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1、2013 年在职艺术硕士(MFA )全国联考真题试卷及答案与解析一、单项选择填空题1 2013 年是英国作曲家布里顿诞辰 100 周年,他的著名管弦乐作品( )在全世界影响广泛。(A)青少年管弦乐队指南(B) 仲夏夜之梦(C) 第五交响乐(D)春之祭2 康塔塔是 17 世纪前后出现的音乐体裁,巴洛克时期最伟大的康塔塔作曲家是( ),他共写了 200 多首康塔塔。(A)亨德尔(B) JS巴赫(C)海顿(D)莫扎特3 民族管弦乐曲春江花月夜,原为琵琶曲( ),1925 年被改编为民乐合奏曲。(A)海青拿天鹅(B) 渔舟唱晚(C) 夕阳箫鼓(D)二泉映月4 歌曲南泥湾创作于 1943 年,通过著名歌

2、唱家( )的演唱,使这首歌曲传遍全中国。(A)郭兰英(B)王玉珍(C)才旦卓玛(D)宋祖英5 交响诗牧神午后创作于 1894 年,他是印象主义作曲家( )的代表作。(A)莫扎特(B)拉威尔(C)德彪西(D)李斯特6 舞蹈是( )。(A)空间的艺术(B)综合时间和空间的艺术(C)瞬间的艺术(D)静态的艺术7 “来如雷霆收震怒,罢如江海凝青光” 是诗人( ) 对剑器舞的描述与形容。(A)李群玉(B)白居易(C)杜甫(D)王维8 芭蕾舞作品天鹅之死是由( )创作的。(A)米哈伊尔.福金(B)列夫 .伊凡诺夫(C)马里乌斯.彼季帕(D)巴兰钦9 “伊莎多拉 .邓肯” 通过研究 ( )创造了现代舞的表演

3、风格。(A)奥托艺术(B)巴洛克艺术(C)古希腊艺术(D)拜占廷艺术10 舞蹈编导是舞蹈作品的创作者,通常兼有( )的双重职责。(A)编舞和示范(B)编舞和导演(C)编舞和设计(D)设计结构和撰写文本11 中国民间舞秧歌中的“大场” 通常用在舞蹈的( )。(A)开头和结尾(B)中间穿插(C)舞段衔接(D)舞段转换12 汉堡剧评的作者莱辛是( )人。(A)法国(B)俄国(C)英国(D)德国13 江泰是曹禺先生剧本( )中的人物。(A)原野(B) 北京人(C) 雷雨(D)日出14 亚里士多德的戏剧理论著作是( )。(A)诗艺(B) 诗学(C) 诗的艺术(D)演员的矛盾15 ( )不是俄国剧作家契诃

4、夫剧作三姐妹中的人物。(A)妮娜(B)玛莎(C)叶莲娜(D)奥尔加16 玩偶之家是( ) 的作品。(A)尤金.奥尼尔(B)席勒(C)易卜生(D)王尔德17 ( )是老舍创作的剧本。(A)龙须沟(B) 骆驼祥子(C) 我这一辈子(D)四世同堂18 下列人物中的( ) 一般由老生行扮演。(A)包拯(B)伍子胥(C)许褚(D)张继保19 梨园是( ) 朝宫廷设置的专门训练乐工的机构。(A)清(B)元(C)宋(D)唐20 南戏脚色的完整设置应为( )。(A)生、旦、净、末、丑、外、贴(B)生、旦、净、末、丑、外(C)生、旦、净、末、丑(D)生、旦、净、丑、21 1912 年成立于西安的秦腔改良团体是(

5、 )。(A)易俗社(B)昆剧传习所(C)富连成社(D)伶工学社22 下列剧种中,未被列入世界非物质文化遗产名录的是( )。(A)京剧(B)昆曲(C)粤剧(D)秦腔23 现代的 DV 是指( ) 。(A)胶片影像创作(B)数字影像创作(C)立体影像创作(D)电视影像创作24 一般公认的香港电影迄今已经有( )。(A)70 年历史(B) 80 历史(C) 90 年历史(D)100 年历史25 电影中国合伙人于( )上映。(A)2000 年(B) 2010 年(C) 2012 年(D)2013 年26 故事影片一九四二的导演是( )。(A)宁浩(B)张艺谋(C)冯小刚(D)高群书27 下列影片中由“

