NASA NACA-TN-3693-1956 Preliminary investigation of the effectiveness of a sliding flap in deflecting a propeller slipstream downward for vertical take-off《对于垂直起飞将螺旋桨滑流偏转向下滑行襟翼有效性的.pdf

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NASA NACA-TN-3693-1956 Preliminary investigation of the effectiveness of a sliding flap in deflecting a propeller slipstream downward for vertical take-off《对于垂直起飞将螺旋桨滑流偏转向下滑行襟翼有效性的.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-TN-3693-1956 Preliminary investigation of the effectiveness of a sliding flap in deflecting a propeller slipstream downward for vertical take-off《对于垂直起飞将螺旋桨滑流偏转向下滑行襟翼有效性的.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-TN-3693-1956 Preliminary investigation of the effectiveness of a sliding flap in deflecting a propeller slipstream downward for vertical take-off《对于垂直起飞将螺旋桨滑流偏转向下滑行襟翼有效性的.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-TN-3693-1956 Preliminary investigation of the effectiveness of a sliding flap in deflecting a propeller slipstream downward for vertical take-off《对于垂直起飞将螺旋桨滑流偏转向下滑行襟翼有效性的.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-TN-3693-1956 Preliminary investigation of the effectiveness of a sliding flap in deflecting a propeller slipstream downward for vertical take-off《对于垂直起飞将螺旋桨滑流偏转向下滑行襟翼有效性的.pdf_第5页
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2、.-. ”.n._.- .-.- .-c - - .- -Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TECH LIBRARY KAFB, NM lllllIIlll!lllnlll!llIllllNATIONALADVISORYCOMITTEEFORAERONAUTICS OUbLElb?TECKNICALNOTE3693 .PRELIMINARYINVESTIGATIONOF THEEFFECTIVENESSOFASLIDINGFLAPIN

3、DEFLECIIUfGA PROPELLERSLIRWMMMDOWNWARDFORVERTICALTMCE4J?FBy RichardE. KuhnandKennethP. Spreemann.An investigationofthe effectivenessof a wingequippedwithaslidingflapanda leading-edgeslatin deflectinga propellerslipstreamdownwardforverticaltake-offhasbeenconductedh a static-thrustfacilityat theLsley

4、AeronatiicalLaboratory.Theslidingflap,which,in comparisonwitiflapconfigurationspreviouslytested,mskespossiblea moreforwardlocationofthepointat whichflowturningbegins,wasexpectedto mininUe divingmomentsand,at the sametime,to keepareasoruibl.eamountofthewing“fixed”for structuralpurposes. Theresultsoft

5、he investigationin, aeg . .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACATN3693Subscripts:1 fmard, or Sliddllgflap2 rear,orplainflap30 30-percent-chordflap(refs.2 and60 60-percent-chmdflap(refs.2 andAPPARATUSANDMETHOD33)3)A drawingofthemodel,wi

6、thpertinentdimensions,ispresentedasfigure2 anda photographofthemodelmountedfortestingis shownasfigure3. Thegeometriccharacteristicsofthemcdelaregivenh thefollowingtable:Wing:Area (semiSpan),- (s-span) ,Chord,ft.AirfoilsectionPropeller:Diameter,fi . .Si ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0ft .

7、. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0a71 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NACA4415a71 m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0NaceUehowever,it isbelievedthatthisdifferencewouldhaveonlya smalleffectontheresults. Thesht positionstestedareshownin figure4.

8、For thesetests,thepropemr wasmountedindependentlyas shownin figure3. Thethrustaxiswas onthewingchordandthepropellerdiskwas 10 inchesaheadofthe leadingedge. Thepropellerwasdrivenby a variable-frequencyelectricmotorat about6,OOOrpm,whichgavea tipMachnuuiberof about0.58. Themotorwas mountedinsideanalum

9、inum-oy nacelleby meansof strain-gagebeamsh sucha waythatthepropell thrustcouldbe measured. Thetotallift,longitudinalforce,andpitchingmomentofthemodelweremeasuredon a strain-gagebalauceat therootofthewing.The groundwas simulated by a sheet of plywocilas shownin figure3.All testswiththe groundboardwe

