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1、2012 年北京航空航天大学英语专业(基础英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、选词填空0 The Beatles sang that money cant buy you love. But what about happiness? Research consistently shows that the more money people have, the【C1】_likely they are to report【C2】_satisfied with their lives.And that makes【C3】_; money buys you things that make life e

2、asier and more satisfying; the【C4 】_your life, the happier you tend to be. That【 C5】_isnt entirely linear, since theres a limit to how【C6】_wealth can please you; the happiness benefit of an increasing income is especially powerful【C7】_people who dont have much money to start with, and diminishes as

3、wealth【C8】_But studies also reveal that【 C9】_average income levels have risen【C10】_timein the U. S. and European nations, for exampleresidents of those countries have not reported being any happier than people【C11 】 _30 or 40 years ago. Its a paradox that【C12】_income and happiness may be associated

4、within a population at any given moment, overall economic growth does【 C13】_appear to correspond to a boost in national satisfaction over time.(See a gallery of things money can buy.)To understand why, researchers at the University of Warwick and Cardiff University decided to break down how individu

5、al people【C14】_their income. What does wealth【C15 】 _to people? Previous work has suggested that people tend to value their own wealth moreand are happierwhen it compares favorably to everyone【C16】_The so-called reference-income hypothesis holds that its not simply how much money you【C17】_that contr

6、ibutes to satisfaction,【C18】_how much more money you make than, say, the national average. The higher your salary than the norm, the happier you tend to be. That could explain in part【C19 】_populations as a whole do not experience sunnier dispositions with economic growth, since a majority of indivi

7、duals may not fall above the national income【C20】_1 【C1 】2 【C2 】3 【C3 】4 【C4 】5 【C5 】6 【C6 】7 【C7 】8 【C8 】9 【C9 】10 【C10 】11 【C11 】12 【C12 】13 【C13 】14 【C14 】15 【C15 】16 【C16 】17 【C17 】18 【C18 】19 【C19 】20 【C20 】二、写作21 You will read a table indicating the population of Chinese students studying abro

8、ad. Write a composition in no less than 120 words to describe the trend of the changes and the possible causes for these changes. 22 Science and technology has greatly improved our life and contributed to human civilizations. However, some say, at present we are pursuing the scientific development a

9、t the cost of human nature. Do you agree with this opinion? Why and why not? Write an essay with the title; “The Challenge of Science on Humanity“ in no less than 200 words to illustrate your point.三、选择题23 Research shows that eating a better diet may delay the_of certain diseases in some patients.(A

10、)onset(B) induction(C) uptake(D)origin24 The investors will discontinue their investment on the product if its costs continue to_.(A)propagate(B) prolong(C) elevate(D)escalate25 Although sales have continued to increase since last May, the rate of increase has_.(A)resurged(B) retaliated(C) decelerat

11、ed(D)demeaned26 The company that Susan works for is _with an automotive company, so she can get a discount on a new car.(A)correlated(B) paralleled(C) accounted(D)affiliated27 I think William would be most suitable for the job. His work record is_.(A)impeccable(B) impartial(C) rudimentary(D)justifie

12、d28 The powers and satisfactions of primeval people, though few and meager, were_their few and simple desires.(A)circumscribed by(B) commensurate with(C) fossilized by(D)simultaneous with29 These bright colors look good on you because of your dark_.(A)complexity(B) composure(C) complexion(D)composit

13、ion30 In the 20th century, the discovery of radium_ the popular imagination; not only was its discoverer, Marie Curie, idolized, but its market value_that of the rarest gemstone.(A)stormed. diminished(B) horrified. approached(C) enflamed. exceeded(D)conspired. triggered31 Some writers who once great

14、ly_the literary critic have recently recanted, substituting _for their former criticism.(A)lauded. censure(B) disparaged. approbation(C) simulated. ambivalence(D)influenced. analysis32 Fashion is partly a search for a new language to discredit the old, a way in which each generation can_its immediat

15、e predecessor and distinguish itself.(A)conform(B) condone(C) repudiate(D)resurrect33 Were animal parents judged by human standards, the cuckoo would be one of natures_ creatures, blithely laying its eggs in the nests of other birds, and leaving the incubating and nurturing to them.(A)mettlesome(B)

16、industrious(C) conscientious(D)feckless34 The eradication of pollution is not merely a matter of_, though the majestic beauty of nature is indeed an important consideration.(A)aesthetics(B) legislation(C) cleanliness(D)economics35 Since the 15th century, animals have been used as_for people in exper

17、iments to assess the effects of therapeutic and other agents that might later be used in humans.(A)benefactors(B) companions(C) surrogates(D)precedents36 The artists delicate watercolor sketches often served as_of a subject, a way of gathering fuller knowledge before his final engagement of the subj

