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1、英语专业(基础英语)模拟试卷 2 及答案与解析一、英译汉1 Translate the passage into Chinese(50 points)The Figure a Poem Makes Robert FrostAbstraction is an old story with the philosophers, but it has been like a new toy in the hands of the artists of our day. Why cant we have any one quality of poetry we choose by itself? We

2、can have in thought. Then it will go hard if we cant in practice. Our lives for it.Granted no one but a humanist much cares how sound a poem is if it is only a sound. The sound is the gold in the ore. Then we will have the sound out alone and dispense with the inessential. We do till we make the dis

3、covery that the object in writing poetry is to make all poems sound as different as possible from each other, and the resources for that of vowels, consonants, punctuation, syntax, words, sentences, metre are not enough. We need the help of context- meaning-subject matter. That is the greatest help

4、towards variety. All that can be done with words is soon told. So also with metres-particularly in our language where there are virtually but two, strict iambic and loose iambic. The ancients with many were still poor if they depended on metres for all tune. It is painful to watch our sprung-rhythmi

5、sts straining at the point of omitting one short from a foot for relief from monotony. The possibilities for tune from the dramatic tones of meaning struck across the rigidity of a limited metre are endless. And we are back in poetry as merely one more art of having something to say, sound or unsoun

6、d. Probably better if sound, because deeper and from wider experience.Then there is this wildness whereof it is spoken. Granted again that it has an equal claim with sound to being a poems better half. If it is a wild tune, it is a Poem. Our problem then is, as modern abstractionists, to have the wi

7、ldness pure; to be wild with nothing to be wild about. We bring up as aberrationists, giving way to undirected associations and kicking ourselves from one chance suggestion to another in all directions as of a hot afternoon in the life of a grasshopper. Theme alone can steady us down, just as the fi

8、rst mystery was how a poem could have a tune in such a straightness as metre, so the second mystery is how a poem can have wildness and at the same time a subject that shall be fulfilled.It should be of the pleasure of a poem itself to tell how it can. The figure a poem makes. It begins in delight a

9、nd ends in wisdom. The figure is the same as for love. No one can really hold that the ecstasy should be static and stand still in one place. It begins in delight, it inclines to the impulse, it assumes direction with the first line laid down, it runs a course of lucky events, and ends in a clarific

10、ation of life-not necessarily a great clarification, such as sects and cults are founded on, but in a momentary stay against confusion. It has denouement. It has an outcome that though unforeseen was predestined from the first image of the original mood-and indeed from the very mood. It is but a tri

11、ck poem and no poem at all if the best of it was thought of first and saved for the last. It finds its own name as it goes and discovers the best waiting for it in some final phrase at once wise and sad-the happy-sad blend of the drinking song.No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surpr

12、ise for the writer, no surprise for the reader. For me the initial delight is in the surprise of remembering something I didnt know I knew. I am in a place, in a situation, as if I had materialized from cloud or risen out of the ground. There is a glad recognition of the long lost and the rest follo

13、ws. Step by step the wonder of unexpected supply keeps growing. The impressions most useful to my purpose seem always those I was unaware of and so made no note of at the time when taken, and the conclusion is come to that like giants we are always hurling experience ahead of us to pave the future w

14、ith against the day when we may Want to strike a line of purpose across it for somewhere. The line will have the more charm for not being mechanically straight. We enjoy the straight crookedness of a good walking stick. Modern instruments of precision are being used to make things crooked as if by e

15、ye and hand in the old days.二、汉译英2 父母无不望子成龙、成风,并为此不惜一切代价。的确,许多子女受家庭影响,子承父业、光前裕后,成为父母一样的人或父母期望的人,而也有相当多的子女没有实现父母的梦想,没有到达父母的期望值,甚至走向父母愿望的反面。俗话说: “老子英雄儿好汉,老子卖葱儿卖蒜” ; “兵家儿早识刀枪”。但俗话也说: “ 父母难保子孙贤”。说到底,家庭教育也有一个因材施教的问题,给孩子以选择发展道路的自由,让他们根据自己兴趣爱好特长做好他自己。人各有志,不必强求,对儿女也是如此。3 那个冬日,走在回校的路上。这孩子的心里第一次产生了自责。老师亲切地抚着他

