1、DRAFT A.E.C.M.A. STANDARD NORME A.E.C.M.A. pr EN 2448 A.E.C.M.A. NORM Edition 1 January 1981 Approved by COMITE DE NORMALISATION Of A.E.C.M.A. 1980-05-19 ENGLISH VERSION The equivalent versions in French and German languages can be supplied by B.N.A.E., 8, rue Moreau-Vauthier 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCO
2、URT - FRANCE. STEEL FE-PL45 900 MPa / 30 3 25 =AECMA PRENZLi48 AL I 1012311 0003213 T I DR-AFT EUROPXAWSTANDARD - AEROSPACE SERIES prEN2Ld8 Page 3 STEEL FE-PL45 900 MPa 570C O C :ondition rnd Hardened and tempered Hardened and tempered I Delivery candition I + tenper 8 57OoC I Delivery condition + 8
3、40OC 8 86OoC/ OQ I , Reference I) . see line 29 Bar: D = i6 mm Hardened and tempered Softened ieat treatment Jse rest piece ieat treatment ;ampling I De I mm 3imensions :oncerned S 40 ._ I rhicknecs of I o/ /o :ladding on each face I - - Room temperature Direction of sample e bot - oc MPa* MPa - _ -
4、 I a 12 I a 10 Reduction I of area % Hardness MPa” Shear Strength Bending I mpact - J IT emperatwe e oc h - MPa” Time Strass a o Elongation W % MPa* Ruptura Stress Elongation % *) 1 MPa = 1 Nhm2 1) Optional test 2) HV for De 4 5 en Notes prEN2448 Page 4 1 Condition and Heat treatment Ref er ence Jominy hardenabi li ty - Notes Typical use 2 3 4 - tlardened and tempered 850 i 10C/ OQ + temper 550 & 5C Distance in mm 6 10 16 25 40 HRC min. 47 41 33 28 25. idow alloy general purpose steel. -, .- -. -