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1、英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编 14 及答案与解析一、简答题0 Please disambiguate the following 5 sentences, using the tree-diagram, or any other means that you think is appropriate.(北京交通大学 2007 研)1 Jane showed her baby pictures.2 The old man is drinking in the air.3 We need more realistic officials to handle the economy.4 We

2、are sweeping the ground cigarettes on the street.5 Tom exchanged the money and fell around the corner.6 What is Hallidays idea on the relationship between the functions performed by language and its structures?7 What are deep and surface structures?8 In the following three sentences, the particle “u

3、p“ stays in different positions, i. e. immediately after the verb; in between the noun phrase and the relative clause; and at the end of the sentence. Can you formulate a syntactic rule to explain the position changes of the particle?(1)She stood up the man who offered her a diamond.(2)She stood the

4、 man up who offered her a diamond.(3)She stood the man who offered her a diamond up.(南开大学 2010 研)9 What is conceptual meaning? Try to distinguish it from any other types of meaning classified by Leech?(北二外 2008 研)10 Explain the notion of hyponym.(北二外 2008 研)11 How would you describe the oddness of t

5、he following sentences, using semantic features?(浙江大学 2004 研)(a)The television drank my water.(b)His dog writes poetry.11 What is one obvious presupposition of the speaker who says:12 Where did he buy the beer?13 Your watch is broken.(上海交大 2006 研)13 Tell the sense relation between a and b in each pa

6、ir:(北二外 2007 研)14 a. He no longer likes coffee. b. He liked coffee.15 a. Mary is working in China. b. Mary is working in Beijing.16 In what way is componential analysis similar to the analysis of phonemes into distinctive features?17 Are utterances, sentences, and propositions the same?18 Do you thi

7、nk there are true synonyms in English? Why?(厦门大学 2010 研)19 What are the major concerns of pragmatics?(人大 2006 研)20 How would you describe this short exchange in terms of the ardors performed by the speakers?(浙江大学 2005 研)Motorist: My car needs new exhaust system. Mechanic: Ill be busy with this other

8、 car all day.21 Conversational implicature is comparable to illocutionary force in speech act theory in that they are both concerned with the contextual side of meaning, or “ 言外之意“ in Chinese.(中山大学 2005 研)22 Decide which maxim of the cooperative principle has been flouted in the following utterances

9、 and what implicature can be drawn.(厦门大学 2006 研)(1)A: Can you tell me the secret? B: But John is there.(2)A: Lets go to the movies. B: Ill bring the Kleenex.(3)A: Would you drive a Mercedes? B: I wouldnt drive ANY expensive car.英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编 14 答案与解析一、简答题1 【正确答案】 2 【正确答案】 a.(VP drinking in)(NP t

10、he air)b.(VP drinking(PP in the air)3 【正确答案】 4 【正确答案】 a.(VP sweeping(NP the ground cigarettes(PP on the street)b.(vp sweeping(NP the ground cigarettes)(pp on the street)5 【正确答案】 a.(Vp exchanged the money)and(Vp fell around the corner)b.(VP exchanged the money and fell)(PP around the corner)6 【正确答案】

11、In Hallidays point of view, there are three general functions of language: ideational(which is subdivided into experiential and logical), interpersonal and textual. And they are related to the three grammatical systems; transitivity, mood and theme. Specifically, the ideational function is realized

12、as the transitivity system in the clause as a representation of experience, in which there are six processes; material, mental, relational, behavioral, verbal and existential. Actor, the so-called logical subject, is an important participant in the material process. The interpersonal function is rea

13、lized as the mood system in the clause as an exchange, which is divided into the two major parts of Mood and Reside. And Subject is one of the two parts of Mood, the other part being the finite verbal operator. The textual function is realized as the thematic structure of the clause as a message. Th

14、e two main constituents here are theme and rheme, the former being the point of departure of the message, or the concern of the clause, while the latter is the part in which the theme is developed.7 【正确答案】 Deep structure is a central theoretical term in generative grammar opposed to surface structur

15、e. It is the abstract syntactic representation of a sentencean underlying level of structural organization which specific all the factors governing the way the sentence should be interpreted.Surface structure is a central theoretical term in generative grammar, opposed to deep structure. It is the f

16、inal stage in the syntactic representation of a sentence, which provides the input to the phonological component of the grammar, and which thus most closely corresponds to the structure we articulate and hear.8 【正确答案】 According to chomskys Generative and Functional Grammar, there is an underlying re

17、presentation for any sentence. Then the underlying form is transformed into the surface form through some transformational rules. The same underlyilyng form may result in different surface representation by undertaking different operation. Sometimes, the same surface form is likely to be transformed

18、 from different deep structure because of various movement.“Stand sb. up“ means that sb. fails to show up in a date though he has promised to appear, and let the other wait for him in vain. The underlying form of the above three sentences have the same underlying form, that is “ She stood the man up

19、 who offered her a diamond“.The reason why they finally have the different form is that they have undertaken different operation. Because “up“ is an adjunct in the three sentences, it is more convenient to put it since it will not change the property of the sentence. Therefore, finally we get the th

20、ree kinds of surface forms. Sentence one, “up“ is moved upward to the front of the man for the purpose of banlancing the sentence. Sentence two, “up“ is moved upwards to the front of the attrubutive clause to the front of the attributive clause in order to achieve coherence. And the last sentence is

21、 the underlying form.Consequently, we can say that it is very flexible to position the adjunct in a sentence for various purposes.9 【正确答案】 According to Leech, conceptual meaning refers to the logical, cognitive or denotive content of the meaning of a word. It is concerned with the relationship betwe