16、的头,指着远方跟他说: “一路同学,你很聪明,我希望你将来能流进大海!”流进大海,人生的形状就像大海,人就成了大海,获得了大海的丰富和博大。几十年过去了。我没有流进浩渺无垠的大海。可是,想起老师的话,我常常从梦中惊醒。不能流进烂泥塘而万劫不复。如果人生像水一样注定要流进一个容器,我愿意像杯子、像面盆、哪怕是塑料桶。即便没有大海的宽阔和深沉,即便平庸。但是,活得简单、干净、透明、实用。三、写作4 Writing(50 points)(300-500 words)The Art of Compromise英语专业(基础英语)模拟试卷 2 答案与解析一、英译汉1 【正确答案】 诗运动的轨迹抽象对哲学





21、外奇异感逐渐慢慢增长。好像对我最有用处的总是那些我未曾记录也未曾觉察的印象,而结论就是:我们像大师们一样,总是把以往的经历预铺到未来的路上,以准备到时候我们会想要越过预定目标去到某个地方。路线曲折会更富于情趣,就像我们喜欢那种自然弯曲的漂亮手杖。现代的特殊工具被用来制造弯曲,一如过去用手工制造。【试题解析】 1The Figure a Poem Makes“诗运动的轨迹”。若只看标题,不阅读全文,则此标题可译为“一首诗的形象”、 “一首诗所扮演的角色”或“论诗的形质”,但读过全文后会发现该文内容与这 3 个中文篇名可谓文不切题。作者在此文中并没谈什么“诗的形象”、 “诗的角色”或“诗的形质”,

22、而是在谈“诗运动的轨迹”,即第 4 段所描绘的那条“始于欢欣、终于智慧”的轨迹。2 Why cant we have any one quality of poetry we choose by itself?We can have in thoughtThen itwill go hard if we cant in practice“为什么我们不能把诗本身的特质抽象出来呢?我们可以意会这种特质的存在,但是如果我们不能实际找出这种特质,那么它是否存在可能就会成为一个问题。”本句的难点在于对句子本身的理解。在 We can have in thought 这个句子中,have 后的宾语省略了,

23、但是根据上文可知,这里指的是“诗的特质”;in thought 译成“意会”是为了与下面的 in practice“实际”形成对照;直译 go hard 是“很难进行”,但这仍然让读者感觉不知所云,因此不如将这句话的意思直接表达,即“但是如臬我们不能实际找出这种特质,那么它是否存在可能就会成为一个问题。”3All that can be done with words is soon told“ 词汇对变化的作用并不复杂”。阅读前文有利于对本句的理解与翻译,前文提到 We need the help of context-meaning-subject matter That isthe gr

24、eatest help towards variety,由此可知,这里所讲的is soon told 指的是 “词汇能造成的变化三言两语就可讲清”,此处采用了反译的方法,将其译为“词汇对变化的作用并不复杂”。4 It is painful to watch our sprung-rhythmists straining at the point of omitting one short from a footfor relief from monotony“我们看到弹性节奏派诗人们为了摆脱音步的单调而设法努力省掉一个短音,那可真是十分难受。“sprung-rhythmists 译为“弹性节奏

25、派诗人们”。英国诗人霍普金斯为他独特的诗歌节奏发明的一个术语,这种节奏不像传统诗那样依靠规则的音节和重音单位,而是依靠不那么规则但更强烈更精练的措词。5 Our problem then is,as modern abstractionists ,to have the wildness pure;to be wild with nothingto be wild about“于是,我们现在的问题就是:要像现代抽象派艺术家那样,努力保持激情的纯洁和自然,不受任何外部因素的干扰。”to be wild with nothing to be wild about 译为“不受任何外部因素的干扰”,是

26、对上一句 to have the wildness pure 的进一步解释和补充。6Theme alone can steady us down “只有主题能够使我们平静下来。 ”此处steady 用做动词,意为”(使)稳定,(使) 稳固”。7 It begins in delight,it inclines to the impulse, it assumes direction with the first line laid down,itruns a course of lucky eventsand ends in a clarification of life-not necess