18、ect in an oil painting.(A)a synthesis(B) an abstraction(C) a reconnaissance(D)an enhancement37 Winsor McCay, the cartoonist, could draw with incredible_: his comic strip about Little Nemo was characterized by marvelous draftsmanship and sequencing.(A)sincerity(B) efficiency(C) virtuosity(D)rapidity3

19、8 The barrier of language keeps many scientists in prolonged ignorance of work of immediate importance to them_at present in many countries.(A)doing(B) to be done(C) having done(D)being done39 The general effect of the irradiation from the nuclear leakage is less obvious, but_serious.(A)not the less

20、(B) much less(C) none the less(D)no the less40 Issues of price, place, promotion, and product are_conventional concerns in planning marketing strategies.(A)these of the most(B) most of those(C) among the most(D)among the many of41 When we encounter more difficulties, we should be more spirited, and

21、we should be more courageous_.(A)the more danger we are in(B) the more in danger we are(C) we are in more danger(D)we are in danger more42 If not_with the respect he feels due to him, Bob gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time.(A)being treated(B) be treated(C) having been treated(D)treated

22、43 ANot only does this theoretical approach seek out Bpreviously neglected literary works, Cbut it also illuminates the ways in which race, ethnicity, and the imbalance of power Dinforms many works.44 Researchers Awho perform qualitative studies, Bsuch as observations and interviews, Care interested

23、 in interpreting behavior by first watching, Dlistening or interacting with individuals or a group.45 The larger issue, Glanz said, Ais that educators Bmust recognize that teachers and students, Cthough physical in the same school, are in separate worlds and have an Dongoing power struggle.46 It is

24、fashionable Arationalizing our collaboration in all this by arguing that, well, men like to fight and injure their fellows, and Bsuch games as football should be encouraged to discharge Cthis original-sin urge into less harmful channels Dthan, say, war.47 AAs for the effect of organized football on

25、the spectator, the fans are not Bso much released from supposed feelings of violent aggression Cby watching their athletic heroes perform it as they are encouraged Din the view which people-smashing is an admirable mode of self-expression.48 Advertisers Awould have us believed the myth that alcohol

26、is Bpart of being successful, sexy, healthy and happy; but those Cwho have suffered from itdirectly or indirectlyDknow otherwise.49 If lecture classes Awere restricted to junior and senior undergraduates and to graduate students, Bwho are less need of scholarly nurturing and Cmore able to prepare wo

27、rk on their own, they would be Dfar less destructive of students interests and enthusiasms than the present system.50 Those who want gunsAwhether for target shooting, hunting or potting rattlesnakes(get a hoe) Bshould be subjected to the same restrictions placed on gun owners in England, a nation Ci

28、n which liberty has survived nicely without Dan arm populace.51 Research suggests that hypochondriacs Afell into three categories; those who have Ba variant of obsessive-compulsive disorder, those Cwhose hypochondria was triggered by a stressful life event, and those who Dare hypersensitive to any p

29、hysical symptoms.52 AOn the contrary, a recent Harvard study argues that footballs characteristics of “impersonal acceptance of Binflicting injury, “ an overriding “ organization goal, “ the “ ability to turn oneself on and off, “ and being, Cabove all, “out to win“ Dare prized by ambitious executiv

30、es in many large corporations.53 So long as the child Ais shown exactly how to do somethingBwhether be placing a key in a key slot, drawing a hen or Cmaking up for a misdeedhe is less likely to figure out himself Dhow to accomplish such a task.54 And, more generally, he is less likely to view lifeAa

31、s Americans doas a series of situations in which one has to learn Bto think for oneself, to solve problems Con ones own and even to discover problems Dwhich creative solutions are wanted.55 But Aassuming that the contrast I have developed is valid, and that the fostering of skills and creativity Bar

32、e both worthwhile goals, the important question becomes this: Can we gather, from the Chinese and American extremes, Ca superior way to approach education, perhaps Dto strike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills?56 As Ive examined Awhat it meant to be poor, Bit has becom

33、e clear to me what I am Cmost thankful; both my tangible and my intangible Dgood fortune.57 But just how long Walton can Ahold firm to his folksy habits with celebrity hunters Bkeep following him Cwherever he goes is Danyones guess.58 AWhen asking if their children wanted a call or a text message Br

34、equesting that Cthey be home by curfew, for instance, 58 percent of parents said their children Dpreferred a text.59 AWhat first seemed like a luxury, crawling from bed to computer, Bnot worrying about hair, and clothes and face, Chave become a form of escape, Da lack of discipline.60 You remember t

35、hat Afavourite story of yours, Bone about how the army captain and the woman Cwhose book he discovered got to know one another Dsolely through writing letters?61 Baby boomers Awho warned decades ago that their out-of-touch parents Bcouldnt be trusted now sometimes Cfind themselves raise children who

