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1、2015 年 5 月成人本科学位英语真题试卷(精选)(无答案)一、Dialogue Communication0 Mike: It would be nice to go to the beach sometime this weekend.Carl:【D1】_Whats the weather going to be like?Mike: It is supposed to be warm.Carl: It wouldnt be good【D2】_Mike: I want this trip to be perfect, I hope it stays warm.Carl: This Cal

2、ifornia weather is so uncertain and【D3】_Mike: I know. Every day the weather seems different.Carl: I would love it【D4】 _A. I may want to go, too.B. its impossible to know whatll happen.C. if it got cold this weekend.D. if it werent always so unpredictable.1 【D1】2 【D2】3 【D3】4 【D4】4 Tom: Hey, I think i

3、ts starting to rain!George: Yeah, its raining. Good thing I brought along my umbrella.【D5 】_Dont you trust the weatherman? Torn:【D6】 _But this morning I missed the weather forecast on TV. George: Dont get wet.【D7】_Tom: Thanks a lot.A. Go get your own umbrella.B. Get under my umbrella.C. Why didnt yo

4、u?D. I do.5 【D5】6 【D6】7 【D7】7 Alex: Are you planning on transferring?Bruce: Yes. What about you?Alex: 【D8】 _Bruce: Where do you want to go?Alex: I was thinking either CSULA or UCLABruce: Those are great schools.Alex: Where do you want to transfer to?Bruce: 【D9】_Alex: You still have time to figure it

5、 out.Bruce: 【D10】_Alex: Hopefully youll figure it out pretty soon.Bruce: I will. Good luck with CSULA and UCLA.A. Which do you think is better?B. Thats true.C. Im thinking about it, too.D. Im not really sure yet.8 【D8】9 【D9】10 【D10】二、Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are three pass

6、ages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.10 Every single thing

7、 you are not satisfied with in your life is a result of a bad habit. If you dont have enough money, its because bad habits kept you from taking action. If you are not as fit as you would like to be, its because of bad habits that kept you glued to the couch.Would you like to change that? The only th

8、ing that separates successes from failures is successful habits. But developing good habits is easier said than done. We find it hard to build good habits because we spend every day floating down the river of life with no oars(桨). So what should we do?Henry Ford said it best, “ Whether you think you

9、 can, or you think you cant, youre right.“ Belief is the root of change. The strongest force in human behavior is the need to act in line with our self-identity or our belief of who we are. To change a habit, you must believe that you can actually do it.Often our habits are so conditioned into our b

10、eing that we move through those patterns without any thought or consciousness as to what we are doing. Interrupting the old patterns creates a space for new ones. A few ways to interrupt your pattern are to shock yourself or say something funny that makes you laugh or interrupt it through some physi

11、cal action. One woman put a can of dog food next to her fridge to interrupt her pattern every time she reached out for some junk food.The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. The goal is to get you out of a preprogrammed way of being by engaging in a behavior that shocks you, so as to

12、 change your state and help you move into another pattern.11 The author tells us in Para. 1 that bad habits_.(A)result from poor living conditions(B) are difficult to get rid of(C) result in your dissatisfaction in life(D)push you to take unnecessary actions12 The phrase “floating down the river of

13、life with no oars“ (Para.2)means that people tend to_.(A)lead a fulfilling life(B) follow their old habits(C) pursue a fruitful life(D)keep themselves busy13 The words of Henry Ford (Para. 3)stress the role of_.(A)clear goals(B) sound judgment(C) good habits(D)strong belief14 What does the author sa

14、y about forming new habits?(A)It is easier than people have expected.(B) It is best done through physical action.(C) It must be done by making careful plans.(D)It can be achieved by interrupting old patterns.15 The authors purpose in writing the passage is to_.(A)introduce ways to develop good habit

15、s(B) identity good habits and bad habits(C) help better understand the role of habits(D)emphasize the importance of good habits15 Can eating a chocolate bar every day really prevent age-related memory loss? People would say “No“. Can eating chocolate cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner be good for

16、your heart? Again, they would say “No“ , because that would be too good to be true.But new research shows that large amounts of flavanols(黄烷醇), substances found in cocoa(可可), tea and some vegetables, may reverse age-related memory failure. Another study is looking to see if high levels of cocoa flav

