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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 : TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU-!.G13-!#().%G0G0,!.5!%).42/$5#4)/.G0G04/G0G04(%G0G0#)44-!.G13-!#().%G0G0,!.5!%)45G134G0G0RecommendationG0G0: (Extract from the “LUEG0“OOK)NOTES1 ITU-T Recommendation Z.301 was published in Fascicle X.7 of th

2、e Blue Book. This file is an extract from theBlue Book. While the presentation and layout of the text might be slightly different from the Blue Book version, thecontents of the file are identical to the Blue Book version and copyright conditions remain unchanged (see below).2 In this Recommendation,

3、 the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both atelecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. ITU 1988, 1993All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including

4、photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU.Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.301 1Recommendation Z.301Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.301INTRODUCTION TO THE CCITT MAN-MACHINE LANGUAGE1 Field of applicationThe man-machine language (CCITT MML) can be used to facilitate operation and maintenance

5、functions ofStored Program Control SPC systems of different types. Depending upon national requirements, CCITT MML can alsobe used to facilitate installation and acceptance testing of such systems.In many cases, SPC systems will be supported by auxiliary systems, e.g., in operation and maintenance c

6、entresand/or centres for other purposes such as sales, subscribers complaints, etc., to carry out functions in cooperation withthe SPC system. Different types of communication may be required for this cooperation. To clarify where the CCITTMML is intended to be used, a configuration is shown in Figu

7、re 1/Z.301 which illustrates the case of three separatesystems. Local and remote man-machine terminals may be used. The configuration of systems in a network may vary,but this does not alter the principles governing the field of application of the MML.The CCITT MML is intended to handle the function

8、s required at the interface marked 1 while other methodsmay be required for the interface marked 2. Interface 2 is not considered. Since interface 1 is the interface of interest, itshould be stressed that no assumptions are made concerning the physical location of any supporting software orwhether,

9、indeed, that software is entirely resident in any one place rather than distributed.Although telephone signalling and switching has been considered the primary application area for the MML,these Recommendations accommodate the extension of the MML into other areas such as data switching, ISDNoperati

10、ons and maintenance, and software development environments.In the Recommendations of this Part, the term man is used in the sense of user, and the terms machine andsystem are used interchangeably.2 Man-machine communication modelMan-machine communication, the means of exchanging information between

11、users and systems, can berepresented by a layered model in which each layer defines features that support such communication. In their entirety,these features offer users an appropriate man- machine interface. The model is shown in Figure 2/Z.301 where higherlayers are based upon features offered by

12、 the lower layers. The man-machine interface, for any given system,represented by the highest layer of the model, is based on the repertoire of inputs, outputs, special actions and man-machine interaction mechanisms, including dialogue procedures made available by the layers below.These features are

13、, in turn, supported by the lower layers in which the semantics associated with each MMLfunction (actions, objects, information entities and their interrelationships) and the MML syntax are defined. Thelowest layer of the model is identified in the set of system functions to be controlled and in the

14、 capabilities available inthe man-machine terminals connected to the system.2 Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.301Man-machine interfaceInputs, outputs, special actions Man-machine interaction mechanisms,including dialogue proceduresMML function semantics MML syntaxSystem functions Terminal capabilitiesFIGURE 2

15、/Z.301Man-machine communication modelFascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.301 33 Organization of the MML RecommendationsThe Recommendations on man-machine language are grouped in five sections:1 General principles2 Basic syntax and dialogue procedures3 Extended MML for visual display terminals4 Specification of th

16、e man-machine interface5 Glossary of terms.Section 1 gives an introduction to man-machine communication by the CCITT MML and contains informationof a general nature. Section 2 deals with syntax and dialogue procedures for terminals where no advantage is taken orcan be taken of enhanced input and out

17、put facilities which are usually available on visual display terminals (VDTs).Section 3 describes capabilities of VDTs and kinds of dialogue elements suitable for conveying the syntax of anyapplication, including the syntax specified in Section 1, which can be applied to the operation and maintenanc

18、e of SPCsystems. As terminal technology advances and the theory of the man-machine interface evolves, greatly improvedinterfaces are possible. On the other hand, basic terminals will remain in use. Therefore this section provides aframework that accommodates interfaces possible on more sophisticated

19、 terminals and at the same time ensures thatsyntactic details presented at both sophisticated and basic terminals in a given application are consistent. Section 4identifies operation, maintenance, installation and acceptance testing functions to be controlled by the MML. Amethodology is defined by w

20、hich the semantics relating to MML functions may be generated and by which the inputs,outputs and special actions may be specified; specific Recommendations on Subscriber Administration, RoutingAdministration, Traffic Measurements Administration, and Network Management Administration are included.Se

21、ction 5 contains a summary of the terms used in Sections 1 to 4 together with short definitions to aid the readerseeking an explanation of a term.4 Organization of Section 1Section 1 consists of two Recommendations:Z.301 Introduction to the CCITT man-machine languageZ.302 The meta-language for descr

22、ibing MML syntax and dialogue procedures.Recommendation Z.302 enables the reader to interpret the diagrams used to specify MML syntax and dialogueprocedures in Sections 2 and 3.5 Basis of MMLThe MML contains features which are sufficient to ensure that all relevant functions for the operation,mainte

23、nance, installation and acceptance testing of SPC systems can be performed.The basic attributes of the language are summarized in the following:a) The MML provides a consistent interface which is easy to learn and easy to use by novices as well as byexperts, making possible the input of commands and

24、 the interpretation of outputs in a way convenient to allusers.b) The MML is flexible, allowing system design to be optimized according to the tasks to be performed. Itoffers a variety of input/output features including direct input, menus and forms.c) The MML is adaptable to different kinds of pers

25、onnel and to different national languages andorganizational requirements.d) The MML is structured to allow graceful incorporation of new technology.The MML should be sufficiently flexible to meet Administrations requirements for the organization of theiroperation and maintenance staff and for the se

26、curity of their SPC systems; it should not restrict their selection ofterminal types. The MML covers the man-machine interface including those functions that are initiated by the systemand those that are initiated by the user. It should be implemented in such a way that errors in commands or control

27、actions will not cause the system to stop, unduly alter the system configuration or take up undue resources.4 Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.3016 Input/outputAs indicated in Figure 1/Z.301, the interface being recommended is that between the user and an I/O device ordevices. These devices must at least be ca

28、pable of handling the code of the characters of the CCITT InternationalAlphabet No. 5 both for input and for visual textual output to the user. Input will normally be from a keyboard device,but for bulk input of data and/or commands, some temporary storage medium such as paper tape, cassette, disc,

29、etc.,could be used. For output, a variety of device types is possible, including paper tape punches, teletypewriters, lineprinters, visual display terminals, etc.7 Extensibility and sub-settingThe MML has an open-ended structure such that the addition of any new function or requirement will have noi

30、nfluence on the existing ones.The language structure is such that sub-sets can be created. Sub-setting may be for various purposes, e.g., staffsub-sets, in which selection is done to meet the needs of certain sections of staff; application sub-sets, in whichselection is made for convenience of application, etc.


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