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1、2010 年北京航空航天大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、名词解释1 metonymy2 diachronic linguistics3 concordance4 interlanguage5 acronym6 allophones7 compositionality8 perlocutionary act9 cohesion10 contrastive analysis二、简答题11 What are the two objectives of sociolinguistics?12 What are the three definitions of relevance made

2、 by Relevance Theory?13 What is the cognitive interpretation of image schema?14 What is your understanding of Systemic Functional Grammar?15 Summarize the characteristics of basic level categories. 16 What makes language unique to human beings?17 What are the contributions made by the Prague School?

3、18 How could you understand “register“ in systematic functional linguistics?19 How would you comment on Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?20 There are two English expressions;A. Im a student, arent I?B. Im a student, amnt I? Which is more authentic? Why?2010 年北京航空航天大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷答案与解析一、名词解释1 【正确答案】 It is a fi

4、gure of speech in which one word is substituted for another on the basis of some material, causal, or conceptual relation.【试题解析】 (考查转喻)2 【正确答案】 The description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study, also called diachronic linguistics.【试题解析】 (考查历时语言学)3 【正确答案】 Sorting the data

5、 in some way, for example, alphabetically on words occurring in the immediate context of the word is usually referred to as concordance.【试题解析】 (考查共现索引)4 【正确答案】 The concept of interlanguage was established as learners independent system of the second language which is of neither the native language n

6、or the second language, but a continuum among the target language and the learners native language.【试题解析】 (考查中介语)5 【正确答案】 Acronym is made up from the first letters of the name of an organization, which has a heavily modified headword. This process is also widely used in shortening extremely long wor

7、ds of word groups in science, technology and other special fields.【试题解析】 (考查缩略语)6 【正确答案】 The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the allophones of that phoneme.【试题解析】 (考查音位变体)7 【正确答案】 Compositionality refers to the principle that the meaning o

8、f a sentence depends on the meaning of the constituent words and the way they are combined.【试题解析】 (考查语义组合性原则)8 【正确答案】 Perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance.【试题解析】 (考查取效行为)9 【正确答案】 Cohesion

9、 refers to the grammatical and/or lexical relationships between the different elements of a discourse. Discoursal/textual cohesiveness can be reabzed by employing various cohesive devices; conjunction, ellipsis, lexical collocation, lexical repetition, reference, substitution, etc.【试题解析】 (考查衔接)10 【正

10、确答案】 Contrastive analysis is a way of comparing the forms and meanings across the native language and the target language to spot the mismatches or differences so that people could predict learners difficulty, then decide what will be needed to be learned and what does not need to be learned in a se

11、cond language learning situation.【试题解析】 (考查对比分析)二、简答题11 【正确答案】 Sociolinguistics, as an interdisciplinary study of language use, attempts to show the relationships between language and society. More specifically, in this discipline we have two important things to think about; structural things and th

12、eir uses in a sociocultural context.(1 point)Similarly, when we are conducting a sociolinguistic study of language use, we have two big issues to deal with, which are, in other words, the two objectives of sociolinguistics.First, we want to show how language and society are related to each other. Se

13、cond, we attempt to know why it should be so.(2 points)Put it another way, we want to look at structural things by paying attention to language use in a social context; on the other hand, we try to understand sociological things of society by examining linguistic phenomena of a speaking community.(3

14、 points)【试题解析】 考查社会语言学的研究目的。社会语言学是对任何一种或全部社会因素作用的研究,包括文化标准、期望值、语境以及语言使用方式等。社会语言学首先试图通过对社会语境中语言使用情况的调查,了解语言结构的问题,其次又通过语言现象的分析,了解社会构成问题。12 【正确答案】 The first definition of relevance relates it to a context; An assumption is relevant in a context if and only if it has some contextual effect in that conte

15、xt.(2 points)The second definition of relevance relates it to an individual; An assumption is relevant to an individual at a given time if and only if it is relevant in one or more of the contexts available to that individual at that time.(2 points)The last definition relates it to phenomena; A phen

16、omenon is relevant to an individual if and only if one or more of the assumptions it makes manifest is relevant to him.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查关联理论中“关联性”的三个定义。第一个定义与语境相联系:当且仅当一个设想在一种语境中具有语境效应时,这个设想在这个语境中才具有关联性。第二个定义与交际个体相联系:当且仅当一个设想在某一时刻,在某人可及的一种或多种语境中具有关联性时,这个设想才在当时与那个个体相关联。第三个定义与现象相关:当且仅当某个现象显映的一个或多个设想

