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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 272 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 Judith Vogtli, director of an upstate New York-based abstinence(the practice of refraining from sex, alcohol, etc)organization called Project Truth, is

2、worried that the golden age of “abstinence-only“ education may have come to an end. George W. Bush helped increase funding for this kind of sex educationwhich focuses on chastity as the way to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, and discusses condoms only in terms of failureto over

3、$175m a year. The fate of that money, and of abstinence education itself, is uncertain under a new administration and Congress.Ms Vogtli need only wait a few weeks. Barack Obama will submit the first draft of his budget to Congress later this month. In the meantime, her organization, funded entirely

4、 by a government grant, is trying to go about business as usual. That means teaching about abstaining from sex, drugs and alcohol in New York schools and holding its sixth annual abstinence Creativity Contest, to which students submitted essays, poems, artwork and music on the theme of “Waiting is e

5、asier because.“Abstinence-only education programs have been controversial ever since they were introduced under Ronald Reagan in 1981. Some liberals have labeled it “ignorance-only“ education and most favor a curriculum that includes discussion of both abstinence and contraception(the method to prev

6、ent pregnancy). Since the start of abstinence-only programs, the federal government has spent over $1.5 billion on them, but the United States still has one of the highest teen-pregnancy rates of any developed country. Supporters of abstinence-only education mostly think that the media and a culture

7、 of casual sexual behaviors are to blame for this and that more government support for abstinence could help offset the rise of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. But opponents blame abstinence-only education.There is some evidence to support their case. According to Sarah Brown of

8、the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, an advocacy organization, there has been no randomized study showing that abstinence-only education delays sexual activity, and research from the University of Washington suggests that teens who receive comprehensive sex education have a

9、 50% lower risk of becoming pregnant than those enrolled in abstinence-only courses.Abstinence-only advocates want the government to let school districts choose which type of sex education they prefer. But in an unfavorable sign for them, the new Congress is already shifting its emphasis. Louise Sla

10、ughter, a congresswoman from New York and a former scientist, has introduced a bill that would fund “medically accurate“ comprehensive sex education in schools. It is likely to pass.1 We learn from the first paragraph that “abstinence-only“ education(A)fails to win the support from the new administr

11、ation.(B) focuses on both chastity and condoms.(C) enjoys great popularity among the young people.(D)might see a decline of public interest in such education.2 Which of the following is true of Paragraph 2?(A)Ms Vogtlis organization is funded by the government and the private companies.(B) Ms Vogtli

12、s organization is trying its best to do business well as usual.(C) The annual abstinence Creativity Contest has been held for six consecutive years.(D)Student participants of the contest should submit essays, poems, artwork of any themes.3 According to Paragraph 3, the teen-pregnancy rates are high

13、because of(A)a lack of government support for abstinence education.(B) the casual attitude towards abstinence education.(C) the casual attitude towards sex and mass media(D)the curriculum that excludes discussion of contraception.4 It is suggested in the fourth paragraph that comprehensive sex educa

14、tion(A)does not put off sexual activity among the teens.(B) helps the teens reduce the risk of becoming pregnant by 50%.(C) helps 50% of the teens avoid the sexual behavior.(D)helps the teens avoid becoming pregnant more effectively.5 We may infer from the last paragraph that(A)the new Congress stil

15、l emphasizes the abstinence-only education.(B) the comprehensive sex education may receive more support.(C) a bill of funding comprehensive sex education has been passed.(D)Louise Slaughter is in favor of abstinence-only education.5 Think of theme parks and you think of roller coasters. The secret c

16、hecking of the seat restraints, the stomach-sickening climb and the visceral thrill of the drop are the hallmarks of a park visit. But as a metaphor for the industry, the roller coaster is all wrong. Making money from theme parks is a hard thing, not a thrilling rush. And coasters are not where the

17、best chance of revenue growth lies.This weeks July 4th celebrations marked the beginning of the summer season for Americas theme parks. Around the world, another year of moderate growth is expected: global attendance grew by 2.2% in 2006. Growth is slowest in the mature markets of North America and

18、Europe, though the prospects look better in Asia. Scope to raise entry prices is limited by competition. At $300m or more, the economics of building a new park are “brutal“, says Raymond Braun of Economic Research Associates, a consultancy.In response, operators are concentrating on improving the cu

