NASA-CR-96008-1969 Aircraft stability and control data《飞机稳定性和控制数据》.pdf

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1、N69-31783NASA CR-96008AIRCRAFT STABILITY AND CONTROL DATABy Gary L. TeperApril 1969Distribution of this report is provided in the interest of informationexchange and should not be construed as endorsement by NASA ofthe material presented. Responsibility for the contents resides inthe author or organ

2、ization that prepared it.Prepared under Contract No. NAS 2-4478 bySystems Technology, Inc.Hawthorne, CaliforniaforAmes Research CenterNATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATIONREPRODUCEDBYNATIONAL TECHNICALINFORMATION SERVICEU.S.DEPARIMENIOFCOMMERCESPRINGFIELD,VA. 22161Provided by IHSNot for Resa

3、leNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-FOREWORDThis report was prepared under Contract NAS2-4478 between SystemsTechnologg_ Inc._ Hawthorne_ California and the National A

4、eronauticsand Space Administration. The _SA project monitor was L. W. Taylor.The STI project engineer was Gary L. Teper.The author gratefully acknowledges the aid of the STI staff incolecting_ interpreting_ and organizing the data. The author alsowishes to acknowledge the fine work of the STI public

5、ations departmentin the preparation of this report.Precedingpageblank iiiProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ABSTRACTData of interest to handling qualities investigators is presentedfor various current aircraft. Included are those require

6、d to obtaintransfer functions for the aircrafts response to control inputs. Wherepossible, an analytical description of the aircrafts stability augmentoris given, and also the complete flight envelope of each aircraft iscovered for its most commonconfiguration and loading. Computedtransferfunctions

7、for various flight conditions are included._VProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CONTENTSI. INTRODUCTIONII. A-7AIII. A-4DIV. F-O6B.v. T-38VI. F-gAVII. F-104 .VIII_ F-OSB.IX. B-58X. NAVION.XI. DC-8APPENDIX A. AXIS SYSTEMS_ SYMBOLS, AND DER


9、om IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SECTION IINTRGDUC TIONThe purpose of this document is to provide handling qualities investi-gators with readily usable data on various cl_rrent aircraft. Included arethose data required to ob

10、tain transfer functLons relating the aircraftsresponse to control inputs. An analytical description of the aircraftsstability au_nentor is also given._or those aircraft for which complete information was available, thefolIowLng summarizes the contents and presentation:. A y_eneral description is gLv

11、en_ including:4.a. Three-view drawing and reference geometry.b. Flight envelope.c. Nominal configuration (weight, inertias, and c.g.location).d. References.e. Basic data sources.A block diagram of the augmentor showing feedbacks, gains, andscheduling.Trim angle-of-attack and elevator versus Mach num

12、ber and altitude.Longitudinal s_d lateral nondimensional stability derivatives*versus Mach number and altitude for the trimmed nominal configu-ration.Geometrical parameters, longitudinal and lateral dimensionalderivatives, and longitudin_ml and lateral transfer functionsfor the nominal configuration

13、 at various flight conditions.These data are usually given for body-fixed centerline axes(body axe s).For the remaining aircraft, some portion of the above is presented asdictated by the limits of the available data.*_ese are given for the axis system of the data source.TR-176-I IProvided by IHSNot

14、for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-The intention has been to makethis report completely self-consistentinsofar as symbols, nomenclature, definitions, etc. The system used isdescribed in three appendices. Appendix A covers axis systems, symbolsand notation,

15、 and definitions of nondimensional and dimensional stabilityderivatives. Appendix B gives the axis system transformations for thederivatives. Appendix C includes the aircraft equations of motion andtransfer functions used herein.While complete coverage of each aircraft including only the “latest“s_d

16、 “best“ data would be desirable, the major criterion used was that thedata be immediately accessible to the author. This is why only isolatedflight conditions are given for someaircraft, and also why, as thosepeople more intimately familiar with each particular aircraft will recog-nize, the data pre

17、sented mayrepresent an early estimate in the designprocess and perhaps the “nominal configuration“ is one which never leftthe drawing board. The data have been reviewed and, although not allthose presented indicate unquestionable trends, those data knownto bebased on only early “guesstimates“ or sho