27、arily a great clarification,such as sects and cults are founded on,but in a momentary stay against confusion“它以愉悦的激情开始,趋向狂热的冲动,追踪着写出第一行诗所设定的方向,经历一系列妙手偶得的过程,达到一个恬适宁静的人生境界。并不需要宗教仪式里的那种庄严伟大,只要能片刻脱离尘世的纷扰。”第一,assume 在此处意为“采取;采用”(to take on ;adopt) ;第二,it runs a course of lucky events 译为“经历一系列妙手偶得的过程”,也可直

28、接译为”然后经历一连串的偶然和侥幸”;第三,本句的难点在于对 ends in a clarification of lifenotnecessarily a great clarification,such as sects and cults are founded on,but in a momentary stayagainst confusion的理解,译为“并不需要宗教仪式里的那种庄严伟大,只要能片刻脱离尘世的纷扰。”8 It finds its own name as it goes and discovers the best waiting for it in some fin

29、al phrase at oncewise and sadthe happy-sad blend of the drinking song“诗在创作过程中找到自己的题目并且立刻会发现诗的最佳部分,绝妙好辞正在最后等待,恰似那悲喜交融的酒歌,睿智而凄怆动人。”此句中对 sad-the happy-sad 翻译了两遍“悲喜交融的”和“凄怆动人的”,不但不显冗余,更符合汉语的行文特点。9There is a glad recognition of the long lost and the rest follows“有一种早已遗忘重新体验的喜悦,思绪万端,纷至沓来。”此句也可译为“心中怀着一种因认出

30、早已淡忘的事物而感到喜悦,其余的一切接踵而来”,但是这里使用的四字成语”思绪万端,纷至沓来”更符合汉语行文。二、汉译英2 【正确答案】 Parents all hope that their children will have glorious futures, and they spare no effort to turn that dream into reality. Many young people do meet their parents expectations, embarking on careers once pursued by the father and win

31、ning even greater distinction. However, some others stray from the paths set for them, or even do things contrary to the wishes of their parents. As some wise sayings put it, “Just as a heros son would likely be heroic, so an onion sellers son would likely sell garlic;“ “warriors children“ learn ear

32、ly the spear and the sword.“ Yet there are other proverbs that reflect less certainty: “How well our children will turn out, even the wisest parents live in doubt.“ Besides, home education also involves the question of how best to help a child realize his or her potential. Children should be encoura

33、ged to develop their own interests and talent, find their own paths and live their life to the full. Human aspirations vary; one cannot force them to do things to ones own liking.【试题解析】 1父母无不望子成龙、成凤,并为此不惜一切代价。”Parents all hope that their children willhave glorious futures,and they spare no effort to

34、 turn that dream into reality”汉语表达中“望子成龙、成凤 ”的含义其实也就是希望子女能够有一个很好的未来,故在此译为 to haveglorious futures。2俗话说: “老子英雄儿好汉,老子卖葱儿卖蒜”; “兵家儿早识刀枪”。As some wisesayings put it,”Just as a heros son would likely be heroic,so an onion sellers son would likelysell garlic”;“warriorschildren learn early the spear and the

35、 sword.”此句为整段翻译的难句。在此密集使用了好几条谚语。由于该译文的假想读者应该是英语人士,处理谚语这样的文化负载词时,只要能够保留原文的意象就应尽量保留,因为这样的意象往往是最鲜活、最生动的。如果由于种种原因很难保留,则应作出补偿。本句也可译为”A Chinese proverbstates,”A heros son is no coward;an onion sellers son is but a garlic seller”Another says that“warriorschildren come to know swords and spears from an earl

36、y age”不过,an onion sellersson is but a garlic seller 用了一般现在时,没有把谚语原文中表示可能的语气译出来,此处 would 一词很好地解决了这个问题。3人各有志,不必强求,对儿女也是如此。”Human aspirations vary;one cannot force them todo things to ones own liking ”“人各有志”译为 Human aspirations vary。3 【正确答案】 On the way back the boy felt the first prick of conscience in

37、 his life that winner day. Touching his head affectionately, and pointing to the distance, the teacher remarked, “You are a smart boy, Yilu, I hope you will take the shape of the sea in future.“ Yet indeed, only when you join the sea and become one with it can you gain the seas richness and broadnes