19、stomer experience, making greater use of their facilities and turning parks into multi-day destinations. Stronger theming helps to make a park more distinctive. Greater interactivity is also important The “Men in Black“ ride at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, in which passengers shoot at anim

20、atronics aliens, is a good example of what industry types like to call an “immersive“ experience. Discovery Cove, another Florida park, takes that term literally, charging visitors premium prices to swim with dolphins and other animals.Packing more people into parks risks turning visits into a serie

21、s of queues interrupted by rides, rather than the other way round. “Queuing is a big nuisance,“ says Mark Fisher of Merlin Entertainments. One answer is to break up the boredom by putting entertainers into the queue. Another is to offer ride-reservation systems or special tickets that let people boo

22、k a place in line without having to queue. Getting people through the park more efficiently is one way to increase the use of facilities. Extending the season is another. Tivoli, a park in the heart of Copenhagen, introduced a ten-day Halloween season in 2006 to sit alongside its summer and Christma

23、s openings. “We used to be a seasonal business and now we are more or less a full-year business,“ says the parks chief executive.As squeezing growth out of existing parks becomes harder, operators are also looking to new markets. Indoor city-based attractions, which are cheap to build and easy to ge

24、t to, have plenty of potential, even in mature markets. Emerging markets look promising, too. Asias top ten parks recorded attendance growth of 4.4% in 2006, much of it driven by Hong Kong Disneylands first full year of operation. As consumers in developing markets become wealthier, the industry wil

25、l look a lot more thrilling.6 Roller coasters seem an inappropriate metaphor for theme parks in that(A)coasters are no long the best thrilling hallmarks of a park visit.(B) coasters avail nothing for raising the turnover of theme parks.(C) earning profit from theme parks is anything but a thrilling

26、rush.(D)making-money from theme parks is hardly tougher than rolling coasters.7 From Paragraph 2, it can be inferred thai;(A)Independence Day marks the beginning of peak season for theme parks.(B) mature markets of North America and Europe are slowly losing the edge.(C) theme parks in Asia produce l

27、arger revenue than their American counterparts.(D)theme parks can hardly expect a jump in entry prices due to the competition.8 According to Paragraph 3, an “immersive“ experience(A)brings the functions of facilities into full play.(B) drives visitors under the surface of liquid.(C) provides more ch

28、ances to interact with animals.(D)gives customers deeper on-spot involvement.9 The park of Tivoli is cited to show that(A)a prolonged season proves an efficient way to tackle queuing.(B) extended business-hours alleviate the inconvenience of queuing.(C) holiday seasons can be scheduled alongside to

29、avoid queuing.(D)a full-year business helps minimize the ill-effect of queuing.10 In the authors opinion, the real driving force for the industry lies in(A)further exploration of new markets.(B) the booming indoor-based attractions.(C) full-year operation of emerging markets.(D)wealthier customers i

30、n developing countries.10 Parents of children who happily eat whats put in front of them might assume their kids are well nourished. But two new studies drive home the importance of varying that diet. Deficiencies of vitamin D, omega-3 fats, and other healthful compounds are common; it turns outand

31、consequential.Growing evidence links vitamin D deficiency not only to weak bones but also to impaired immunity, asthma, and diabetes among other problems. And some of the latest research finds that rates of asthma and related respiratory problems climb in kids who are short on other commonly missing

32、 essentials, including vitamins C and E and omega-3 fatty acids.A team at the Harvard School of Public Health evaluated the diet and respiratory(relating to the process of breathing)health of some 2,000 North American high school seniors and found that teens who lack of fruit, vegetables, and other

33、healthful foods were most likely to have problems such as coughing, panting, episodes of bronchitis, and asthma.Vitamins C and E, which are abundant in fruit and dark-green vegetables, may “protect the lung from stress,“ says Harvard research fellow and study leader Jane Burns. Omega-3 reduces infla

34、mmation, a key feature of asthma, in which airways swell and make breathing difficult. Oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and tunaas well as cod-liver oilare rich in both omega-3 and vitamin D. Vitamin D can also be obtained from multivitamin milk and sunshineand many kids should be getting more of bo

