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1、2011 年北京航空航天大学英语专业(基础英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、选词填空0 Less than three weeks before a Chinese billionaires banquet, sponsored by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett on September 29, only two Chinese businessmen have confirmed they are attending.Gates and Buffett initiated a project, “ The Giving Pledge“ , in June【C1】_

2、at persuading billionaires in the United States to give the【C2】_of their wealth, 50 percent or more, to【C3 】 _Although the Microsoft mogul has announced that he would not lobby Chinese billionaires to follow【C4】_, the banquet is turning into a test【C5】_donating to Chinas charities,【C6】_the two Ameri

3、can billionaires promote philanthropy in the worlds most populous country【C7 】_donating personal wealth to charity has yet to become a common【C8】_A deep-rooted concept among wealthy individuals in China is to leave their【 C9】_fortunes to their descendants, which might be a major obstacle【C10】_donati

4、ons to charity, according to Zhang Yinjun, spokesperson with one of Chinas largest charity【C11】_, the China Charity Federation.“If Gates and Buffetts visit and banquet【C12】_change Chinese billionaires concept on the handling of their fortunes, that would be a good start to【C13 】_more people to donat

5、e to society, “ Zhang told Xinhua on Tuesday.“ China has a totally【C14】_social condition and environment, so【C15】_or not Chinese billionaires accept Gates and Buffetts ideas, will be their personal【C16 】_, “ Zhang said.Gates project office is still having【C17】_in confirming the attendance of others

6、in the select group of about 50 wealthy individuals, as many still【C18】_, said Zhang Jing, spokeswoman of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation Beijing Representative Office on Tuesday.She said the office had to repeatedly convince those who received invitations that the organizers had【C19】_combined

7、 donation plan for the charity meeting and that the activities would be closed to the media in order to keep the participants【 C20】_confidential.1 【C1 】2 【C2 】3 【C3 】4 【C4 】5 【C5 】6 【C6 】7 【C7 】8 【C8 】9 【C9 】10 【C10 】11 【C11 】12 【C12 】13 【C13 】14 【C14 】15 【C15 】16 【C16 】17 【C17 】18 【C18 】19 【C19 】20

8、 【C20 】二、写作21 You will read a table indicating the CPI(Consumer Price Index)of China in the past five months. Write a composition of no less than 120 words to describe the trend of CPI and the possible causes for this change. 22 Write an argumentative essay of no less than 200 words under the follow

9、ing title. Should Education Emphasize More on Cultivating Creativity or Basic Skills?三、选择题23 She worked hard at her task before she felt sure that the results would_her long effort.(A)justify(B) testify(C) rectify(D)verify24 Im very glad to know that my boss has generously agreed to_my debt in retur

10、n for certain services.(A)take away(B) cut out(C) write off(D)clear up25 Mass production is_only in an economy with a highly developed technology.(A)feasible(B) permissible(C) allowable(D)receivable26 “You are very selfish. Its high time you_that you are not the most important person in the world, “

11、 Edgar said to his boss angrily.(A)realized(B) have realized(C) realize(D)should realize27 The department chairman _ with thanks the assistance of all the faculty members for getting the celebration ready in a short time.(A)expresses(B) declares(C) announces(D)acknowledges28 It is very plain that su

12、ch a life as this is far more_to health than that of the man who can afford little leisure for necessary rest in the course of the day.(A)conductive(B) constructive(C) conciliate(D)conducive29 If you wait for the_moment to act, you may never begin your project.(A)definitive(B) optimum(C) implacable(

13、D)righteous30 Despite our efforts, the ambitious venture ended in a_.(A)litigation(B) conjecture(C) fiasco(D)languor31 After spending so many days lost in the desert, he was suffering from severe_.(A)hyperhydration(B) hypohydration(C) subhydration(D)dehydration32 The_light of day can be seen at abou

14、t four o clock.(A)incipient(B) incisive(C) incestuous(D)incessant33 There are some very beautifully_glass windows in the church.(A)designed(B) drawn(C) marked(D)stained34 Henry Adams_Joseph Williams as the Ambassador to Russia.(A)supervised(B) superseded(C) superintended(D)supercharged35 They are bo

