NASA NACA-RM-A52D22-1952 The forces and pressure distribution at subsonic speeds on a cambered and twisted wing having 45 degrees of sweepback and aspect ratio of 3 and a taper rat.pdf

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NASA NACA-RM-A52D22-1952 The forces and pressure distribution at subsonic speeds on a cambered and twisted wing having 45 degrees of sweepback and aspect ratio of 3 and a taper rat.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-RM-A52D22-1952 The forces and pressure distribution at subsonic speeds on a cambered and twisted wing having 45 degrees of sweepback and aspect ratio of 3 and a taper rat.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-RM-A52D22-1952 The forces and pressure distribution at subsonic speeds on a cambered and twisted wing having 45 degrees of sweepback and aspect ratio of 3 and a taper rat.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-RM-A52D22-1952 The forces and pressure distribution at subsonic speeds on a cambered and twisted wing having 45 degrees of sweepback and aspect ratio of 3 and a taper rat.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-RM-A52D22-1952 The forces and pressure distribution at subsonic speeds on a cambered and twisted wing having 45 degrees of sweepback and aspect ratio of 3 and a taper rat.pdf_第5页
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3、 and Cerl D. Kolbe SUMMARY - ; An investigation was conducted to determine the effects of scale and e compressibility on the force8, moments, and pressure distribution on a cambered and ttisted wing having an aspect ratio of 3.0 and a taper ratio of 0.5. The Une joining the quarter-chord points of t

4、he airfoil sections was swept back 45* agd the airfoil sectiona pndicular to this line were the NACA 64A410. The ting had 5* of washout between the root and the tip. Lift, drag, aSa pitching-moment data and the ohordwiee distribution of static pressure at seven spanwise station are presented for Rey

5、nolds nunhers up to l8,COO,OOO at a constant Mach number of 0.25; for Reynolds numbers up to ,OOO,OOO at a constant Maoh number of 0.60; and for Mach numbers ranging from 0.08 to 0.96 at a constant Reynolds number of 4,ooo,ooo. Force and moment data with surface roughnees applied to the Mngalso are

6、presented for r mll t c Y Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4 NACARMA52D22 E L D M, P pt PIa P PO s, R S VO X Y u a, E 9 wingmeanaerodynamic chord , feet (using theoretical tip chord) section center of premure, fractim of c ratio of lif

7、t to drag free-stream Mach number ( v, 80 local pressure coefffcient ( ) P-P0 90 pressure coefficient on 10wer surface pressure coefficient an upper surface local static Pressure, pouuds per square foot free-dream static pressure, pounds per square foot free-stream dynamic preseure ,pounds per equar

8、e fo0t Reynolds mmber semispan wing area, square feet (using theoretical tip chord) free-stream velocity, feet Per second .: . . chordwise diataiice fr0rCthe ieadlng edge, feet .: lateral distance perpendicular to the plane of symmetry, feet angle of attack, degrees angle of attack uumrrected for tu

9、nnel-wall interference and angle-of-attack counter correction, degrees angle of txist tith respect to mot chord (positive for waahin), degrees fraction of semisau Y ( J b/2 4 Y L c , .- 1 . d 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NXCARMA

10、5 *. c- A zc . W-J b coefficient of viscosity of air, slugs per foot-second PO free-stream mass density of air, slugs per cubic foot DESIGN CONSIDEBATIQNS The projected plan form, shown Fn figure 1, and the chordwise thick- ness distribution of the.subject model are the same as those of the plane (u

11、ncambered and untwisted) wing of reference 3. The distributions of camber and twist were selected prmily from the standpotit of obtaining improvements in the aerodynamic efficiencies throughout the stibsonic speed range, An analysis of the available high-speed section data for lo-percent- thick NACA

12、 : . No attempt was msd.e to evaluate the additfonal tarea due to possible interference between the rel and the turntable or to compensate for the tunnel-floor boundary layer which, at the model, had a displacement thickness of one-half inch. The magnitude of these effects is believed to be small. A

13、s 5n the case of the plane wing, it was assumed that the effects of aeroelastfcity on the akxdynsmk characteristics of the model were negligible due to its high degree of structural rigidity. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Inasmuch as the aerodynamic characteristics of the plane wing have been r

