ITU-T X 813-1996 Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Security Frameworks in Open Systems Non-Repudiation Framework - Series X Data Networks and Open System Comm.pdf

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2、orks in open systems: Non-repudiation framework ITU-T Recommendation X.813 (Previously “CCIlT Recommendation“) COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling Services- STD-ITU-T RECMN X.BL3-ENGL L77b 4862571 Ob25314 T37 ITU-T X-SERIES RECOMMEN

3、DATIONS DATA NETWORKS AND OPEN SYSTEM COMMUNICATION -. . JBLIC DATA NETWORKS Services and facilities Interfaces Transmission, signalling and switching Network aspects Maintenance Administrative arrangements iPEN SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION Model and notation Service definitions Connection-mode protocol s

4、pecifications Connectionless-mode protocol specification PICS proformas Protocol Identification Security Protocols Layer Managed Objects Conformance testing General Satellite data transmission systems MESSAGE HANDLING SYSTEMS DIRECTORY 3SI NETWORIUNG AND SYSTEM ASPECTS Networking Efficiency Naming,

5、Addressing and Registration Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.l) Systems Management framework and architecture Management Communication Service and Protocol Structure of Management Information Management functions NTERWORKrNG BETWEEN NETWORKS OS1 MANAGEMENT X. 1 -X. 199 X. l-X. 19 X.20-X.49 X.50-X.8

6、9 x.90-x. 149 X. 150-X. 179 X.180-X.199 X.200-X.299 X.200-X.209 X.2 10-X.219 X.220-X.229 X.230-X.239 X.240-X.259 X.260-X.269 X.270-X.279 X.280-X.289 X.290-X.299 X.300-X.399 X.300-X.349 X.350-X.399 X.400-X.499 X.500-X.599 X.600-X.699 X.600-X.629 X.630-X.649 X.650-X.679 X.680-X.699 X.700-X.799 X.700-X

7、.709 X.7 10-X.7 19 X.720-X.729 X.730-X.799 - SECURITY X.80QX.849 OS1 APPLICATIONS Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery Transaction processing Remote operations OPEN DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING X.850-X.899 X. 8 50-X. 8 5 9 X.860-X.879 X.880-X.899 X.900-X.999 For further details, please refer to ITU-T List

8、 of Recommendations. COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTD-ITU-T RECMN X-813-ENGL 177b 48b2571 Ob25315 773 = FOREWORD IT (Intemational Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of telec

9、ommunications. The Telecommunication Standardization Sector (IT-T) is a permanent organ of the IT. Some 179 member countries, 84 telecom operating entities, 145 scientific and industrial organizations and 38 international organizations participate in -T which is the body which sets world telecommuni

10、cations standards (Recommendations). The approval of Recommendations by the Members of ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, 1993). In addition, the World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, approves Recommendat

11、ions submitted to it and establishes the study programme for the following period. In some areas of infomation technology which fall withiin ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. The text of ITU-T Recommendation X.813 was approved on 5th of O

12、ctober 1996. The identical text is also published as ISOAEC International Standard 10181-4. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. O ITU 1997 All rights reserved. No p

13、art of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form r by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. ITU-T Rec. X813 (1996 E) 1 COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by

14、Information Handling Services1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CONTENTS Page Scope Normative references . 2.1 Identical Recommendations I International Standards 2.2 Paired Recommendations I International Standards equivalent in technical content Definitions 3.1 Basic Reference Model definitions . 3.2 Security Arch

15、itecture definitions 3.3 Security Frameworks Overview definitions 3.4 Additional definitions . Abbreviations . General discussion of Non-repudiation Basic concepts of Non-repudiation . 5.1 5.2 Roles of a Trusted Third Party 5.3 Phases of Non-repudiation 5.4 Some forms of Non-repudiation services 5.5

16、 Examples of OS1 Non-repudiation evidence Non-repudiation policies Information and facilities . 7.1 Information . 7.2 Non-repudiation facilities . Non-repudiation mechanisms . 8.1 Non-repudiation using a TTP security token (secure envelope) . 8.2 Non-repudiation using security tokens and tamper-resi

