ITU-T X 880 AMD 1-1995 Information Technology - Remote Operations Concepts Model and Notation Technical Amendment 1 Built-In Operations Data Networks and Open System Communications.pdf

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2、PERATIONS Amendment 1 to ITU-T Recommendation X.880 (Previously “CCITT Recommendation”) FOREWORD ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of t

3、he ITU. Some 179 member countries, 84 telecom operating entities, 145 scientific and industrial organizations and 3 8 international organizations participate in ITU-T which is the body which sets world telecommunications standards (Recommendations). The approval of Recommendations by the Members of

4、ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, 1993). In addition, the World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, approves Recommendations submitted to it and establishes the study programme for the following period. In s

5、ome areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. The text of ITU-T Recommendation X.880, Amendment 1, was approved on 2 1 st of November 1995. The identical text is also published as ISO/IEC Internat

6、ional Standard 137 12- 1. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized private operating agency. O ITU 1996 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in a

7、ny form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. ITU-T X-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS DATA NETWORKS AND OPEN SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS (February 1994) ORGANIZATION OF X-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS Subject area Recommendation Series

8、 I PUBLIC DATA NETWORKS I Services and Facilities Interfaces Transmission, Signalling and Switching X. 1-X.19 X.20-X.49 X.50-X.89 I Network Aspects I X.90-X.149 Maintenance Administrative Arrangements X. 150-X.179 X.180-X.199 I OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION I Model and Notation Service Definitions X.

9、200-X.209 X.2 1 O-X.2 19 I Connection-mode Protocol Specifications I X.220-X.229 Connectionless-mode Protocol Specifications PICS Proformas X.230-X.239 X.240-X.259 I Protocol Identification I X.260-X.269 Security Protocols Layer Managed Objects X.270-X.279 X.280-X.289 I Conformance Testing I X.290-X

10、.299 INTERWORKING BETWEEN NETWORKS General Mobile Data Transmission Systems X.300-X.349 X.3 50-X.3 69 I Management I X.370-X.3 99 MESSAGE HANDLING SYSTEMS DIRECTORY X.400-X.499 X.500-X.599 I OS1 NETWORKING AND SYSTEM ASPECTS I Networking Naming, Addressing and Registration X.600-X.649 X.650-X.679 I

11、Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.l) I X.680-X.699 OS1 MANAGEMENT SECURITY X.700-X.799 X.800-X.849 I OS1 APPLICATIONS I Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery Transaction Processing X.850-X.859 X.860-X.879 I Remote Operations I X.880-X.899 I OPEN DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING I X.900-X.999 CONTENTS Page 1 Su

12、bclause 3.3 Subclause 8.2.1 . Subclause 8.2 Subclause 1 O . 1 Subclause 10.5.1 . Subclause 10.5.2 . Subclauses 10.6 through 1 O . 16 . Subclauses 10.6 through 1 O . 1 1 . Annex A . Annex D . IT-T Rec . X.880 (1994)/Amd.l (1995 E) 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 6 1 Summary This amendment to Rec. X.880 I ISO/IEC 137

13、12-1 provides the definition of three built-in operations - Probe, Acknowledge and Cancel - which are of general utility to designers of ROSE-based applications. 11 ITU-T Rec. X.880 (1994)/Amd.l(1995 E) ISO/IEC 13712-1 : 1995/Amd.l : 1996 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ITU-T RECOMMENDATION INFORMATION T

14、ECHNOLOGY - REMOTE OPERATIONS: CONCEPTS, MODEL AND NOTATION AMENDMENT 1 Built-in operations 1) Subclause 3.3 Add the following new definition immediately after 3.3.7: “3.3.8 the performer.” The definitions which follow definition 3.3.8, should be renumbered accordingly. idempotent: A characteristic

15、of an operation that it can be invoked repeatedly without changing the state of 2) Subclause 8.2.1 Add the following field underlined to the OPERATION information object class: OPERATION := CLASS ” 5) Subclause 10.5.1 Rewrite the no-op OPERATION definition by adding an additional field (underlined)

16、as follows: no-op OPERATION := IDEMPOTENT TRUE ALWAYS RESPONDS FALSE CODE local:-1 1 6) Subclause 10.5.2 Rewrite 10.5.2 as follows (with the new text underlined): “10.5.2 The operation is idempotent and does not return.” 7) Subclauses 10.6 through 10.16 Renumber 10.6 through 10.1 6 as 10.12 through

17、10.22 respectively. 8) Subclauses 10.6 through 10.11 Add the following new subclauses numbered 1 O. 6 through 10.1 1: 10.6 Probe 10.6.1 The probe operation enquires about the outcome of a previously invoked operation. It is specified as follows: probe OPERATION := ARGUMENT SEQUENCE invokeId O Invoke

18、Id 1 RESULT ENUMERATEDrunning(O), inished(l), unknown(2), . IDEMPOTENT TRUE CODE local:-2 1 10.6.2 10.6.3 performance is finished, or that it is unknown. There is a single argument, of type InvokeId, which identifies the invoked operation being enquired about. The request always returns a result, wh

19、ich indicates whether the operation invocation is still running, its 2 ITU-T Rec. X.880 (1994)/Amd.l(1995 E) ISO/IEC 13712-1 : 1995/Amd.l : 1996 (E) NOTE An invocation may be unknown because it never happened, or because it has been forgotten by the performer. 10.6.4 The operation is idempotent. 10.

