENGL 197b W i8b2571 Ob27002 357 CONTENTS A . 1 Introduction A.l.l Scope . A . 1.2 References . A . 1.3 Definitions . A.1.4 Glossary of abbreviations and acronyms . A . 1.5 Conventions . Functional model for GVNS A.2.1 Introduction . A.2.2 Relationship to functional model of Recomme

18、ndation Q.85.6 . A.2.3 Descriptions of the functional entities . Information flows for GVNS A.3.1 GVNS procedures A.3.2 Information flows SDL diagrams for functional entities A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 Functional entity actions . A.6 Mapping of functional entities to physical entities . Recommendation 4.85.6 -

19、 Annex A (07196) Page 1 1 2 8 9 30 34 54 54 . 111 . . i . . -_ . STD*ITU-T RECMN Q*BS*b ANNEX A-ENGL 199b 4Bb257L Ob27004 LZT D Recommendation Q.85.6 - Annex A SERVICE PROCEDURES AND INFORMATION FLOWS BASED ON INTELLIGENT NETWORK CS-1 CAPABILITIES (Geneva, 1996) A.l Introduction A.l.l Scope This Ann

20、ex A to Recommendation Q.85.6 i defines an Intelligent Network Capability Set 1 (IN CS-1) compliant service description of Global Virtual Network Service (GVNS). Since it depends on IN CS-1, it does not in any way provide a technology independent description. It identifies the functional capabilitie

21、s and information flows from IN CS-1 (revised version, 1995) needed to support GVNS as defined in Recommendation F. 16 2. This Annex employs a methodology based on that specified in Recommendation 4.65 3, with appropriate modifications to take account of the facts that the functional model, informat

22、ion flows, logic for sequencing of information flows and IN functional entity actions are defined in Recommendation Q.1214 4, and are not defined within this Annex. In some cases, the logic for sequencing of information flows may be modified according to Recommendation 4.1218 5. This Annex is struct

23、ured in the same way as Recommendation 4.85.6. All GVNS procedures described in this Annex are associated with a call, as required by IN CS-1 capabilities, and are invoked by interruption of call processing. Only the relationships related to IN service execution are addressed in this Annex. This Ann

24、ex addresses the relationship between GVNS service, basic call and IN CS-1 services. The definitions of CCAF and CCF for IN CS-1 services are described in Recommendation 4.1214 4 and are based on corresponding 4.71 6 ISDN definitions, but are modified for use in IN. In particular, the enhanced basic

25、 call state model of the IN defines standard Detection Points (DPs) at which IN service feature logic instances can be invoked. These DPs correspond to the Q.71 “hooks“ where an ISDN supplementary service interfaces to the 4.71 basic call model. Call modelling and the SSF/CCF functional entity are d

26、escribed in detail in clause 3/Q.1214 and clause 4/4.1214. In IN CS-1, the SSF/CCF functional entity is treated as indivisible, i.e. the interface between CCF and SSF is not a matter for IN CS-1 standardization. The procedures, functional entities and information flows described in this Annex relate

27、 to service provision across multiple networks, to the level of Intelligent Network CS-1 capabilities, by allowing access to data across a network boundary. All access to such data is controlled by the SCF in the originating network, in conformance with IN CS-1 guidelines. This Annex provides proced

28、ures to support the following aspects of GVNS, as defined in Recommendation F, 1 6: - - - Call screening. - Customer-defined numbering. - Access methods - direct, switched, remote. GVNS calling to on-net and off-net locations. Announcements - standardized and customized. - - User input of authorizat

29、ion code, with limits on retry. User input of accounting code, with limits on retry. Recommendation Q.85.6 - Annex A (07/96) 1 STD-ITU-T RECMN Q-85.b ANNEX A-ENGL L97b = Lib257L Oh27005 Obb m - Follow-on calls (relevant to remote access only) - after conversation or unsuccessful call Set-up. The rel

30、ationship to the call processing mechanisms of Recornmendation Q.85.6 is as follows: Subclause 1.7/Q.85.6 describes three call processing mechanisms, Types A, B, and C. Type A: Customer-specific information is stored in originating network. Type B: Customer-specific information is stored in both ori

31、ginating and terminating networks but without direct interaction. Type C: Customer-specific information is stored in both originating and terminating networks with direct interaction. IN CS-1 supports Types A and C transparently. In this Annex, therefore, in general it is not necessary to distinguis

32、h Type C from Type A. The Type B mechanism is modelled in IN CS-1 by the invocation of terminating network SSF to terminating network SCF interaction. This can only occur if the control relationship between the originating network SCF and the originating network SSF has ended, since it must not be p

