KS E ISO 15248-2007 Zine sulfide concentrates-Determination of silver and gold contents-Fire assay and flame atomic absorption spectrometric method using scorification or cupellati.pdf

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KS E ISO 15248-2007 Zine sulfide concentrates-Determination of silver and gold contents-Fire assay and flame atomic absorption spectrometric method using scorification or cupellati.pdf_第1页
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KS E ISO 15248-2007 Zine sulfide concentrates-Determination of silver and gold contents-Fire assay and flame atomic absorption spectrometric method using scorification or cupellati.pdf_第5页
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1、 KS E ISO 15248KSKSKSKSSKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS KS E ISO 15248: 2007 2007 8 30 http:/www.kats.go.krKS E ISO 15248: 2007 : () ( ) () ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2002 12 10 :2007 8 30 2007-0591 : : ( 02-509-7274) (http:/www.kats.go.kr ). 7 5 , . KS E ISO 15248: 2007 Zine sulfide concen

2、tratesDetermination of silver and gold contentsFire assay and flame atomic absorption spectrometric method using scorification or cupellation 1998 1 ISO 15248, Zinc sulfide concentrates Determination of silver and gold contents Fire assay and flame atomic absorption spectrometric method using scorif

3、ication or cupellation , . 1 . 60 %(m/m) . 0.112 g/t, 10500 g/t . 2 . KS E ISO 9599, , KS L 385 1, 1: KS L ISO 648, KS L ISO 1042, KS L ISO 4787, KS M ISO 3696, 3 KS E ISO 15248: 2007 2 3.1 ( ) 25 g . 1 25 g . . 3.2 . 1 , . 4 KS M ISO 3696 2 . 25 % . 4.1 4.2 0.01 g/t , 0.2 g/t . 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 ( =

4、1.42 g/mL) 0.5 g/mL 4.7 (5 mL/L) 995 mL (4.6) 5 mL . 4.8 (250 mL/L) 1 500 mL (4.6) 500 mL . 4.9 ( = 1.161.19 g/mL) 4.10 4.11 99.99 % KS E ISO 15248: 2007 3 4.12 99.99 % 4.13 (4.9) 3 (4.6) 1 . . 4.14 500 mL ( = 0.89 g/mL) 500 mL . 4.15 . 4.15.1 (1 000 g/mL) (4.11) 0.500 0 g 400 mL (4.8) 100

5、mL . 500 mL . . (50 g/mL) ( 10 mL 200 mL (4.8) 40 mL . . 4.15.2 (1 000 g/mL) (4.12) 0.100 g 50 mL (4.13) 5 mL . ( ) 100 mL (4.9) 5 mL . . (100 g/mL) ( 20 mL 100 mL (4.9) 10 mL . 4.16 . 4.16.1 KS E ISO 15248: 2007 4 100 mL 5 ( (5.6) 0 mL, 2 mL 4 m

6、L, 6 mL 8 mL (4.8) 20 mL . 1 mL 0 g, 1 g, 2 g, 3 g 4 g . 4.16.2 100 mL 6 ( (5.6) 0 mL, 2 mL, 4 mL, 6 mL, 8 mL 10 mL (4.13) 10 mL . 1 mL 0 g, 2 g, 4 g, 6 g, 8 g 10 g . 5 . 5.1 KS L ISO 4787 KS L ISO 385 1, KS L ISO 648 KS L ISO 1042 A . 5.2 5.2.1 1 100 . 5.2.2 1 100 . . 5.2.3 1 050 300500 mL

7、 . 3/4 . 5.2.4 75 mm . 5.2.5 , 50 g . 5.2.6 . 5.2.7 5.3 KS E ISO 15248: 2007 5 5.3.1 1 mg . 5.3.2 0.1 mg . 5.4 (AAS) 5.5 5.5.1 / , 25 mm, 0.45 m 5.5.2 250 mL, . 5.5.3 25 mm . 5.6 0.02 mL 10 mL A 6 6.1 KS E ISO 9599 . ( A ). 6.2 . 20 g 0.1 mg KS E ISO 9599 . A . 7 7.1 2 . , . KS E ISO 15248: 2007 6 7