18、wing unreasonable trends havebeen deleted. As to how well the data can be expected to match the flyingaircraft_ it is assumedthat those for whomthis documentis intendedknow well the difficulties of obtaining derivatives from flight test data.Every attempt has been madeto insure reliable translation,

19、 interpretation,and transcription of the data from their source documents.The manufacturers of the aircraft described herein can not be heldaccou_itable for tile infomnation presented, nor would they be bolmd toconcur in any conclusions with respect to their aircraft which might bederived from its u

20、se.lYe- 176-l 2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SECTION IIA-TA3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Ic_i NOMINAL CRUISE CONFIGURATIONCleon Airplane60% FuelW = 21,8891bsCG at

21、30%MGCIx =13,635 Slug ft 2y =58,966 Slug ft zI z =67,560 Slug ft 2Ixz =2,933 Slug ft zREFERENCE GEOMETRYS = 375 ft 2c = 10.8 ftb = 38.7ftBodyRef.Axes40,000h, (ft)20,000FLIGHT ENVELOPEX XX X X XO0 .4 . 1.2X Tronsfer functions givenfor these flight condlHonsI) LTV Vought Aeronautics Div. Rept. No. 2-5

22、3310/5R-1981,_,-TA Aerodynamics Data Report“ 21 Moy 1965 (U)2) LTV Vought Aeronoutics Div. Rept. No. 2-53310/5R-5121,Rev. I ,“A-7A Estimoted Flying Quollties“ 20 August 1965 (C)3) LTV Vought Aeronoutics Div. ,“Updoted A-TA AircraftLateroI-Directionol Cruise Device Configurotion Doto, 25 Augur 1967BA

23、SIC DATA SOURCES est,motes uWind Tunnel Test ondSome LoteroI-Directionol DerivotivesAdjusted After Flight TestProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-PITCH AXIS_ep _._ .5 rad _j(Ib) 57.3 Ib i) -_:55s +A-7AI-.25 radrad/sec152.2 rad i_5z3 ft/se

24、c2I-GZ , X = (ft/sec z)1-vROLL AXIS. rod p i(Ib) = 5L_ _ -L!2_iic.,_+,l (rad/sec) =-rad _.10 rad/sec I_YAW AXIS_rpI,_-_,aa(rcJd)A-TB r -_.Cos2.50b(rad/sec) rR6(red/sec)P _-J Sin 2.5 (red/sec)t red I_ _+1 =-2 5 rad/se_ F_KARIT.E. up lt/I1.5_e(deg)Figtu.e 11-2. A-TA _tabilit Au_rtentation System5Provi

25、ded by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GO(deg)1412I08Sea Level_f 2-6 .2I, ,ooof, . _ _N35,000fti L i I.4 .6 M .8 1.0 1.2-I0(deg)I I,15,00OftSea Level-6 “m 4 I-20 0 .2 .4 .6M .8 1.0 1.2TR-76-I _Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netwo

26、rking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.8eL.6I15,000ftO0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0M.!: -.215,000ftI.4 .6 M .8 1.0 .2TR-176-1 7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6_, I, 55,000 ft / tI i / i _ _“_15,000fti ! / , ,b/l“1

27、 Sea Level i0 .2 .4 .6 M .8 1.0 a.84i !iIZ 15,00OftSea Level (_XXX,. J. _.J (7) .: f_ -35,00Oft1.0x. iii i;.2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I! I-0 ._J00o I/Q IL_ i!LIi I I_E -_ vo.Od00 o.oo2“ _0 00E -V(xl_V_L 0 0Q o. oT e

28、_I Iioo0IE -vo.00!Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.12 , t ,.08CL M.040-.04I /Q 35,00Oft. /iI1_. I15,000 ft _ , uu-080 .2/ea Level I-4.4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2MC DM.12 1.Sea Leve! _t(_,.08 - 15,000I.040-.04 0 qiTOft.4. .6 .,4 8 !0 r)Provided by

29、 IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.O40Cm M-.04-.08 -I ISea Level , “_ 15,000 f, ss,ooo,i.6-.12 - iI-160 .2 i4 M .8 1.0 1.2TR-17,-i I1Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.8.6CLB e.4.20 o