33、ossible for the originating network SCF to still influence the course of call processing. While this is an IN CS-1 restriction, it is entirely compatible with the Type B mechanisms shown in Recommendation Q. 85.6. The information flow diagrams in the IN CS-1 description are divided into access proce

34、dures and call Set-up procedures. Only the information flows for call Set-up have been categorized into Types A, B and C. It has been assumed that sufficient information related to user access is contained in the originating network and all access procedures are therefore Type A. A.1.2 References Th

35、e following Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision: all users of this

36、Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. ITU-T Recommendation 4.85.6 (1995), Stage 2 description for

37、 community of interest supplementary services: Global Virtual Network Service (G WS) . ITU-T Recommendation F. 16 (1 995), Global Virtual Network Service. CCITT Recommendation 4.65 (1988), Stage 2 of the method for the characterization of services supported by an ISDN. ITU-T Recommendation Q. 12 14

38、(1 995), Distributed Junctional plane for Intelligent Network CS-I. ITU-T Recommendation Q. 12 18 (1 999, Interface Recommendation for Intelligent Network cs-I. ITU-T Recommendation 4.71 (1993), ISDN circuit mode switched bearer services. ITU-T Recommendation Q. 12 13 (1 995), Global functional plan

39、e for intelligent network CS-I . ITU-T Recommendation Q. 121 5 (1995), Physical plane for Intelligent Network CS-I. 2 Recommendation 4.85.6 - Annex A (07196) STD*ITU-T RECMN Q.85-b ANNEX A-ENGL L77b LiBb2571 Ob2700b TT2 A.1.3 Definitions A.1.3.1 Terms defined in Recommendation F.16 The following ter

40、ms are defined in Recommendation F. 16 2: Direct access Switched access Remote access GVNS calling Call screening Range privilege Customer-defined numbering Standard announcements Customized announcements Authorization code Accounting code On-net locations Off-net locations GVNS user group and subgr

41、oup Numbering plan GVNS Participating Service Provider A.1.3.2 The following terminology is used in this Annex: A. originating network: The network from which any user originates a GVNS service request or outgoing call is the “originating“ network. The SSF which provides access to IN function

42、ality is assumed to be associated with an originating exchange. No difference in IN information flows will result if the SSF is associated with a transit exchange, but network signalling will be different, The SSF, SCF and SDF in the originating network are designated SSF(o), SCF(o) and SDF(o). A.1.

43、3.2.2 The SSF, SCF and SDF in the terminating network are designated SSF(t), SCF(t) and SDF(t). All interactions with SDF(t) are controlled by the SCF in the originating network, in conformance with IN CS-1 guidelines. Terms not defined in Recommendation F.16 terminating network: The called partys n

44、etwork is the “terminating“ network. A.1.4 For the purposes of this Annex, the following abbreviations are used. AD Adjunct BCSM CCAF Call Control Agent Function CCF Call Control Function CLI Calling Line Identification Glossary of abbreviations and acronyms Basic Call State Model (in Recommendation

45、 Q.1214) Recommendation 4.85.6 - Annex A (07/96) 3 STD*ITU-T RECMN Q.85-b ANNEX A-ENGL L77b W 98b257L Ob27007 937 cs-1 DP EDP EDP-N EDP-R FE FEA GVNS IE IF IN IP ISDN NAP PE PIC PLMN PSTN SCF SCF(o) SCF(t) SCP SDF SDF(o) SDF(t) SDP SIB SN SRF SSCP SSF SSF(o) SSF(t) SSP TDP TDP-N 4 Capability Set 1 D

46、etection Point (in BCSM) Event Detection Point (in BCSM) Event Detection Point - notification (in BCSM) Event Detection Point - report (in BCSM) Functional Entity Functional Entity Action Global Virtual Network Service Information Element Information Flow Intelligent Network Intelligent Peripheral I

47、ntegrated Services Digital Network Network Access Point Physical Entity Point In Call (in BCSM) Public Land Mobile Network Public Switched Telephone Network Service Control Function Originating network service control function Terminating network service control function Service Control Point Servic

48、e Data Function Originating network service data function Terminating network service data function Service Data Point Service Independent building Block Service Node Specialized Resource Function Service Switching and Control Point Service Switching Function Originating network service switching fu

49、nction Terminating network service switching function Service Switching Point Trigger Detection Point (in BCSM) Trigger Detection Point - notification (in BCSM) Recommendation Q.85.6 - Annex A (07/96) - - STD-ITU-T RECMN Q.85-b ANNEX A-ENGL 277b qBb2592 Ob27008 875 TDP-R A.1.5 Conventions The following notations and styles are used in the text of this Annex: - Trigger Detection Point - report (in BCSM) The names of IN CS-1 SIBs from Recommendation 4.1214 4 are written with each component word capitalized and spaces between the words, e.g.


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