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1、2010 年四川大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、名词解释1 Lord Alfred Tennyson2 The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus3 The Age of Realism in American Literature4 Ernest Hemingway二、单项选择题5 The poem“ Virtue “was written by_.(A)George Herbert(B) Ben Jonson(C) John Donne(D)Robert Herrick6 Which of the following is NOT dire

2、ctly related to the stream of consciousness school of novel?(A)James Joyce(B) Virginia Woolf(C) Finnegans Wake(D)The Plough and the Stars7 Mrs. Crawley is a major character in_.(A)Bleak House(B) Major Barbara(C) Wuthering Heights(D)Vanity Fair8 “Round many western islands have I been Which bards in

3、fealty to Apollo hold. “The above lines are quoted from John Keats poem “ On First Looking into Chapmans Homer“.The Phrase “western islands“ also refers to _.(A)works by ancient Roman writers(B) works by Homer(C) ancient classic works(D)poetic beauty in classic works9 The Black Prince is a novel by

4、_.(A)Mrs. Gaskell(B) William Golding(C) Thomas Kyd(D)Iris Murdoch10 Which ONE of the following is the author of The Law of Life?(A)Mark Twain(B) Frank Norris(C) Edgar Allan Poe(D)Jack London11 Which ONE of the following writers is the author of the novel The Sound and the Fury?(A)Harriet Beecher Sto

5、we(B) Stephen Crane(C) William Faulkner(D)Henry James12 Which ONE of the following concepts is related to the understanding of literary realism?(A)spontaneous outflow of feelings(B) faith in individualism, independence of mind and self-reliance(C) representation of characters, human nature and socia

6、l actualities in a non-idealized way(D)survival of the fittest13 Which one of the following is the novel dealing with the slavery issue?(A)The Fall of the House of Usher(B) Moby Dick(C) Martin Eden(D)Uncle Toms Cabin14 Which ONE of the following is generally believed to be the main idea of American

7、Transcendentalism ?(A)glorification of the environmental forces(B) advocating the notion of the futility of human efforts(C) stressing hard-work, piety and sobriety(D)emphasis on spirit or the Oversoul, an all-pervading power for goodness三、问答题15 Please briefly comment on George Bernard Shaws play Ma

8、jor Barbara.16 Please briefly comment on Stephen Cranes naturalistic novel The Red Badge of Courage.2010 年四川大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析一、名词解释1 【正确答案】 He is Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom during much of Queen Victorias reign and remains one of the most popular poets in the English language. Tennyson e

9、xcells at penning short lyrics, Break, Break, Break, Tears, Idle Tears and Crossing the Bar. He also writes some notable blank verses including Idylls of the King and Ulysses.2 【正确答案】 It is a five acts play by Christopher Marlowe, based on the Faustus story, in which a man sells his soul to the devi

10、l for power and knowledge. The cause of Faustus tragedy is his blind faith in human intellecta common theme of English literature during the Renaissance period. It was first published in 1604.3 【正确答案】 The Age of Realism came in the early 20th century as a reaction against the trend of romanticism an

11、d sentimentalism. It emphasizes a faithful rendering of the ordinary, expressing the concern for common place and the low, and offering an objective view of human nature and human experience.4 【正确答案】 He is an American author and journalist. His distinctive writing style, characterized by economy and

12、 understatement, influenced 20th-century fiction. He produced most of his works between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.二、单项选择题5 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 美德是英国诗人 George Herbert 的作品。6 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 犁与星辰是爱尔兰剧作家肖恩欧卡西(Sean OCasey,1880 一1964)以爱尔兰民族运动为背景所创作的戏剧,与题干中的意识流

13、小说没有直接联系。7 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 克劳利夫人是小说名利场(Vanity Fair)中的角色。8 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 “western islands”(西方的海岛)暗指作家通过荷马所了解到的经典著作。9 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 The Black Prince( 黑王子) 是英国小说家艾丽斯默多克(Iris Murdoch,1919 一 1999)的作品。10 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 The Law of Life(生命的法则)是美国小说家杰克 伦敦(Jack London,18761961)的短篇小说。11 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 The Sou

14、nd and the Fury(喧嚣与骚动 )是美国小说家威廉福克纳(William Faulkner,18971962)的长篇小说代表作。12 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 A 选项“感情的自然流露”是英国浪漫主义文学的特点; B 选项“个人主义、思想独立和自强”是美国浪漫文学的特点。D 选项“适者生存”是美国自然主义文学的特征。13 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 汤姆叔叔的小屋是美国女作家哈里特比彻 斯托(Harriet Beecher Stowe)于 1852 年发表的一部反奴隶制小说。14 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 超验的核心观点是主张人能超越感觉和理性而直接认识真理。超验主义者强

15、调万物本质上的统一,万物皆受“超灵”(oversoul)制约,而人类灵魂与“超灵”一致。三、问答题15 【正确答案】 Major Barbara is a play about the conflict between the educated, idealistic Barbara and her millionaire father; it also deals with the tragic-comic irony of the conflict between real life and the romantic imagination. It is considered a “ pr

16、oblem play“ , for it realistically deals with social issues related to Shaws contemporary British society. In the play, Shaw draws into question the validity of religious and charitable organizations, such as the Salvation Army; he also ridicules the superficial family ties of the rich that nothing

17、is sacred except money. Finally, the play has a socialist leaning, for it questions capitalism, especially the exploitation of the workers by large industrialists. The main theme discussed in the play is the benefit of tempering idealism with some reality and realism with some idealism. In the play,

18、 Barbaras idealism is tempered with reality without destroying her dreams. She finds a new, more realistic way to channel her energies into helping others.【试题解析】 巴巴拉少校是英国作家萧伯纳以救世军为题材创作的戏剧。剧中巴巴拉是个虔诚的基督都徒,参加了宗教慈善团体救世军,担任少校职务。其父安德谢夫是军火大王,认为唯有金钱和炸药才能使灵魂得救,而救世军鼓吹的“仁爱”是伪善的。她和父亲的冲突,是经济和信仰的冲突,理想和现实的冲突。当父亲要收

19、买救世军时,她终于屈服,相信是“威士忌大王”鲍吉尔和军火商救活了穷人。如果她离开父亲,就是“离开生活”。巴巴拉的转变虽然显得唐突,但也并非完全不可能。巴巴拉的精神苦闷,也表达了一些和上层社会有千丝万缕联系的青年知识分子的苦闷。巴巴拉少校反映了贫富不均和劳资冲突等尖锐的社会问题。萧伯纳在剧本结束时并没有提出解决问题的方法,但是剧本明确反对贫富不均,揭露资产阶级的慈善事业和议会制度的本质,仍具有积极的意义。16 【正确答案】 The Red Badge of Courage is a short novel with elements of the bildungsroman. The book

20、focuses on the character development of a young soldier after he enlisted in the Union Army in 1863, during the American Civil War. The novel presents a realistic portrait of the youth and the battle he fights with the enemy and with himself; and it centers on the maturation of a naive youth who mat

21、ures into a young adult in the crucible of war. But this novel is also obviously under the influence of naturalistic idea, that is, human being is at the mercy of fate or a pitiless universe. In the book, nature carries on with its business regardless of what happens to man. Like a great unfeeling machine, it functions in its usual way without heed to humans in peril.


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