38、s. Several decades have elapsed without me, the once mischievous boy, joining the sea or acquiring its greatness; however, the teachers remarks often startle me out of my sleep, warning me against getting lost for good in the dirty pond. If life must be shaped in its container, Id rather mine take t

39、he shape of a cup, a basin or even a plastic bucket; lacking in the width and depth of the sea, plain and common as it is, my life is at least simple, upright, transparent and useful.【试题解析】 1流进大海,人生的形状就像大海,人就成了大海,获得了大海的丰富和博大。”Yet indeed,only when you join the sea and become one with it can you gain

40、the seas richness and broadness”第一,此句是无人称过渡句。汉语的人称代词用法是比较随意的,常常使用无人称句,而英语则不然,翻译时应特别注意。本篇中,译者用“You”做主语来表示泛指。第二,原文中,老师鼓励“他”“流入大海”“成为大海”以获得大海宽阔深沉的优秀品质。汉语的逻辑允许这样的比喻,但用英语直译成”flow into the sea”“once into the sea”“become a sea”,就可能产生意思模糊甚至误解。“flow into the sea”过于直白,“once into the sea”的意思含混不清,“become a sea”

41、则不合乎逻辑。这里采用了强调句式突出了主题,同时也比较符合英语的思维逻辑。2 几十年过去了。我没有流进浩渺无垠的大海。“Several decades have elapsed without me,theonce mischievous boy,joining the sea or acquiring its greatness”汉语人称代词的用法是比较随意的,而英语的人称代词一般是不容含糊的。从老师叫“他”“一路”(查一路) 可以看出这篇文章实际讲的就是作者自己,然而开头却用的是“这孩子”和“他”,到最后才变成“我”,中间还有一个过渡的无人称句“流进大海,人生的形状就像大海,人就成了大海,

42、获得了大海的丰富和博大。”此句若直接译为“Several decades having elapsed,I haventflown into the boundless sea”不但容易引起疑惑: “我”与之前的那个男孩是什么关系?也不符合英语表达习惯。这里使用了一个同位语,将“我”与之前那个孩子是一个人交代清楚。3 即便没有大海的宽阔和深沉,即便平庸。但是,活得简单、干净、透明、实用。“lackingin the width and depth of the sea,plain and common as it is,my life is at least simple,upright ,t

43、ransparent and useful”单句的翻译要考虑整篇文章主题的表达。此句中形容词“平庸”“简单、干净、透明、实用”的翻译也要考虑主题的表达,应使用 plain,common 及 useful 这样的中性或褒义的词来表达。三、写作4 【正确答案】 The Art of CompromiseCompromise is a settlement of differences in which each or either side makes concessions. Compromise can yet not be seen to be the sign of being cowar

44、dly or incapable. It provides us with a wise way to bring divergence to unity. Indeed, if everyone knows the art of compromise, our lives can be more colorful; our society can be more harmonious; even our world can be less divided/This notion, as far as I am concerned, is an essential ability one ne

45、eds to accomplish any undertaking in various areas.The amity among countries is one area in which compromise can work. The international situation in recent years tends to become increasingly tensed. A case in point is the relationship between America and Iraq. For my part, if the two countries can

46、better understand the art of compromise, the citizens in two countries can live a happier life and many innocent lives would have been spared. On the contrary, with the principle of equality and mutual benefit practiced, our nation is now enjoying high prestige in the world, which can be best seen i

47、n the fact that a lot of countries are seeking friendly diplomatic relations with us.Another area that compromise can help is the business world. All successful entrepreneurs know that without compromise, they could not increase their customer base. And a large trade means the two sides should compr

48、omise several times in negotiations. Zhang Ruimin, CEO of Haier Company, once said that we should not only work hard to insure the quality of our product, but also pursue the progress to compromise with our partner. Therefore, if a corporation is keen on success, they must learn how to compromise. I

49、n one picture, the two groups are smiling on the face, shaking hands to celebrate their triumphant business. The other picture is a dejected entrepreneur with a woebegone appearance, who, defeated by his not-yielding-a-little-attitude, can only see his chance of making a big fortune slip through his finger.A third area is that every individual needs to compromise in order to live a rich and abundant life. We all know that, recently, the spirit of team work becomes more and more important. But ever

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