ITU-T T 176-1998 Application Programming Interface (API) for Digital Storage Media Command and Control (DSM-CC) - Series T Terminals for Telematic Services《数字存储媒质命令和控制(DSM-CC)的应用编程.pdf

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ITU-T T 176-1998 Application Programming Interface (API) for Digital Storage Media Command and Control (DSM-CC) - Series T Terminals for Telematic Services《数字存储媒质命令和控制(DSM-CC)的应用编程.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T T 176-1998 Application Programming Interface (API) for Digital Storage Media Command and Control (DSM-CC) - Series T Terminals for Telematic Services《数字存储媒质命令和控制(DSM-CC)的应用编程.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T T 176-1998 Application Programming Interface (API) for Digital Storage Media Command and Control (DSM-CC) - Series T Terminals for Telematic Services《数字存储媒质命令和控制(DSM-CC)的应用编程.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T T 176-1998 Application Programming Interface (API) for Digital Storage Media Command and Control (DSM-CC) - Series T Terminals for Telematic Services《数字存储媒质命令和控制(DSM-CC)的应用编程.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T T 176-1998 Application Programming Interface (API) for Digital Storage Media Command and Control (DSM-CC) - Series T Terminals for Telematic Services《数字存储媒质命令和控制(DSM-CC)的应用编程.pdf_第5页
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2、TU-T Recommendation T. 176 (Previously CCITT Recommendation) STD-ITU-T RECMN T.37b-ENGL 3998 4862573 Ob45424 663 ITU-T T-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS TERMINALS FOR TELEMATIC SERVICES For further details, please refer to ITU-T List of Recommendations. STD-ITU-T RECMN TeL7b-ENGL 1998 D 4862591 Ob45425 5TT D

3、 ITU-T RECOMMENDATION T.176 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING INTERFACE (MI) FOR DIGITAL STORAGE MEDIA COMMAND AND CONTROL SM-CC) Summary This Recommendation specifies the Application Programming Interface (API) of DSM-CC for the use in basic multimedia applications. Source ITU-T Recommendation T.176 was prep

4、ared by ITU-T Study Group 16 (1997-2000) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 6th of February 1998. STD-ITU-T RECMN T-L7h-ENGL 3998 4862593 Ob4542b 436 FOREWORD IT (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of telecommun

5、ications. The IT Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the IT. The IT-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecom

6、munication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in W

7、TSC Resolution No. 1. In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration“ is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication ad

8、ministration and a recognized operating agency. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. The ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity

9、 or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process. As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, the ITU had not received notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be requ

10、ired to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent database. O IT 1998 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or b

11、y any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. Recommendation T.176 (02/98) 11 STD-ITU-T RECMN T.37b-ENGL 3998 m 4Bb259L Ob45427 372 m 1 2 3 3.1 3.2 4 4.1 4.2 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9

12、 6.10 6.1 1 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 CONTENTS Scope Normative references Definitions and abbreviations . Definitions Abbreviations . Overview The DAVIC application interchange format Core set of Java APIS . Package davic.CosNaming . Class davic.CosNaming.NameComponent Class davic.CosNaming.Binding E

13、xception davic.CosNaming.CannotProceed . Exception davic.CosNaming . InvalidName Exception davic.CosNaming.NotFound . Class davic.CosNaming.Binding1terator Interface davic.CosNaming.NamingContext Package davic.dsmccuu Exception davic.dsmccuu. SERVICE-XFR Exception davic .dsmccu u. dsmccuuException E

14、xception davic.dsmccuu.INV-OFFSET Exception davic.dsmccuu.INV-SIZE . Exception davic.dsmccuu.READ-LOCKED . Exception davic.dsmccuu. WRITE-LOCKED . Exception davic.dsmccuu.OPEN-LIMIT . Exception davic.dsmccuu.NO-AUTH . Exception davic.dsmccuu.UNK-USER . Exception davic.dsmccuu.BADCOMPAT-INFO Exceptio

15、n davic.dsmccuu.NO-RESUME Exception davic.dsmccuu.NO-SUSPEND Interface davic.dsmccuu.Base Class davic.dsmccuu.File . Class davic.dsmccuu.Directory Class davic.dsmccuu.Step Recommendation T.176 (02/98) Page 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 . I11 STD-ITU-T RECMN T-11b-

16、ENGL 1998 W 4862591 Ob45428 209 W 6.17 Interface davic.dsmccuu.SessionI . 6.18 Class davic.dsmccuu.Session . 6.19 Class davic.dsmccuu.SessionGateway . Page 9 9 10 iv Recommendation T.176 (02/98) STD-ITU-T RECMN T.37b-ENGL 3998 48b2593 Ob45429 14.5 Recommendation T.176 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING INTERFA