17、anols can help prevent heart attacks and strokes.Flavanols found in dark chocolate are known to increase blood flow in the part of the brain that controls memory. They also help prevent heart disease by lowering blood pressure and “ bad“ cholesterol (腱固醇). A new study published online found that coc

18、oa flavanols reverse minor memory loss in older adults.Dr. Scott Small, a professor at Columbia University, is the lead writer of a research paper describing the effects of cocoa flavanols on brain activity. The study involved 37 volunteers aged between 50 and 69. Researchers gave them a high-level

19、flavanol drink made from cocoa beans or a low-level flavanol drink. For a period of three months, some subjects got 900mg of flavanol a day while the others got 10mg.Brain imaging and memory tests were given to each subject before and after the study. Dr. Small says that the subjects who had the hig

20、h-level flavanol drink showed much improvement on memory tests. The researchers warn that more work is needed because this study was performed on a small group. Researchers at Womens Hospital in Boston recently announced plans to do just that.16 The first paragraph indicates that(A)eating chocolate

21、is good for ones heart(B) people doubt the good effect of eating chocolate(C) eating chocolate may prevent memory loss(D)people should not eat too much chocolate17 Studies show that flavanols can do all the following EXCEPT_.(A)take off extra weight(B) lower bad cholesterol(C) help prevent heart dis

22、ease(D)reverse memory failure18 The new study published online focuses on the effects of cocoa flavanols on_.(A)weight(B) blood pressure(C) memory(D)heartbeat19 The high-level flavanol drink used in the study is made from_.(A)coffee beans(B) cocoa beans(C) vegetables(D)tea20 Researchers at Womens Ho

23、spital in Boston will_.(A)make a follow-up study of the same 37 subjects(B) spend more money making flavanol drinks(C) take more time to test Smalls results(D)do similar experiments on a larger scale20 Brain drain, which is the action of having highly skilled and educated people leaving their countr

24、y to work abroad, has become one of the developing countries concern. Brain drain is also referred to as human capital flight. More and more third world science-and-technology-educated people are heading for more prosperous countries seeking higher wages and better working conditions. This has of co

25、urse serious consequences on the sending countries.While many people believe that immigration is a personal choice that must be understood and respected, others look at the phenomenon from a different perspective. What makes those educated people leave their countries should be seriously considered

26、and a distinction between push and pull factors must be made. The push factors include low wages and lack of satisfactory working and living conditions. Social unrest, political conflicts and wars may also be determining causes. The pull factors, however, include academic freedom and extensive funds

27、 for research.Brain drain has negative impact on the sending countries economic prospects and competitiveness. It reduces the number of dynamic and creative people who can contribute to the development of their country. Likewise, with more entrepreneurs (企业家)taking their investments abroad, developi

28、ng countries are missing an opportunity of wealth creation. This has also negative consequences on tax revenue and employment.Most of the measures taken so far have not had any success in softening the effects of brain drain. One option is to provide adequate working and living conditions in the sen

29、ding countries. Another option should involve encouraging the expatriates (侨民)to contribute their skill to the development of their countries without necessarily moving back home.21 Another term used for “brain drain“ in this passage is “_“.(A)human capital flight(B) talent loss(C) wealth relocation

30、(D)intellectual immigration22 Brain drain occurs when more and more talented people_.(A)move to developing countries(B) want to improve their creativity(C) move to developed countries(D)want to further their education23 We learn from the passage that the push factors are related to_.(A)low employmen

31、t(B) personal choice(C) tax revenue(D)home countries24 What can be viewed as a pull factor according to the author?(A)Population control.(B) Limited funds for research.(C) Better working conditions(D)Natural environment.25 Which paragraph offers a possible solution for brain drain?(A)Paragraph 1.(B)

32、 Paragraph 2.(C) Paragraph 3.(D)Paragraph 4.25 Edward and Robert Harmer were both born in the house onCranberry Lane. The map of their town had a special note about the Harmer house and its historical importance. Their great-grandfather had built it with his own two hands in 1850. It was the house t

33、heir grandfather and father had been born in. It was the house that had all their memories.The boys had always been close as children. They were only two years apart, and, although they sometimes fought as brothers do, mostly they were inseparable.There was never a dull moment in the Harmer househol