36、thanks to the Internet and the cellphoneconsider Mom and Dad Dto be clueless, too.62 Not until AIve been embarrassed by someone who politely points out that BIve attacked her Cfor agreeing with me DI realize that I have been projecting.63 The President of the United States is head of the_Branch.(A)S

37、upreme Court(B) Judicial(C) Legislative(D)Executive64 _is celebrated by English people in November.(A)May Day(B) Guy Fawkes Night(C) Thanksgiving Day(D)Easter Day65 The Civil Rights Movement happened in_.(A)the 1960s(B) the 1950s(C) the 1920s(D)the 1970s66 The Battle of_witnessed the death of King H

38、arold in 1066.(A)Hastings(B) Trafalgar(C) Waterloo(D)Stratton67 The Celts religion is_.(A)Christianity(B) Protestantism(C) Presbyterianism(D)Druidism68 Cockney is a term referring to a person living in_.(A)the west end of London(B) the east end of New York(C) the east end of London(D)the west end of

39、 New York69 _are the places where, in the 17th to 19th centuries in Britain, very poor, homeless people did very unpleasant jobs in return for food and shelter.(A)Nursing homes(B) Factories(C) Workhouses(D)Prisons70 The Puritans were originally an extreme_sect.(A)Protestant(B) Jewish(C) Catholic(D)I

40、slamic71 During the Civil War of England, the Cavaliers supported_while the Roundheads were in support of_.(A)the king.the parliament(B) the parliament.the king(C) the king.the church(D)the church.the king72 James I, king of England firmly believed in_.(A)laissez-faire(B) the Devine Right of Kings(C

41、) Constitutional Monarchy(D)Protestantism73 The main obstacle to Hispanic success in labor market is their_.(A)lack of good manners(B) dark skin color(C) low level of education(D)high rate of crime74 Charles I was a king of the_dynasty.(A)Plantagenet(B) Tudor(C) Stuart(D)George75 The party which win

42、s the largest second seats in the parliament becomes the official_ with its own leader and_.(A)cabinet. government(B) opposition. shadow cabinet(C) government.cabinet(D)shadow cabinet.opposition76 _, known as the backbone of the North American Continent, is also called the Continental Divide.(A)The

43、Rockies(B) The Appalachian Mountains(C) The Blue Mountains(D)The Great Smoky Mountains77 Senator_launched an Anti-Communist hysteria in the early 1950s.(A)Franklin Roosevelt(B) George Kennan(C) Theodore Roosevelt(D)Joseph Raymond McCarthy78 China and the United States established their diplomatic re

44、lationships in January_.(A)1972(B) 1971(C) 1975(D)197979 The Civil War in England was also known as_.(A)the Puritan Revolution(B) the Glorious Revolution(C) the Crusades(D)the Reformation80 _refers to the movement very active in the early part of the 20th century, agitated for womens political right

45、 to vote.(A)The Civil Rights Movement(B) Womens Suffrage Movement(C) The Feminist Movement(D)The Countercultural Movement81 _is separated from mainland America by Canada.(A)Hawaii(B) Alaska(C) Rhode Island(D)Greenland82 The doctors who serve the community in general health care in Britain, rather li

46、ke solicitors of the medical profession, who usually join together in partnership in a medical practice, must study for seven years and pass exams before they become qualified_.(A)MP(B) PC(C) GP(D)IQ四、简答题83 Answer the following questions briefly. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the a

47、nswer sheet.How many constituencies are there in Britain today? How many members are there in the House of Commons?84 What are some of the characteristics of American education?85 What is meant by the term “Welfare State“ in Britain?86 What are the names of the Great Lakes?2012 年北京航空航天大学英语专业(基础英语)真题

48、试卷答案与解析一、选词填空1 【正确答案】 more【试题解析】 句意:披头士乐队在歌里唱到金钱买不到爱。但是金钱能买到快乐么?研究反复证明人们越有钱,他们就越可能回答说他们很满意自己的生活。本句中用 the morethe more结构表示“越越”。2 【正确答案】 being【试题解析】 句意同上题。短语 be satisfied with 表示“对感到满意”,空格之前是 report 且后面接的不是从句,故用 be 的 Ving 形式being。3 【正确答案】 sense【试题解析】 句意:这么说是有道理的:钱能买到很多让你的生活更便捷更令人满足的东西。make sense 是固定搭配,表示“有道理,讲得通”。4 【正确答案】 easier【试题解析】 句意:你的生活越便捷,你就越容易开心。本句中也是“the morethe more”结构,且根据前一句所说,便捷舒适的东西能让生活更好,故填 easy 的比较级 easier。5 【正确答案】 relationship【试题解析】 句意:这种关系并不是线性的,因为有一个限制:即多少财富能买到你的开心。此句缺少一个名词作主语。根据句意,可填入 relationship 指前文所说的金钱和快乐的


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