14、eference 3,.the present report is concerned primarily with an analysis of the data for the cambered and twisted wing. In order to evaluate the effects of camber and twist, however, portfons of the force, moment; and pressure data for the plane wing (as reported in reference 3) have been included in

15、characteristics of the cambered and twisted wing. Effects of Reynolds Number at Mach Numbers of 0.25 and 0.60 Force and moment chsracteristics.- The lift, drag, and pitching- moment chsracteriatice of the: cambered and twisted King and of the plane wing are presented in figures 4 snd 5 for various R

16、eynolds nwnbers at constant Mach numbers of a.25 and 0.60. The lift-drag ratios ofthe cambered and twisted w%ng are shown in cwarison with those of the plane wing at Mach numbers of 0.25 and 0.60 in figure 6. The variations with the lift coefficient aqgared of the drag due to lift for both wFngs at

17、these Mach numbers and of the theoretical induced drag coefficient for a wing of aspect ratio 3.0 are preeented in figure 7. . From figures 4 and 5 it is seen that at BldataoPI.:figure 7 indicate that, at Mach numbers of 0.25 and 0.66;the coefficients at which leading-edge flow separation was initia

18、ted at the outer sections and to reduce the range of lift coefficients in which thie separation spread to the inner sections. The effect of .i c in figures 9 and 10 for Reynolds numbers of 4,000,OOO and l2,000,000 at a Mach number of 0.25, and for Reynolds numbers of 4,000,OOO and ,OOO,OOO at a Mach

19、 number of 0.60. A compasison of these data with the corresponding data for the plane Wang reveals a marked am- ity Fn the section normal-force curves of the two wings a well as in the effects of increasing Reynolds number thereon. At a Reynolds number of 4,000,000 and a Mach number of 0.25, the max

20、imum va.lues of section normal-force coefficient at the outer spanwiae stations of the cambered and twisted wing were only about 0.05 higher than at corresponding sta- . tione on the plane wing. Moreover, the Lncrease in the msximum section normal-force coefficients with increasing Reynolds number w

21、as apprarri- matelythe same for both wings. The section pitching-moment data of figures g(b) and 10(b) indicates that, for most sections of the cambered and twisted wing, a large resr- - ward movement of the section center of pressure followed the increase in section normal-force-curve slope. The sa

22、me effect can be found in the center-of-pressure data for the plane wing in reference 3. In figure Ill., the experimentalvalues of spanloading coeffi- cient CnC/C*av at seven spanwIse stations of the csmbered and ttisted wing sre shown in comparison with the theoretical distributions of load- ing co

23、efficient for wing lift coefficients of 0.20, 0.45 and 0.74. Ezcperimental data are presented for Reynolds numbers of .-. - - _._. - - -.iiF L - 7 - )1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IUCAFiMA22 _ 13 - f plane wing even though the Mac

24、h numbers for drag divergence were slfghtly reduced by csmber and twist. For lift coefficients from 0.2 J . to 0.5 the drag coefficient of the cambered snd ttisted wing generally decreased with increasing Mach number up to the Mach number at which the abrupt drag rise began while the drag coefficien

25、t of the plane wing generally increased . In figure 17, it may be seen that for Mach numbers from 0.25 to 0.90 the lift-drag ratios of the cambered and twisted wing were considerably higher than those of t. roughness were obtained. While there stLJl remained a sudden smsll - forward movement of the

26、King center of pressure at home +ch numbers w with roughness over only the outer 60.percent of the s -39 :g -.18 -.15 -.I3 -.U -.l4 -.a7 -.03 .u2 -07 .og .y1 - -23 -2.2 -Al -.og -.08 -.08 -.08 -A8 508 -36 -.oj -.Ol :g .W x - -.23 1: -.x2 -.ll -.og -.W -338 -.08 11% -.05 -.Ol -03 .07 .og .lo - -

27、.p - -.17 -.I.6 -.13 -.ll :g 1: -.06 -A5 -Al ;g .lO m-e 0.12 .c% .03 .ol 0 -.Ol -.02 -. -.03 -.03 -.03 -.02 0 :% .og z w-m :; 0 -.Ol -.a2 -.03 -.oh -.04 -m :$ -.03 -.Ol .04 .z - - .Ol - -.05 -.06 -so6 I:% -.06 :$ :g -.02 .Ol 1% 60 - 0.33 22 .l6 1% .a6 .oA .o3 .02 .01 .ol .Ol : A-7 .ag - - :g .13 ;EJ

