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1、2010 年武汉大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、填空题1 Two men fight a duel in the border region of England and Scotland and the loser causes more shame than pain to his aged father with his loss because his loss is considered not a loss of his own but a loss of the nation. Answer; “_“ by_2 With its hero traveling in

2、to different places with different companions the story discusses the features of each stage of human life. Answer; “_“ by_3 Lord Murchison tells of his love experience with a young woman who is mysterious in her actions. Answer; “_“ by_ 4 Arsat, after successfully running away with the woman of his

3、 ruler, is troubled deep at heart by the thought that he had left his brother in the midst of enemies to die. Answer; “_“ by_二、单项选择题5 In one sense _ wrote all his life about one theme, which is neatly summed up in the famous phrase “grace under pressure“ , and created one hero who acts that theme ou

4、t.(A)F. S. Fitzgerald(B) Ernest Hemingway(C) William Faulkner(D)Sinclair Lewis6 The poetic style Walt Whitman devised is now called_, that is, poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme.(A)free verse(B) blank verse(C) lyric(D)epic7 Americas greatest playwright for the first half of the 20th

5、 century is _.(A)Arthur Miller(B) Tennessee Williams(C) Eugene ONeill(D)Edward Albee8 In the light of American _, man is living in a cold, indifferent, and essentially Godless world, and is no longer free in any sense of the word.(A)Puritanism(B) Romanticism(C) Realism(D)Naturalism9 The term_mainly

6、refers to those young American expatriate writers caught in the war and cut off from the old values and yet unable to come to terms with the new era after World War I when civilization had gone mad.(A)The Beat Generation(B) The Lost Generation(C) postwar realists(D)local colorists三、分析题10 Based on Th

7、e Waste Land, discuss the features of T. S. Eliots poetry and his contribution to Modernist literature.11 Give a summary of Mrs. Warrens Profession and then briefly discuss Bernard Shaws social criticism through this play.12 Essay Question on American Literature.(20 points)“ An innocent man in a dif

8、ferent world“ is a recurrent theme, and perhaps one of the most important themes, in American literature. Write a short essay on it by taking for example at least two American literary works, of whatsoever genres.2010 年武汉大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析一、填空题1 【正确答案】 Death of the Lairds Jock, Sir Walter Scott2

9、【正确答案】 The Pilgrims Progress, John Bunyan3 【正确答案】 The Sphinx Without a Secret, Oscar Wilde4 【正确答案】 The Lagoon, Joseph Conrad二、单项选择题5 【正确答案】 B6 【正确答案】 A7 【正确答案】 C8 【正确答案】 D9 【正确答案】 B三、分析题10 【正确答案】 The feature of Eliots poem first lies in its theme. In The Waste Land, the Western Europe, or Western ci

10、vilization as a whole is regarded as a waste land. From the theme of The Waste Land, we can see the thematic concerns of the modernismloneliness, isolation and despair.The charm of The Waste Land is more in its language. Eliot has made radical innovations in modern poetry writing by experimenting wi

11、th various techniques. His unique features in this poem include subtle ironies, disconnected passages, contrasts of the present and past, the mixture of erudition and common speech in his diction, and the juxtaposition of mythic or symbolic images and allusions from past literary works, from fragmen

12、ts of songs and scriptures, from history, and from modern life. Thus, Eliot has woven the whole poem into a web of imagery and allusions, bringing out a strong effect of multi-dimensionless in its theme. The thematic concern to the world after the war in this poem, along with his experimenting writi

13、ng techniques, has great impact to the modern literature.11 【正确答案】 Mrs. Warrens Profession is a play written by George Bernard Shaw in 1893. The story centers on the relationship between Mrs. Kitty Warren, a brothel owner, described by the author as “on the whole, a genial and fairly presentable old

14、 blackguard of a woman“ and her daughter, Vivie. It centers young, recent Cambridge graduate Vivie Warrens discovery that her mothers wealthand its obvious relationship to Vivies own material comforts, education, and station in lifeis the product of a prostitution enterprise. The play follows how Vi

15、vies discovery of her mothers secret profession challenges and changes their relationship.In this play Shaw accuses the bourgeoisie of making profit by fostering prostitution. The prostitution houses are used as a way for exploitation, and for investment not only by Mrs. Warren, who has been a prost

16、itute herself, but by respectable aristocrats like Sir George Crofts. Therefore, Shaw also exposes the extreme hypocrisy in his society, because at the back of the respectability, moral dignity and nobility of character, all that sort of gibberish uttered by the ruling classes to cover themselves wi

17、th honors and glory, there are the dirtiest and crudest ways of exploitation with which they make their money and live their grand, civilized lives.12 【正确答案】 “An innocent man in a different world“ is a recurrent theme in American literature. We can see this theme in Henry James The American, Daisy M

18、iller and Salingers The Catcher in the Rye.Most of Henry James novels have the “international theme“ ; the meeting of America and Europe, American innocence in contact and contrast with European decadence, the moral and psychological complications arising from there. Christopher Newman in The Americ

19、an, frustrated by the evil of French aristocratic selfishness, finds his infinite dismay that the dead hand of its traditions has reached out to snatch his happiness away from him. Daisy Miller relates the tale of a young girl of America, who goes to Rome and never realizes for one moment that Europ

20、ean values can be any different from those of her hometown. For these Americans, it was a process of progression from inexperience to experience, from innocence to knowledge and maturity.Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye doesnt go abroad, but he also experiences a world different from his o

21、wn. After being expelled from school and afraid of meeting his parents, Holden wanders in the world of decadent New York, and becomes aware of the fact that the world of adults is a “ phony“ one, and he is surrounded by “jerks“ of all kinds. It is the innocence of children and reminiscences of childhood experience that have ultimately saved Holden from despair and doom.


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