ITU-T Z 341-1988 GLOSSARY OF TERMS《术语》.pdf

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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 : TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU-!.G13-!#().%G0G0,!.5!%,/33!29G0G0/ usually represented by a verb.action modifierF: modificateur dactionS: modificador de accin2 Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.341A qualification of an action.activateF: activerS: acti

2、varAn action to initiate a system process that requires preliminary data entry, or an action to make previouslyentered data set available to the system for its intended use; opposite of deactivate.additional header informationF: information supplmentaire den-tteS: informacin adicional de encabezamie

3、ntoProvides information supplementary to the to the actual output header, such as sequence number, processornumber, output device, or day of the week.additional informationF: information supplmentaireS: informacin adicionali) General information on how to proceed, e.g. how to select an item, a form,

4、 a menu or how to submit a formto the system.ii) List of possible values to be associated with one or more information entities in information structurediagrams.administrative systemF: systme dadministrationS: sistema administrativoA system which supports administration personnel in performing admin

5、istrative jobs, e.g. billing, related toSPC systems.alarm statementF: instruction dalarmeS: sentencia de alarmaA statement providing information concerning an alarm condition, such as the degree (level) of alarm or thesource of the alarm.allowF: autorisationS: permitirAn action to permit specified s

6、ystem actions, responses, or functions to occur; these functions may be inhibitedby system design or by use of the inhibit action.annotationF: annotationS: anotacinAn aspect of the drawing convention of the syntax and decomposition meta-language indicating howdescriptive or explanatory notes may be

7、presented for clarification purposes.Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.341 3annotation symbolF: symbole dannotationS: smbolo de anotacinA symbol ( n where n is a number referencing a note) used in the syntax meta-language forannotation purposes.applicationF: applicationS: aplicacinA set of functions required to

8、 perform a job.arithmetic delimiterF: dlimiteur arithmtiqueS: delimitador aritmticoA symbol used to delimit an arithmetical expression: ( (left parenthesis) for the opening delimiter and ) (rightparenthesis) for the closing delimiter.arithmetic operatorF: oprateur arithmtiqueS: operador aritmticoA s

9、ymbol used to denote the arithmetic operation(s) to be performed in an arithmetical expression. Allowedoperators are: + (plus sign), (hyphen), / (solidus), * (asterisk).arithmetical expressionF: expression arithmtiqueS: expresin aritmticaA combination of arithmetic operators, numerals (decimal, hexa

10、decimal, octal or binary) and identifiersenclosed by arithmetic delimiters.auxiliary systemF: systme auxiliaireS: sistema auxiliarA system that supports SPC systems in performing their tasks. It may be either an operation and maintenancesystem or an administrative system.Backus Naur Form (BNF)F: for

11、me de Backus Naur (FBN)S: forma Backus Naur (FBN)A syntactic meta-language for use in specifying the syntax structure of inputs and outputs of an actual man-machine interface.binary numeralF: numral binaireS: numeral binarioA numeral in the binary (base 2) numbering system, represented by the charac

12、ters 0 (zero), 1 (one) andoptionally preceded by B (B apostrophe).4 Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.341block mode transmissionF: transmission en mode blocS: transmisin en modo bloqueA transmission characteristic in which all of the regular typewriter keys and some of the special purpose keysare only transmitt

13、ed to the controlling processor, in a block, when a “send” key is activated.block of parametersF: bloc de paramtresS: bloque de parmetroA set of parameters containing information necessary for the system to perform the function specified in thecommand.border areaF: zone priphriqueS: zona de marco (

14、lateral)That part of a visible display which is physically unavailable for displaying or entering data.browseF: lectureS: hojearAn action to display sequentially the current values of items in a data set; the user may examine the data itemsin either the forward or backward direction.CCITT MMLF: LHM

15、du CCITTS: LHM del CCITTThe man-machine language (MML) developed by the International Telegraph and Telephone ConsultativeCommittee (CCITT) for stored program-controlled systems and operation and maintenance systems.changeF: modifierS: cambiarAn action to modify specified data items in a data

16、aracter mode transmissionF: transmission en mode caractreS: transmisin en modo carcterA transmission characteristic in which each and every character input at the keyboard is sent to the controllingprocessor one at a time.character setF: jeu de caractresS: juego de caracteresThe finite set of differ