28、 .02 .ol 0 -.Ol -X2 -SO. .Ol .a3 .07 .O? .09 mm- 27 m-w :Z -:g -.03 -.Oh -.04 -.05 -A5 -.03 0 .ob :S ss/ *+- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-24 eo Oj4 ir -.L -.E -.3 -i 3: -.3: -.# -.x -.3s -.3-i 1:s -.a -.a -$ 1: 11% .I: 1: 1:s

29、-.39 1:s -2.6 303 -3 yl.16 -.n -.65 -.$I -34 zg l4S -.44 ,$ 1:s -.u? -99 -79 -2;g -I:$ -3 ;i.j 1% -Al 2 -.14 -.rR .db - TABLE IV.- CoFiTitED (b) czu, 8O, loo, =O, 14., d -1.1-I -49 :Jj :z :g zg .-.4? -.42 -3 -s3 -.aT d 2-2 -5 ;g -39 -.57 -5s :g -.40 -.P -.04 .(p 2-1“: -i9L 4.65 -j 3 .16 .1

30、3 2% - - - :E :Z 2 .a P .19 .17 -5 :Z -15 .I3 -2s -_- :E :?5 :E 53 3 :? t 23 -13 .:E - - - :h“: :2 .Jp 2-i ;z 25 :Z .13. .lO .09 NACA Fit4 A52D22 - - . OS .47 .41 :Z 1: :z A? .w J-3 .19 .;g 23 m-s .23 :Z .41 .% 2 23 .23 .W 12 : .I4 :g 35 -me O.!U :% .43 :E .: :n4 25 .23 .a? :2 .lT .lh - .42 :g 12 :3

31、 :Z :Z .a :S ;a0 .17 3 -Yj .4a . :E : :5 -25 .23 -21 :Z .17 .13 A?L _ _ - :; :Z :2 :z :S a22 .19 -17 :t :L?i 2. L : .#. A -.60 -.53 -.SO -.47 1:; :g -.37 -.30 -22 -.14 -.02 ci -A5 -1.05 45.6 -.% :z -.40 -.3e :u“ -.3s :g -2l -.16 -.W -.02 gf a:43 -la5 :g -.70 -.a :g -.5e -.4 -.47 -.4b -2.4 1: -.

32、Ol 2 -1.87 -1.52 -1.07 :g I:2 :g :z -.k -.z :rz -.03 Q2 -. -1:l3 :g -.72 :g -.S5 :g -.43 -.33 -23 -.13 -.OS -.a2 -1.90 :pg -1:ao -.83 -.70 I:2 -.5l I:$ r:g :g -22 -.15 -.u %- 2% $I$ . -1-P -1.00 I:$ -.70 -A5 :z -.47 :g -.LU -.06 3 4:58 -1.74 It-2 I.s -.73 45 :Z -149 -.P -.P -.I2 -.W A 2% -

33、1:54 -1.22 -1.00 -.82 -.v. 44 -.5-l I:$ 1:; I:2 -.2l -26 -.21( zz -3.95 -2.81 -2.07 -78 -1.43 -1.18 :g :g r:z -.45 -.a -23 -.20 -.14 -.12 -3c-m -2.09 -1.83 -1.73 -1.45 -1.29 -1.04 -z :Z .oa em- - :Z $2 :Z i; :Z -03 -03 .a3 .05 .05 -2s -me .33 - -25 J9 :$ .03 -.Ol -.ol -.04 -.a4 -33 2 -.Ol -.Ol 0 . -

34、 0.9 .a :$ 29 .25 .21 3 .I3 -mm :E :g 26 .2l J-7 .13 :g 26 .04 -03 .03 .04 -03 .a2 - .P - is. .otl .05 -01 :g -.a3 1: -.06 -.03 1:“; 25 m-e 0.15 :E 3 :Z 22 .I9 -16 .14 .I.2 .lo :% .Q5 - - 115 1: . :g :z? .17 .14 -10 :2 A5 .03 .a .ol -.Ol - .l6 - .35 .29 20 :2 .a .Ol -.03 -.03 I:$ -.07 I:% -.08 r60 -