30、 .2_._- _-.izl i_-C_35_,QQQf1.IJITR- 17c7-1 13Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-0 .2 .4 .6 M .8 1.0 .2Cn/_.12,10.O8.06Sea Level15,000 35,000 ftli7_mR-177-1 14Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without l

31、icense from IHS-,-,-0 o .2 .4 .6 M ,8 1.0 1.2-.IC_p_3-.4-,5i Sea Level35,oo;_i_ 15,ooo.Cnp.O6.O4.02IIIi0-.02-.04015,00Oftt-Sea Levellii135,000, ftProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.2 T L 35,00OftSea Level _,u _. “.-,. - ,- 4,C._rI 15,00

32、Oft1O0- . .4 .6 M .8 1.0 1.20 .2 .4 .6 M .8 1.0 .2Cnr , _/“_ _ ,. Sea Level/i “t : I _| 55, O00f, “NI5OOOft-.s6- J-_._.t-:,- - -!-.40 . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.01-.02-.05M0 0 .2 z .6 .8 1.0! ,5,ooof,p(_._ I See Leve_ /1.2_Q -

33、_QR- _OL2 (Includes Spoiler Effects).O8.O6C_.8o().O2o6I (_ 1- , x,_.2 .4 .6 M .8 1.0 1.2TR-176-I 17Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-011_).006.004.0020- .002i_-17“_;-i 1_Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitt

34、ed without license from IHS-,-,-Cy_r.3.20 0Sea Level _i.2.O3.010 oSea Leveli.2l .4 .6 1.2“-_ 35,000 ftM .8 1.0TR-1yC-I i9Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-!PO0!I, IV!0!boo !b!b_b!b000Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netwo

35、rking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I-qOhINote:TABLE II-AGEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS FOR THE A-7AData for body-fixed centerline axis, clean flexible airplaneS = 375 ft2, b = 38.7 ft, c = 10.8 ftW = 21,889 ib, m = 680 slugs, c.g. at 30 percent MGCIx = 13,635 slug-ft 2, !y = 58,966 slug-ft 2, !z =

36、 67,560 slug-ft 2, Ixz = 2,933 slug-ft 2BOh (ft)M (-)a (ft/sec)0 (slugs/f)VTo (ft/sec)ov /2(lb/ft2)so (aeg)Uo (ft/sec)Wo (ft/seo)6eo (deg)7o (deg)FLIGHT CONDITIONII 2 3 4 5 6 7 900.S51,1170.00237800.61,117O.OO237800.91,117O.00237815,0000.3I,0580.00149615,0000.6I,058O.00149615,0000.9I,058O.O0149615,0

37、001.1I,058O.O01496279 67091.5 53411.2 2.9274 66954.2 33.9-7.4 -3.350 01,0051,2002.11,00436.8-3.8031775.313.33O972.9-8.806353014.063344.3-3.809526772.595141.5-3.8501,1641,OLO2.91,16358.9-4.95o835,0000.6973.3o. 0007365841267.Y57976.2-5.4035,0000.9973-3O.0007368762833.887458. I-a._0Provided by IHSNot f

38、or ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_“ 0_-O9 LO0“0-6C_0-C9 Looo“ o-0C5L0“0-“_66-_0“ O-LOL-L9“9C6LOO-9LCOO6“0000 c_C6L_-C_9ooo“ ooCC“ O-LLLOOOO-LL_O0“O-_C_-_6C0“0-_-_-_?_oooL_L-_000“o+6_90“0-O_-C_CooLLfr-_6LOOO-0“L-o9_oooo-_6_oo-6o_-6_ooo6“gL-_OLO0“O969“O-OL_

39、OOOO-CRL0“0-9“66-?_0“0-_?-CgLO0“Oo_“ o-9 LO00“ 0-oo“ o-9“C_- _9o“ o.-9“ 9Y-9L LO0“OL_“ L-oLCooo“ o-_o_o“ o-9“0-C LO0“OLLL-9oCooo“ o-_C_oo-_o-oi_).CCoo“o_C“_-_LLLC_OO-_L_-CL60_0“ 0-9LL-96“9o_9oo“ o-_Y“ o-,fC9_LOGO0“o9L_-_gLOOO?C-9“LL_9 L-?_oo“ o-_6“ L-+_C“T9tLOO9“0000 c_9%_ooLL000“_ L6CCoo6“0O00(_LLC

