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1、英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编 3 及答案与解析一、填空题1 Sentence meaning is the combination of the meanings of the component words and_.2 The hyponyms under the same superordinate are called_.3 A perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the _ of, or the_the utterance.(人大 2004 研)

2、4 When a teacher says “The exam this year is going to be really difficult“ , the sentence would have an_force.(清华 2001 研)5 There has been a maxim in_which claims that “You are what you say. “(中山大学 2008 研)6 The theory of conversational implicature was proposed by_.(中山大学 2008研)7 Ys utterance in the fo

3、llowing conversation exchange violates the maxim of_.X: Who was that you were with last night?Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks?8 Promising, undertaking, vowing are the most typical of the_.9 _refers to ties and connections which exist within texts. They are also called formal links be

4、tween sentences and between clauses.(人大 2007 研)10 _ is the information that the addresser believes is known to the addressee, while _is the information that the addresser believes is not known to the addressee.11 _represents what the utterance is about; _is what is said about it.12 “Linguistic relat

5、ivity“ was proposed by_and_.(清华 2001 研)13 Language varieties other than the standard are called nonstandard, _language.14 A speech_is a group of people who share the same language or a particular variety of language.15 A_language is originally a pidgin that has become established as a native languag

6、e in some speech community.16 A linguistic_refers to a word or expression that is prohibited by the “polite“ society from general use.17 Language itself is not sexist, but its use may reflect the_attitude connoted in the language that is sexist.18 In terms of sociolinguistics, _is sometimes used to

7、refer to the whole of a persons language.19 In many societies of the world, we find a large number of people who speak more than one language. As a characteristic of societies, _inevitably results from the coming into contact of people with different cultures and different languages.20 _is the menta

8、l process of classification, while_is the products of the preceding process.21 _is an approach to the analysis of natural language that focuses on language as an instrument for organizing, processing, and conveying information.22 There are three aspects in basic-level categories; _, _and_.23 The typ

9、e of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language is often referred to as_.(中山大学 2008 研)24 Error is the grammatically incorrect form; _ appears when the language is correct grammatically but improper in a communicational context.(中山大

10、学 2008 研)25 In learning a second language, a learner will subconsciously use his L1 knowledge. This process is called language_.英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编 3 答案与解析一、填空题1 【正确答案】 the meaning of its structure【试题解析】 (句子的意义是由词汇意义与句子结构两者决定的。)2 【正确答案】 co 一 hyponyms【试题解析】 (同类中的成员叫做同下义词。)3 【正确答案】 consequence; change b

11、rought about by4 【正确答案】 illocutionary【试题解析】 (行事行为是表达说话人意图的行为,老师所说的话表明了让学生努力学习的意图。)5 【正确答案】 quantity【试题解析】 (格莱斯的数量准则指 1使你的话语如(交谈的当前目的)所要求的那样信息充分;2不要使你的话语比要求的信息更充分。即说你该说的。)6 【正确答案】 Grice【试题解析】 (格赖斯认为一定存在一些管理话语产生和理解的机制。他把这种机制称为合作原则,在这个大原则下有四条准则,它们分别为数量、质量、关系和方式准则。)7 【正确答案】 relation【试题解析】 (很显然 Y 的回答与 X

12、的问题“你昨晚跟谁在一起?”无关。)8 【正确答案】 commissives【试题解析】 (承诺类指说话人使自己对某一未来的行为做出许诺。)9 【正确答案】 Cohesion【试题解析】 (衔接不是一个句法概念,它指文本中存在的一种意义上的联系或关系,也包括句子或分句之间存在的一种形式上的联系。)10 【正确答案】 Given information:new information【试题解析】 (已知信息是指说话者认为听话者已经知道的信息,而新信息是指说话者认为听话者不知道的信息。)11 【正确答案】 The topic;the comment【试题解析】 (话题是谈话的主题,述题是围绕主题所

13、谈论的内容。)12 【正确答案】 Sapir,Whorf【试题解析】 (萨丕尔一沃尔夫假说认为,一方面,语言可以决定我们的思维方式;另一方面,语言之间的相似性是相对的,结构性差异越大,反映出对于世界认识的越不同。因此,这个假说也被称作“语言决定论”和“语言相对主义”。)13 【正确答案】 vernacular【试题解析】 (凡属标准语之外的那些语言变体都被叫做非标准语或本地语。)14 【正确答案】 community【试题解析】 (语言社区指的是说同一种语言或语言变体的一群人。)15 【正确答案】 creole【试题解析】 (克里奥尔语最初也是在一些言语社区中作为本族语发展起来的一种皮钦语。)

14、16 【正确答案】 taboo【试题解析】 (禁忌语是由于宗教、政治或性别原因而避免使用的词汇,通常被委婉语所代替。)17 【正确答案】 social【试题解析】 (语言本身是不存在性别歧视的,但当语言被不同的人使用时,则会反映出社会中存在的性别歧视现象。)18 【正确答案】 idiolect【试题解析】 (从社会语言学的角度讲,个人习语指个人语言风格。)19 【正确答案】 bilingualism【试题解析】 (双语现象源于不同文化和不同语言相互交流的结果。双语是对于两种或更多语言的了解及经常使用的能力。)20 【正确答案】 Categorization ;Category【试题解析】 (范

15、畴化是人类对经验进行分类的过程。范畴是范畴化的产物。)21 【正确答案】 Cognitive linguistics【试题解析】 (认知语言学是一种研究自然语言的方法,集中研究语言组织,处理与传达信息的作用。)22 【正确答案】 Perception ; communication ; knowledge organization【试题解析】 (基本层次范畴的三方面:感知、交流和知识系统。)23 【正确答案】 interlanguage【试题解析】 (中介语是在外语或第二语言学习中形成的。)24 【正确答案】 mistake【试题解析】 (mistake 是指在语法上正确但在交流语境中不恰当。)25 【正确答案】 transfer【试题解析】 (学习第二语言时不自觉地使用第一语言的过程叫语言移转。)


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