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1、2013 年北京航空航天大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、简答题1 What is a phoneme? How to discover phonemes?2 What are endocentric compounds and exocentric compounds? Which compounds below are endocentric and which are exocentric?airplane; dog food; pickpocket; policeman; redhead; sky-blue; walkman.3 What are syntagmatic a

2、nd paradigmatic relations? Explain each of them with an example.4 What is Contrastive Analysis(in Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching)?5 What are image schemas? Give three examples of image schemas.6 What is hyponymy? Arrange the vehicles shown in the first column in the table below, together

3、with some appropriate superordinates and hyponyms, in a diagram to show the hyponymy.7 Write some phrase-structure rules(beginning with SNP VP)which can generate the sentence: The men love a red car.8 What is Componential Analysis? Use this theory to explain why the following sentences do not make s

4、ense;(a)John is a man but not a male.(b)Peter killed Bob but Bob did not die.9 Consider the dialogue between A and B; A; Can I talk to you now ?B; I will have a meeting in a minute.Explain Bs implicature using Grices theory of Conversational Implicature.2013 年北京航空航天大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷答案与解析一、简答题1 【正确答案】

5、As a basic unit of phonological study, phoneme is an abstract collection of phonetic features which can distinguish meanings.(2 points)A phoneme can be discovered by comparing words. For example, it is known that “bet“ and “pet“ are two English words, and they differ only in the initial sounds /b/an

6、d/p/, so /b/and/p/can be identified as two different phonemes.(4 points)【试题解析】 考查音位。音位指一组语音特征的抽象组合,它是音系学研究的基本单位,也是区别意义的最小语音单位,“最小对立体测试”可用于确定音位。2 【正确答案】 Compound refers to the word which consists of more than one lexical morpheme, or the way to join two separate words to produce a single form.(2 poin

7、ts)An endocentric compound is a compound whose distribution is functionally equivalent, or approaching equivalence, to one of its constituents, which serves as the center or the head of the whole. As for the exocentric compound, it is a construction whose distribution is not functionally equivalent

8、to any of its constituents, which indicates there is no noticeable center or head in the compound.(2 points)The endocentric compounds are as follows;airplane, dog food, policeman , sky-blue, while the exocentric compounds are pickpocket, redhead, and walkman.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查向心复合词和离心复合词。复合词指由一个以上的

9、词汇语素构成的词,或者由两个独立的词连接起来构成的新词。按照不同的组成结构,复合词可分为向心复合词和离心复合词,向心结构中包含一个作为整个结构中心或核心的成分,而离心结构则没有明显的核心。3 【正确答案】 According to Saussure, language is a system of signs, each of which is composed of two parts, the signified and the signifier. The relationship between the two parts is arbitrary. Therefore, the li

10、nguists cannot attempt to explain signs in a piecemeal fashion. Instead, they must try to find the value of a sign from its relations to others.(2 points)There are two relations between signs: syntagmatic relation and paradigmatic relation. The former is the relation between one sign and the sign go

11、ing before and after it while the latter refers to the relation by which a sign stands in opposition to other signs.(2 points)For example, the relation between a subject and a predicate is syntagmatic, such as I and love in the sentence I love China, while a host of words are suitable for the blank

12、in the sentence I love_ , namely China, art, reading and the like. All the linguistic theorists after Saussure are structural in that they regard linguistic units as interrelated with each other in a structure(syntagmatic relation)or in a system(paradigmatic relation).(2 points)【试题解析】 考查组合关系和聚合关系。索绪

13、尔认为语言是一种符号系统,每个符号由所指和能指构成,两者之间的关系是任意的。组合关系指构成同一种形式、序列或结构的要素之间的关系,又称水平关系;聚合关系指在一个结构中某一特定位置上可以互相替换的各要素之间的关系,又称垂直关系。组合关系说明语言结构的规则,聚合关系则反映出语言替换的规则。4 【正确答案】 Contrastive analysis is a way of comparing languages(the native language and the target language)in order to predicate potential errors and what nee

14、ds to be taught in a foreign language teaching.(2 points)As an application of structural linguistics, contrastive analysis enjoyed popularity in the 1950s and 1960s and covered many aspects in language study, such as phonology, syntax and lexicon.(2 points)Contrastive analysis helps us understand la

15、nguage learning and teaching in many ways, but it has some problems. First of all, differences between two languages can be attributed to many reasons, and some linguistically difficult items are not psychologically difficult. Secondly, contrastive analysis can not predict all errors. Thirdly, some

16、predicted difficulties are not difficult to learn actually.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查外语教学中的对比分析法。对比分析法指将母语和目标语在形式上和意义上进行对比,从而找出两者的不同之处,进而预测学习者在学习过程中可能会遇到的困难,并且确定外语教学的重点和难点。5 【正确答案】 Mark Johnson(1987)proposes image schemas. He defines an image schema as a recurring, dynamic pattern of our perceptual interac

17、tions and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience. Image schematic structures have two characteristics; they are pre-conceptual schematic structures emerging from our bodily experience and they are constantly operating in our perceptual interaction, bodily movement throug

18、h space and physical manipulation of objects. Image schemas exist at a level of abstraction, operate at a level of mental organization between propositional structures and concrete images, and “ serve repeatedly as identifying patterns in an indefinitely large number of experiences, perceptions , an