20、6.5 invocation concerned, except if the operation was idempotent. probe operation has been included in the operation package. A probe (with a result of finished) causes, as a side effect, the retransmission of any return from the NOTE This implies that the performer of a non-idempotent operation has

21、 to retain the response (result or error) if the 10.7 Acknowledge 10.7.1 The acknowledge operation acknowledges receipt of the return of some (non-idempotent) operation invocation. It is specified as follows: acknowledge OPERATION := ARGUMENT InvokeId RESULT ENUMERATEDacknowledged(O), unknown(l), .)

22、 IDEMPOTENT TRUE CODE local: -3 1 10.7.2 acknowledged. There is a single argument, of type InvokeId, which identifies the invocation whose return is being 10.7.3 or that the operation invocation concerned is unknown. The request always returns a result, which indicates either that the return is now

23、considered acknowledged, NOTE An invocation may be unknown because it never happened, or because it has been forgotten by the performer. 10.7.4 The operation is idempotent. 10.7.5 This operation must be included in every operation package which includes the probe operation. 10.8 Probe and Acknowledg

24、e 10.8.1 frequently both be needed in a package. It is specified as follows: The ProbeAndAcknowledge operation set comprises the two operations suggested by its name, and will ProbeAndAcknowledge OPERATION := probe I acknowledge 10.9 Cancel 10.9.1 The cancel operation requests the premature terminat

25、ion of the performance of an operation. Only operations which include the cancelled error (see 10.11) in their &Errors field can be cancelled. It is specified as follows: cancel OPERATION : := ARGUMENT InvokeId ERRORS cancelFailed) IDEMPOTENT TRUE CODE local:-4 1 IT-T Rec. X.880 (1994)/Amd.l (1995 E

26、) 3 ISO/IEC 13712-1 : 1995/Amd.l : 1996 (E) 10.9.2 10.9.3 10.9.4 The operation is idempotent. There is a single argument, of type InvokeId, which identifies the invoked operation being cancelled. Should the request fail, a cancelFailed error (see 10.10) will be returned. 10.10 Cancel failed 10.10.1

27、A cancelFai led error reports a problem in performing a cancel. It is specified as follows: cancelFailed ERROR := PARAMETER SET problem O CancelProblem, operation i InvokeId 1 CODE local:-2 1 CancelProblem := ENUMERATED unknownOperation(O), tooLate(l), operationNotCancellable(2), . 10.10.2 The vario

28、us parameters have the meaning as defined in and The particular prob 1 em encountered with cancellation is indicated from the following possibilities: a) unknownoperat ion - This operation invocation has either not happened, or has been forgotten. b) toolate - The oper

29、ation has already been performed, or the execution is at a stage that does not permit a cancellation. c) operationNotCancellable - The operation that was invoked was not one of those able to be cancelled. The identification of the operation (invocation) which was to be cancelled. 10.11 Can

30、celled The cancelled error is reported if some operation is cancelled. The error must be included in the &Errors field of the affected operation. It is specified as follows: cancelled ERROR := CODE local:-3 I 9) Annex A Change the first module reference as follows (with the change underlined): Remot

31、e-Operations-Information-Objects joint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) versionrn 4 ITU-T Rec. X.880 (1994)/Amd.l(1995 E) ISO/IEC 13712-1 : 1995/Amd.l : 1996 (E) Add the following field (underlined) to the OPERATION information object class: OPERATION := CLASS & ArgumentType OPTI

32、ONAL, &argumentTypeOptional BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, &returnResult &ResultType &resultTypeOptional &Errors &Linked &synchronous &idempotent &alwaysReturns &Invo kePriority &ResultPriority &operationCode 1 WITH SYNTAX ARGUMENT WTURN RESULT WSULT ERRORS FINKED SYNCHRONOUS JIDEMPOTENT ALWAYS RESPONDS INVOKE P


34、 &Errors &Linked &synchronous &idempotent1 & alw aysReturns &InvokePriority &ResultPriority &operationCode &argumentTypeOptional &resultTypeOptional Change the third module reference as follows (with the change underlined): Remote-Operations-Useful-Definitions j oint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4) u

35、seful-definitions(7) versionrn Change the no-op OPERATION definition by adding an additional field (underlined) as follows: no-op OPERATION := IDEMPOTENT TRUE ALWAYS RESPONDS FALSE CODE local:-1 1 IT-T Rec. X.880 (1994)/Amd.l (1995 E) 5 ISO/IEC 13712-1 : 1995/Amd.l : 1996 (E) Add the following new i

36、tems to this module: probe OPERATION := ARGUMENT SEQUENCE invokeId O InvokeId 1 RESULT ENUMERATEDrunning(O), finished(l), unknown(2), . IDEMPOTENT TRUE CODE local:-2 1 acknowledge OPERATION := ARGUMENT InvokeId RESULT ENUMERATEDacknowledged(O), unknown(l), . IDEMPOTENT TRUE CODE local: -3 1 ProbeAnd

37、Acknowledge OPERATION := probe cancel OPERATION : := ARGUMENT InvokeId ERRORS cancelFailed IDEMPOTENT TRUE CODE local:-4 1 cancelFailed ERROR := PARAMETER SET acknowledge problem O CancelProblem, operation i InvokeId 1 CODE local:-2 1 CancelProblem := ENUMERATED unknownOperation(O), tooLate(l), oper

38、ationNotCancellable(2), . cancelled ERROR := CODE local:-3 10) AnnexD Make the following changes to the table (with the changes underlined): Clause Object Identifier Value Annex A j oint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) versionm j oint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4) useful-definitions(7) versionm 6 ITU-T Rec. X.880 (1994)/Amd.l(1995 E)


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