6、 第五代导演 ”创作的是( )。(A)神女(B) 城南旧事(C) 一个和八个(D)致我们终将逝去的青春28 ( )属于电视的 “真人秀”节目。(A)大国崛起(B) 中国好声音(C) 话说长江(D)档案29 影视表现幻觉和梦境常使用的是( )。(A)平行蒙太奇(B)交叉蒙太奇(C)心理蒙太奇(D)杂耍蒙太奇30 电视纪录片的宗旨在于( )。(A)新闻报道(B)现场互动(C)真实呈现(D)情景再现31 影视作品故宫属于( )。(A)电视报道剧(B)电视剧(C)新闻纪录片(D)文献专题片32 “虚拟演播室 ”主要用于 ( )。(A)戏曲的虚拟表演(B)纪录片的虚拟再现(C)故事片的写意特技(D)主持

7、类节目的虚拟场景33 梨园春的基本定位是( )栏目。(A)专题(B)娱乐(C)戏曲(D)竞技34 断臂维纳斯是( )的著名雕塑。(A)古希腊(B)古罗马(C)古埃及(D)古印度35 青卞隐居图是( )的作品。(A)黄公望(B)王蒙(C)倪云林(D)黄宾虹36 中国画史上的“ 南北宗 ”说通常认为是由( )提出的。(A)王安石(B)童书业(C)董其昌(D)俞剑华37 文同以画( ) 著称。(A)梅(B)兰(C)竹(D)菊38 倒牛奶的女仆是( )画家维美尔的作品。(A)荷兰(B)比利时(C)德国(D)意大利39 “形式服从功能 ”是 1907 年由( )设计师路易斯 .沙利文提出的。(A)芬兰(

8、B)英国(C)意大利(D)美国40 ( )是英国 19 世纪工艺美术运动的主要代表人物。(A)马克斯.比尔(B)威廉 .莫里斯(C)托马斯.马尔多纳多(D)萨尔姆.宾41 景泰蓝多用铜胎,以( )最为出色,故称为景泰蓝。(A)蓝釉(B)黄釉(C)白釉(D)青釉42 青铜工艺与技术是( )后的又一大发明。(A)造纸术(B)制铁术(C)制陶术(D)炼金术43 艺术设计是一种特殊的文化形态,具有( )的双重性。(A)人工与机械(B)个人与群体(C)物质与文化(D)设计与调整44 视觉传达设计涵盖了从( )的多维空间。(A)点线面到体(B)二维到四维(C)视觉到想象(D)一维到多维二、多项选择填空题4

9、5 以下歌剧作品中,属于意大利作曲家威尔第的作品有( )。(A)阿依达(B) 茶花女(C) 费加罗的婚礼(D)弄臣(E)奥赛罗46 中国民间舞“ 花鼓” 又称 ( )。(A)打花鼓(B)摇花鼓(C)地花鼓(D)花鼓子(E)转花鼓47 法国古典主义戏剧代表人物有( )。(A)高乃依(B)拉辛(C)歌德(D)莱辛(E)莫里哀48 京剧“麒派 ”创始人周信芳的代表剧目有 ( )。(A)徐策跑城(B) 乌龙院(C) 四进士(D)追韩信(E)三岔口49 陈凯歌导演的影片有( )。(A)搜索(B) 集结号(C) 霸王别姬(D)梅兰芳(E)千里走单骑50 ( )是电视 “脱口秀”栏目。(A)实话实说(B)