15、th very determined people, so theres rather a_of personalities.(A)debate(B) disagreement(C) contest(D)clash36 The volume knob, if turned toward the left, will_sound.(A)magnify(B) enlarge(C) amplify(D)reinforce37 Based on economic studies, it seems possible to forecast that a recession may_a depressi

16、on.(A)imply(B) indicate(C) symbolize(D)precede38 When he realized the true nature of the proposal, he _ all communication with the group.(A)converted(B) reverted(C) severed(D)made39 Although money is always useful, it isnt all_.(A)what there is to life(B) to which there is in life(C) that is in life

17、(D)there is to life40 Professor Johns lecture on the recycling of waste paper and other garbage will show_can still be improved.(A)that the municipal authorities have done(B) how those the municipal authorities have done(C) how what the municipal authorities have done(D)that how the municipal author

18、ities have done41 Grant was one of a body of men who were self-reliant_, who cared hardly anything for the past but had a sharp eye for the future.(A)on themselves(B) on not making a fault(C) to a fault(D)to remain ahead42 To get my travelers cheques I had to_such a special cheque to the bank for th

19、e total amount.(A)make for(B) make out(C) make up(D)make over43 Theories have features that are Aindicative of their truth, and the task of justification is to identify these features and Busing them to guide choices Cas to Dwhich theories to believe.44 Recent reform efforts Ahave been focused on en

20、couraging lifelong or recurrent education to meet Bchanging individual and social needs. Thus, not only Cthe number of students has increased, Dbut the scope of education has also expanded.45 AJust as there are occupations that Brequire college or even higher degrees, Cso too there are occupations D

21、for which technical training is necessary.46 From Christianity and the barbarian kingdoms of the west Aemerged the Bmedieval version of politics Cby which in turn Devolved the politics of our modern world.47 The three most important issues Aof concern to citizens today are Bprison reform, Cabusing c

22、hildren, and Dtoxic waste.48 AThe above is the most important aspect Bwhich apes Ccan be told from more Dprimitive social groupings.49 People Alived at the mid-level and mountain Bslopes experienced the greatest catastrophe when the incessant rain Ccaused a sudden land-slide Dover the area.50 The dr

23、ugstore was originally Awhat the name implies, a store Bwhich drugs and medicines Cprescribed by your doctor were dispensed by Dthe neighborhood druggist.51 Stable political conditions and freedom Afrom foreign invasion enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily, and B

24、to produce more wealth than Cthe other country equally well served by nature but Dless well ordered.52 William Pitt Aurged that the English colonists Bbe given the same constitutional rights Cwhich other DEnglish subjects were entitled.53 AAs long as poor people, who in general are Bcolored, are in

25、conflict with richer people, who in general are Clighter Dskin, theres going to be a constant racial conflict in the world.54 AEven if automakers modify commercially produced cars to run Bon alternative Cfuels, the cars wont catch on in a big way Dwhen drivers can fill them up at the gas station.55

26、The sound of Athe roaring of a tiger is Bever heard by jungle dwellers Cwithout feelings of unease, for a year does not elapse without victims Dfalling to the tigers ferocity.56 As Christmas approached, with people Acrowded department stores, restaurants, theatres and movie houses, the downtown area

27、 Bwas, Cas always, Dthe busiest.57 The Aclothes you wear do not serve only a Bpure practical function. They speak volumes about Cthe way you view your personality, your state of mind, your social status, Dand even your aspirations and dreams.58 By definition, a discount store offers standard Amercha

28、ndises at prices Blower than those of more conventional merchants. It is able to do so by accepting a lower profit margin, by purchasing Cat higher volume, and by Dpaying workers less.59 AProvided the computer is Bgiven correct information Cto start, accuracy Dis another outstanding advantage.60 ABe

29、cause of the recent turmoil and until Bfurther notice, any gathering more than two people Cis prohibited in the interest of preserving Dthe law and order.61 APolice were sent to disperse the crowds but ended up Bby shooting down protesters and it was in Cthis chaos that the seeds of political libera

