ITU-T X 638-1996 Minimal OSI Facilities to Support Basic Communications Applications - Series X Data Networks and Open System Communication OSI Networking and System Aspects - Effi.pdf

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2、ort basic communications applications ITU-T Recommendation X.638 (Previously CCITT Recommendation) STD*ITU-T RECMN X=bIA-ENGL L97b 48b257L Ob33457 335 ITU-T X-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS DATA NETWORKS AND OPEN SYSTEM COMMUNICATION PUBLIC DATA NETWORKS Services and facilities Interfaces Transmission, sign

3、alling and switching Network aspects Maintenance Administrative arrangements Model and notation Service definitions Connection-mode protocol specifications Connectionless-mode protocol specifications PICS proformas 1 Protocol Identification Security Protocols OPEN SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION Layer Manage

4、d Objects Conformance testing General Satellite data transmission systems MESSAGE HANDLING SYSTEMS DIRECTORY OS1 NETWORKING AND SYSTEM ASPECTS INTERWORKING BETWEEN NETWORKS X.1-X.199 x.1-x. 19 X.20-X.49 X.50-X.89 X.90-X.149 X.150-X. 179 X.180-X.199 X.200-X.299 X.200-X.209 X.2 IO-X.219 X.220-X.229 X.

5、230-X.239 X.240-X.259 X.260-X.269 X.270-X.279 X.280-X.289 X.290-X.299 X.300-X.399 X.300-X.349 x.350-x.399 X.400-X.499 x.500-x.599 X.600-X.699 Networking X.600-X.629 I Naming, Addressing and Registration X.650-X.679 Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.l) Systems Management framework and architecture Ma

6、nagement Communication Service and Protocol Structure of Management Information Management functions OS1 MANAGEMENT SECURTTY OS1 APPLICATIONS Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery Transaction processing Remote operations OPEN DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING X.680-X.699 X.700-X.799 x.700-x.709 X.710-X.719 X.72

7、0-X.729 x.730-x.799 X.800-X. 849 X.850-X.899 X.850-X.859 X.860-X.879 X.880-X.899 X.900-X.999 I For further detaiIs, please refer to ITU-T List of Recommendations. - STD.ITU-T RECMN X.b38-ENGL Lb = Li8b25L Ob314b0 037 m FOREWORD The IT-T (Telecommunication Standardization Sector) is a permanent organ

8、 of the International Telecommunication Union (IT). The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommen- dations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC

9、), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, March 1-12,

10、 1993). IT-T Recommendation X.63 8 was prepared by IT-T Study Group 7 (1 993- 1996) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 5th of October 1996. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication adminis

11、tration and a recognized operating agency. O ITU 1997 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing fiom the ITU. Recommendation X.638 (10/96) I

12、 STD-ITU-T RECMN X-bIA-ENGL L77b LiBb2591 Ob3L4bL T73 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 CONTENTS Page Scope 1 Normative References 1 2.1 Identical Recommendations I International Standards 1 2.2 Paired Recommendations I International Standards equivalent in technical content 2 2.3 Additional references 2 Definiti

13、ons. . 2 3.1 Reference model definitions . 2 3.2 Service conventions definitions 3 3.3 Presentation definitions 3 3.4 Session definitions 3 3.5 Application Layer Structure definitions . 3 3.6 ACSE service definitions 4 3.7 Taxonomy of profile defiriitions . 4 3.8 Definitions of this Recommendation 4

14、 . Abbreviations 5 Introduction 6 5.1 Minimal OS1 upper layer facilities . 6 5.2 Use of the mOSI stack specification . 6 5.3 Users of the mOSI stack specification 8 5.4 OS1 upper layer efficiency 8 The mOSI model 6,1 Common elements 6.2 Applications 6.3 Types of basic communications applications Det

15、ails of the mOSI concept 7.1 Kernel and options 7.2 Normal data transfer . 7.3 Association release . 7.4 Relationship to base standards 7.5 Transport-provid er 8 8 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 Application of this Recommendation . 12 8.1 Types of user 12 8.2 Conventions 13 Compliance and conformance 16 9.

