KS D 6713-2010 Aluminium and aluminium alloy welded pipes and tubes《铝和铝合金焊接管》.pdf

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KS D 6713-2010 Aluminium and aluminium alloy welded pipes and tubes《铝和铝合金焊接管》.pdf_第1页
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1、 KSKSKSKS KSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS D 6713 KS D 6713 :2010 2010 5 3 http:/www.kats.go.krKS D 6713:2010 : ( ) ( ) ()TCT () () NS ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :1974 11 29 :2010 5 3 2010-0148 : : ( 02-509-7274) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS D 6713:2010 Aluminium and aluminium allo

2、y welded pipes and tubes 1 (strip) ( .) ( .) . 2 . . ( ) . KS B 0801, KS B 0802, KS B 0832, KS B 0833, KS B 0879, KS B 0886, KS B 1543, KS B 6751, KS D 0002, KS D 0004, , KS D 0214, KS D 0242, KS D 0272, KS D 6701, KS D 7028, KS D 7043, 3 1 . 9 , . KS D 6713:2010 2 1 1050 A 1050 TW A 1050 TWS 1100 A

3、 1100 TW A 1100 TWS 1200 A 1200 TW A 1200 TWS 3003 A 3003 TW A 3003 TWS 3203 A 3203 TW A 3203 TWS BA11 BA 11 TW BA 11 TWS BA12 BA 12 TW BA 12 TWS 5052 A 5052 TW A 5052 TWS 5154 A 5154 TW A 5154 TWS 1070 A 1070 TWA 1050 A 1050 TWA 1100 A 1100 TWA 1200 A 1200 TWA 3003 A 3003 TWA 3203 A 3203 TWA 5052 A

4、 5052 TWA 5154 A 5154 TWA 5083 A 5083 TWA a . a KS D 0004 . 4 4.1 . . a) , . b) . c) KS B 0879 7.8 c) . 4.2 4.2.1 ( , , ) 2 . , . KS D 6713:2010 3 2 a mm N/mm 2 N/mm 2 % 0.3 0.5 15 0.5 0.8 20 0.8 1.3 20 25 0 1.3 3 60 100 20 30 0.3 0.5 2 0.5 0.8 3 0.8 1.3 70 4 H 14 H 24 b 1.3 3 95 125 70 5 0.3 0.5 1

5、0.5 0.8 2 0.8 1.3 3 A 1050 TW A 1050 TWS H 18 1.3 3 125 4 0.3 0.5 15 0.5 0.8 20 0.8 1.3 25 25 0 1.3 3 75 110 25 30 0.3 0.5 2 0.5 0.8 3 0.8 1.3 95 4 H 14 H 24 b1.3 3 120 145 95 5 0.3 0.5 1 0.5 0.8 2 0.8 1.3 3 A 1100 TW A 1200 TW A 1100 TWS A 1200 TWS H 18 1.3 3 155 4 0.3 0.8 20 0.8 1.3 35 23 0 1.3 3

6、95 125 35 25 0.3 0.5 2 0.5 0.8 3 0.8 1.3 120 4 H 14 H 24 b 1.3 3 135 175 120 5 0.3 0.5 1 0.5 0.8 2 0.8 1.3 3 A 3003 TW A 3203 TW A 3003 TWS A 3203 TWS H 18 1.3 3 185 4 0.3 0.8 18 0.8 1.3 20 0 1.3 3 135 23 0.3 0.8 2 0.8 1.3 3 BA 11 TW BA 12 TW BA 11 TWS BA 12 TWS H 14 1.3 3 135 175 5 KS D 6713:2010 4

7、 2 () a mm N/mm 2 N/mm 2 % 0.3 0.5 15 0.5 0.8 16 0.8 1.3 65 18 0 1.3 3 175 215 65 19 0.3 0.5 3 0.5 0.8 4 0.8 1.3 175 4 H 14 H 24 b H 34 1.3 3 235 285 175 5 0.3 0.8 3 0.8 1.3 225 4 A 5052 TW A 5052 TWS H 18 H 38 1.3 3 275 225 4 0.5 0.8 12 0.8 1.3 75 14 0 1.3 3 205 285 75 16 0.5 0.8 4 0.8 1.3 205 4 H

8、14 H 24 b H 34 1.3 3 275 315 205 6 0.5 0.8 245 3 0.8 1.3 245 4 A 5154 TW A 5154 TWS H 18 H 38 1.3 3 315 245 4 . a KS D 0004 . b H 24 . . 4.2.2 8.1.2 , . , . 4.2.3 50 mm 8.1.3 8.1.4 , . , . 4.3 4.3.1 8.2.1 , . a) , KS D 6701 0 KS D 6713:2010 5 . b) , , 3 mm ( .) . 4.3.2 8.2.4 , KS D 0242 B . , . 4.3.

