KS E 3001-2006 Methods for determination of copper in ores《矿石的铜量测定方法》.pdf

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1、 KSKSKSKS SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 2006 12 21 KS E 3001 KS E 3001: 2006 E 3001: 2006 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) : : 1963 9 20 : 2006 12 21 2006 0838 : : ( ) ( 02 509 7275 7) . 7 5 , . ICS 73.060.01 KS E 3001: 2006Methods for determination of copper in ores 1991 1 ISO 9599 Copper, lead and zinc sulfide

2、concentratesDetermination of hygroscopic moisture in the analysis sample Gravimetric method, 1994 1 ISO 10258 Copper sulfide concentrates Determination of copper content Titrimetric methods ISO 10469 Copper sulfide concentrates Determination of copper content Electrogravimetric method . 1. . , . . I

3、SO 9599: 1991 Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates Determination of hygroscopic moisture in the analysis sample Gravimetric method ISO 10258: 1994 Copper sulfide concentrates Determination of copper content Titrimetric methods ISO 10469: 1994 Copper sulfide concentrates Determination of copper

4、 content Electrogravimetric method 2. . . KS A 3251 1 1: KS A ISO 5725 1 ( ) 1: KS E 3907 KS E 3908 , KS L 2303 KS M 0001 KS M 0012 KS M 0016 KS M 0028 3. KS M 0001, KS M 0012, KS M 0016 KS M 0028 . 4. 4.1 4.2 , . E 3001: 2006 2 a) 1 2 . b) A A . 1) ( 20 g .) (1055) 1 (1). 2) (1), (1055) 2 . , (m1)

5、0.1 mg (2). 3) (m2) 0.1 mg . 4) . m m1 m2 m: (g) m1: , (g) m2: (g) (1) . (2) , , 2 , . 2 0.5 mg . c) B B (3) . 1) 5 10 g ( 50 mm .) (1055) 2 . (4). 2) 0.1 mg (5). (3) . (4) , , 2 , . 2 1 mg . (5) . 5. . a) . b) 2 , KS A 3251 1 2 . c) 2 KS A ISO 5725 1 . d) 1 . E 3001: 2006 3 1 : %( ) 15 50 0.150 5 1

6、5 1550 0.080 0.150 15 50 0.150 0.010.2 1 0.213 0.006 0.040 0.055 ICP 0.010.2 1 3 0.21310 0.006 0.040 0.055 0.10 0.5 1 5 1510 0.030 0.090 0.150 6. . a) 15 %( ) 50 %( ) . b) 5 %( ) 50 %( ) . c) 15 %( ) 50 %( ) . d) 0.01 %( ) 3 %( ) . e) ICP 0.01 %( ) 10 %( ) . f) 0.5 %( ) 10 %( ) . 7. 7.1 , , . . . .

7、7.2 . a) (1:1, 1:3, 1:19) b) c) (1:1) d) E 3001: 2006 4 e) f) g) (1:1, 1:4) h) 250 mL 250 mL . i) j) (1:99) k) l) (10 g/L, 0.5 g/L) m) () n) 5 450 g 1 L . o) (III) (III) 12 43 g (1: 1) 50 mL 1 000 mL . 1 mL 5 mg . p) (300 g/L) q) (99.5) r) (100 gCu/mL) 99.99 %( ) 0.100 g , (300 mL) (1: 1) 10 mL , .

8、50 mL . 1 000 mL . 7.3 . a) 1 . b) 2 . c) 3 . d) 4 KS L 2303 300 mL . E 3001: 2006 5 : mm : mm 1 2 : mm : mm 3 4 7.4 2 g . 7.5 7.5.1 . a) (400 mL) 10 mL (1: 1) 20 mL (6) 60 70 10 . (1: 1) 20 mL : 1 1.2 mm: 120 mm . 200 E 3001: 2006 6 (7), (8), (9). b) 5 mL 10 mL . (1: 1) 5 mL 10 mL (10). c) 80 mL (1