34、d. The energetic brothers spent their summers running around. They would go fishing in the local river, and try to catch the biggest fish in the world. The whole area was full of secret hiding places where they could go and no one would find them. And they really needed hiding places. The boys were

35、constantly getting into trouble, much to the worry of their parents. Whether it was accidentally throwing footballs through their neighbors windows, pouring paint onto Mrs. Pinklewits rose bushes or putting shaving cream all over Uncle Barts car, the boys somehow always got away from punishments.Whe

36、n they got older, Edward and Robert spent less time around the house and more time with their friends. But their house was still the best place to have a party. With its huge lawn, it was perfect for picnics. Their mother made the best fried chicken in town, and everybody knew it. Holidays were also

37、 a popular time at the Harmers house. Every New Years Eve they threw a big party. Practically the whole town came. Their mother would start planning the party on Thanksgiving. It was the biggest event in their town. And when the boys went off to college, they always brought friends home to share the

38、 holiday spirit.26 For how many generations had Harmers lived in the house by the time the brothers went to school?(A)Five.(B) Four.(C) Three.(D)Two.27 How did the brothers get along with each other as kids?(A)They scarcely talked to each other.(B) They often fought each other.(C) They could hardly

39、separate.(D)They tried to stay away from each other.28 For what reason did the brothers need those hiding places?(A)To avoid punishments once they did something wrong.(B) To store things they had taken from their neighbors.(C) To play hide-and-seek with other kids.(D)To hide themselves whenever they

40、 skipped classes.29 Which of the following is TRUE of the Harmers house?(A)It has witnessed many historic events of the town.(B) It was designed for holding big parties.(C) It was the biggest house in town.(D)It was related to their happy memories.30 What was the boys mother best known for in town?(

41、A)Planning good Thanksgiving parties.(B) Being nice to everyone she knew.(C) Organizing big holiday events.(D)Making the most delicious fried chicken.三、Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%)Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A

42、, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.31 It is our children and our childrens children who_pay for the mistakes we make today.(A)will have to(B) must(C) should(D)are able to32

43、 Ms. Green_living in town for only one year, yet she seems to know everyone who comes to the store.(A)was(B) had been(C) is(D)has been33 He does not qualify as a teacher of English_his pronunciation is terrible.(A)but(B) so(C) as(D)while34 When traveling, you are advised to take credit cards, _is mo

44、re convenient than carrying money in cash.(A)that(B) which(C) it(D)this35 Smith would rather have left for San Francisco than_in New York.(A)stayed(B) to stay(C) stay(D)having stayed36 The author used the southern dialect to give the story some local_.(A)feature(B) flavor(C) style(D)taste37 I might

45、not get home until very late, so dont_for me.(A)wait up(B) turn up(C) take up(D)come up38 Finding it difficult to_to the climate in the city, he decided to move to the south.(A)suit(B) keep(C) adapt(D)adopt39 _in the past he was extremely self-centered, now he has genuine concern, for others.(A)Wher

46、eas(B) As if(C) Even as(D)When40 We have beer, whiskey, coke, and some soft drinks, so please make yourself_.(A)at home(B) at hand(C) at heart(D)at large41 Horses have more highly developed_of sight and hearing than humans.(A)senses(B) skills(C) customs(D)abilities42 I found out that I am a(n)_learn

47、er: I learn best when professors use the blackboard.(A)visual(B) audio(C) active(D)fast43 A large number of cars_parked in front of the supermarket.(A)is(B) are(C) has(D)have44 Hard_they tried, they failed to climb to the mountain top(A)if(B) when.(C) as(D)since45 Hardly had I turned around the corn

48、er and_my dog when he dashed towards me.(A)saw(B) seen(C) seeing(D)see46 Postage_ , the smart phone will cost you at least 3,000 yuan.(A)to be included(B) to include(C) included(D)including47 Some argue that we are the way we are_our genes.(A)in case of(B) as to(C) in spite of(D)because of48 Fossils

49、 are the evidence of past life_in the rocks of the Earths crust.(A)revealed(B) preserved(C) reserved(D)postponed49 When a material burns in the air, heat is released and new substances are_.(A)separated(B) ruined(C) formed(D)dissolved50 _the atmosphere around our Earth, we would not be able to live.(A)Had it not been for(B) Would it not be for(C)


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