ITU-T Y 101-2000 Global Informatioon Infrastructure Technology - Terms and Definition Series Y Global Information and Infrastructure and Internet Protocol Aspects Global Informatio.pdf

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2、 ITU-T Recommendation Y.1 O1 (Formerly CCITT Recommendation) ITU-T Y-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS GLOBAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE AND INTERNET PROTOCOL ASPECTS GLOBAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE General Services, applications and middleware Network aspects Interfaces and protocols Numbering, addressing a

3、nd naming Operation, administration and maintenance Security Performances General Services and applications Architecture, access, network capabilities and resource management Transport Interworking Quality of service and network performance Signalling Operation, administration and maintenance Chargi

4、ng INTERNET PROTOCOL ASPECTS Y.100-Y.199 Y .200-Y .299 Y.300-Y.399 Y .40O-Y .499 Y.500-Y.599 Y.600-Y.699 Y.700-Y.799 Y.800-Y.899 Y. 1 000-Y. 1099 Y.1100-Y.1199 Y.1200-Y.1299 Y. 1300-Y.1399 Y. 1400-Y. 1499 Y.1500-Y.1599 Y. 1600-Y. 1699 Y .170O-Y.1799 Y. 1800-Y. 1899 For further details, please refer

5、to the list of ITU-T Recommendations. ITU-T Recommendation Y.101 Global Information Infrastructure terminology: Terms and definitions Summary This ITU-T Recommendation contains the Global Information Infrastructure terminology. Source ITU-T Recommendation Y. 1 O1 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 13

6、 (1 997-2000) and approved under the WTSC Resolution 1 procedure on 10 March 2000. FOREWORD The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of telecommunications. The IT Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of ITU

7、. ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics

8、for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of ITU-T Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution 1. In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepare

9、d on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practic

10、e or implementation of this Recommendation may involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation developme

11、nt process. As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, ITU had not received notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore

12、strongly urged to consult the TSB patent database. o ITU 2001 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

13、 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 access network Access Network Interface (ANI) access node . adaptation unit affordabi lit y agent . appliance . application application process . Application Service Element (ASE) . Application Service Object (ASO) . Asymmetric Digital

14、 Subscriber Line (ADSL) ATM Transfer Capability (ATC) . availability bitway . broadcast . Cable Distribution Network (CDN) . cell conformance . Cell Delay Variation (CDV) . cell entry event . cell exit event T continuity check compression core network . cultural elements . Customer Premises Equipmen

15、t (CPE) decryption . domain Drop Distribution Interface (DDI) Page 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 element . emulation encryption . Global Information Infrastructure (GII) . head end interoperability

16、interface Internet Inter-Network Interface (INI) . Intrinsic Burst Tolerance (IBT) manageability management system media medium . middleware network . nomadicity Network-to-Network Interface type A (“I-A) Network-to-Network Interface type B (“I-B) . Peak Cell Rate (PCR) . player portability quality

17、of service reference point . reliability . role segment . service . service node service primitive . Page 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 60 61 62 63 64 65 Page . . service pnmitive; primitive 10 Sustainable Cell Rate (SCR) User-Network Interface (UNI) 11 Very high s

18、peed Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL) . 10 . 11 video . 11 video server . 11 Introduction This ITU-T Recommendation provides the terms and definitions used in the Global Information In fias truc ture. ITU-T Recommendation Y.101 Global Information Infrastructure terminology: Terms and definitions 1 acc

19、ess network F: rseau daccs S: red de acceso An implementation comprising those entities (such as cable plant, transmission facilities, etc.) which provide the required transport bearer capabilities for the provision of telecommunications services between a Service Node Interface (SNI) and each of th

20、e associated User-Network Inte$aces (UNIS). 2 Access Network Interface (ANI) F: interface du rseau daccs S: interfaz de red de acceso An interface between a local switch and an access network within a local network. 3 access node F: nud daccs S: nodo de acceso The element of the access network conta

21、ining centralized functions responsible for processing information flows in preparation for transport through the selected distribution network. 4 adaptation unit F: adaptateur S: unidad de adaptacin The unit which converts from the native On-Premise Interface (OPI) to another interface more suitabl

22、e for the given appliance. 5 affordability F: prix abordable (accessibilit pcuniaire) S: asequibilidad The cost effectiveness of the resources utilized by an enterpriseorganization or consumer over a specified period of time. 6 agent F: agent S: agente An agent is an element that performs some task

23、on behalf of some party (i.e. a user, machine, application, or another agent) rather than having the party itself perform the task. 7 appliance F: appareil S.- aparato Generic term used to describe the terminal device employed by the service application. Telephones, TV sets, computers, etc. are exam

24、ples of appliances. 8 application F: application S: aplicacin A structured set of capabilities, which provide value-added functionality supported by one or more services. 9 application process F: processus d application S: proceso de aplicacin A sequence of operations that performs the information p

25、rocessing for a particular application. 10 Application Service Element (ASE) F: lment de service dapplication S: elemento de servicio de aplicacin A set of application functions that provide a capability for the interworking of application-entity invocations for a specific purpose; application-servi

26、ce elements are components of application- service objects. 11 Application Service Object (ASO) F: objet de service dapplication S: objeto de servicio de aplicacin A configuration of various groups of application service elements. 12 F: ligne dabonn numrique asymtrique S: lnea de abonado digital asi

27、mtrica A modem technology that converts twisted-pair telephone lines into access paths for multimedia and high-speed data communications. The bit rates transmitted in both directions are different. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) 13 ATM Transfer Capability (ATC) F: capacit de transfert ATM

28、 S: capacidad de transferencia ATM A set of ATM traffic control procedures, tailored to support a service with given traffic characteristics. 14 availability F: disponibilit S: disponibilidad The measure of the degree of access to a particular resource or set of resources. 15 bitway F: connexion phy

29、sique; route physique S: conexin fisica All the associated physical media between a sender and a receiver of data. 16 broadcast F: diffusion S: difusin A unidirectional distribution of data from one point to many points. 17 Cable Distribution Network (CDN) F: rseau de distribution pur cble S: red de

30、 distribucin por cable A tree-structured network to transport a signal to appliances. 18 cell conformance F: conformit dune cellule S: conformidad de una clula An algorithm that identifies cells that conform to negotiated traffic parameters and traffic control procedures at a standardized interface.