10、星光大道(C) 鲁豫有约(D)快乐大本营(E)杨澜访谈录51 到 20 世纪 30 年代末,我国已创办有( )等艺术学校。(A)南京国立艺专(B)上海美专(C)苏州美专(D)北平国立艺专(E)杭州国立艺专52 明式家具多采用( ) 的优质木材。(A)质地坚硬(B)易于加工(C)色泽沉着(D)纹理致密(E)花纹华美三、英文阅读理解题52 The Internet can make the news more democratic,giving the public a chance to ask questions and seek out facts behind stories and ca

11、ndidates,according to the head of the largest US olineservice“But the greatest potential for public participation is still in the future,”Steven Case ,chairman of America Online,told a recent meeting on Journalism and the Internet sponsored by The Freedom Forum,though some other speakers say the new

12、 technology of computers is changing theface of journalism,giving reporers access to more information and their readers a chance to ask questions and turn to different sources“You dont have to buy a newspaper and be confined to the four comers of that paper anymore”Sam Meddis,online technology edito

13、r at USA Today,observed about the variety of information available to computer usersBut the speakers noted the easy access to the internet also means anyone can post information for others to see“Anyone can say anything they wantwhether itS right or wrong ”said CaseReaders have to determine for them

14、selves who to trust“In a world of almost infinite voices,respected journalists and respected brand names will probably become more important,not less,”Case Said“The internet today is about where radio was 80 years agoor television 50 years ago or cable 25 years ago,”he said But it is growing rapidly

15、 because it provides people fast access to news and a chance to comment on it53 The main topic of this passage is_(A)the development of iournalism(B) the effect of the internet has on journalism(C) the rapid development of the internet(D)the advantages of the internet54 It can be inferred from this

16、passage that_may NOT be regarded as the advantages of the internet(A)the news can be made more democratic(B) anything can be posted on the internet for others to see(C) the public can turn to different sources(D)the public can get a chance to ask questions55 The correct order for the appearance of t

17、he four technologies is_(A)internet-cable televisionradio(B) radioCable televisioninternet(C) radiotelevision cable internet (D)television radio cable internet56 Which of the following statements is true?_(A)Only respected journalists can post information on the internet for others to see(B) Respect

18、ed journalists will probably become more important than before(C) When people read newspapers,they have to stay in the comers of the street(D)The greatest potential of public participation of the internet is in the near future57 On the whole,the attitude Steven Case holds for the internets future de

19、velopment is_(A)pessimistic(B) unknown(C) doubtful (D)optimistic57 In the past century Irish painting has changes from a Britishinfluenced lyrical tradition to an art that evokes the ruggedness(朴实)and roots of an Irish Celtic past At the turn of the twentieth century Irish painters,including notable

20、s Walter Frederick Osborne and Sir William Orpen,looked elsewhere for influence Osbornes exposure toplain airpainting deeply impacted his stylistic development;and Orpen allied himself with a group of English artists,while at the same time partici pated in the French avant-garde experiment,both as p

21、ainter and teacherHowever, nationalist energies were beginning to coalesce(接合),reviving interest in Irish culture-including Irish visual artsBeatrice Elverys(1907),a landmark achievement, merged the devotional simplicity of fifteenthcentury Italian painting with the iconography(图像学 )of Irelands Celt

22、ic past, linking the history of Irish Catholicism with the stillnascent(初生的)Irish republic And,although also captivated by the French plain air school,Sir John Lavery invoked the mythology of his native land for a 1928 commission to paint the central figure for the bank note of the new Irish Free St

23、ate Lavery chose as this figure,with her arnl on a Celtic harp(竖琴),the national symbol of independent Ireland In Irish painting from about 1910,memories of Edwardian romanticism coexisted with a new sense of realism,exemplified by the paintings of Paul Henry and Se Keating,a student of OrpensRealism

24、 also crept into the work of Edwardians Lavery and Orpen,both of whom made paintings depicting World War I,Lavery with a distanced Victorian nobility,Orpen closer to the front,revealinga more sinister and realistic visionMeanwhile ,counterpoint(对照)to the Edwardians and realists came JackbYeats,whose

