KS C IEC 62003-2012 Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control important to safety-Requirements for electromagnetic compatibility testing《核电站 安全重要等级测量及控制 电磁兼容性试验条件》.pdf

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KS C IEC 62003-2012 Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control important to safety-Requirements for electromagnetic compatibility testing《核电站 安全重要等级测量及控制 电磁兼容性试验条件》.pdf_第1页
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KS C IEC 62003-2012 Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control important to safety-Requirements for electromagnetic compatibility testing《核电站 安全重要等级测量及控制 电磁兼容性试验条件》.pdf_第2页
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KS C IEC 62003-2012 Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control important to safety-Requirements for electromagnetic compatibility testing《核电站 安全重要等级测量及控制 电磁兼容性试验条件》.pdf_第3页
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KS C IEC 62003-2012 Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control important to safety-Requirements for electromagnetic compatibility testing《核电站 安全重要等级测量及控制 电磁兼容性试验条件》.pdf_第4页
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KS C IEC 62003-2012 Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control important to safety-Requirements for electromagnetic compatibility testing《核电站 安全重要等级测量及控制 电磁兼容性试验条件》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS C IEC 62003 KS C IEC 62003:2012 2012 12 12 http:/www.kats.go.krKS C IEC 62003:2012 : ( ) ( ) () ( ) : () () ( ) () () () ( ) () () : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2012 12 12 2012-0698 : :() ( 02-509-7270) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS C IEC 62003:20

2、12 i . iii . iv 1 1 2 1 3 .2 4 8 4.1 .8 4.2 EMC 9 5 18 5.1 .18 5.2 .19 6 .19 A( ) I&C 20 B( ) I&C 21 C( ) I&C 24 D( ) I&C .25 E( ) .26 28 1 6 1 I&C 9 2 10 3 , , .11 4 / 11 5 12 6 .12 7 .13 8 13 9 .14 10 .14 11 15 12 0 Hz 150 kHz .15 13 16 KS C IEC 62003:2012 ii 14 3 ( , %)16 15 3 ( , %)17 16 ( , %).

3、17 17 ( , %) .17 18 .18 A.1 I&C .20 B.1 I&C ( 1 )21 E.1 I&C 30 m26 E.2 I&C 27 KS C IEC 62003:2012 iii . . , , . , , . KS C IEC 62003:2012 iv 2009 1 IEC 62003, Nuclear power plants Instrumentation and control important to safety Requirements for electromagnetic compatibility testing . KS C IEC 62003:

4、2012 Nuclear power plants Instrumentation and control important to safety Requirements for electromagnetic compatibility testing 1 (EMC) . IEC ( IEC 61000 ) , . . EMC . 2 . . ( ) . KS C IEC 61000 4-2, (EMC) 4-2: KS C IEC 61000 4-3, (EMC) 4-3: KS C IEC 61000 4-4, (EMC) 4-4: KS C IEC 61000 4-5, (EMC)

5、4-5: KS C IEC 61000 4-6, (EMC) 4-6: KS C IEC 61000 4-8, (EMC) 4-8: KS C IEC 61000 4-9, (EMC) 4: 9: EMC KS C IEC 61000 4-10, (EMC) 4: 10: KS C IEC 61000 4-11, (EMC) 4-11: , KS C IEC 61000 4-12, (EMC) 4-12: KS C IEC 61000 4-13, (EMC) 4-13: , KS C IEC 62003:2012 2 KS C IEC 61000 4-14, (EMC) 4-14: 16 A

6、KS C IEC 61000 4-16, (EMC) 4-16: 0 Hz 150 kHz KS C IEC 61000 4-28, (EMC) 4-28: 16 A CISPR 11, Industrial, scientific and medical(ISM) radio-frequency equipment Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics Limits and methods of measurement CISPR 22, Information technology equipment Radio disturbance c

7、haracteristics Limits and methods of measurement 3 . IEC International Electrotechnical Vocabulary(IEV) IEC , . I&C . 3.1 (acceptance criteria) , IAEA : 2007 3.2 ( ) (cable) port KS C IEC 61000 6-2 3.3 (common mode voltage) ( ) IEV 161 04 09 3.4 ( ) (communication) port EUT / KS C IEC 60255 22-5 3.5

8、 (conducted emission) / KS C IEC 62003:2012 3 IEC 61967 1: 2002 3.6 (conducted susceptibility) KS C IEC 61000 1-5 3.7 (continuous wave) , KS C IEC 61000 2-13 3.8 ( ) (control) port IEC 60728 2: 2002 3.9 ( ) damped alternating (oscillatory) voltage ( ) , (0) IEC 60060 3: 2006 3.10 (differential mode

9、voltage) IEV 161 04 08 3.11 (electric field) Fr Er. Fr Er q . EqFrr= Fr: (N) . q : (C) . Er: (V/m) . KS C IEC 62209 1 3.12 (electric field strength) (V/m) KS C IEC 61000 4-23: 2000 KS C IEC 62003:2012 4 3.13 (electromagnetic compatibility, EMC) , IEV 161 01 07 3.14 (electromagnetic disturbance) , IE

