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1、英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编 28 及答案与解析一、填空题1 The type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language is often referred to as_. (中山大学 2008 研)2 _is formed when the leaner attempts to learn a new language, and it has features of both the first la

2、nguage and the second language but is neither. (中山大学 2006 研)3 Hymes theory leads to notion/function-based syllables, and a step further, _syllabuses. (中山大学 2005 研)4 Error is the grammatically incorrect form; _ appears when the language is correct grammatically but improper in a communicational conte

3、xt. (中山大学 2008 研)5 As a compromise between the “purely form-focused approaches“ and the “purely meaning-focused“ approaches, a recent movement called_seems to take a more balanced view on the role of grammar in language learning. (中山大学 2011 年研)二、单项选择题6 In Krashens monitor theory, “i“ in “i + 1“ hypo

4、thesis of second language acquisition refers to _. (对外经贸 2006 研)(A)interaction(B) interference(C) input(D)intake7 The_is a syllabus in which the language content is arranged in terms of speech acts together with the language items needed for them. (西安外国语学院 2006 研)(A)structural syllabus(B) situationa

5、l syllabus(C) notional syllabus(D)functional syllabus8 Negative transfer in learning a second language is known as_.(A)interference(B) interlanguage(C) fossilization(D)acculturation9 _sees errors as the result of the intrusion of L1 habits over which the learner had no control.(A)error analysis(B) p

6、erformance analysis(C) contrastive analysis(D)discourse analysis三、简答题10 How do you understand interlanguage? (西安交通大学 2008 研)11 What are the four obvious barriers to adult 12 acquisition? (浙江大学 2003 研)12 Linguists have taken an internal and/or external focus to the study of language acquisition. What

7、 is the difference between the two?(北外 201 1 研)13 What is the difference between mistakes and errors?14 What are the distinctions between interlingual and intralingual errors?15 What are the different views of input hypothesis and interaction hypothesis on discourses contribution to language acquisi

8、tion?四、名词解释16 Applied linguistics (武汉大学 2006 研)17 Interlanguage (北外 2010 研;北航 2010 研;上海交大 2005 研)18 Contrastive analysis (北航 2010 研;浙江大学 2004 研)19 face validity (南开大学 2011 年研)20 Error Analysis (中山大学 2011 年研)五、举例说明题21 Krashens Input Hypothesis and Language Learning.(北交大 2006 研)22 Explain one of the t

9、eaching approaches that youre familiar with and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. (浙江大学 2004 研)23 What do you think are the similarities and dissimilarities between learning a first and a second language? (北外 2003 研)24 What is communicative competence? How should we develop it in our foreign

10、 lauguage learning? (四川大学 2009 研)25 Read the following paragraphs and then answer four questions. (北外 201 1 年研)The idea behind the experiential vision of learning is that the use of the target language for communicative purposes is not only the goal of learning, but also a means of learning in its o

11、wn right. This may clearly involve students using language which they may not have fully mastered, and contrasts with other more traditional approaches which emphasize part practice (i. e., isolating parts of the whole for explicit study and learning) leading up in a more or less controlled manner t

12、o integrated language use for communicative purposes. An experiential approach to learning may therefore involve a degree of what Johnson (1982) refers to as an in at the deep end strategy. Simply throwing learners into wholly uncontrolled and undirected language use is, of course, as dubious a stra

13、tegy with respect to language learning as doing the same with someone who is learning to swim. For this reason, considerable effort has been devoted by methodologists, material writers, and teachers in recent decades to the way in which two sets of factors can be combined. One is the basic insight t

14、hat language use can serve a significant role in promoting learning, and the other is the acknowledgement that use of the language needs to be structured in a coherent and pedagogically manageable way. The experiential vision of learning has evolved in a variety of ways since the 1960s and is now en

15、countered in a number of differing forms. Nevertheless, most experiential approaches to learning rest on five main principles which were developed in the earlier days of the communicative movement, even if certain receive more attention in one variant than in another. These principles are the follow

16、ing: message focus, holistic practice, the use of authentic materials, the use of communication strategies, and the use of collaborative modes of learning. (Tudor 2001: 79)An analytical view of learning posits that according explicit attention to the regularities of language and language use can pla

17、y a positive role in learning. Each language manifests a number of structural regularities in areas such as grammar, lexis and phonology, and also with respect to the ways in which these elements are combined to communicate messages. The question, therefore, is not whether languages have structural

