KS C IEC 60709-2012 Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control systems important to safety-Separation《反应堆防护系统内部的隔离》.pdf

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KS C IEC 60709-2012 Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control systems important to safety-Separation《反应堆防护系统内部的隔离》.pdf_第1页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS C IEC 60709 KS C IEC 60709:2012 2012 11 23 http:/www.kats.go.krKS C IEC 60709:2012 : ( ) ( ) () ( ) : () () ( ) () () () ( ) () () : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2004 6 30 :2012 11 23 2012-0226 : :() ( 02-509-7270) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS C I

2、EC 60709:2012 i ii . iii 1 1 2 1 3 .2 4 I&C .3 4.1 .3 4.2 4 4.3 I&C .4 4.4 .4 4.5 5 4.6 5 4.7 .5 5 6 5.1 .6 5.2 .6 5.3 .7 5.4 8 6 8 6.1 8 6.2 .9 6.3 12 6.4 .12 6.5 .12 KS C IEC 60709:2012 ii . , , . , , . KS C IEC 60709:2012 iii 2004 2 IEC 60709, Nuclear power plants Instrumentation and control syst

3、ems important to safety Separation . KS C IEC 60709:2012 Nuclear power plants Instrumentation and control systems important to safety Separation 1 IAEA Safety Guide NS-G-1.3 (I&C) . I&C (: ) . 6. I&C (cabling) . I&C I&C . , . IAEA KS C IEC 61513 , . I&C . . 2 . . ( ) . KS C IEC 60332( ), KS C IEC 60

4、964, KS C IEC 61000( ), (EMC) KS C IEC 61226, KS C IEC 61513, IEC 61000 6-5, Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) Part 6-5: Generic standards Immunity for power station and substation environments IEC 62096, Nuclear power plants Instrumentation and control Guidance for the decision on modernization IA

5、EA Safety Guide NS-G-1.3, Instrumentation and Control Systems Important to Safety in Nuclear Power KS C IEC 60709:2012 2 Plants 3 . 3.1 (associated circuit) , , , 3.2 (barrier) I&C / / 3.3 (cable route) , . , , , . 3.4 (common cause failure) CCF , IAEA NS-G-1.3 3.5 (isolation device) 3.6 (postulated

6、 initiating event) PIE . IAEA NS-G-1.3 3.7 (redundancy) , , ( ) , . IAEA NS-G-1.3 3.8 (safety group) KS C IEC 60709:2012 3 IAEA NS-G-1.3 4 I&C 4.1 KS C IEC 61226 . . I&C . . , A B A . I&C ( ) . A . a) b) I&C I&C . A , . B . a) b) I&C , I&C . B , A . , . C . . . . a) b) c) . KS C IEC 60709:2012 4 PIE

7、 I&C , , ( , , ). I&C . . 4.2 I&C . (: , ) . . 4.3 I&C I&C . , . I&C . I&C . 4.3.1 I&C ( , ) , , , , , . , / , , , , . 4.3.2 (: , , ) . , . 4.4 I&C . , . . 4.4.1 (: , , , ) . . . 4.4.2 ( ) (EMI) KS C IEC 60709:2012 5 I&C . . I&C , . EMI I&C CCF . I&C EMI CCF . KS C IEC 61000 EMI . 4.4.3 , , PIE, , ,

8、 , / , , / / / / , . 4.4.4 PIE . 4.5 I&C . . 4.5.1 , , , , , . 4.5.2 , , , . 4.6 , , , PIE . 4.7 I&C , . , . . . I&C . I&C KS C IEC 60709:2012 6 . . . (: , , I&C ). . I&C I&C ( I&C EMI , ) , I&C IEC 62096 . 5 I&C 4. . 5.1 6. . . I&C . I&C . I&C . , . a) , . b) . 5.2 I&C 4.4 4.5 KS C IEC 60709:2012 7

9、 . 5.3 5.3.1 A A ( ). A . , A A . 5.3.2 . A . 5.3.2 . a) b) c) A A AC/DC d) . IEC 61000 6-5 IEC 61000 6-5 EMI . 5.3.3 A , A . A A . A . A A , , , . B C , . . B A , KS C IEC 60709:2012 8 . , . 5.4 ( ) A , A . . ( ) A . A , A 2 . , . , . , (majority voting coincidence) , (trade-off) (4.7 ). / . , . ,

10、. , , . . , . . . , . 6 6.1 KS C IEC 60709:2012 9 A 4. A . B 4.2 4.3 B . 4.4 4.5 B , (4.) . . 6.2 , , . 6.2.1 I&C I&C . , , , . , , , , . I&C (: , , , 4.3 ), . 30 cm 80 cm . , . (: , , 4.4 4.5 ), / . 6.2.2 6.2.1 . , , , . (: ) (: ) . 6.2.3 KS C IEC 61226 , . A (: ). , A . “ ” , . , C B , . A . A . a) A b) A KS C IEC 60709:2012 10 c) ( ) A d) ( ) e) A . 1) A ( A ), A . A A , A . 2) A 1) . A A . 3) A

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