17、ent characters used in CCITT MML.Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.341 5circuitF: circuitS: circuitoConnection between two exchanges for one call at a time, including the junctors that terminate the circuit.circuit groupF: faisceau de circuitsS: haz de circuitosThe set of all switched circuits which directly in

18、terconnect one exchange with another.circuit subgroupF: sous-faisceau de circuitsS: subhaz de circuitosA group of circuit within a circuit group which are uniquely identifiable for operational or technical reasons. Acircuit group may consist of one or more circuit subgroups.circuit subgroupF: sous-g

19、roupe de circuitsS: subhaz de circuitosGroup of circuits between two exchanges having the same traffic direction (incoming, outgoing, bidirectional),the same signalling characteristics and the same transmission medium characteristics.clarifying textF: texte explicatifS: texto aclaratorioA set of inf

20、ormation units used to make the purpose and content of the output clearer.class A functionF: fonction de la classe AS: funcin de clase AA function which provides the user with the means to control system functions via MML inputs and outputs;also known as an MML function. It can be viewed as an actio

21、n upon an object.class B functionF: fonction de la classe BS: funcin de clase BA function which can be controlled at least partially by the user by means of class A (or MML) functions.class C functionF: fonction de la classe CS: funcin de clase CA function which is not controllable by the user in a

22、given mandF: commande6 Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.341S: instruccinThe complete specification of a function that the system is required to perform. It comprises a command codefollowed generally (but not necessarily) by one or more blocks of mand codeF: code de commandeS: cdigo de instruccinA set of up to

23、3 identifiers, each separated by a - (hyphen), used to define the nature of the mand entry sequenceF: squence dintroduction de commandeS: secuencia de introduccin de instruccinThe sequence of operations required to input a command or a series of mand referenceF: rfrence de commandeS: referencia de i

24、nstruccinA reference to a previously given command, appearing in output outside dialogue and dialogue procedures, inthe form of a command sequence number and, possibly, clarifying mand sequence numberF: numro de squence de commandeS: nmero secuencial de instruccinA reference number uniquely identify

25、ing a command recognized by the mentF: commentaireS: comentarioA character string enclosed between the separators /* (solidus asterisk) and */ (asterisk solidus). It has noMML syntactical or semantical ponentF: composantS: componenteA decomposition meta-language symbol for an information entity that

26、 cannot be divided posite partF: partie compositeS: parte compuestaA decomposition meta-language symbol for an information entity that can be divided into smaller pound parameter argumentF: argument de caractre composS: argumento de parmetro compuestoFascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.341 7A parameter argument m

27、ade up of more than one information unit. It is used to specify a multidimensionalobject or value, e.g. a date can be expressed as 1979-12-31.concealmentF: masquageS: ocultacinA video attribute by which information is hidden, e.g. secret parts of a password.conditionF: conditionS: condicinAn identif

28、ier and a (group of) parameter argument(s) separated by a relational operator. Used in data basequeries.connectivity rulesF: rgles de connectivitS: reglas de conectividadAn aspect of the drawing convention of the decomposition meta-language indicating symbol interrelationship.connectorF: connecteurS

29、: conectorAn aspect of the drawing convention of the decomposition meta-language indicating how flowlines may bebroken.continuation characterF: caractre suiteS: carcter de continuacinA special execution character implying a similar command code for the next command and hence allowing thesystem to pr

30、ompt directly for the next block of parameters.control characterF: caractre de commandeS: carcter de controlA character whose occurrence in a particular context initiates, modifies, or stops an action that affects therecording, processing or interpretation of data.control functionsF: fonctions de co

31、mmandeS: funciones de controlFunctions related to the man-machine interface that are applied by the user independently while in a dialoguewith the system application functions. Control functions have no direct impact on the system functions.control keyF: touche de commandeS: tecla de control8 Fascic

32、le X.7 - Rec. Z.341A key which when pressed performs a control function.correction characterF: caractre de correctionS: carcter de correccinA character used to invoke correction facilities prior to analysis of input by the system.cursor control functionsF: fonctions de commande de curseurS: funcione