10、reconductedwithan angleof 20betweenthe groundboardandthethrustaxisofthepropefier.The tivestigationwas conductedin a static-thrustfacilityat the-ey Aeronatiical-Laboratory.All datapresentedwereobtaiuedatzeroforwardvelocitywitha thrustof 15poundsfl?omtheprupeller.hasmuch as thetestswereconductedunders

11、taticccmditionsin a largeroom,noneofthetunneltestswerecorrectionsthataxeapplied.applicableto wind-RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe chsmcteristicsofthebasicconfigurationforvariousconibi-nationsof deflectionsofthetwoflapsareshownh figure5. “Deflectionofthe slidtngflapalone (5f1= 600,tif2= 00) is seento rutat

12、etheresultantforcevectorupwardto a turningangleof 43. The cofitieddeflectionofbothflaps (bfl= 5Q01+2 = )400 producesturninganglesUP to 58.The effectof fatringthe lowersurfaceofthewingwhenthe slidlng(flapis deflected bf )=no is alsoshownin figure5. Fillinginthe cavityformedby deflettingtheflap(asshow

13、nby thedashedlinesonthe configurationsketchedh fig.5) is seento havelittleeffectontheresults.A comparisonofthe characteristicsofthe s-flaP th the ,characteristicsofthe slotted-flapwingofreferences2 and3 is showninfigure6. It caqhe seenthatthedesiredreductionin divingmomentsisrealized.At a giventurni

14、ngangle,the divtngmomentsarereducedbyProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACATN 3693 5.aboutone-halfto one-thirdofthevaluesforthe slotted-flapwing.Also,forthe configurationwiththe singlepropeller(whichwould-appearto givethemostdirectcmper

15、ison),theratioofresultantforceto thrustis scmewhathigherforthe sliding-flapwing. Someunplisheddatafromtestsat the static-thrustfacilityindicatethatthe largegaininresultantforceobtainedforthe slotted-flapwingwhentwopropellersareusedmaynotbe reslizedforthesliding-flapconfiguration.It shouldalsobe note

16、dthatthereis alsoadifferenceb theplanformsofthetestmodelsas shownin figure7.Bothmodelshadthe samemeanaerodynamicchord;however,thespanofthe slotted-flapmodel(refs.2 and3) was 70percentgreaterthanthespanof themodelof thepresentinvestigation.Thesedifferenceswouldbe expectedtohaveonlysecondaryeffects,ho

17、wever.CharacteristicsWi%hLeading-EdgeSlatThe effectofa leading-edgeslat(similarto the oneusedinref.4) on the characteristicsof themodeloutof theground-effectregionis shownin figure8. At thelowerslatdeflectionsandthe*Ohighslatpositionsinvestigated(positionsA andB),the slateffectedau increaseinturning

18、angleandan increaseinresultantforce. Alsothedivingmomentswereappreciablyreducedas thedeflectionoftheslatwas increasedfw allslatpositions.Theeffectofthe slaton the characteristicsofthemodelnearthegroundis shownin figure9. Largeincreasesinbothturningangleandresultantforceareshuunforallslatpositionstes

19、ted. Examinationofthedataof figures8 and9 indicatethatslatpositionA isprobablythebestcompromise,inasmuchas largeturninganglesandhighratiosofresultantforceto thrustareobtainedbothin andoutoftheground-effectregion. Also,at thisposition,channg deflectioncausesthesmallestoverallvariationintmmlmg anglean

20、dresultantforce. If.theleading-edgeslatis consideredforlongitudinalcontrol,thepossibilityof controllag (asdiscussedinref. k) should be considered.l%m be nded that boththe slatandtheendplatewereaddedtothe configurationin figures8 and9, andindependenteffectsofthesemodificationscanbe assayedfromthedata

21、of figure10,whichshowsthevariationof characteristicsofthemodelwithheightabovetheground.It canbe seenthatforthisconfigurationtheeffectsofthe endplatearesmall. Thelargeincreasesinturningangleresult frmn the effectsofthe slat. . . . .-. - - - - - - - . -Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or n

22、etworking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-II/WATN 3693.CharacteristicsWithlhcbmdedFlapChordTheHng smglestieved lththeleading-edgeslatonwould prob-ablybe consideredwqte formost“vertic risingairplanesinasmuchas a groundattitudeof 25to 30wouldbe requiredfortake-off. In anattemptto increasethetur