17、stant modules 8.3 Non-repudiation using a digital signature . 8.4 Non-repudiation using Time Stamping . 8.5 Non-repudiation using an in-line Trusted Third Party 8.6 Non-repudiation using a Notary : . 8.7 Threats to Non-repudiation . Interactions with other security services and mechanisms . 9.1 Auth

18、entication . 9.2 Access Control 9.3 Confidentiality 9.4 integrity . 9.5 Audit . Annex A . Non-repudiation in OS1 Basic Reference Model Annex B . Non-repudiation Facilities Outline Annex C . Non-repudiation in store and forward systems . Annex D . Recovery in a Non-repudiation service . Annex E . Int

19、eraction with the Directory . Annex F . Bibliography I 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 7 8 8 9 9 10 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 11 ITU-T Rec . X.813 (1996 E) COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesST

20、D-ITU-T RECMN X-BL3-ENGL 177b = LiBb2571 Ob25317 74b = Summary This Recommendation I International Standard defines a general framework for the provision of non-repudiation services. The goal of the Non-repudiation service is to collect, maintain, make available, and validate irrefutable evidence re

21、garding identification of originators and recipients involved in data transfers. Introduction The goal of the Non-repudiation service is to collect, maintain, make available and validate irrefutable evidence concerning a claimed event or action in order to resolve disputes about the occurrence or no

22、n-occurrence of the event or action. The Non-repudiation service can be applied in a number of different contexts and situations. The service can apply to the generation of data, the storage of data, or the transmission of data. Non-repudiation involves the generation of evidence that can be used to

23、 prove that some kind of event or action has taken place, so that this event or action cannot be repudiated later. In an OS1 environment (see CCITT Rec. X.800 and IS0 7498-2) the Non-repudiation service has two forms: - Non-repudiation with proof of origin which is used to counter false denial by a

24、sender that the data or its contents has been sent. Non-repudiation with proof of delivery which is used to counter false denial by a recipient that the data or its contents (i.e. the information that the data represents) has been received, Applications which make use of OS1 protocols may require ot

25、her forms of the Non-repudiation service which are specific to particular classes of applications. For example, MHS (ITU-T Rec. X.402 I IS0 10021-2) defines the Non-repudiation of submission service, while the ED1 Messaging System (see Recommendation X.435) defines the Non-repudiation of retrieval a

26、nd Non-repudiation of transfer services. The concepts in this framework are not limited to OS1 communications but may be interpreted more broadly to include such uses as creation and storage of data for later use. This Recommendation I International Standard defines a general framework for the provi

27、sion of a Non-repudiation service. This framework: - - expands upon the concepts of Non-repudiation services described in CCITT Rec. X.800 and IS0 7498-2 and describes how they may be applied to Open Systems; describes alternatives for the provision of these services; and explains the relationship o

28、f these services to other security services. - - Non-repudiation services may require: - - adjudicators who will arbitrate disputes that may arise as a result of repudiated events or actions; and Trusted Third Parties who will assure the authenticity and integrity of the data to be used for the veri

29、fication of evidence. . ITU-T Rec. X.813 (1996 E) 111 COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTD-ITU-T RECMN X-813-ENGL Lb = 98b25L Ob25318 b82 m COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed b


31、1 International Standard addresses the application of security services in an Open Systems environment, where the term “Open Systems” is taken to include areas such as Database, Distributed Applications, Open Distributed Processing and OSI. The Security Frameworks are concemed with defining the mean

32、s of providing protection for systems and objects within systems, and with the interactions between systems. The Security Frameworks are not concerned with the methodology for constructing systems or mechanisms. The Security Frameworks address both data elements and sequences of operations (but not

33、protocol elements) which are used to obtain specific security services. These security services may apply to the communicating entities of systems as well as to data exchanged between systems, and to data managed by systems. This Recommendation 1 International Standard: - - defines general Non-repud

34、iation services; - - defines the basic concepts of Non-repudiation; identifies possible mechanisms to provide the Non-repudiation services; identifies general management requirements for Non-repudiation services and mechanisms. As with other security services, Non-repudiation can only be provided wi

