KS A ISO 26430-1-2010 Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations-Part 1:Key delivery message《数字电影(D-影院)指令操作码 第1部分 键传递信息》.pdf

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KS A ISO 26430-1-2010 Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations-Part 1:Key delivery message《数字电影(D-影院)指令操作码 第1部分 键传递信息》.pdf_第1页
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KS A ISO 26430-1-2010 Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations-Part 1:Key delivery message《数字电影(D-影院)指令操作码 第1部分 键传递信息》.pdf_第2页
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KS A ISO 26430-1-2010 Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations-Part 1:Key delivery message《数字电影(D-影院)指令操作码 第1部分 键传递信息》.pdf_第3页
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KS A ISO 26430-1-2010 Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations-Part 1:Key delivery message《数字电影(D-影院)指令操作码 第1部分 键传递信息》.pdf_第4页
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KS A ISO 26430-1-2010 Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations-Part 1:Key delivery message《数字电影(D-影院)指令操作码 第1部分 键传递信息》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS A ISO 26430 1 (D- ) 1: KS A ISO 26430 1:2010 2010 12 28 http:/www.kats.go.krKS A ISO 26430 1:2010 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2010 12 28 2010-0661 : : ( 02-509-7278) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS A ISO 26430 1:2010 i .1 1 1 2 1 3 2

2、 4 KDM ( ).2 4.1 KDM .2 4.2 KDM XML 4 5 .5 5.1 MessageType .5 5.2 RequiredExtentions 5 5.3 NonCriticalExtensions 9 6 .9 6.1 EncryptedKey .10 6.2 EncryptedData11 7 .11 A( ) .12 B( ) 13 C( ) KDM XML 14 1 KDM .3 2 CPL KDM 4 3 KDMREQUIREDEXTENSIONS ( ) .6 4 KDM AUTHENTICATEDPRIVATE .10 KDMRequiredExtens

3、ions ( ) AuthenticatedPrivate KS A ISO 26430 1:2010 (D- ) 1: Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations Part 1: Key delivery message 2008 1 ISO 26430 1, Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations Part 1: Key delivery message , . 1 “ ”(KDM) . KDM (: , ). KDM . (CPL) / (TDL) KDM (ETM) ETM . XML . KDM XML . KDM X.50

4、9 , . “” . 2 . . ( ) . KLV SMPTE 429-6-2006, D-Cinema Packaging MXF Track File Essence Encryption D-Cinema Digital Certificate SMPTE 430-2-2006, D-Cinema Operations Digital Certificate ETM SMPTE 430-3-2006, D-Cinema Operations Generic Extra Theater Message Format RFC2253 Lightweight Directory Access

5、 Protocol (v3): UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished Names, December 1997. See: http:/www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2253.txt Time UTC, RFC 3339: Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps. G. Klyne and C. Newman. KS A ISO 26430 1:2010 2 Informational, July 2002. See: http:/ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt UUID

6、 “A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) URN Namespace” July 2005. See :http:/www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt 3 . AES(Advanced Encryption Standard secret key algorithm): . FIPS-197 ASN.1(Abstract Syntax Notation.1): 1 Base64(A printable encoding of binary data): 2 . Base64 DES(Data Encryption Standard)

7、: . FIPS-46-3 ETM(Extra Theatre Message): FIPS(Federal Information Processing Standards of NIST): NIST HMAC-SHA-1(Hash-based Message Authentication Code based on SHA-1): SHA-1 . FIPS-198 IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force Standards group): IP(Internet Protocol): . IETF ISO(International Standards

8、Organization): KEK(Key Encrypting Key): LE(Link Encryptor): LD(Link Decryptor): MD(Media Decryptor): NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technologies): OAEP(Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Pattern): . PKCS1 RO(Rights Owner): RSA(Rivest Shamir Adleman public key algorithm): SE(Security Entity): .

9、SHA-1(Secure Hash Algorithm revision 1): 1. FIPS-180-2 SHA-256(Secure Hash Algorithm with 256 bits): . FIPS-180-2 SM(Security Manager): S/MIME(Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension): SPB(Secure Processing Block): TCP(Transmission Control Protocol): TDES(Triple Data Encryption Standard): 3 . FI

10、PS-43-3 TLS(Tansport Layer Security Protocol): . Rescorla TMS(Theatre Management System): X.509: XML(Extensible Markup Language): 4 KDM ( ) 4.1 KDM KDM . (KDM) . KS A ISO 26430 1:2010 3 1. 2. , , . KDM . KDM 1 . KDM . . KDM . KDM (: ). KDM KDM . KDM XML , XML . KDM RSA ( ) , . 1 KDM KDM ETM XML . KD