10、V 161 01 05 3.15 (electromagnetic environment) IEV 161 01 01 3.16 (electromagnetic) immunity (to a disturbance) , IEV 161 01 20 3.17 (electromagnetic radiation) IEV 161 01 10 3.18 (electromagnetic wave) KS C IEC 61000 4-3 3.19 (electrostatic discharge) IEV 161 01 22 3.20 ( ) (EM surge) burst IEV 161

11、 02 07 KS C IEC 62003:2012 5 3.21 ( ) (enclosure) port , . . KS C IEC 61000 6-6 3.22 (equipment under test, EUT) , . KS C IEC 61000 4-25 3.23 ( ) (functional earth) port , , KS C IEC 61000 6-6 3.24 (harmonic component) IEC 62310 2: 2006 3.25 (harmonic distortion) . ( ) . , . IEC 60679 1, 3.2.30 3.26

12、 (immunity test level) KS C IEC 61000 4-25 3.27 (interharmonic frequency) KS C IEC 61000 2-2, 3.2.5 3.28 (interruption threshold); (phase) KS C IEC 62003:2012 6 KS C IEC 61000 2-8: 2002 3.29 (magnetic field) Br ( ) Mr MBHrrr= Hr: (A/m) Br: (T) : ( )(H/m) Mr: (A/m) KS C IEC 62209 1 3.30 (magnetic fie

13、ld strength) , KS C IEC 61000 4-23 3.31 (port) EUT KS C IEC 61000 4-12 1 3.32 ( ) (power) port KS C IEC 61000 6-6 AC DC KS C IEC 62003:2012 7 3.33 (pulse) KS C IEC 61000 2-13 3.34 (radiated emission) KS C IEC 61000 4-21 3.35 (radiated susceptibility) KS C IEC 61000 1-5 3.36 (radiofrequency) KS C IEC

14、 61000 4-23 3.37 (short interruption) 1 , 80 % . KS C IEC 61000 4-29 3.38 ( ) (signal) port . (I/O) , . KS C IEC 61000 6-6 3.39 (voltage surge) , IEV 161 8 11 3.40 (transient) 2 . KS C IEC 62003:2012 8 IEV 161 02 01 3.41 (voltage dip) ms IEV 161 08 10 3.42 (voltage fluctuation) KS C IEC 61000 3-3 3.

15、43 (voltage variation) . . KS C IEC 61000 4-29 4 4.1 (I&C) . a) n) . , . . a) b) , , c) / d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) 0 Hz 150 Hz l) m) n) I&C . KS C IEC 62003:2012 9 E . a) n) I&C . I&C 1 . B . . I&C , I&C I, II, III IV . . . 1 I&C I II III IV I&C B . I&C a) n) . I&C , , , . I&C A A B(C) . I&C , . 4.2

16、EMC 4.2.1 EMC , 4.1 a) n) I, II, III IV I&C . EMC EMC . EMC I&C , . KS C IEC 61000 4-5 . . I&C KS C IEC 61000 4-5 / (: AC , DC , ) 2 . KS C IEC 62003:2012 10 2 I&C I II III IV kVa kVa kVa kVaAC / : ( ) 0.5 1 2 ( ) 0.5 1 2 4 DC / : ( ) 0.5b1b ( ) 1b2b , : 0.5c1c2ca( )

17、 AC DC , , , KS C IEC 61000 4-5 . b 10 m . c 3 m . KS C IEC 61000 4-11 , . I&C AC (voltage dip), KS C IEC 61000 4-11 . KS C IEC 62003:2012 11 3 , , I&C I II III IV (%Una) (DC) 50 Hz(AC) 60 Hz(AC) 70 % 200 ms 10 12 70 % 500 ms 25 30 70 % 1 000 ms 50 60 70 % 2 000 ms 100 120 (%Una) (DC) 50 Hz(

18、AC) 60 Hz(AC) 0 % 5 000 ms 250 300 0 % 5 000 ms 250 300 0 % 5 000 ms 250 300 0 % 5 000 ms 250 300 b (%Una) (DC) 50 Hz(AC) 60 Hz(AC) 120 % 200 ms 10 12 120 % 500 ms 25 30 120 % 1 000 ms 50 60 120 % 2 000 ms 100 120 aUn I&C b KS C IEC 61000 4-4 / (EFT) ( , ) I&C . / (: AC , DC , ) KS C IEC 610

19、00 4-4 / 4 . 4 / I&C I II III IV kV kV kV kV AC 0.5 1 2 4 DC 0.5 1 2 , a0.25 0.5 1 2 a 3 m . KS C IEC 62003:2012 12 KS C IEC 61000 4-2 . KS C IEC 61000 4-2 5 . 5 I&C I II III IV Kv kV kV kV 2( ) 2( ) 4( ) 4( ) 6( ) 8( ) 8( ) 15( ) KS C IEC 61000 4-3 (: , ), /TV , , . . IEC KS C 61000 4-3 I&C 80 MHz 1 000 MHz, 800 MHz 960 MHz 1 400 MHz 2 700

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