33、s de control de cursorFunctions influencing the position or movement of the cursor.createF: crerS: crearAn action to establish in the system a new data set; opposite of delete.cursorF: curseurS: cursorThe item in the display area which identifies the position appropriate to the task at hand, e.g. wh

34、ere the nextcharacter will setF: ensemble de donnesS: conjunto de datosA user-accessible set of one or more data items characterized by a particular use and also by the constraints ondata format and/or values that make it suitable for this use.deactivateF: dsactiverS: desactivarAn action

35、 to terminate a system process initiated by an activate action, or an action to make a data setunavailable for use by the system; opposite of activate.decimal numeralF: numral dcimalS: numeral decimalA numeral in the decimal (base 10) numbering system, represented by the characters 0 (zero), 1, 2, 3

36、, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9 optionally preceded by D (D apostrophe).decomposition meta-languageF: mtalangage de subdivisionS: metalenguaje de descomposicinA graphical meta-language to describe the structure of the information entities associated with an MMLfunction.Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.341 9default optionF:

37、option par dfautS: opcin por defectoA symbol of the decomposition meta-language which indicates that the value taken by an information entitywill be provided automatically if the user does not supply a value in the input for such an information entity.default valueF: valeur par dfautS: valor por def

38、ectoThe value given to any parameter by the system in the absence of a specific value in the users input.deleteF: suppressionS: borrarAn action to eliminate a data set from the system; opposite of create.delimiterF: dlimiteurS: delimitadorA character that organizes and separates items of data.destin

39、ation identifierF: identificateur de destinationS: identificador de destinoIdentifies, after input, the system (destination) that, from the users perspective, becomes the new partner in adialogue.destination prologueF: prologue de destinationS: prlogo de destinoAn operating sequence causing subseque

40、nt inputs to be processed in the system defined by the destinationidentifier.dialogueF: dialogueS: dilogoSee dialogue procedure.dialogue elementF: lment de dialogueS: elemento de dilogoElement of a set of three types of information entry in a man-machine communication: viz. direct informationentry,

41、information entry through menu-item selection or through form filling.10 Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.341dialogue procedureF: procdure de dialogueS: procedimiento de dilogoThe complete interactive procedure for interchanging data between user and system comprising procedureprologue, procedure body and proc

42、edure epilogue. In the Z.300-series Recommendations, the terms dialogue anddialogue procedure are interchangeable.digitF: chiffreS: cifra; digitoA character of the character set representing an integer listed in Table 1/Z.314, column 3, positions 0 (zero)to information entryF: introduction

43、directe dinformationS: introduccin directa de informacinA dialogue element whereby the input of a command or destination identifier is done without the aid of menusand/or forms.directiveF: directiveS: directrizInput to direct the system to present information rather than to execute a command; can al

44、so be used in theinteraction between the user and system prior to command execution. Directives can never cause any change in thestate of the system.display areaF: zone de visualisationS: zona de visualizacinThat part of a visible display which is available for displaying or entering data.displayed

45、formF: formulaire affichS: formulario visualizadoA form filled out and displayed by the system upon request by the user.documents A through GF: documents A GS: documentos A a GSpecially formatted information generated during various phases of the methodology for the specification of theman-machine i

46、nterface.drawing conventionF: convention de tracS: convenio de representacinFascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.341 11A set of rules provided by the decomposition meta-language to indicate the allowed use of the symbols andtheir interconnection.editF: diterS: editarAn action to display a specified data set and su

47、bsequently to modify the data set.end of dialogueF: fin de dialogueS: fin de dilogoThe indication that dialogue has finished.end of input indicationF: fin dindication dentreS: fin de indicacin de entradaAn indication to mark the end of input in order to have the information interpreted by the system

48、.end of outputF: fin de sortieS: fin de salidaThe indication that output outside dialogue has finished.end statementF: instruction de finS: sentencia de finTerminates output information from the system in an operating sequence where termination is not obvious.error correctionF: correction derreurS:

49、correccin de errorThe activity of correcting input which has been offered to but not accepted by the system.escape indicationF: indication dchappementS: indicacin de escapeA mechanism to indicate that following character(s) are not to be interpreted according to the normal syntaxrules.exchangeF: centralS: centralSPC switching system.12 Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.341exchange group


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