40、_o“ o9“0000 ( _ L797oo“ oCO000 _CL_Loo.- _LOO-79_0“_6“0099 go“ o-9“00_-_“ C_-LOGO0“o99?o-99_ooo“ o-_96oo“ o-0“6_-ULgO“ o-6LL“o-s9 LOO_LOO-_006 9 L 9 ff _ C _ L_KIOI,I,!CLI_O0 J_ff-IDll,qT_I_Ie9ZnZ_Z_9XzOdO47Gu_Td_T _ elqTx_lj Um_TO (sTx_ GuTiz_%u_o p_xT.j-Xpoq zoj _ m%_C :_%ozVZ-V ZHZ EO_ _ZAIZVAI_Z

41、(I_IVII0!TK!Zk_CgV_IIC/IZID_I0qE-If :EIEVgob-7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TABLE I!-CLATERAL DIMENSIONAL DERIVATIVES FOR _ A-7AI-qNote: Data are for body-fixed centerline axes, clean flexible airplaneO_Ih)L_hMY6 aY6r!L r!L5 a!L6 rT

42、N rN6a!N$ r100.25-0.162-O. 00274o.o43o-11.9-2. O0I.185.342.221.28-o. 087o-0.369o.4o2-1.93FL!_T CONDITION2 3 4 5 6 8 900.6-0.314-0.oi 050.0769-44.8-4.46i.1528.411.45.74-0. 168-0.9052.08I8.6100.9-0.574-0. 0085 715,0000.3-0.722-O.OO15O_ 15,000i 0.6-o.187-o.oo655I5,0000.9-0.310-0. OO6917I5,0001.1-o.435-

43、0. 0021 635,0000.6-0. 0847-0. 00267Io.o626-98.o-9.75i.3825.213.217.2-0.379-i .54I.56-11.I0.0307-8.79! -1.380.857Ii! 3.75I .82EI1 0.9484-0.0310-0.271o. 28o-1.56o. 0537Ii -29.2-2.73! o .86817.67.27!I 3.12-o.116-0.541ii 7.37III -5.54to.o55o-66.0-6.790.84324.111.210,2-0.207-0.9751.64-8.8OO.0792-71 .2-7.

44、31o.85912.5i 7.27Ii! 21 9i-0.169-1.33iIi 1.o41t -4.83l0.0267-14.9-i .4oo.5997.963.09I.38-o.o799-o .2470.652-2.5435,0000.9-o. 145-0.00427O.0347-3o. 6-3. ooo.56314.26.554.72-0.112-o.455I.01-5.17Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TABLE II-D

45、ELEVATOR LONGI_TDINAL _ANSF_ FUNCTION FACTORS FOR _IE A-7ANote: Data for body-fixed centerllne axes, clean flexible airplaneFLIGHT CONDITIONI 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9h 0 0 0 15,000 15,OOO 15,OO0 15,000 35,000 35,000M 0.29 0.6 0.9 0.3 “0.6 0.9 I.I 0.6 0.9I_L!L_h)8N5ewNBeN6eCGtsp6DSp_p ; 1/Tm )(1/Tp2)I As!/T81

46、i _/Te2A_!,Tu Ii _U (!/Tu2)i _-_ (1/%3)ii Aw1/TwlI (w (1/T_2)0.%:(I/Tw 3)/lnlI/i_21I%,3Aa zI/TazlI/Taz2I/Taz3/Taz_0.3671.76o.o99_o.156-5.43-0.02140-7315-755! .i(0.14-11)(i. o3)-29.o51.7.-o.11oo.1o929.6-o. 06246.21-5 -57-29.00.3834.21o.1oo0.o698-30.60.01221.798,3_129o.6651.30-i126o.2390.02101650.0095615.6-14.3-165o.39_6.76o.79oo .0472_8.4O.07283.1911.6186(I .22)(2.28)-318187(-o.oo6o3)(0.0773)318o.o71929.3-23.3-3180.277I.630.118o.14o-45. I-0.008230.5065.638.5(0.369)(0.5


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