18、regularities or not, but whether and in which way explicit attention to such regularities can facilitate the learning of the language. An analytical approach to learning rests on a more or less marked degree of part practice, i. e. , isolating parts of the whole for explicit study and learning, even

19、 if its ultimate goal remains the development of learners ability to put these parts together for integrated, holistic use. At least, two main considerations lend support to an analytical approach to learning. First, in terms of learning in general , the isolation and practice of sub-parts of a targ

20、et skill is a fairly common phenomenon. . Second, explicit identification of regularities in a language has advantages which Johnson (1996: 83) refers to as generativity and economy. Mastering a regularity in a language gives learners access to the generative potential of this regularity in new circ

21、umstances. . Explicit presentation or discovery of the structural regularities of a language can therefore represent a short-cut to mastery of this language and support learners ability to manipulate these regularities for communicative purposes. (Tudor 2001: 86-7)1. What are the differences between

22、 experiential and analytical modes of language learning?2. What serves as the theoretical foundation for the experiential mode of language learning and what are its advantages and disadvantages?3. What serves as the theoretical foundation for the analytical mode of language learning and what are its

23、 advantages and disadvantages?4. How would you balance the two modes of learning in your teaching or learning of a foreign language?26 How many types of data analysis have been employed in language acquisition research? How are these types of data analysis significant in SLA research?英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷

24、汇编 28 答案与解析一、填空题1 【正确答案】 interlanguage【试题解析】 正处于学习过程中的二语或外语学习者构建的语言通常被称为中介语。中介语通常被理解为介于目的语和学习者母语之间的语言。2 【正确答案】 Interlanguage【试题解析】 当学习者学习一种新语言时,就产生了中介语。中介语具有第一语言和第二语言的特征,但中介语是一个动态的语言系统,我们不能把中介语看成是母语和二语的过渡阶段或者是二者的简单混合。3 【正确答案】 communicative【试题解析】 海姆斯提出的交际教学大纲以功能一意念大纲为基础,它教授表达和理解不同语言功能时所需要的语言,并且强调交际的过

25、程。4 【正确答案】 mistake【试题解析】 错误通常指由于学习者不知道正确的形式或者不能正确地使用语言而出现的错误。失误则是学习者学会了某种知识或技能,但是由于不注意或者其他因素的影响而没能正确地使用语言。5 【正确答案】 focus on form【试题解析】 比较了单纯注重形式的方法和单纯注重意义的方法后,注重形式在关于语言学习中语法的地位方面有更平衡的观点。二、单项选择题6 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 克拉申的“监控理论”中有一种二语习得输入假说,他用 i 表示学习者现有水平,用 1 表示略高于的水平,这就是克拉申的“i+1”输入假说。7 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 在情景教学

26、大纲中,语言内容是根据言语行为和所需的语言来进行组织的,其目的是要具体区分目的语使用的不同场景,语言的选择和组织都是以情景为线索的。8 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 语言学习者在学习第二语言时,难免受到母语的种种影响。其中有正面的影响,称作正迁移,也有负面的影响,称作负迁移或者干扰。9 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 对比分析是通过对比不同语言来确定潜在错误的方法,它将错误看作是受母语习惯的结果,并认为这是学习者无法控制的。三、简答题10 【正确答案】 The type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners

27、who are still in the process of learning a language is often referred to as interlanguage. Interlanguage is often understood as a language system between the target language and the learners native language. It is imperfect compared with the target language, but it is not mere translation from the l

28、earners native language. However, interlanguage should not really be seen as a bridging language between the target language and native language. Interlanguage is a dynamic language system, which is constantly moving from the departure level to the native-like level. Therefore, “inter“ actually mean

29、s between the beginning stage and the final stage. There are many examples of interlanguage, such as / no have a book. I like read books.11 【正确答案】 A variety of explanations have been put forward for the apparent decline in adults: physical factors such as the loss of “plasticity“ in the brain and “l

30、ateralization“ of the brain; social factors such as the different situations and relationships that children encounter compared to adults; cognitive factors such as the interference with natural language learning by the adults more abstract mode of thinking; and input factors that adults spend only

31、a few hours each week of school time, rather than via the constant interaction experienced by a child, with a lot of other occupations.12 【正确答案】 The difference between internal and/or external focus to the study of language acquisition.(1) The internal focus seeks to account for speakers internalize

