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1、英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编 23 及答案与解析一、翻译1 最高人民检察院2 基层行政机构3 俄罗斯国家杜马4 软硬兼施5 模拟太空舱6 男女平等7 贫困指数8 网规9 特权阶层10 强强联合11 不劳而获12 英汉互译:汉译英。(国际关系学院英语笔译、口译专业 2012 研,考试科目:英语翻译基础)我国发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题依然突出。主要是:经济增长的资源环境约束强化,投资与消费关系失衡,收入分配差距较大,科技创新能力不强,产业结构不合理,农业基础仍然薄弱,城乡区域发展不协调,就业总量压力和结构性矛盾并存,制约科学发展的体制机制障碍依然较多;服务业增加值和就业比重、

2、研究与试验发展经费支出占国内生产总值比重没有完成“十一五” 规划目标,一些群众反映强烈的问题没有根本解决,主要是:优质教育、医疗资源总量不足、分布不均;物价上涨压力加大;部分城市房价涨幅过高;违法征地拆迁等引发的社会矛盾增多;食品安全问题比较突出;一些领域腐败现象严重,我们一定要加快解决这此问题,让人民满意!13 词语翻译:汉译英。(国际关系学院英语笔译、口译专业 2011 研,考试科目:英语翻译基础)谈判筹码14 黑金15 超国民待遇16 离岛免税政策17 弱势群体18 积分制19 自主招生20 国家出入境检验检疫局英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编 23 答案与解析一、翻译1 【正确

3、答案】 Supreme Peoples Procuratorate of the Peoples Republic of China2 【正确答案】 grass-root authorities3 【正确答案】 the State Duma of Russia4 【正确答案】 carrot and stick5 【正确答案】 mock-up spacecraft6 【正确答案】 gender equity7 【正确答案】 misery index8 【正确答案】 netiquette9 【正确答案】 privileged class10 【正确答案】 megamerger11 【正确答案】 r

4、eap without sowing12 【正确答案】 We still have a serious problem, that is, our development is not yet well balanced, coordinated or sustainable. This manifests itself mainly in the following: growing resource and environmental constraints hindering economic growth, imbalance between investment and consum

5、ption, large income gap, insufficient scientific and technological innovation capabilities, an irrational industrial structure, continued weakness in the agricultural foundation, uneven development between urban and rural areas and between regions, the coexistence of overall pressure to expand emplo

6、yment and structural shortage of qualified personnel in some industries, defects in systems and mechanisms that hinder scientific development, and our failure to meet three targets set in the Eleventh Five-Year Planthe valued-added of the service sector, its share in total employment, and spending o

7、n R&D as a percentage of GDP. Moreover, we have not yet fundamentally solved a number of issues that the masses fell strongly about, namely the lack of high-quality educational and medical resources, and their uneven distribution: increasing upward pressure on prices, and exorbitant housing price in

8、creases in some cities: increasing social problems resulting from illegal land expropriations and housing demolitions: significant problems concerning food safety: and rampant corruption in some areas. We must solve these problems more quickly to the satisfaction of the people.13 【正确答案】 bargain chip14 【正确答案】 black gold15 【正确答案】 super-national treatment16 【正确答案】 offshore tax-free policy17 【正确答案】 vulnerable group18 【正确答案】 integral system19 【正确答案】 independent enrollment20 【正确答案】 State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine


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