23、ninganglereached,the chordoftheflapwasincreasedby 10percentofthewingchczrdbyattacklmga pieceofl/16-inchsheetmetalto theuppersurfaceat thetrailingfhp. ThecharacteristicsofthemoUfied-mdel outoftheground-effectregionare shownb figureU. Withthe extended-chordflapinstalled,aturningangleof 80wasreached;ho

24、wever,thedivingmomentshavebeenincreasedsomewhat.Theiation ofthe characteristicswithheightabovethe groundis shownh figure12. Withthefaward flapdeflected60andtherearflapdeflected20,a grouudattitudeof only150wouldbe requiredfortake-off.However,theresultantforceachievedisdownto 80percentofthethrustforth

25、isconfiguration.CONCLUSIONSAn investigationoftheeffectivenessofa slidingflaph deflecta propellerslipstreamdowmwsrd indicatesthefollowingconclusions:1.For a comparabledownwarddeflectionofthe slipstream,thedivingmomentsassociatedwiththe sl.i end plateoff; Echord-extensionoff; no ground board.!$. LmPro

26、vided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA 3693,.13deg00a75 20030A 40A 40 owe sufoggfajed.8.6.2I 70 .020(d)Sumuaryof turningFigure.6 .8 /.0 vx-reffectiness. %1 variable.5.-Concluded.- - - . _ - -. . .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproductio

27、n or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-14 NACATN 3693 Sliding flap with one PfOPel!er 84 =50,86 vuriuble Slotted flap with one propeller) 8fm =60,8G0bwriobk, Slotted flaps with two propellers. 24 .6 .8 1.0 -x7-(a)Turningeffectiveness.o.MT 2 . .- “ “-4- 0 23 40 60 80Figure6.-

28、 Comparisonofflapwingof(refs. 2ffnd3Jt9, deg(b)Pitchingmoment.characteristicsof sliding-flapwingandslotted-references2 and 3. Endplateoff.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACATN 3693.156=%s, 514Y.A7I1 f.Section A-A i1I vlotted-flop whg

29、(n?chornogroundk?model out of ground-effect region. Endboard; 8f1 = 50; +Z = 40. 8u.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACATN 3693.=90 80”Lo-.8-.6-.2-00 .2 $4 .6(d)Sunmszyof turningeffectiveness. variable.Figure8.-Concluded.- -. . . - .-

30、 - . -. - - - -Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-P02slot positions AO nB“rOcr.I#4“- slot offso60o0Slat fZeflecZon, Jw*40(a) !l?uroingangle.- 0 10chord-exteneion off; grouud bmd at h/D = 0.06; 6fl = 500; 8*2 = 40. w*Provided by IHSNot fo

31、r ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IQACATN 3693 -t9LT10. 80”/ 700w“.(d)?20”30”/0”.2of# .6 .8 /.0-xTturningeffectiveness.b variable.Fire 9.-Concluded.-. . . . .- . . - - . -Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted witho

32、ut license from IHS-,-,-/-rr .-Enti slotplate posltkw ,o off off offa on A 30 40 on off off-Height above gmum, +(a) Turning angle.RLglme lo. - Ccmparison of effect ofaboye ground.o72 !o ,2 4 .6 1.0 Height above ground, $I(b) Pitching manent.I(c) Ratio ofend date and slot in variationChor %1 = 50;Het

33、ght above gmwf, resultant force to tbruet. !aof ccteristics with heightQ = 40. s* ,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NfUXTN 3693 aEnd slat ground b.cwmd;66 =Flap de fktlon, 8r, , degRatio of resultant force tm thrust. E!end plate on; ch

34、ord-extension on; no200.,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACATN 3693 oo .00 :2 4 .6 :8 /.0x“.T(d)Summaryof turningeffectiveness.%1 variable.Figure11.- Concluded.-_. - .-.-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netw

35、orking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Height ukwe groundl(a) Turning angle.FQure 12.- Effect of height above the ground.8Bo#-.20 ,2 4 s .8 10Height above g?vumt, .$.(b) Mtchi endplate on; chord-extension on;E8U! #Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACATN 3693 25.8 =90 8010.8.6#.20 0(d)NACA -L.angley Field, V0 ox-7of turningeffectiveness.h/D variable.Figure 121-Concluded.- - . . .- - . . - .-. -. . . - . - -Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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