17、CE (API) FOR DIGITAL STORAGE MEDIA COMMAND AND CONTROL SM-CC) (Geneva, 1998) 1 Scope This Recommendation specifies the Application Programming Interface (API) of DSM-CC for the use in basic multimedia applications. This Recommendation is applicable to DAVIC compliant sy s terns. 2 Normative referenc

18、es The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision; all use

19、rs of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. 11 ETS 300 777-3, Terminal Equipment (TE); End-t

20、o-endprotocols for multimedia information retrieval services; Part 3: Application Programmable Interface (API) for MHEG-5. 2 ISOIIEC DIS 138 18-6, Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information - Part 6: Extension for digital storage media command and con

21、trol. ISO/IEC 13522-5: 1997, Information technology - Coding of multimedia and hypermedia information - Part 5: Support for base-level interactive applications. ISOIIEC DIS 13522-6, Information technology - Coding of multimedia and hypermedia information - Part 6: Support for enhanced interactive ap

22、plications. ETS 300 777- 1, Terminal Equipment (TE); End-to-end protocols for multimedia information retrieval services; Part 1: Coding of multimedia and hypermedia information for basic multimedia applications (MHEG-5). 3 4 5 3 Definitions and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions For the purposes of this

23、Recommendation the definition of ISO/IEC DIS 138 18-6 2 apply. This Recommendation defines the following terms: 3.1.1 application programmable interface (API): A boundary across which a software application uses facilities of programming languages to invoke software services. These facilities may in

24、clude procedures or operations, shared data objects and resolution of identifiers. 3.1.2 local application: A piece of software which is part of the (telecommunication) application and is running on the considered equipment. Recommendation T.176 (0298) 1 STD.ITU-T RECMN T.17b-ENGL 3998 4862593 Ob454

25、30 967 3.2 Abbreviations This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations API Application Programming Interface ASN. 1 Abstract Syntax Notation One DAVIC Digital Audio Visual Council DSM-CC MHEG SI Service Information STU Set Top Unit VM Virtual Machine Digital Storage Media Command and Control

26、Multimedia and Hypermedia information coding Experts Group 4 Overview The following clause positions the API defined by this Recommendation in the framework of the DAVIC specifications. 4.1 To deliver multimedia information to STUs in an interoperable way, applications shall use the MHEG-5 final for

27、m interchange format, as defined by ISO/IEC 13522-5 3. The ASN.l notation and encoding, as defined by ETS 300 777-1 1141, shall be used to interchange MHEG-5 objects. This format defines the semantics and the encoding of the multimedia and hypermedia objects. To deliver program code to STUs in an in

28、teroperable way, applications shall use the MHEG-5 InterchangedProgram class to encapsulate Java VM code, according to the semantics and encoding defined by ISOAEC DIS 13522-6 SI. Java VM classes are called from MHEG-5 objects using the MHEG-5 Call and Fork elementary actions. The Java VM code inter

29、change unit is a Java VM class. Java VM classes shall be encoded as defined by the Class File Format section of the Java Virtual machine specification. A Java class encapsulates data and methods that consist of sequences of instructions. The instruction set is defined by the Java Virtual machine ins

30、truction set section of the Java Virtual machine specification. The DAVIC application interchange format 4.2 The following set of APIS are used by Java VM code in the DAVIC 1.1 i specifications to express access to basic functions of the STU in an interoperable way: - - the java. uti1 package; - the

31、 i so . mh e g 5 package; - the davic. dsmccuu package; - the et s i . si package. Core set of Java APIS the j ava . lang package; 1 Java is a trademark or a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 2 Recommendation T.176 (02/98) STD-ITU-T RECMN T.17b-ENGL 1998 m 4862591 Ob45431 8T3 m NOTE 1 -

32、 The Java VM specification provides flexible mechanisms to call upon external functions whose interface is defined as a Java package. The DAVIC 1.1 specification only includes a minimum core set of packages required for Java VM code to be useful in a DAVIC environment. It is anticipated that additio

33、nal Java packages will be standardised at a later stage. NOTE 2 - Especially, the j ava . io package, although strictly speaking not necessary to the useful performance of the VM environment, is part of the Java foundation classes. It is intended that the j ava . io package be added to the DAVIC cor

34、e set of Java APIS together with an adequate specification of its semantics in a DAVIC environment. The j ava . lang package, as defined by the Java API documentation, consists of the minimal set of Java VM classes needed to run Java VM code, supporting the following functionality: basic data types,

35、 object, mathematic operations, security, thread management, string manipulation, exception handling. The j ava . ut il package, as defined by the Java API documentation, consists of Java VM classes supporting a number of utility features common to all Java VM programs. The is0 . mheg5 package, as d

36、efined by ETS 300 777-3 i, provides Java VM code with access to and manipulation of the MHEG-5 multimedia presentation and interaction objects, Le. access to the dynamic attributes of MHEG-5 objects and invocation of elementary actions on MHEG-5 objects. The davic. dsmccuu and the associated davic.