11、M , ETM . KDM CPL 2 . Recipient Issuer TDL TDL Recipient Issuer KS A ISO 26430 1:2010 4 2 CPL KDM CPL CPL XML “Id” UUID . CPL “Id” . , CPL . KDM CPL UUID “CPLId” . CPL “KeyId” UUID . KDM KeyId . KDM KeyId KDM . ( KeyId) KDM , ( ) . 4.2 KDM XML XML . KDM XML C . XML ETM . KDM ETM , ETM RequiredExtent

12、ions KDMRequiredExtentions , ETM AuthenticatedPrivate . KDMRequiredExtention , KDM . KDM Key Id . AuthenticatedPrivate EncryptedKey . RSA Key Id . ETM EncryptedData KDM . KDM EncryptedKey RSA . KS A ISO 26430 1:2010 5 ETM Signature , AuthenticatedPublic AuthenticatedPrivate ( ) . . KDM ( Composition

13、PlayListId) , CPL KDM . KDM . 5 KDM RequiredExtentions KDMRequiredExtentions ( 4 ) ETM . C . ETM, KDM RequiredExtensions , . , . XML “public” . , (: ). . 5.1 MessageType MessageType ETM . KDM URI . http:/www.smpte-ra.org/430-1/2006/KDM#KDM-key-type 5.2 RequiredExtentions C 3 KDM RequiredExtensions K

14、DMRequiredExtensions . KDMRequiredExtensions . 5.2.1 Recipient Recipient KDM / . KDM AuthenticatedPrivate . X.509 (IssuerName) , (SerialNumber) . KDM X.509SubjectName Recipient . X509IssuerName RFC 2253 RFC 2253 . 5.2.2 CompositionPlaylistId (: CompositionPlaylist) . XMLUUID “urn:uuid:” 128- UUID .

15、RSA EncryptedKey KS A ISO 26430 1:2010 6 . EncryptedKey . 5.2.3 ContentTitleText ContentTitleText (: ). . ISO 3166 , . . 3 KDMRequiredExtensions 5.2.4 ContentAuthenticator( ) ( , CompositionPlaylistCPL) . KDM ( ) . RequiredExtentions . 1 , CPL . CPL KDMKS A ISO 26430 1:2010 7 . 2 (: .) . ( ), . . 3

16、CPL . 5.2.5 AuthorizedDeviceInfo . KDM . AuthorizedDeviceInfo KDM . (a) (: , , ) (b) . DeviceListIdentifier . Authorized DeviceInfo . . DeviceListDescription( ) DeviceListDescription (: XXX 2006 6 20 .) . . ISO 3166 , . . DeviceList DeviceList . KDM . . 5.2.6 ContentKeysNotVa

17、lidBefore KDM . RFC 3339 (Universal Coordinated Time) . . KDM (: ). KS A ISO 26430 1:2010 8 RSA . . RSA . 5.2.7 ContentKeysNotValidAfter KDM . RFC 3339 . . KDM (: ). RSA . . RSA . 5.2.8 KeyIdList TypedKeyId , . RSA EncryptedKey (6.1 ) . EncryptedKey . KeyId XML UUID , “urn:uuid:” 128- UUID .

18、 KeyId . CompositionPlaylistId . KLV , UUID . TypedKeyId TypedKeyId KeyType KeyId . KeyType , . KeyType (: , ) . KeyId . KeyType KeyId . KeyType 52 ASCII / A-Z(0x41-0x5A) a-z(0x61-0x7A) 4 . KeyType “scope” . 4 KeyType URI . scope URI “http:/www.smpte-ra.org/430-1/2006/KDM#kdmkey-type

19、” . URI KeyType . KS A ISO 26430 1:2010 9 (16 ) 4D.44.49.4B “MDIK” 4D.44.41.4B “MDAK” 4D.44.53.4B “MDSK” 46.4D.49.4B “FMIK” 46.4D.41.4B “FMAK” . . 5.2.9 ForensicMarkFlagList( ) , ForensicMarkFlag , . ForensicMarkFlag . ForensicMarkFlag ForensicMarkFlag KDM KeyType URI . . URI http:/www.smpte

20、-ra.org/430-1/2006/KDM#mrkflg-picture-disableKeyType “MDIK” . http:/www.smpte-ra.org/430-1/2006/KDM#mrkflg-audio-disable KeyType “MDAK” . 5.3 NonCriticalExtensions ETM . . . 6 AuthenticatedPrivate ETM . KDM . KDM , . “private” XML , , . XML . KS A ISO 26430 1:2010 10 C , 4 . 4 KDM AuthenticatedPrivate KDM . . KDM , ETM EncryptedData EncryptedKey . KDM . KDM EncryptedKey . 6.1 EncryptedKey RSA EncryptedKey . , RSA , . ETM 6.1 . EncryptedKey ETM . 6.1.1 KeyInfo ETM . KDM RequiredExtensions Recipient KDM

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