16、1 16 9.2 OS1 upper layer stack implementation 16 9.3 Facilities, roles and options 17 Profile or specification of a basic communications application Implementation considerations . 17 10.1 Layering for mOSI implementations 17 . 10.2 PDU generation for mOSI implementations 18 10.3 Parsing incoming pr

17、otocol for mOSI 18 10.4 Interfaces for mOSI implementations . 18 Recommendation X638 (10196) - STD-ITU-T RECMN XebI-ENGL L99b Vb259L b3LVb2 90T U Annex A . A . 1 A.2 A.3 A.4 AS A.6 A.7 mOS1 requirements for ACSE facilities . Supported roles . PICS proforma, A.61 Protocol mechanisms . PICS proforma,

18、A.71 . Functional units . PICS proforma, A.81 Supported APDUs . PICS proforma, A.91 Supported parameter forms - PICS proforma, A.111 Global statement of conformance . PICS proforma. AS Supporting APDU parameters - PICS proforma, A . 1 O . Annex B . mOSI requirements for Presentation Layer facilities

19、 . B.l B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 Global statement of conformance . PICS proforma, AS Protocol mechanisms and functional units . PICS proforma. A.61 . Supported PPDU parameters - PICS proforma, A.81 . Support of syntaxes - PICS proforma, A.91 Annex C - mOSI requirements for Session Layer facilities . ITU-T Rec

20、 . X.225 I ISO/IEC 8327-1 protocol versions - PICS proforma, A.4.21 . Global statement of conformance - PICS proforma, AS Supported functional units and protocol mechanisms - PICS proforma, A.61 Elements ofprocedures related to the PICS proforma - PICS proforma, A.71 . Supported SPDU parameters - PI

21、CS proforma, A.81 . Annex D - Requirements compliance statement proforma D.l Requirements questionnaire D.2 Use of Tables D.l and D.2 by a referencing specification . D.3 Completing a PRL based on Tables D.l and D.2 . D.4 Annex E - Implementation conformance statement proforma . E. 1 Implementation

22、questionnaire . E.2 Use of Tables E.l and E.2 by a referencing implementation E.3 Annex F - Minimal OS1 object identifiers . Default abstract syntax for minimal OS1 Default transfer syntax for minimal OS1 Default application context for minimal OS1 Elements of procedure related to the PICS proforma

23、- PICS proforma, A.71 C.l C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 A referencing specifications upper layer PRL . Completing a PICS based on Tables E.1 and E.2 . F.l F.2 F.3 Page 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 24 25 25 25 26 28 31 32 33 33 33 34 36 41 41 41 42 44 45 45 45 48 49 49 49 49 Recommendation X.638 (10/94) iii SUMMARY This R

24、ecommendation provides the concepts, definitions and profile of the minimal upper layer facilities necessary to support basic connection-oriented communications applications. These facilities consist of a subset of the facilities defined in the ACSE, and the Presentation and Session service definiti

25、ons. A basic communications application simply requires the ability to open and close communications with a peer and to send and receive messages with that peer. It is expected that a large portion of OS1 applications will be satisfied by such minimal functionality. This is one of a series of Recomm

26、endations to support the minimal OS1 functions in the upper layers. It is technically aligned with ISO/IEC ISP 11 188-3. iv Recommendation X.638 (10/96) - STD-ITU-T RECMN XSb38-ENGL 197b YAb257L Ob3LYb4 782 m Recommendation X.638 MINIMAL OS1 FACILITIES TO SUPPORT BASIC COMMUNICATIONS APPLICATIONS (G

27、eneva, 1996) 1 Scope This Recommendation introduces the concept of the minimal set of OS1 upper layer facilities for Basic Communications Applications (BCA). The upper layer facilities considered in this Recommendation are encompassed by the existing ACSE, Presentation and Session Recommendations. A

28、 basic communications application simply requires the ability to open and close connection-oriented communications with a peer and to send and receive messages with the peer. It is expected that a large portion of potential OS1 applications will be satisfied by such minimal functionality. 2 Normativ

29、e References The foliowing Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision: all

30、 users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. 2.1 Identical Recommendations I Internationa

31、l Standards - ITU-T Recommendation X.200 (1994) I ISOAEC 7498-1:1994, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model. - ITU-T Recommendation X.207 (1993) I ISOAEC 9545:1994, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Application layer structure. IT-T Recom

32、mendation X.210 (1993) I ISOAEC 1073 1 :1994, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model: Conventions for the definition of OSI services. IT-T Recommendation X.214 (1995) I ISOAEC 8072:1996, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Transport service

33、definition. ITU-T Recommendation X.215 (1995) I ISOAEC 8326:1996, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Session service definition. ITU-T Recommendation X.216 (1994) I ISOAEC 8822:1994, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Presentation service definition. IT-T Re