17、与某个个体相关时,这个现象才与该个体有关联。13 【正确答案】 Mark Johnson(1987)proposes IMAGE SCHEMAS. He defines an image schema as a recurring, dynamic pattern of our perceptual interactions and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience.(2 points)Image schematic structures have two characteristics; T

18、hey are pre-conceptual schematic structures emerging from our bodily experience and they are constantly operating in our perceptual interaction, bodily movement through space, and physical manipulation of objects.(2 points)Image schemas exist at a level of abstraction, operate at a level of mental o

19、rganization between prepositional structures and concrete images, and “ serve repeatedly as identifying patterns in an indefinitely large number of experiences, perceptions, and image formation for objects or events that are similarly structured in the relevant ways“.(2 points)【试题解析】 从认知的角度考查意象图式理论。

20、意象图式是认知语言学探讨的一个主要内容。意象图式来自人们的体验经验,赋予人类认知世界的能力,人们通过意象图式转换和映射进行预测和推理。近些年来越来越多的学者对于意象图式的概念标准提出了质疑,争议主要围绕着意象图式的抽象层级,视觉信息的作用,意象图式的概念前(preconceptual)和无意识本质,以及它们作为跨语言认知元素(crosslinguistic cognitive primitives)的普遍性等。14 【正确答案】 Systemic Functional Grammar, developed by M. A. K. Halliday, is a socially oriented

21、 functional linguistic approach and one of the most influential linguistic theories in the twentieth century. It consists of two inseparable components; systemic grammar and functional grammar.(1 point)Systemic grammar aims to explain the internal relations in language as a system network, or meanin

22、g potential. And this network consists of subsystems from which language users make choices. Functional grammar aims to reveal that language is a means of social interaction, based on the position that language system and the forms that make it up are inescapably determined by the uses or functions

23、which they serve.(2 points)Systemic Functional Grammar is based on two facts; a)Language users are actually making choices in a system of language and trying to realize different semantic functions in social interaction; b)Language is inseparable from social activities of human beings.(2 points)Syst

24、emic Functional Grammar takes actual uses of language as the object of study, in opposition to Chomskys TG Grammar that takes the ideal speakers linguistic competence as the object of study. One point to notice is that it takes clause as the basic unit.(1 point)【试题解析】 考查系统功能语法。韩礼德的系统功能语法是一种具有社会学倾向的功


26、一点需要指出的就是它以小句作为研究的基本单位。15 【正确答案】 The categories at the basic level are those that are most culturally salient and are required to fulfill our cognitive needs the best. The characteristics of this level can be summed up under the following four points;(2 points)i. The most inclusive level at which th

27、ere are characteristic patterns of behavioral interaction;(1 point)ii. The most inclusive level for which a clear visual image can be formed;(1 point)iii. The most inclusive level at which part-whole information is represented;(1 point)iv. The level used for everyday reference.(1 point)【试题解析】 考查基本层次

28、范畴的特点。基本层次范畴是最能体现文化突显性、实现认知需求的范畴。基本层次范畴有四个特点:由行为相互作用产生典型范式的最具包容性层次;构成清晰意象的最具包容性层次; 表征部分一整体信息的最具包容性层次;为日常参照所使用的层次。16 【正确答案】 Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. It is the design features of language that make it unique to human beings. Design features refer to

29、 the defining properties of human language that tell the differences between human language and any system of animal communication. They are; Arbitrariness; This is a core feature of language, Which means that there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. There are different levels of

30、arbitrariness; arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaning; arbitrariness at the syntactic level; arbitrariness and convention.(2 points) Duality; It means the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the

31、 secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization. At the lower or basic level there is a structure of sounds, which are meaningless by themselves. But the sounds of language can be grouped and regrouped into a large number of units of meaning, which are found at the

32、 higher level of the system. Then the units at the higher level can be arranged and rearranged into an infinite number of sentences.(2 points) Creativity; By creativity we mean language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness. Because of duality the speaker is able to combine the

33、 basic linguistic units to form an infinite set of sentences, most of which are never before produced or heard. Language is creative in another sense, that is, its potential to create endless sentences. That is to say, it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users

34、.(2 points) Displacement; It means that language can be used to refer to things which are present or not present, real or imagined matters in the past, present, or future, or in far-away places. Displacement benefits human beings by giving them the power to handle generalizations and abstractions. I

35、n a word, the intellectual benefits of displacement to us are that it makes it possible for us to talk and think in abstract terms.(2 points) Cultural transmission: Language is not biologically transmitted. Instead, it is culturally transmitted from generation to generation through teaching and lear

