1、 KS A ISO 20462 1KSKSKSKSSKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 1: KS A ISO 20462 1 : 2007 2007 11 30 http:/www.kats.go.krKS A ISO 20462 1: 2007 : () ( ) () ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2007 11 30 2007-1136 : : ( 02-509-7278) (http:/www.kats.go.kr ). 10 5 , . KS A ISO 20462 1 : 2007 1: PhotographyP
2、sychophysical experimental methods for estimating image qualityPart 1:Overview of psychophysical elements 2005 1 ISO 20462 1, Photography Psychophysical experimental methods for estimating image quality Part 1: Overview of psychophysical elements . 1 1 . a) ( ) b) , c) . 2 . . ( ) . ISO 3664, Viewin
3、g conditions Graphic technology and photography 3 . 3.1 (artefactual attribute) (aliasing) . (defect) (impairment) . KS A ISO 20462 1: 2007 2 3.2 (attribute) , , (3.1) (3.12) , / , , , , . 3.3 (attribute just noticeable difference) JND . 1: 1 75:25 JND(3.14) . 1 , 1: 1 (MTF, Modulation Transfer Func
4、tion) JND . MTF 1: 1 MTF . 1: 1 B . 2 JND 75: 25 ( MTF ) . 3 JND . JND . 3 JND . 3.4 (categorical sort method) . (記述語 ) . (quantization) JND . JND . , , , , , JND . 3.5 (image quality) 3 . 3.6 (instructions) KS A ISO 20462 1: 2007 3 3.7 (just noticeable difference) JND 1: 1 75: 25 JND(3.3) JND(3.14)
5、 3.8 (magnitude estimation method) . , JND . ( ) JND . 3.9 (multivariate) 3.10 (observer) 3.11 1: 1 (paired comparison method) 1: 1 . a) (N N(N 1)/2 1: 1 ). b) 1.5 JND . ( ) . 1: 1 (JND ) , . 3.12 (preferential attribute) . . . . (just noticeable difference) noticeable KS A ISO 20462 1: 2007 4 . , .
6、 1: 1 75: 25 JND . JND 1: 1 . 3.13 (psychophysical method) JND (3.4), (3.8), 1: 1 (3.11), (3.15), (3.16), (3.24) 3.14 (quality just noticeable difference) JND , 1: 1 75: 25 . 1 JND(3.3) 2 JND , JND . JND . JND , (量 ) . JND JND . JND . 3.15 (quality ruler method) KS M ISO 20462 3 JND KS M ISO 20462 3
7、 . 3.16 (rank ordering method) 3.17 (reference stimulus, ) JND 3.18 (scene) KS A ISO 20462 1: 2007 5 . . 3.19 (Standard Quality Scale) SQS KS M ISO 20462 3 a) . b) JND . c) 0 . 3.20 (stimulus, ) ( ) ( ) 3.21 (suppression) , JND . 3.22 (test stimulus, ) 3.23 (treatment) ( ) , , (: ) . . . . 3.24 (tri
8、plet comparison) KS A ISO 20462 1: 2007 6 KS M ISO 20462 2 . 3.25 (univariate) 4 4.1 , , . . . . . 15 % . 10 (20 ) . . ( ) , , . 4.2 ( ). . ( ) ( ) ( ) . . KS M ISO 20462 3 . . . 4.3 . . . . . 1 KS A ISO 20462 1: 2007 7 . . 2 . JND . , ( ) . . 4.4 ISO 3664 2. . a) 375 2 500 . 1 ISO 3664 (P2) 375 625
9、 , (P1) 1 500 2 500 , . b) . 2 ISO 3664 . c) (CRI-Color Rendering Index) 80 (MI-Metamerism Index) C (Visual) 4 (UV) . . 3 (CRI) 90 ISO 3664 . . . d) , u,v D65 D50 60 cd/m2 75 cd/m2 . 4 ISO 3664 75 cd/m2 . ( ) ( , ) ( ) . ISO 3664 . . . 5 . (bias) (tristimulus value), , , . . KS A ISO 20462 1: 2007 8
10、 4.5 45 60 . 60 . 4.6 JND 0.1 JND . 30 ( .) . JND JND JND . SQS (KS M ISO 20462 3) 0.1 . 1 10 , 30 . 20 , 25 % . 2 . . (intra-observer) . (inter-observer) . 4.7 1 ( ) ( ) ( , ) ( , , ) ( ) JND, JND, SQS KS A ISO 20462 1: 2007 9 A ( ) 1: 1 , , , . D . KS M ISO 20462 2 KS M ISO 20462 3 . . KS M ISO 20
11、462 2 . 1.5 JND 1.5 JND ( ) JND . N 6K 1 N 6K 3(K ) . . KS M ISO 20462 3 JND JND . . (SQS) . (JND .) ( JND) . . JND . SQS . SQS . A.1 . . KS A ISO 20462 1: 2007 10 A.1 (quantization) (SQS) JND (quantization) KS A ISO 20462 1: 2007 11 B ( ) , 1: 1 JND Thurstone11 (知覺 ) . . . 1: 1 . , . #1 7.0 #2 9.0 . #1 . . 2.0 ( ) #2 ( ) #1 #2 . , ( ) . #1 #2 7 9 2 (22 22)1/22.8 ( 2.0/2.80.70 ).