8、.2 2835 g B . . 7.3 C 2835 g (4.5) 2 . . ( C) 0.05 g/mL . . 7.4 ( B ) (4.4) ( 1 ) . 1 (5.2.3) . 1 (g) (4.1) 30 (4.2) 120 (4.3) 10 (4.10 (4.4) 1 . 0.5 mm . 2 . 2835 g , . 1 g , . 3 . 7.5 1 900 (5.2.1) . 1 050 10 . KS E ISO 15248: 2007 7 (5.2.6) , . , . . 28 g 35 g ( B). 1 . 2 40 . 3 35 g 28 g . 7.6 1

9、 (7.7) (7.8) . , AAS . 7.7 7.7.1 1 (7.5) 0.5 g (4.3) 900 (5.2.2) . 10 mm 900 ( 30 ). 950 . 25 g . (5.2.6) . . 7.7.2 1 (7.5) (7.7.1) (5.2.7) 20 . . . (4.2) 50 g (4.1) 50 g (4.3) 50 g (4.10) 50 g (4.5) 2835 g ( 4 g ) KS E ISO 15248: 2007 8 7.5 . 7.5 . (5.2.6) . . 7.7.3 (7.7.2) 0.5 g (4.3) 950 (5.2.2)

10、. 7.7.1 . . 7.8 7.8.1 1 (7.5) 900 (5.2.2) . 10 mm 860 ( , 30 ). 900 . . . 7.8.2 1 (7.5) (7.8.1) 150 m 20 . . . . (4.2) 50 g (4.1) 50 g (4.3) 50 g (4.10) 50 g (4.5) 2835 g ( 4 g ) 7.5 . 7.5 . (5.2.6) . KS E ISO 15248: 2007 9 . 7.8.3 (7.8.2) 900 (5.2.2) . 7.8.1 . . 7.9 / (7.7.1 7.7.3 ) 250 mL (7.8.1 7

11、.8.3) 250 mL . (4.8) 100 mL . . . , 25 mm, 0.45 m (5.5.1) 250 mL (5.5.2) . 50 mL (4.7) . (4.14) 10 mL , 1 . 250 mL . 250 mL (4.6) 2 mL . . . 7.10 (7.9) (4.7) 500 mL . 100 g/t 20 mL 100 mL , (4.8) 10 mL . 4.16.1 . . : ( ) : 328.1 nm : 5 mA : off : (integration time): 3 (number of integration): 5 3 .

12、3 0.003 KS E ISO 15248: 2007 10 . . , . . 7.11 (7.9) 5 mL (4.13) , . 25 mL . 4.16.2 . . : ( ) : 242.8 nm : 4 mA : on : : 3 : 5 3 . 3 0.003 . . , . . 8 8.1 wAg g/t . ()HmBCw=10010050011Ag(1) ()HmBCw=1001002010050011Ag(2) C1 : (g/mL) B1 : (g/mL) KS E ISO 15248: 2007 11 m : (g) H : % ( H = 0 %) 8.2 wAu

13、 g/t . ()HmVBCw=10010022Au(3) C2 : (g/mL) B2 : (g /mL) V : (7.11 )(mL) m : (g) H : % ( H = 0 %) 9 9.1 . 9.1.1 (Ag) sr= 0.010 5 X 0.321 7 (4) sL= 0.01 6 X 3.475 6(5) 9.1.2 (Au) sr= 0.025 5 X 0.027 1 (6) sL= 0.057 1 X 0.084(7) sr: (g/t) sL : (g/t) X : (g/t) E 9.2 X1, X2 2 D . 2 ()2/21XXX +=(8) : sr= 0.010 5 X 0.321 7 (4) KS E ISO 15248: 2007 12 sr= 0.025 5 X 0.027 1 (6) r = 2.8sr(9) 9.3 2 . . . 1,2= (1 2)/2(10) sL= 0.016 X 3.475 6 (5) sL= 0.057 1 X 0.084 (7) sr= 0.010 5 X 0.321 7(4) sr= 0.025 5 X 0.027 1(6) ()2/8.22r2LssP += (11) 21 =E (12) 1: 1 (g/t) 2: 2 (g/t) E P . 9.4 (CRM) . Ac . 2 . CAcc

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