KS C IEC 62026-2-2006 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear-Controller-device interfaces(CDIs)-Part 2:Actuator sensor interface(AS-i)《低压开关装置和控制装置 控制器装置接口(CDIs) 第2部分 操动件敏感元件接口(AS-i.pdf

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KS C IEC 62026-2-2006 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear-Controller-device interfaces(CDIs)-Part 2:Actuator sensor interface(AS-i)《低压开关装置和控制装置 控制器装置接口(CDIs) 第2部分 操动件敏感元件接口(AS-i.pdf_第1页
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KS C IEC 62026-2-2006 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear-Controller-device interfaces(CDIs)-Part 2:Actuator sensor interface(AS-i)《低压开关装置和控制装置 控制器装置接口(CDIs) 第2部分 操动件敏感元件接口(AS-i.pdf_第2页
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KS C IEC 62026-2-2006 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear-Controller-device interfaces(CDIs)-Part 2:Actuator sensor interface(AS-i)《低压开关装置和控制装置 控制器装置接口(CDIs) 第2部分 操动件敏感元件接口(AS-i.pdf_第3页
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KS C IEC 62026-2-2006 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear-Controller-device interfaces(CDIs)-Part 2:Actuator sensor interface(AS-i)《低压开关装置和控制装置 控制器装置接口(CDIs) 第2部分 操动件敏感元件接口(AS-i.pdf_第4页
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KS C IEC 62026-2-2006 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear-Controller-device interfaces(CDIs)-Part 2:Actuator sensor interface(AS-i)《低压开关装置和控制装置 控制器装置接口(CDIs) 第2部分 操动件敏感元件接口(AS-i.pdf_第5页
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1、KSKSKSKS SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 2006 12 26 http:/www.kats.go.krKS C IEC 62026 2 (CDIs) 2: (AS-i) KS C IEC 62026 2: 2006 (2011 ) C IEC 62026 2: 2006 : ( ) ( ) () ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : : 2006 12 26 : 2011 12 28 2011-0694 : : ( 02-509-7294) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . C IEC

2、62026 2: 2006 i 1 1. 1 2. 1 3. , 2 3.1 (terms and definitions) 2 3.2 (symbols and abbreviations) 7 4. 8 4.1 (overview) 8 4.2 (components and interfaces) 9 5. 10 5.1 (overview) 11 5.2 (signal characteristics) 11 5.3 (power and data distribution) 13 5.4 AS-i (AS-i topology and other components) 15 5.5

3、 (communication) 17 5.6 AS-i (AS-i single transactions) 20 5.7 AS-i (AS-i combined transaction) 32 5.8 AS-i (AS-i error detection) 50 6. 51 6.1 , (instructions for installation, operati on and maintenance)51 6.2 (profiles) 51 6.3 (marking) 51 7. , 52 7.1 (normal service condition) 52 7.2 (conditions

4、 during transport and storage) 53 7.3 (mounting) 53 8. 53 8.1 AS-i (AS-i transmission medium) 53 8.2 AS-i (AS-i power supply) 56 C IEC 62026 2: 2006 ii 8.3 AS-i (AS-i repeater and other components) 58 8.4 AS-i (AS-i slave) 58 8.5 AS-i (AS-i master) 73 8.6 (EMC)(electromagnetic compatibility) 77 9. 7

5、7 9.1 (kinds of tests) 77 9.2 (test of transmission medium) 78 9.3 AS-i (test of the AS-i power supply) 78 9.4 AS-i (test of an AS-i repeater and other co mponents)84 9.5 AS-i (test of an AS-i slave) 90 9.6 AS-i (test of a AS-i master) 103 A() 117 B() 194 1 AS-i (AS-i components and interfaces) 9 2

6、(transmission coding) 11 3 (r eceiver requirements)13 4 AS-i (AS-i power supply) 13 5 (equivalent schematic of symmetrizatio n and decoupling circuit)15 6 AS-i (model of the AS-i transmission medium) 16 7 (transactions) 17 8 / (master and slave pause a s riewed from master/slave poit of view) 18 9 (

7、representation of the master pause) 18 10 (structure of a master request) 20 11 (structure of a slave response) 24 12 (: , : )structure of a data exchange request(top:standa rd address mode, bottom:extende d address mode) 24 13 ()structure of the slave response(Data_Exchange) 25 14 (: , : )structure

8、 of the Write_Parameter Request(top:standard addressing mode, botto m:extended addressing mode)25 15 ()structure of the slave respose(Write_Parameter) 25 16 (structure of the Address_Assignment Request)26 17 ()structure of the slave re sponse(Address_Assignment)26 18 IDCode1 (structure of the Write_

9、Extended_ID-Code_1 Request) 26 19 (_ID-Code_1)structure of the slave resp onse(Write_Extended_ C IEC 62026 2: 2006 iii IDCode_1) 26 20 _ (: , : ) structure of the Reset_Slave Request(top:standard addressing m ode, bottom: extended addressing mode)27 21 (_)structure of the slave response(Res et_Slave

10、) 27 22 _ (: , : ) structure of the Delete_Address Request(top:standard addressing mode, bot tom: extended addressing mode)27 23 (_)structure of the slave response(Del ete_Address)28 24 I/O_ (: , : ) structure of the Read_I/O_Configuration Request(top:standard a ddressing mode, bottom:extended addre

11、ssing mode) 28 25 (I/O_) structure of the slave response(Read_I/O_Configuration) 28 26 _ (: , : ) structure of Read_Identification_Code Request(top:standard add ressing mode, bottom: extended addressing mode)29 27 (_) structure of the slave response(Read_Identification_Code) 30 28 _ID-Code_1/2_ (: ,

12、 : ) structure of Read_Extended_ID-Code_1/2 Request(top:standard ad dressing mode, bottom: extended addressing mode)30 29 _ID-Code_1/2_ (structure of the slave response Read_Extended_ID-Code_1/2)30 30 Read_Status Request (: , : ) structure of Read_Status Request(top:standard addressing mode, bottom:

13、extended addressing mode)31 31 (_)structure of the slave response(Read_ Status)31 32 R1 (: , : ) structure of R1 request(top:sta ndard addressing mode, bottom:e xtended addressing mode) 31 33 (R1)structure of the slave response(R1) 32 34 () structure of the broadcast(reset) request 32 35 1 I/O (defi

14、nition of the I/O data bits in combined transaction type 1)33 36 1 (definition of the parameter bits in combined transaction type 1)34 37 1 Read ID, Read Diagnosis, Read Parameter (function sequence to Read ID, Read Diagnosis, Read Parameter in combined transaction type 1)37 C IEC 62026 2: 2006 iv 3

15、8 1 Write Parameter (function sequence to Write Parameter in combined transaction type 1)38 39 1 (behaviour of the slave receiving a complete parameter string from the master in combined transaction type 1) 39 40 2 I/O (definition of the I/O data bits in combined transaction type 2)40 41 2 ( )typical combined transaction type 2 signals as viewed by an oscilloscope(both data channels run idle)41 42 2 ( 10101011Bin , 01110101Bin ) typical combined transaction type 2 signals(the master transmits the byte 10101011Bin, the slave transmits 01110101Bin)42 43 3 I


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