34、commendation X.217 (1995) I ISOAEC 8649:1996, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Service definition for the association control service element. IT-T Recommendation X.225 (1995) I ISO/iEC 8327-1:1996, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Connection-oriented se

35、ssion protocol: Protocol specijication. IT-T Recommendation X.226 (1994) I ISOAEC 8823-1 :1994, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Connection-oriented presentation protocol: Protocol specification. ITU-T Recommendation X.227 (1995) I ISOAEC 8650-1:1996, Information technology -

36、Open Systems Interconnection - Connection-oriented protocol for ihe association control service element: Protocol specif cation. ITU-T Recommendation X.245 (1995) 1 ISOAEC 8327-2:1996, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Connection-oriented session protocol: Protocol Implementati

37、on Conformance Statement (PICg proforma. - - - - - - - - - Recommendation X.638 (10/96) 1 - IT-T Recommendation X.246 (1996) 1 ISOAEC 8823-21997, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Connection-oriented presentation protocol: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PIC$) pr

38、oforma. IT-T Recommendation X.247 (1996) I ISOIEC 8650-2:1997, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Protocol specgcation for the association control service element: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma. IT-T Recommendation X.690 (1994) I ISOIEC 8825-1:199

39、5, Information technology- ASNI encoding rules: Specifcation of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER). - - 2.2 Paired Recommendations I International Standards equivalent in technical content - CCITT Recommendation X.650 (1992), Open System

40、s Interconnection (OSO - Reference model for naming and addressing. IS0 7498-3: 1989, Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model -Part 3: Naming and addressing. IT-T Recommendation X.63 7 ( 1996), Basic connection-oriented common upper layer requirements. I

41、SO/IEC ISP 1 1188-1 :1995, Information technology - International Standardized Profile - Common upper layer requirements - Part 1: Basic connection oriented requirements. - 2.3 Additional references - ISOIEC TR 10000-1 :1995, Information technology - Framework and taxonomy of International Standardi

42、zed Profies - Part 1: General principles and documentation flamework. ISOIIEC TR 10000-2: 1995, Information technology - Framework and taxonomy of International standardized Profiles - Part 2: Principles and taxonomy of OSIprofiles. - Internet RFC 1698, Octet Sequences for Upper-Layer OSI to support

43、 Basic Communications Applications. - 3 Definitions This Recommendation makes use of the following definitions. 3.1 Reference model definitions 3.1.1 Basic Reference Model definitions This Recommendation is based on the concepts developed in IT-T Rec. X.200 I ISOIEC 7498-1. It makes use of the follo

44、wing terms defined in them: a) application-entity; b) Application Layer; c) application-process; d) application-protocol-control-information; e) application-protocol-data-unit; f) application-service-element; g) compliance; h) conformance; i) presentation-connection; j) Presentation Layer; k) presen

45、tation-service; 1) session-connection; m) Session Layer; 2 Recommendation X.638 (10/96) STD-ITU-T RECMN Xmb3-ENGL 199b m LiBb259L ilb3LLibb 555 = n) session-protocol; o) session-service; p) Transport Layer. 3.1.2 Naming and addressing definitions This Recommendation makes use of the following tem de

46、fined in CCITT Rec. X.650 1 IS0 7498-3: a) application-process title; b) application-entity qualifier; c) application-entity title; d) application-process invocation-identifier; e) application-entity invocation-identifier; and f) presentation address. 3.2 Service conventions definitions This Recomme

47、ndation makes use of the following terms defined in IT-T Rec. X.2 1 O I ISOAEC 1073 1 : a) primitive; b) request (primitive); c) indication (primitive); d) response (primitive); and e) confirm (primitive). 3.3 Presentation definitions This Recommendation makes use of the following terms defined in I

48、TLJ-T Rec. X.216 I ISO/IEC 8822 and IW-T Rec. X.226 I ISOAEC 8823: a) abstract syntax; abstract syntax name; default context; defined context set; functional unit (Presentation); normal mode (Presentation); presentation context; presentation data value; and presentation selector. 3.4 Session definit

49、ions This Recommendation makes use of the following terms defined in IT-T Rec. X.215 1 ISOAEC 8326 and IT-T Rec. X.225 I ISOAEC 8327-1: - session selector. 3.5 Application Layer Structure definitions This Recommendation makes use of the following terms defined in ITU-T Rec. X.207 I ISOhEC 9545: a) application-context; b) application-entity invocation; c) control function; and d) application-service object. Recommendation X.638 (10/96) 3 3.6 ACSE service definitions This Recommendation makes use of the following terms

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