30、tion were Dsown.62 AMind you, under no circumstances Byou are to allow your child to change Cbroken bulbs Dby himself.63 If a student wants to go to university in the U. K. , he or she will take the examination called_.(A)General Certificate of Education-Advanced(B) General Certificate of Secondary

31、Education(C) The common entrance examination(D)General National Vocational Qualifications64 _is true about the Guy Fawkes Night?(A)It is celebrated by Welsh people in May.(B) It is celebrated by English people in November.(C) It is celebrated by Scottish people in August.(D)It is celebrated by Irish

32、 people in August.65 _flourished in Elizabethan age more than any other form of literature.(A)Novel(B) Drama(C) Essay(D)Poetry66 _of the following about the House of Commons is NOT true?(A)MPs elect the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.(B) MPs receive salaries and some other allowances.(C) MPs are exp

33、ected to represent the interest of the public.(D)Most MPs belong to the major political parties.67 _were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England.(A)The Normans(B) The Romans(C) The Vikings(D)The Anglo-Saxons68 New England refers to the six states of the_in the U. S.(A)Midwest(B) Nor

34、theast(C) Northwest(D)Southeast69 Higher education in the United States began with the founding of_in 1636.(A)Yale(B) Princeton(C) MIT(D)Harvard70 The Puritans were originally an extreme_sect.(A)Jewish(B) Catholic(C) Orthodox(D)Protestant71 Queen Victoria was Queen of England during the period from_

35、.(A)1066 to 1089(B) 1819 to 1901(C) 1558 to 1603(D)1837 to 190172 Three of the following universities have large endowments from wealthy benefactors._is the exception.(A)Harvard University(B) The State University of New York(C) Yale University(D)Princeton University73 _was NOT a Protestant denominat

36、ion.(A)The Baptists(B) The Catholics(C) The Methodists(D)The Presbyterians74 Elizabeth I was a Queen of the _ dynasty.(A)Plantagenet(B) Tudor(C) Windsor(D)Stuart75 The “American system“ of mass production was first used in_.(A)agriculture(B) textile industry(C) car industry(D)firearms industry76 Chr

37、istianity was introduced into Britain by_.(A)The Celts(B) The Romans(C) The Viking Danes(D)The Norman-French77 The Hadrians Wall was built during the period of_.(A)The Roman Invasion(B) The Heptarchy(C) The Norman Conquest(D)Viking and Danish Invasion78 _is NOT true about life peers.(A)They are not

38、from the aristocratic families.(B) They cannot sit in the House of Lords.(C) They earned their titles through their outstanding achievement.(D)The titles cannot be inherited by their children.79 In the examination called “the 11 plus“ , students with academic potential go to_.(A)public schools(B) te

39、chnical schools(C) comprehensive schools(D)grammar schools80 “Baby boom“ refers to the great increase of birth rate between_.(A)1946-1964(B) 1919-1945(C) 1970-1980(D)1980-199081 _is the leader of the Conservative party in the U. K. at present.(A)Tony Blair(B) George Brown(C) John Major(D)David Camer

40、on82 _happened in 1215.(A)The Norman French conquered the England.(B) Forced by barons, King John signed the Magna Carta.(C) Henry VIII declared separation of the English Church from the Roman Church.(D)Henry II murdered the religious martyr, Thomas Becket. 四、简答题83 Answer the following questions bri

41、efly. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.Describe the four population movements in the U. S.84 What is a constitutional monarchy? When did it begin in the U. K. ?85 What is Stonehenge? Where is it located?86 What is the Ku Klux Klan?2011 年北京航空航天大学英语专业(基础英语)真题试卷答案与解析一、选词