32、d, underlying knowledge of language. The external focus emphasizes language use, including the functions of language which are realized in learners production at different stages of development.(2) According to the above difference, the linguist Noam Chomsky claims that human beings are biologically

33、 programmed for language and that the language develops in the child just as other biological functions such as walking. Originally Chomsky referred to this innate ability as Language Acquisition Device, also known as LAD. Later Chomsky prefers this innate endowment as Universal Grammar (UG) and hol

34、ds that if children are pre-equipped with UG, then what they have to learn is the ways in which their own language makes use of these principles and the variations on those principles which may exist in the particular language they are learning.The interaetionist view holds that language develops as

35、 a result of the complex interplay between the human characteristics of the child and the environment in which the child develops. Integrated with the innatist view, the interaetionist further claims that the modified language which is suitable for the childs capability is crucial in his language ac

36、quisition.13 【正确答案】 Errors are defined as unintentionally deviant from the target language and not self-corrigible by the learner and suggest failure in competence, while mistakes as either intentionally or unintentionally deviant forms and self-corrigible suggest failure in performance.14 【正确答案】 In

37、terlingua errors mainly result from cross-linguistic interference at different levels such as phonological, lexical, grammatical or discoursal etc. The intralingual errors mainly result from faulty or partial learning of the target language, independent of the native language. There are learning str

38、ategies-based errors, communication strategies-based errors, induced errors and some compound and ambiguous errors among which overgeneralization or cross-association have been well exploited.15 【正确答案】 Input hypothesis proposed by Krashen, holds that language acquisition takes place when a learner u

39、nderstands input that contains grammatical forms that are at “ i + 1“ (i. e. are a little more advanced than the current state of the learners interlanguage). In other words, language acquisition depends on comprehensible input. Interaction hypothesis by Michael Long, also emphasizes the importance

40、of comprehensible input but claims that it is most effective when it is modified through the negotiation of meaning.四、名词解释16 【正确答案】 Applied linguistics: It is a branch of linguistics which studies the application of linguistics in reality. For example, there are studies on multilingualism, language

41、acquisition, first and second language teaching and learning.17 【正确答案】 It refers to the type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language. Its a language system between the target language and the learners native language, and imp

42、erfect compared with the target language, but not mere translation from the learners native language. For example, when the Chinese student is learning English, he may make errors like “to touch the society“.18 【正确答案】 Contrastive analysis is an approach to analysis of second language acquisition, ba

43、sed on a belief that a more effective teaching pedagogy would come out when the similarities and differences between native language and target language are taken into consideration. By such an analysis, it is supposed that some leaning difficulties could be predicted in terms of language transfer.1

44、9 【正确答案】 Face validity: Unlike the other three forms of validity, face validity is based on the subjective judgment of an observer. If the test appears to be measuring what it intends to measure, the test is considered to have face validity.20 【正确答案】 Errors are significant in telling the teacher wha

45、t needs to be taught, in telling the researcher how learning proceeds and those errors are a means whereby learners test their hypotheses a-bout the language to be learnt. They are worth further probing Error Analysis involves, first independently or objectively, describing the learners interlanguag

46、e (that is, their version of the target language and the target language itself) , then a comparison of the two is followed to locate mismatches. Different from contrastive analysis, Error Analysis, EA for short, gives 1 ess consideration to learners native language. The procedure of Error Analysis

47、consists of the following steps:(1) Recognition(2) Description.(3) Explanation.For example, explanation; the absence of an item that must appear in a well-formed utterance: e. g. She sleeping. Type of error: Omissions.五、举例说明题21 【正确答案】 Input hypothesis claims that “Human acquire language in only one

48、wayby understanding messages or by receiving comprehensible input“. According to Krashen, input that is useful for L2 acquisition must be neither too difficult nor too easy to understand and ought to be tuned just right to learners current level, represented as i. In the course of acquiring the L2,

49、learners progress from one level to another. The next level is called “i +1“. For i +1 to occur, the input has to be slightly beyond the level at which learners are well proficient. The gap between i and i + 1 is bridged by comprehensible input, which is the information drawn from the context and previous experience. Comprehensible input is considered both necessary and sufficient for L2 acquisition to occur and output plays little role. In other words, L2 learning takes place because the data to which learners are ex


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