9、1), . (5 B) (12). (A) (400 mL) . (6) , . (7) 7.2 h) . (8) 5 mL 1 mL , . (9) , , 0.01 %( ) b) . b) 7.5.2 b) 6 8 mL . , (1: 1) 15 mL . (10) 7.5.2 b) 6 8 mL . (1: 1) 15 mL . (11) 0.01 %( ) (10 g/L) 1 mL . (12) 7.5.5 7.5.6 . 7.5.2 . a) 1) 7.5.1 c) (13), (14) 150 mL , , 30 mL . (15) (5 B) , (1: 99) . (B)

10、(500 mL) . 2) (A) (1: 4) 15 mL . (A) , . (A) (1: 1) 10 mL . 100 mL , 30 mL . (15) , (1: 99) . (B) . 3) (A) , (1: 3) , (1: 19) . (1: 1) 30 mL 7.5.5 . 4) 150 mL (16), (1: 1) 10 mL E 3001: 2006 7 100 mL . (1: 1) 5 mL(17) 7.3 d) 150 170 mL . (13) 7.5.1 c) (11) 150 mL . (14) 50 mg 50 mg (III) 7.2 o) . (1

11、5) . . (16) 300 mL . . (17) 0.5 mg (0.5 g/L) 10 mL . b) 1) 7.5.1 c) 200 mL , 70 90 , 7.2. n 50 mL . 10 (5 B) . 500 mL 7.5.6 a) . 2) (A) 7.2 h 30 mL , (18). . 3) 10 mL (1: 1) 2 mL . 100 mL . 4) (19) (III) 7.2 o 3 mL , , 10 mL , . (5 B) , (1: 99) . (B)(500 mL) . 5) (A) (1: 4) 15 mL . (A) . 100 mL , ,

12、10 mL . , (1:99) . (B) . 6) (A) (1: 3) (1: 19) . (A) (1: 1) 10 mL 7.5.6 b) . 7) 150 mL (16), (1: 1) 10 mL 100 mL . (1: 1) 5 mL(17) 7.3 d) 150 170 mL . E 3001: 2006 8 (18) 7.2 h) 20 mL . (19) / 0.01 %( ) 4) 5) . 7.5.3 . a) 7.3 a) 80 5 10 30 0.1 mg . b) 7.5.2 a) 4) 7.5.2 b) 7) 7.3 a) 7.3 b) , . 5 mm ,

13、 5 mm . 2 7.3 c) 15 30 , 0.25 A 18 (20) . c) , , 5 mm 1 . d) . . . (99.5) (99.5) . 80 2 3 (21), . 500 mL 7.5.5 7.5.6 b) . (20) 0.5 A , (21) . 7.5.4 7.5.3 d) 7.5.3 a) 0.1 mg . 7.5.5 , , . a) 7.5.1 (12) (30 ) 700 800 . (1: 1) 5 mL 5 10 mL . 5 mL (1: 1) 1 mL , 7.5.3 d) 500 mL . b) 7.5.2 a) 3) 7.5.3 d)

14、500 mL . c) 7.5.3 d) a) b) 500 mL . ICP , 324.75 nm . d) 7.2 r) ( 0 4 mg) 500 mL (1: 1) 10 mL, (1: 1) 5 mL, (1: 1) 30 mL, 130 mL E 3001: 2006 9 (III) 7.2 o) . ICP , 324.75 nm . , . e) ICP 324.75 nm . f) c) e) d) . 7.5.6 , , , , . a) 1) 7.5.2 b) 1) 500 mL . ICP 324.75 nm . 2) 7.2 r) ( 0 4 mg) 500 mL

15、(1: 1) 20 mL ( ) 13 g . ICP 324.75 nm . . 3) ICP 324.75 nm . 4) 1) 3) 2) . b) , 1) 7.5.1 (12) (30 ) 700 800 . (1: 1) 5 mL 5 10 mL . 5 mL (1: 1) 1 mL , 7.5.3 d) 500 mL . 2) 7.5.2 b) 6) 7.5.3 d) 500 mL . 3) 1) 2) 500 mL . ICP , 324.75 nm . 4) 7.2 r) ( 0 4 mg) 500 mL (1: 1) 10 mL, (1: 1) 5 mL, (1: 1) 10 mL, (III) 7.2 o) 3 mL . ICP , 324.75 nm . E 3001: 2006 10 , . 5) ICP 324.75 nm

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