19、d image formation for objects or events that are similarly structured in the relevant ways“.(3 points)For example, when analyzing the following three sentences, we can notice that in English, happiness can be understood as the fluid in a container, the light and the pleasant animal.(1)Joy is welling

20、 up(涌出)in her heart.(2)She radiates joy.(3)She is as merry as a lark.(3 points)【试题解析】 考查意向图示。意向图示是认知语言学中广泛使用的概念,它与隐喻的机制密切相关。意向图示指人们与外界互相感知和互相运动过程中一种反复出现的动态的样式,可以为人们的经验提供连贯性和结构性。6 【正确答案】 Hyponymy is a kind of sense relation. It is a matter of class membership.(2 points)The upper term or in other word

21、s the class, in this sense relation is named as superordinate, while the lower term, namely the members, is the hyponym.(2 points)A superordinate is a general term that usually includes different words representing narrower categories.(2 points)In this particular case, vehicle serves as the superord

22、inate, and the hyponyms are different vehicles featuring various characteristics, to be exact, van, bus, car, motorcycle, and bicycle.(4 points)【试题解析】 考查上下义关系。上下义关系是一种所属关系。上义词(superordinate)是上下义关系中的上坐标词,又叫集合词(class name),由不同的下义词(hyponym) 构成。7 【正确答案】 The phrase structure component has phrase structur

23、e rules, which can be listed as;SNP + VP, VP V+NP, NPDet + N, Detthe, a, and etc.(4 points)The structure of the sentence mentioned above is as follows; the whole sentence can be divided into a NP(noun phrase)and a VP(verb phrase), “the men“ here serves as the NP and “love a red car“ serves as the VP

24、. The VP “love a red car“ can further be divided into “love“ as a verb, and “a red car“ as another NP. Any NP can be divided into “ Det(determiner)+ N(noun)“. Inside the NP “the men“ , “the“ is a determiner and “men“ is the noun, as for the NP “a red car“ , both “a“ and “red“ are served as determine

25、rs and “car“ is the central noun.(6 points)【试题解析】 考查转换生成语法中短语结构的组合原则。为了弥补直接成分分析法的不足,乔姆斯基建议在语言研究中区分两层结构:深层结构和表层结构。深层结构指对一个结构体句法属性的描写,即不同成分之间结构关系的潜在层面,短语结构本身存在一些组合原则。表层结构指结构体句法派生过程的最后阶段,与人们实际发送和接收的结构组织是吻合的。转换规则负责把短语结构的深层结构转变成表层结构。8 【正确答案】 Componential analysis is a way proposed by the structural seman

26、ticists to analyze the word meaning.(3 points)This approach is based on the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features or properties. It is helpful to specify the sense relation of words.(3 points)Sentence(a)doesnt make sense, because the wor

27、d “man“can be analyzed into three components; + Human, + Adult and + Male. In other words, if John is a man, he must be a male at the same time. Sentence(b)fails to make sense. The reason lies in that the word “kill“ indicates “to make someone die“ , so if Bob is killed, he is surely no longer alive

28、.(4 points)【试题解析】 考查语义成分分析法的定义及其实际应用。语义成分分析法是结构语义学家提出的一种抽象词汇词义的分析方法。这种方法认为,所有实词的意义都可以分成被称为“语义成分”或“语义特征”的小成分。9 【正确答案】 Oxford philosopher Herbert Paul Grice notices that in daily conversations people do not usually say things directly but tend to imply them. After careful observation and analysis, Gri

29、ce finds out that people seem to follow some principle which is known as Cooperative Principle(CP). To specify the CP further, Grice introduces four categories of maxims as follows;Quantity; make your contribution as informative as what is required instead of making your contribution more informativ

30、e than what is required.Quality;try to make your contribution one that is true. Do not say what you believe are false or you fail to find any evidence to support what you say.Relation: make your contribution relevant.Manner;avoid obscurity of expression and ambiguity. Be brief and orderly.(4 points)

31、People generally have CP and its maxims to guide them when they were speaking, though sub-consciously or even unconsciously. The conversational implicature arises as the CP is violated. In other words, conversational implicature refers to the additionally conveyed meaning which is dependent on conte

32、xt of utterance and shared knowledge between the speaker and the listener in order to maintain CP.(3 points)In the conversation mentioned above, A asks B whether they can have a talk. Instead of giving a direct and clear answer, B mentions to A that there is a meeting waiting for him to attend. In t

33、his way B obviously provides more information to A than necessary, and Bs answer is irrelevant to As question. These violations of both quantity and relation indicate that B neither wants to talk with A nor reject As proposal abruptly, so he uses the meeting as an excuse to save both of them from em

34、barrassment, at the same time attains his own goal.(3 points)【试题解析】 考查格赖斯提出的会话含义理论。格赖斯指出,在日常生活中人们并不总是直白地告诉对方某事,而是采取暗示的方式。例如,C 在银行工作,是A 和 B 共同的朋友。当 A 问及 C 的近况时,B 可能回答 “哦,我想应该还不错。他喜欢他的同事,而且他还没进牢房。”此时 B 肯定在暗示什么。格赖斯试图找出人们是怎样传达没有明确说出来的含义的,他认为在会话中存在某种规则,这种规则就是合作原则。格赖斯引入了四条具体准则来说明这一原则:数量、质量、关系和方式。在说话的时候,一般会有这些准则指导着我们,虽然可能是潜意识的,甚至无意识的,当人们违反这些准则时,就产生了会话含义。


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