35、th.In another new study, researchers found that 55 percent of outwardly healthy children and teenagers they tested didnt have enough vitamin D to grow healthy bones. Dark-skinned children were particularly likely to be short of the bone-building vitamin, according to Babette Zemel, an author of the

36、study and director of the Nutrition and Growth Laboratory at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia. The melanin(a natural dark brown colour in human skin, hair, and eyes)that makes their skin dark also blocks ultraviolet rays, which the body uses to make vitamin D. In winter, when the sun was weakest,

37、more than 90 percent of blacks in the study were vitamin D deficient.Researchers suggest pointing kids outside, and waiting a few minutes before putting on sun block; 10 minutes of midday summer sun provides 10,000 international units of the vitaminmore than enough for a day. Like melanin, sunblock

38、prevents the skin from making vitamin D, so a bit of lotion-free exposure is necessary to grab the benefit.11 What can we infer from the first paragraph?(A)Parents will always feed their children well.(B) Kids who eat more are less likely to suffer from malnutrition.(C) Kids should have access to di

39、ets of healthful nutrients.(D)Deficiencies of certain compounds are harmful or even deadly.12 Vitamin D deficiency will probably result in(A)less bone fractures.(B) dark-colored skins.(C) suppressed immunity.(D)inability to breathe.13 The study on the relationship between diet and respiratory health

40、 is to verify that teens(A)will fall ill for the lack of fruits or vegetables intake.(B) will be guarded against lung stress and other similar problems.(C) are most likely to become the victims of respiratory illness.(D)are not easily affected in terms of cough and asthma.14 According to the text, d

41、ark-skinned kids are particularly short of vitamin D in that the dark skin(A)has more melanin that consumes more vitamin D.(B) absorbs more ultraviolet rays, thus killing the melanin.(C) can only produce units of the vitamin when the sun was strong.(D)has more melanin that blocks ultraviolet rays, r

42、educing vitamin D production.15 Which of the following would be the best title for the text?(A)Kids Lacking in Nutrients(B) Malnourished Families(C) More Sunblock, Less Vitamin D(D)Health and Nature15 Perhaps the most ambitious long-term health study ever planned by the National Institutes of Health

43、(NET)has been hit by a NASA style price shock: Once estimated at $3 Billion over 25 years, the actual cost could be twice that much. The problem became public last week at a Capitol Hill hearing on the NIH budget. Acting NIH Director Raynard Kington said he has launched a high-level review of the pl

44、an to track the health of 100,000 children from before birth to age 21 and that the study will likely be scaled back.The National Childrens Study(NCS)grew out of a 2000 congressional directive to NIH to determine how environmental influences, from chemical contaminants to video games, shape the deve

45、lopment of children and affect diseases such as autism and obesity. Researchers plan to recruit a diverse group of pregnant mothers at 105 sites around the United States by knocking on randomly selected doors. Congress provided $192 million in funding this year to set up the sites and launch a pilot

46、 study.Kington says he became concerned In early January after being informed of his staffs latest cost projections. It was since then that Kington realized “there was a fundamental problem in estimating the true costs.“ In order to turn things around, Kington has now added “greatly heightened overs

47、ight.“ That includes asking Claude Lenfant, former director of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, to return to NIH as his adviser on the study. NIH will also take a longer pause than originally planned after the 1-year pilot, which began in January at two of seven sites, to revise the pr

48、otocol and reassess the costs.When trimming begins, Kington says he hopes the 100,000 sample size will be “the last thing“ considered for cuts. But the size, number of hypotheses, and the protocols are all on the table. Pediatrician Philip Landrigan, who helped conceive the NCS, hopes not to lose co

49、mponents such as in-home detailed assessments of each childs development which are expensive. “Were just waiting to see how this works out,“ says Landrigan, whose team has knocked on more than 1000 doors in Queens and found that many women seem interested.The budget problems come as no surprise to former NIH Director Elias Zerhouni, who wanted to avoid funding for the NCS. Zerhouni says he had “severe reservations“ about the potential cost and felt NIH should complete the pilot before any decisions were made about proceeding with the full study. Instead, “Congress

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