37、CosNaming packages enable Java VM code to use the DSM-CC U-U interface objects for network data access. The davic. dsmccuu and the associated davic. CosNamhg packages give access to a subset of the DSM-CC U-U API defined by ISOAEC DIS 138 18-6. This subset consists of: - - - - - the list and resolve

38、 operations of the NamingContext abstract interface; the c 1 os e and des t r o y operations of the Bas e abstract interface; the next - one and next - n operations of the BindingIterator instanciable interface; the open and c 1 os e operations of the Dir e c t or y instanciable interface; the read

39、and write operations as well as the Contentsize read-only attribute of the Fi 1 e instanciable interface; the attach and detach operations of the Se s s i on instanciable interface; the Ses s ionGateway instanciable interface. - - The et si. si package enables Java VM code to access information tran

40、smitted in the DAVIC Service Information (SI) stream. 5 Package davic.CosNaming 5.1 Class davic.CosNaming.NameComponent package davic.CosNaming; public class Namecomponent public String id; public String kind; 1 Recommendation T.176 (02/98) 3 STD.ITU-T RECMN TmLb-ENGL 1778 9 48b2571 Ob45432 73T 9 5.

41、2 Class davic.CosNaming.Binding package davic.CosNaming; public class Binding / constant declarations for the “binding-type“ attribute public static final short nobject = O; public static final short ncontext = 1; public NameComponent binding-name; public int binding-type; 1 5.3 Exception davic.CosN

42、aming.NotFound package davic.CosNaming; public class NotFound extends Exception /I constant declarations for the “why“ attribute public static final short missingnode = O; public static final short not-context = 1; public static final short not-object = 2; public int why; public NameComponent rest-o

43、f-name; 1 5.4 Exception davic.CosNaming.CannotProceed package davic.CosNaming; public class Cannotproceed extends Exception public NamingContext cxt; public NameComponent rest-of-name; 1 5.5 Exception davic.CosNaming.InvalidName package davic.CosNaming; public class InvalidName extends Exception 1 5

44、.6 Class davic.CosNaming.Binding1terator package davic.CosNaming; public class BindingIterator public boolean next-one( Binding b ) / actual code shall be inserted here return true; 1 4 Recommendation T.176 (02/98) STD-ITU-T RECMN T-Ii7b-ENGL I1998 48b259L Ob45433 b7b W public void next-n( int how-m

45、any, Binding bl 1 I/ actual code shall be inserted here I public void destroy0 Il actual code shall be inserted here I 1 5.7 Interface davic.CosNaming.NamingContext package davic.CosNaming; public interface NamingContext public void list( int how-many, Binding bl, BindingIterator bi 1; public Object

46、 resolve( )throws NotFound, Cannotproceed, InvalidName; NameComponent n 1 6 Package davic.dsmccuu 6.1 Class davic.dsmccuu.Step package davic.dsmccuu; import davic.CosNaming.*; public class Step public Namecomponent name; public boolean process; I 6.2 Exception davic.dsmccuu.SERVICE-XFR package davic

47、.dsmccuu; import davic.CosNaming.*; public class SERVICEXFR extends Exception i/ service location public byte serviceDomain; public NameComponent pathName; public byte initialcontext; I Recommendation T.176 (0298) 5 STDmITU-T RECMN T.17b-ENGL 1998 4862593 Ob45434 502 W 6.3 Exception davic.dsmccuu.ds

48、mccuuException package davic.dsmccuu; public class dsmccuuException extends Exception public short minor; public short completed; 1 6.4 Exception davic.dsmccuu.JNV-OFFSET package davkdsmccuu; public class INV-OFFSET extends dsmccuuException 1 6.5 Exception davic.dsmccuu.INV-SIZE package davic.dsmccu

49、u; public class INV-SIZE extends dsmccuuException 1 6.6 Exception davic.dsmccuu.READLOCKED package davic.dsmccuu; public class READLOCKED extends dsmccuuException 1 6.7 Exception davic.dsmccuu.WRITEL0CKED package davic.dsmccuu; public class WRITELOCKED extends dsmccuuException 1 6.8 Exception davic.dsmccuu.OPEN LIMIT package davic.dsmccuu; public class OPEN-LIMIT extends dsmccuuException 1 6.9 Exception davic.dsmccuu.NO - AUTH package davic.dsmccuu; public


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