35、 0.w g :Z .29 2-s :g 2: :E :3 -em w-m -14 .45 2: :2 .24 20 .1-i I3 :2 :Z .04 0 -.04 - .24 mm- g .I3 . so .ob .03 -.Ol -.Ol -.03 -.03 -.04 :z -.ll . - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-m cl I 2 a TABLF, IV.- C!ONTI (c) au 183 209 22, 241

36、 26O -3.9 :g -l.lo ,:g -.n -.n :g -65 -65 -A3 -.% s:g -.X3 2 $5 2:s -1k -Lo8 ;:g :$I 576 -.E? +39 .;g 39 -.14 -$ -3149 23 -2:Zi I?$ -1:bo -1.29 -1.13 -1.03 -.83 ;$ g -A2 d-41 -1.39 -1.33 :$ -la? 4-z. -Ll6 -1.l2 -Lob Ig 46 49 -A6 - s 3 -A -1.24 -l.qB -93 -.63 32 479 -.:z 4: -1:28 -Lll i.ffl -93

37、:g 2 22 $j -1:so -r.?u 24 -1.d -us5 -l.S? -Lb4 -1.d -L.W -1.24 -Lb? -Lol 4% 33 2% -1.22 -1.17 -1.16 -Ll3 -l.u -Lo-l 32 a.04 -l :$ -93 a69 4-m zg -1.39 -1.23 -1.18 4.U Y1.W cl.2 ;z -I:$ 2: -38 z-i -2.P Q-4 4% -1.73 -L57 .-1.45 -1.35 “s:Zf -1.13 -:g -.w -.65 s .$ ias -L24 -LsJ -1.20 -1.17 16 -1.

38、13 -1.12 -1.09 -1.09 11% -.-i-l * -1:ot -1.03 -1.02. ZE, :$ -.Ba -41 -.93 :g -_- .33 15: :2: .43 .19 :S .P -.:S .29 .23 .w 2 - - - .a? 1: .$ .39 :Z 3 24 .22 2.9 .18 L.2 - -._ ;g ;g :$ 2 5 .19 . :$; -03. WzG 7 3% PO - “2 :Z 3 :E 1: -39 .f :D .I 0 .1 - r: :f :E .49 -51 2-Z :E 27 .e4 .17 a -em :Z ;g 12

39、 .41 :F .P .2e 29 .19 .l? .b7 -.(A _ - - :“p i: :E :g 2 .P .17 : 1: _ - - 0.P .63 .63 :E 2 .44 ; .33 ifi .I3 _ - - .W -63 .6-I 2 :Z :u“ :$ :E :Z .lb - - .24 :z 3 2 .38 :P :iz .19 .13 Al _)- .* :g :F 22 :$ :Z .23 a.8 2 :g -. - 0.27 h9 2; .60 2 :E .u .41 :g :B .I7 .lO _- .P zi A2 iz .47 :E ; .23

40、2. _- : ; :M .44 .Ll 1s .3J 25 .19 .:g -.17 -mm 22 :Z :Z :Z 2 :E 24 .18 21 -:g -.a .- 1. . . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACARM A52D22 - pa!mlae tat. .I07 b/Z : -.74 -.73 -23 -.65 :;z :g -.44 -.43 1: 32 -1.ol :g -.93 -.9r -.a7 :g

41、-A3 1: 583 -77 -.n -: -.74 -A9 46 -3 -.56 572 -.n -.60 -.68 -65 :g -.61 -i -73 -.-ix -.T? -.n -.T? -.n -.n I:% -33 -c$ :g -.a -2 :g -.T -.Yf :g -.5-i :g -55 I:% -.Q -.52 -.5l :g :g -.4a zg :E 945 -.44 -.43 -A0 -.?p -2% z.g -.76 -.I4 -73 -.7r -.n 112 -.a -a -.a -.70 1:; -57 - -.64 -A2 1: I:% -.57 :z