22、en a word and the thing it refers to.Conceptual meaning overlaps to a large extent with the notion of reference. But the term “connotative“ is used in daily conversation, refers to some additional, especially emotive, meaning. This type of meaning and the following four types, namely, social meaning

23、, affective meaning , reflected meaning and collocative meaning, are collectively known as associative meaning in the sense that an elementary associationist theory of mental connections is enough to explain their use. The last type, thematic meaning, is more peripheral since it is only determined b

24、y the order of the words in a sentence and the different prominence they each receive.10 【正确答案】 A term which is subordinate to another in that its extension is contained in the extension of another, e. g. “lion“ or “tiger“ is a hyponym of “animal“.11 【正确答案】 (a)The verb drink represents a behavior of

25、 the animate beings, therefore, it is required that the subject of this verb should have a semantic feature as(+ ANIMATE), however, the word television, which is in position of subject, has an opposite feature:(- ANIMATE). Thats why such a collocation results in oddness.(b)The action of writing poet

26、ry is normally one which only human beings could do, therefore, the subject is required to have a semantic feature as(+ HUMAN); however, the word dog in the subject position is featured as(-HUMAN). Therefore, the sentence is odd.12 【正确答案】 One obvious presupposition of the sentence “Where did he buy

27、the beer“ should be “ He has some beer“.13 【正确答案】 One obvious presupposition of the sentence “Your watch is broken“ should be “You have a watch“.14 【正确答案】 a entails b15 【正确答案】 b presupposes a16 【正确答案】 In the light of componential analysis, the meaning of a word consists of a number of distinctive me

28、aning features; the analysis breaks down the meaning of the word into these features, and it is these different features that distinguish word meaning similarly. A phoneme is considered a collection of distinctive sound features; a phoneme can be broken down into these distinctive sound features and

29、 it is these sound features that distinguish different sounds.17 【正确答案】 No. These three terms are used to describe different levels of language. The most concrete is utterance which is created by speaking(or writing)a piece of language. Sentences, on the other hand, are abstract grammatical elements

30、 obtained from utterances. For example, an utterance has a tone, or perhaps some accent due to regional or social variation, and phonetic details which identify individual speakers, etc. But at the level of sentence, these kinds of information are ignored. Propositions are the result of a further ab

31、straction of sentences, which are descriptions of states of affairs and which some writers see as a basic element of sentence meaning. For example , the two sentences “ Caesar invaded Gaul“ and “ Gaul was invaded by Caesar“ hold the same preposition.18 【正确答案】 Synonymy is the technical name for the s

32、ameness relation. It is used to mean sameness or close similarity of meaning. Total synonymy is rare. The so-called synonyms are all context dependent. They all differ in one way or another. When you consider the meaning of a word, you need to consider both its denotation and its connotation. The de

33、notation is the primary, literal meaning of a word. The connotation is the suggested or implied meaning of a word. Connotations usually come from experience or associations. Seeing a word used repeatedly in certain contexts gives the word a different color than it gets in the dictionary.There are no

34、 real synonyms, because two or more words named synonyms are expected without exception to differ from one another in one of the following aspects:(1)in shade of meaning(finish, complete, close, conclude);(2)in stylistic meaning(father, dad);(3)in emotive(or affective)meaning(smart, crafty);(4)in ra

35、nge of use or collocative meaning(accuse, charge);(5)in British and American English usages(autumn, fall).For example, they may differ in style. In the context “Little Tom_a toy bear“ , here buy is more appropriate than purchase. Because purchase is more formal than buy.19 【正确答案】 Pragmatics is the s

36、tudy of the language in use. It is mainly about how speakers use language appropriately and effectively in accordance with a given context. It is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker(or writer)and interpreted by a listener(or reader). It has more to do with participants o

37、f communication and context in which communication takes place. Hence the study of speaker meaning, that of contextual meaning, of what is unsaid but communicated.20 【正确答案】 In the motorists utterance, there are two types of speech acts performed, namely representative and directive, and as to the la

38、tter one, it is recognized as an indirect speech act, which is performed through the performance of the former one. Thus, by stating that his car needs new exhaust system, the motorist has in fact asked the mechanic to equip a new exhaust system for him.Similarly, in the mechanics utterance, there a

39、re two types of speech acts performed; one is representative, the other commissive. The commissive speech act in fact is an indirect one since it is recognized through the performance of representative action. That is to say, by stating that he will be busy with another car all day, the mechanic has

40、 in fact told the motorist that he could not repair his car right away.21 【正确答案】 We may summarize conversational implicature as a type of implied meaning. It could be inferred only by the dependence on the context of the utterance and shared knowledge between the speaker and listener. Illocutionary

41、force, on other hand, refers to speakers meaning, contextual meaning , or extra meaning, that is, the meaning the speaker wants to convey in a specific context. By an illocutionary force, we can say “What does he mean by saying that?“ In this sense, implica-ture is comparable to illocutionary force

42、in speech act theory in that they are both concerned with the contextual side of meaning, or “言外之意“ in Chinese.22 【正确答案】 In the exchanges, the maxim of relation has been flouted. As to instance(1), A will assume that if B is cooperative, his reply must be relevant in a different sense: I will not ta

43、lk about my secret now because I do not want to let John know. In(2), the answer of B seems irrelevant to As utterance. By doing so, A will likely derive the implicature that B has accepted his suggestion , and is going to get prepared. In(3), by violating the maxim of relation, B intends to implicate that Mercedes is an expensive car and he would not drive a Mercedes.


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