25、 travels throughout the rugged and more authentically Irish West led him to depict subjects ranging from street scenes in Dublin to boxing matches and funeralsFusing close observations of Irish life and icons with an Irish identity in a new way,Yeats changed the face of I fish painting and became th

26、e most important Irish artist of his century58 Which of the following art most probably exerted the greatest influence on Irish painting in the 19th century?(A)British lyrical tradition(B) French avantgarde experiment(C) nationalist energies (D)Italian painting59 It is impliedwas least influenced by

27、 the contemporary art of France(A)Sir John Lavery(B) Sir William Orpen(C) Beatrice Elvery (D)Se Keating60 Which of the following best explains the authors use of the wordcounterpointin referring toYeats ?_(A)Yeatspaintings differed significantly in subject matter from those of his contemporaries inI

28、reland(B) Yeats reacted to the realism of his contemporary artists by invoking nineteenthcentury natu ralism in his own painting style(C) Yeats avoided religious and mythological themes in favor of mundane portrayals of Irish life(D)Yeats built upon the realism painting tradition ,elevating it to un

29、precedented artisticheights61 The author points out the coexistence of romanticism and realism most probably in order to show that_(A)Irish painters of the early twentieth century tended to romanticize the harsh reality of war(B) for a time painters from each school innuenced painters from the other

30、 school(C) Yeats was influenced by both the romantic and realist schools of Irish painting(D)the transition in Irish painting from one predominant style to the other was not an abrupt one62 The most likely topic of the paragraph followed is_(A)The Role of Celtic Mythology in Irish Painting(B) Who De

31、serves Credit for the Preeminence of Yeats among Irish Painters?(C) Realism vs Romanticism:Irelands Struggle for National Identity(D)Irish Paintings:Reflections of an Emerging Independent State62 The Last Supper is a late 1 5 thcentury mural painting by Leonardo da Vinci in the refectory of the Conv

32、ent of Santa Maria della Grazie,MilanThe work is presumed to have been commenced around 1 495 and was commissioned as part of a scheme of renovations to the church and its convent buildings by Leonardos patron Ludovico Sforza,Duke of MilanThe painting represents the scene of The Last Supper of Jesus

33、 with his disciples,as it is told in the Gospel of JohnLeonardo has depicted the consternation that occurred among the Twelve Disciples when Jesus announced that one of them would betray himThe Last Supper measures 460cm880cm and covers an end wall 0f the dining hall at the monastery of Santa Maria

34、delle Grazie in Milan,ItalyThe theme was a traditional one for refectories,although the room was not a refectory at the time that Leonardo painted itThe main church building had only recently been completed(in 1 498),but was remodeled by Bramante,hired by Ludovico Sforza to build a Sforza family mau

35、soleumThe painting was commissioned by Sforza to be the centerpiece of the mausoleumThe lunettes above the main painting,formed by the triple arched ceiling of the refectory,are painted with Sforza coatsof-armsThe opposite wall of the refectory is covered by the Crucifixionfresco by Giovanni Donato

36、da Montorfano,to which Leonardo added figures of the Sforza family in temperaLeonardo began work on The Last Supper in 1495 and completed it in 1498 一 he did not work on the painting continuouslyThe beginning date is not certain;as the archives of the convent for the period have been destroyed and a

37、 document dated 1 497 indicates that the painting was nearly conpleted at that date ne story goes that a prior from the monastery complained to Leonardo about the delay,enraging himHe wrote to the head of the monastery,explaining he had been struggling to find the perfect villainous face for Judas,a

38、nd that if he could not find a face corresponding with what he had in mind,he would use the features of the prior who complained.In common with other depictions of The Last Supper from this period,Leonardo seats the diners on one side of the table,so that none of them have their backs to the viewerM

39、ost previous depictions excluded Judas by placing him alone on the opposite side of the table from the other eleven dis。ciples and Jesus or placing halos around all the disciples except JudasLeonardo instead has Judas lean back into shadowJesus is predicting that his betrayer will take the bread at