31、 I 19 Cell Delay Variation (CDV) F: variation du temps de propagation des cellules S: variacin del retardo de clula The variation of cell transfer delay between two given points of an ATM layer connection. 20 cell entry event F: instant darrive dune cellule S: evento de llegada de clula An event whi

32、ch occurs when an ATM cell crosses a measurement point entering the Switching or Signalling Node (SSN) or customer equipment (CEQ) from the attached transmission system. 21 cell exit event F: instant de sortie dune cellule S: evento de salida de clula An event which occurs when an ATM cell crosses a

33、 measurement point exiting the Switching or Signalling Node (SSN) or customer equipment (CEQ) into the attached transmission system. 22 continuity check F: test de continuit S: prueba de continuidad Mechanism to test that transfer is possible on a certain link or connection. This term is normally qu

34、alified to indicate the object being supervised (e.g. VP continuity check). 23 compression F: compression S: compresin A representation scheme to reduce the size of data maintaining acceptable quality. NOTE - Compression schemes are usually designed for a particular type of data or content and may g

35、ive lower quality for other types. 24 core network F: rseau central S: red medular; principal A portion of the delivery system composed of networks, systems equipment and infrastructures, connecting the service providers to the access network. 25 cultural elements F: lments culturels S: elementos cu

36、lturales The special characteristics of languages and the commonly accepted rules for their use (especially in written form) which are particular to a society or geographic area. Examples are: national characters and associated elements (such as hyphens, dashes, and punctuation marks), correct trans

37、formation of characters, dates and measures, sorting and searching rules, coding of national entities (such as country and currency codes), presentation of telephone numbers, and keyboard layouts. 26 Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) F: equipement des locaux client S: equipo en las instalaciones del

38、 cliente End-use system including private network elements connecting the customer applications to the access line. 27 decryption F: dch ffrement S: descriptacin The decoding of encrypted information. 28 domain F domaine S: dominio A domain is a set of functions that are performed by one or more pla

39、yers and can include functions from more than one role. 29 Drop Distribution Interface DI) F: inte$ace entre distribution et raccordement S: interfaz distribucin entrega The interface between a local distribution network and the final drop network to the customer premises. 30 element F: lment S: ele

40、mento Generic term used to describe any GI1 component e.g. network, switch, application server, appliance, etc. 31 emulation F: mulation S: emulacin Simulation in real time. 32 encryption F: chiffrement S: criptacin An encoding scheme that produces meaningless information to all observers except tho

41、se with the decoding key. 33 Global Information Infrastructure (GII) F: infrastructure mondiale de linformation S: infraestructura mundial de la informacin A collection of networks, end user equipment, information, and human resources which can be used to access valuable information, communicate wit

42、h each other, work, learn, receive entertainment from it, at any time and from any place, with affordable cost on a global scale. 34 head end F: tte de rseau S: cabecera de red An element in a cable distribution system which receives information from a service provider and transmits it to end users.

43、 35 interoperability F: interoprabilit S: interoperabilidad The ability of two or more systems or applications to exchange information and to mutually use the information that has been exchanged. 36 interface F: interface S: interfaz A shared boundary between two functional units. NOTE - An interfac

44、e is defined by various characteristics pertaining to the functions, physical interconnections, signal exchanges and other characteristics as appropriate. 37 Internet F: In tern et S: Internet A collection of interconnected networks using the Internet Protocol which allows them to function as a sing

45、le, large virtual network. 38 Inter-Network Interface (INI) F: interface interrseaux S: interfaz entre redes The interface between two networks. 39 Intrinsic Burst Tolerance (IBT) F: tolrance intrinsque de rafales S: tolerancia intrnseca de rfaga A traffic parameter which characterises the maximum b

46、urst duration at a specified peak cell rate, for use together with a Sustainable Cell Rate (SCR) in addition to a Peak Cell Rate (PCR). 40 manageability F: aptitude tre gr S: gestionabilidad The characteristic of a set of resources, which a allows an enterprise, organization, or consumer to control

47、how these resources are deployed andor utilized. 41 man agemen t system F: systme de gestion S: sistema de gestin A functional system which supports the management of user andor network information and resources for the proper operation of a service. 42 media F: mdias S: medios Plural of medium. 43

48、medium F: mdia S: medio Specific physical support for transmission or storage of information. Type of presentation of information (Le., video, audio, text, etc.). 44 middleware F: entit mdiatrice S: soporte intermedio The mediating entity between two information elements. Such an element can be, for

49、 example, an application, infrastructure component, or another mediating entity. 45 network F: rseau S: red A set of nodes and links that provide connections between two or more defined points to facilitate telecommunication between them. 46 nomadicity F: itinrance S: nomadicidad Continuity of access between two information infrastructure components as they move in space. 47 F: interface rseau-rseau de type A S: interfaz redhed tipo A The interface between a long-distance backbone network and a local netw

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