42、填空1 【正确答案】 aimed【试题解析】 句意:盖茨和巴菲特在七月发起了“慈善誓言”计划,旨在劝说美国的亿万富翁们拿出他们大部分的财产,百分之五十或更多,捐给慈善机构。原文中表达的是慈善计划的目的,所以用 aimed at 符合文意。2 【正确答案】 majority【试题解析】 句意同上题。逗号后面明确指出,捐出百分之五十或更多的财产,所以用 majority 表示“大多数 ”。3 【正确答案】 charity【试题解析】 根据前文可知,计划的名字是 Giving 即给予,所以这些财产是捐献给慈善组织,因此填 charity 符合文意。4 【正确答案】 suit【试题解析】 句意:虽然这

43、个微软大亨宣称他不会游说中国的亿万富翁们也照着做,但是这场晚宴将成为一场考验中国慈善募捐的测试。follow suit 的意思为“学样,照着做”,原文中的意思就是盖茨说他不会劝中国富豪学着美国富豪的样子为慈善捐款,follow suit 符合语境。5 【正确答案】 for【试题解析】 句意上题。按文意,用 for 表达目的,即考验的目的。6 【正确答案】 as【试题解析】 句意:这两位美国的亿万富翁到这个全世界人口最多的国家来促进慈善事业,而在这个国家里捐出个人财产还未成为惯例。这句承接上文的意思,慈善晚会之所以会成为一场考验,原因是中国的慈善还未普及,因此用 as 引导从句表明原因。7 【正

44、确答案】 where【试题解析】 句意同上题。由 where 引导的定语从句修饰前面的 country。8 【正确答案】 practice【试题解析】 common practice 意为“习惯做法,惯例”。9 【正确答案】 entire【试题解析】 句意:据中国最大的慈善机构之一中国慈善总会的发言人张殷俊所说,中国的富豪想把所有财产留给自己的后代,这种根深蒂固的想法可能是阻碍慈善捐款的一个大的障碍。根据句意和国情,用 entire 表示“所有的,全部的”。10 【正确答案】 preventing【试题解析】 句意同上题。preventing donations 是对障碍 obstacle 的

45、进一步说明。11 【正确答案】 organizations【试题解析】 charity organizations 表示“慈善组织”。12 【正确答案】 could【试题解析】 句意:如果盖茨和巴菲特的到访和晚宴能改变中国富豪们处理他们财富的观念,那么这将是一个好的开端,会鼓励更多的中国人向社会捐款。原文中是表示假设的虚拟语气,因此用 could 表示。13 【正确答案】 encourage【试题解析】 句意同上题。用 encourage“鼓励” 符合文意。14 【正确答案】 different【试题解析】 句意:今天中国的社会情况和环境已和以往不同,因此中国的富豪们能否接受盖茨和巴菲特的观点

46、,将会是他们的个人选择。依据文意,应用different 表示变化的环境。15 【正确答案】 whether【试题解析】 句意同上题。whether or not 表示“是否”。16 【正确答案】 choice【试题解析】 personal choice 是指个人选择。17 【正确答案】 difficulties【试题解析】 句意:盖茨的慈善计划办公室目前面临的难题是,要确认选定的这50 位富翁中有谁会来赴宴,因为他们中的大多数仍然在犹豫中。根据原文意思,确认赴宴宾客是难题,所以用 difficulties。18 【正确答案】 hesitate【试题解析】 句意同上题。用 hesitate 表

47、示“犹豫不决 ”。19 【正确答案】 no【试题解析】 句意:她说办公室必须反复说服接受邀请的人,使他们相信组织者没有为这个慈善会议设定任何捐款计划,而且这些活动不会对媒体开放以便使参加者的身份保密。根据原文意思,需要用 no 表示否定。20 【正确答案】 identities【试题解析】 句意同上题。identities 意思为“身份”。二、写作21 【正确答案】 The above table shows us the change of Consumer Price Index of China in the later half year of 2010. During the per

48、iod between July and November, the statistics of CPI was in a continuous increase. The growth of CPI from July to September was steady, while the CPI increased sharply since October. It is no easy task to identify the reasons for the increase which involves several complicated factors. The main reason for the CPI growth is the governments moderately loose monetary policy recently, according to some economists. From my everyday experience and observation, I believe that it is the rising food prices which account for about a third of the CPI that push up the CPI. The


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