9、3 8.2.5 8.2.6 , . 5 . a) , 2 . b) 3, 4.1, 4.2 4.3 . c) 57 . , . d) 8, 9 . e) 10, 11 . KS D 6713:2010 6 3 :mm 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.5 6 8 9.52 10 12 12.7 14 15.88 16 19.05 20 22.22 25 25.4 30 31.75 35 38.1 40 45 50 50.8 60 70 76.2 80 90 101.6 KS D 6713:2010 7 4.1 :mm (A) (B) 5 6 7 8 9

10、 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40 200 8 216.3 250 10 267.4 300 12 318.5 350 14 355.6 400 16 406.4 450 18 457.2 500 20 508.0 550 22 558.8 600 24 609.6 650 26 660.4 700 28 711.2 750 30 762.0 800 32 812.8 850 34 863.6 900 36 914.4 1000 40 1016.0 1100 44 1117.6 1200 48 1219.6 1350 54 1371.6 1500 60 1524.0 (A) (B

11、) . , (A) A, (B) B . 4.2 ( ) :mm 5 10 20 40 80 (A) (B) 200 8 216.3 210.7 2.8 208.3 4 203.3 6.5 199.9 8.2 190.9 12.7 250 10 267.4 260.6 3.4 259.4 4 254.4 6.5 248.8 9.3 237.2 15.1 300 12 318.5 310.5 4 309.5 4.5 305.5 6.5 297.9 10.3 283.7 17.4KS D 6713:2010 8 4.3 ( ) :mm 7.9 a STD a XS a 40 (A) (B) 350

12、 14 355.6 339.8 7.9 336.6 9.5 330.2 12.7 333.4 11.1 400 16 406.4 390.6 7.9 387.4 9.5 381.0 12.7 381 12.7 450 18 457.2 441.4 7.9 438.2 9.5 431.8 12.7 500 20 508.2 492.2 7.9 489.0 9.5 482.6 12.7 550 22 558.8 543 7.9 539.8 9.5 533.4 12.7 600 24 609.6 593.8 7.9 590.6 9.5 584.2 12.7 650 26 660.4 644.6 7.

13、9 641.4 9.5 635.0 12.7 700 28 711.2 695.4 7.9 692.2 9.5 685.8 12.7 750 30 762.0 746.2 7.9 743.0 9.5 736.6 12.7 800 32 812.8 797 7.9 793.8 9.5 787.4 12.7 850 34 863.6 847.8 7.9 844.6 9.5 838.2 12.7 900 36 914.4 898.6 7.9 895.4 9.5 889.0 12.7 4.2 4.3 KS B 1543 .a 7.9, STD, XS . 5 :mm 1 a b 10 0.18 0.1

14、5 0.16 0.08 10 25 0.24 0.20 0.20 0.10 25 50 0.30 0.25 0.26 0.13 50 75 0.37 0.31 0.30 0.15 75 105 0.49 0.41 0.40 0.20 1 ( ) ( ) 2 . 2 . a 0, , 0.5 mm 2.5 % . b 2 .KS D 6713:2010 9 6 a :mm 1 b 0.5 0.8 0.06 0.05 0.8 1.2 0.08 0.08 1.2 2 0.10 0.10 2 3 0.15 0.13 1 ( ) ( ) 2 . 2 . a . b , 2 . 7 1 % 450A %

15、450A % 0.5 % . 8 :mm 4 m 4 m 10 m 10 m 15 m 6 7 0 10 0 13 0 6 75 5 0 8 0 10 0 75 105 6 0 9 0 11 0 . 15 12.5 15 10 KS D 6713:2010 10 9 :mm 4 m 4 m 10 m 10 m 15 m 500 A 7 0 10 0 10 0 500A 1000A 7 0 10 0 13 0 . 10 a,b :mm 1 m (L) m 10 30 30L c 10 50 3 3L 50 105 4 4L .a b 0 . c 3 m . 11 a :mm 1 m (L) m

16、200(A) 1000(A) 2 2L .a 6 KS D 6701 A 1050 P, A 1100 P, A 1200 P, A 3003 P, A 3203 P, A KS D 6713:2010 11 5052 P, A 5154 P KS D 7043 BAS 111 P, BAS 211 P , KS D 6701 A 1070 P, A 1050 P, A 1100 P, A 1200 P, A 3003 P, A 3203 P, A 5052 P, A 5154 P, A 5083 P . 7 . a) , , . b) KS D 7028 . c) , . . d) . e)

17、 , KS B 0886 , . f) 8.2.7 . g) . h) . , (groove) . 8 8.1 8.1.1 KS B 0802 . KS B 0801 11 . 11 12 . 12 1 . 1 8.1.2 50 mm 2 , 2 H . KS D 6713:2010 12 H0.75 D(D:) 2 8.1.3 KS D 0214 , 12 . 12 ( ) :mm 5 10 0.8 10 20 0.9 20 30 1.0 30 40 1.2 40 50 1.4 8.1.4 0.40.8 MPa . 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 . a) , ( 3 ). b

18、) . D H0.75D KS D 6713:2010 13 3 8.2.2 KS B 0833 , 1 . 8.2.3 , , . a) , 4 . , 3 mm . :mm a) , b) 4 , b) , , , , KS B 0832 . , R 13 . 13 R A 1070, A1050, A 1100, A 1200, A 3003, A 3203, A 5052, A 5154 2t A 5083 t 3 1 3 t: (mm) t 50 mm 50 mm 200 40 t t l 8 . .KS D 6713:2010 14 8.2.4 . a) KS D 0242 . b

19、) KS D 0272 B . 8.2.5 1.5 10 . 8.2.6 1.1 10 . 8.2.7 , KS B 6751 . 9 9.1 . a) , 8.1 4. 5. . b) , , 1 000 kg 1 1 . c) . d) KS D 0002 . 9.2 . a) . , . b) , 8.2 4. 5. . c) . 1) 60 m 1 . 2) 14 . KS D 6713:2010 15 14 1 20 mm 1 20 mm 1 20 mm 2 d) . e) . f) . g) KS D 0002 . 10 1 11 1 . a) b) 1)c) d) 1 . 1 a 1050 0 340410 1100 0 340410 1200 0 340410 3003 0 410 3203 0 410 5052 0 340410 5154 0 340410 a KS D 0004 . 1) . 300A6 12B6 153787 1 92 3(13) (02)26240114 (02)26240148

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