42、-.% L.55 -$I 1:s. 1:; 1:; -A?+ -.5Q :g -.4 I:ig -.48 -A9 -.48 -.47 -.48 -.47 -.47 -.45 -.44 -i41 -.40 T - - - 0.41 .ga 2; :$ :2- .23 .19 .18 .I4 .sl .07 -03 -.05 z em- % .43 :Z :Z -19 -15 sj -03 -.Ol -.a3 -.u -20 - -3 _- :% .21 -13 :Z .03 -.ol -.ol -.dr 904 -.0-f -.07 -.ll -.r8 -mm 0.29 :$ :E -36 5

43、20 .1-l -1s :$T 0 -.10 a- - - - - ;$ -41 .35 :2 .P .17 -13 20 .4 -03 -.02 -xl4 -.l2 -.2l - .Y - :$ .23 .15, :Z .Q5 0 0 I:% -.08 -.0-l -.13 A 25 -em 0.28 -4 ;$ :g 233 -24 2-L 22 .og .03 -.02 -.l2 z e-m :g .4s .42 .36 :2 .21 .la .13 :% -2 -m -.13 -.21 - .3 - :p“ .24 .16 .13 -07 -05 -01 -.Ol -.03 -.C%

44、-.oB -.03 3 - 0.28 .4 :Z A4 .39 .34 :M 26 .21 .l8 .15 :2 0 -.12 z - :Z :E ;g :g a5 2 -.Ol -.C% -23 -22 - 28 m-m ;g .17 .14 .os .06 .Ol 0 -.Cg 27 zzz -or24 .4 :g -45 -41 .36 .P -28. .23 .2u .16 .I0 .04 -.Ol -.ll x - - $7 :g ;g :Z .l6 .I3 .og -04 0 -.04 -.13 -.2l m-s 26 m-m ;$ .29 -15 -09 .07 .a2 -01

45、-.02 -.04 -.09 -.00 I$ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-28 HACA RM A%= !r!AEm v.- PRESSURECCIEmTSATNSPANWISE STATIONS OF-TEE WIIQG. Mc, 0.40; R, (a) w, -2O, o, 2O, 4O, 6 k,OOO,OOO 0 t: la: 15.0 a.0 25.0 30.0 g:; 2: TO.0 60.0 $g t.5 :-:

46、. 1o:o 15.0 2: 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 E:“o 70.0 80.0 Ego Es 4.0 7.6 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 g:; 45:o 2% E: EL F.5 : lo.0 13.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 5.0 to.0 45.0 2% 70.0 80.0 zz OQl :S :ii+ 2 -4 -Lb3 -.I0 -.14 r-16 -d.6 -.1g -.lT -.I.3 -4 .a? 7 .zii .05 0 :z -23. -4 -.l6 -.l6 -.1g -.1g -.l6 -.ll -.a .a -: 20 A.0

47、.05 -.M 1: -.u -A -.17 :g -.19 -.16 -.Y k$ 22 : -:% -4 -19 1:s -.ld -.w -.15 -.lo -.a .04 0.39 :Z- -:E -.06 -:og -.ll -.14 -a6 -.m -2.l .;g -.l6 -.# .az :Z 3 -.og -.13 -.15 -.17 -.19 -42 -.23 -63 23 1: -.a .03 -2-r :Z -.03 ab5 -.Ll -a5 -.19 -a. -23. -.24 :g -.1g -4 z- :% 0 -.oJ 510 -.14 -.

48、l6 -.I.2 -.w -.23 -.24 -24 .L -a 430 -034 -427 -20 -A -.a +- :s -.15 2 424 IS -.m -.YJ -2% :g -31. -.lh -.a? -05 - _- -.76 -7- u ?=I OL 2% - -o.og -4 %I:$ -.04 434 .I% -.05 -.a5 4% -.05 -.03 -.a 13 ,06_ - _:- -.QI zz 1:s -.a6 -.d 4s -.U7 1:s -.a _ -m ; - -4 -.l% -2 -.06 -A% -.c4 :2 -.06 -4 0 :S -2L _- -.lO -.m :g -.m -.0-I 1: :$ -.ab -.a .a3 :z 20 - 0.J.l g .a3 : 0 -.a -.a : : a -Mm .l2 :$ : .a 0 -


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