40、the same time he does to Saints Thomas and James to his leftwho react in horror as Jesus points with his left hand to a piece of bread before themDistracted by the conversation between John and Peter,Judas reaches for a different piece of bread not noticing Jesus too stretching out with his right ha

41、nd towards itThe angles and lighting draw attention to Jesus,whose head is located at the vanishing point for all perspective linesThe painting contains several references to the number 3,which represents the Christian belief in the Holy TrinityThe Apostles are seated in groupings of three;there are

42、 three windows behind Jesus:and the shape of Jesusfigure resembles a triangle There may have been other references that have since been lost as the painting deteriorated.63 As it is told in the Gospel of John,the painting represents_(A)the scene of the last supper of Jesus with his twelve disciples(

43、B) Leonardo met with the twelve disciples when Jesus announced that one of them would betray him(C) an end wall of the dining hall at the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan,Italy(D)the centerpiece of the mausoleum for the Sforza family64 Leonardo began work on The Last Supper in 1 495 an

44、d completed it in_(A)1496(B) 1497(C) 1498 (D)149965 In common with other depictions of The Last Supper from this period,Leonardo seats the diners on one side of the table,so that_(A)his betrayer will take the bread at the same time(B) the disciples can talk to each other more easily(C) none of them

45、have their backs to the viewer(D)they can see each other more clearly66 The painting contains several references to the number 3,which represents_(A)the three windows behind Jesus(B) the shape of Jesusfigure of a triangle(C) the lucky number for Christians(D)the Christian belief in the Holy Trinity6

46、7 The Last Supper was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the refectory of the Convent of Santa Mari a della Grazie,_(A)Milan in the 14th century(B) Italy in the 15th century(C) France in the 15th century (D)London in the 14th century四、论述题68 简论艺术的民族性。69 简论艺术想象及其作用。70 简论艺术创作中传统与创新的关系。71 简论电视的“ 雅俗共赏 ”与“雅俗

47、分赏”。72 简述音乐的社会功能。73 简述小剧场戏剧的特征。74 简述戏曲与观众的关系。75 简述电影创作中流行的“小时代” 现象。76 简述电视艺术与技术的关系。77 简述舞蹈创作构思的要素。78 简述中外美术史上某件艺术作品的风格。79 简述艺术设计对生活的影响。2013 年在职艺术硕士(MFA )全国联考真题试卷答案与解析一、单项选择填空题1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 青少年管弦乐队指南是英国作曲家本杰明.布里顿(Benjamin Britten,19131976)于 1946 年为英国政府拍摄的教育影片 管弦乐队的乐器创作的一首管弦乐曲,又名珀塞尔主题变奏与赋格。乐曲的主题选自英

48、国作曲家亨利.珀塞尔为戏剧摩尔人的复仇所作的配乐中一段活泼轻快的舞曲,并以此主题作了一系列变奏,向年轻听众详尽地介绍了管弦乐队中的各种乐器。2 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 J.s.巴赫是音乐史上最重要的作曲家之一,被尊称为西方 “现代音乐”之父,同时,他也是巴洛克时期最伟大的康塔塔作曲家,共写有 200 多首教堂康塔塔和一些世俗康塔塔。巴赫的创作使用了丰富的德国音乐风格和娴熟的复调技巧,其创作的康塔塔突出了合唱的作用,由合唱开始,中间是数段独唱,最后又由合唱结束。3 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 春江花月夜原为琵琶曲夕阳箫鼓,1925 年柳尧章等人将其首次改编为现名的民乐合奏曲。建国后经过多次改编加工,配器更加细腻精巧,旋律愈发淡雅清丽。通过音乐的层层推衍、丰富的音色组合对比和速度与力度的张弛,把唐代诗人张若虚原作的意境展现到极致。这首乐曲曾被改编为钢琴曲、木管五重奏和交响音画。4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 南泥湾创作于 1943 年,贺敬之作词,马可作曲,它是延安大生产运动时期的典型作品。这首歌是秧歌舞挑花篮的插曲,采用对比性的复乐段结构,前半段优美抒情,

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