35、thin the context of a defined security policy for a particular application. The definitions of security policies are outside the scope of this Recommendation I Intemational Standard. The scope of this Recommendation I International Standard does not include specification of details of the protocol e

36、xchanges which need to be performed in order to achieve Non-repudiation. This Recommendation I Intemational Standard does not describe in detail the particular mechanisms that can be used to support the Non-repudiation services nor does it give details of the supporting security management services

37、and protocols. Some of the procedures described in this framework achieve security by the application of cryptographic techniques. This fkamework is not dependent on the use of a particular cryptographic or other algorithm or on particular cryptographic techniques (i.e. symmetric or asymmetric) alth

38、ough certain classes of Non-repudiation mechanisms may depend on particular algorithm properties. Indeed it is likely, in practice, that a number of different algorithms will be used. Two entities wishing to use cryptographically-protected data must support the same cryptographic algorithm. I NOTE -

39、 Although IS0 does not standardize cryptographic algorithms, it does standardize the procedures used to register them in ISO/iEC 9979.1 A number of different types of standard can use this framework including: standards that incorporate the concept of Non-repudiation; standards that speci abstract s

40、ervices that include Non-repudiation; standards that specifi uses of a Non-repudiation service; standards that specifi the means of providing Non-repudiation within an opm system architecture; and standards that speci Non-repudiation mechanisms. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ITU-T Rec. X.813 (1996 E) 1 COPYRIGHT I

41、nternational Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling Services STD*ITU-T RECMN X.BL3-ENGL L99b LiBb2571 Ob25320 230 ISO/IEC 10181-4 : 1997 (E) Such standards can use this framework as follows: - - - standards of type i), 2), 3), 4) or 5) can use the terminology

42、 of this framework; standards of type 2), 3), 4) or 5) can use the facilities defined in clause 7; and standards of type 5) can be based upon the classes of mechanism defined in cl - audit (also security audit); - authentication; - channel; - cryptographic checkvalue; - cryptography; - data integrit

43、y (also integrity); - data origin authentication; - decipherment; 2 ITU-T Rec. X.813 (1996 E) COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTD-ITU-T RECMN XaB13-ENGL 19lb qBb2591 Ob25321 177 ISO/IEC 101814 : 1997 (E) - digital signat

44、ure (also signature); - encipherment; - key; - key management; - notarization; - repudiation; - - threat. security audit trail (also audit trail, log); 3.3 Security Frameworks Overview definitions This Recommendation I International Standard builds on the concepts developed in ITU-T Rec. X.810 I ISO

45、hEC 10181-1 and makes use ofthe following terms defined in it: - certification authority; - digital fingerprint; - hash function; - one-way function; - private key; - public key; - revocation list certificate; - seal; - sealed; - secretkey; - security certificate; - security domain; - security token

46、; - trusted third party. 3.4 Additional definitions For the purposes of this Recommendation I International Standard, the following definitions apply: 3.4.1 of the Trusted Third Party or adjudicator. 3.4.2 entity (e.g. a TTP). 3.4.3 resolve a dispute. 3.4.4 in conjunction (e.g. a signer and Co-signe

47、r). 3.4.5 3.4.6 3.4.7 3.4.8 and data integrity. compromised evidence: Evidence that was, at one time, satisfactory but which no longer has the confidence counter-signature: A digital signature appended to a data unit which has already been signed by a different evidence: Information that, either by

48、itself or when used in conjunction with other information, may be used to evidence generator: An entity that produces Non-repudiation evidence. NOTE -This entity may be the Non-repudiation service requester, the originator, the recipient or multiple parties working evidence subject: The entity whose

49、 involvement in an event or action is established by evidence. evidence user: An entity that uses Non-repudiation evidence. evidence verifier: An entity that verifies Non-repudiation evidence. message authentication code: A cryptographic checkvalue that is used to proiide data origin authentication ITU-T Rec. X.813 (1996 E) 3 COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU TelecommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling Services STD-ITU-T RECMN X-BL3-ENGL L77h D Lidb2591 Ob25322 003 ISO/IEC 10181-4 : 1997 (E) 3.4.9 paricular event or action. Non-repudiation


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