36、ning.Interchangeability: Interchangeability means that any human being can be both a producer and a receiver of messages.【试题解析】 考查人类语言的区别性特征。语言的区别性特征主要包括以下几个方面:任意性、二重性、创造性、移位性,此外还有文化传递性和互换性。17 【正确答案】 The Prague School practiced a special style of synchronic linguistics, and its most important contri

37、bution to linguistics is that it sees language in terms of function and the theory of phonology and the distinction between phonetics and phonology.(1 point)The most influential figure in phonology is Trubetzkoy, whose ideas are expressed in his book Principles of Phonology. Trubetzkoys main contrib

38、utions are as follows; He showed distinctive functions of speech sounds and gave an accurate definition for the phoneme; By making distinctions between phonetics and phonology, and between stylistic phonology and phonology, he defined the sphere of phonological studies; By studying the syntagmatic a

39、nd paradigmatic relations between phonemes, he revealed the interdependent relations between phonemes; He put forward a set of methodologies for phonological studies, such as the method of extracting phonemes and the method of studying phonological combinations.(3 points)Another contribution made by

40、 the Prague School is that they analyze sentences from a functional point of view.(1 point)Functional sentence perspective(FSP)is a theory of linguistic analysis which refers to an analysis of utterances(or texts)in terms of the information they contain, the principle of which is that the role of ea

41、ch utterance plays is evaluated for its semantic contribution to the whole. It is believed that a sentence contains a Theme and a Rheme.(1 point)FSP is used to describe how information is distributed in sentences, dealing with the effect of the distribution of known and new information in discourse.

42、(1 point)The theory of Communicative Dynamism, CD for short, was proposed by Firbas. By CD, Firbas means the extent to which the sentence element contributes to the development of the communication.(1 point)【试题解析】 考查布拉格学派的贡献。布拉格学派实践了语言学共时研究,最突出的贡献在于其音位学说以及对语音学和音位学的区别。音位学最具影响力的人物当属特鲁别茨柯依。他的观点集中收录在他的音

43、位学理论一书中。特鲁别茨柯依的主要贡献是区分了语音和音位,且揭示了音位间的相互依赖关系。布拉格学派另一个最重要的贡献是从功能角度看待语言,主张从功能的视点分析句子,他们认为一个句子包含主位和述位两种成分。主位是旧信息或已知信息,而述位是新信息或未知信息。从主位到述位的运动揭示了大脑本身的运动。在研究结构与功能的关系时,费尔巴斯提出了“交际力”的概念,用交际力表示句子成分对交际发展所起的作用。费尔巴斯把功能句子观解释为不同程度的交际力的分布。他认为,句子前面部分承载的交际力最低,然后逐步增加,直到交际力最大的成分。18 【正确答案】 Register is important in system

44、ic linguistics because it is seen as the linguistic consequence of interacting aspects of context, which Halliday calls “field, tenor, and mode. “(2 points)Field of discourse refers to what is going on; to the area of operation of the language actively. It is concerned with the purpose and subject-m

45、atter of communication. It answers the questions of “why“ and “ about what“ communication takes place. The field of register determines to a great extent the vocabulary to be used in communication and it also determines the phonological and grammatical features of the language.(1 point)Tenor of disc

46、ourse refers to the role of relationship in the situation in question: who the participants in the communication groups are and in what relationship they stand to each other. It answers the question of “to whom“ the speaker is communicating. This dimension to great extent determines the level of for

47、mality and the level of technicality of the language we use.(1 point)Mode of discourse mainly refers to the means of communication. It is concerned with “ how“ communication is carried out. Fundamental to the mode 6f discourse is the distinction between speaking and writing. But there are finer dist

48、inctions, e. g. spoken language may be spontaneous or prepared beforehand and written language may be intended to be rdad with the eye or to be spoken.(1 point)By understanding the semiotic properties of a situation(i. e. , the values for field, tenor, and mode), language users can predict the meani

49、ngs that are likely to He exchanged and the language likely to be used. Halliday notes that while people are communicating they make predictions by using the values of field, tenor and mode to understand register and that their assessment facilitates their own participation.(3 points)【试题解析】 考查系统功能语法中语域的概念。韩礼德的语域理论可以概括为_三个层次:即语场、语旨和语式。语场指的是交谈的情景因素,包括交谈的话题与场地;语旨指的是交际双方的社会关系及其语言活动的目的;语式指的是交际双方通过什么媒介来实现其语言活动。语场、语旨和语式这三部分相互作用,相互制约,构成特定的语域。具体的话语语境要求语域三个层次的统一、协调。语域的三个组成部分中任何一项的改变都会引起所交流的意义的变化,从而引起语言的变异。19 【正确答案】 The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, named after the American linguis


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