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1、2014年 11月成人本科学位英语真题试卷(精选)及答案与解析 一、 Dialogue Communication 0 Steve: I need two tickets, please. Ticket seller: Sorry, but we have no more tickets. Steve: Oh no! 【 D1】 _ Henry: Whats wrong, Steve? Steve: 【 D2】 _ Henry: Oh dear! What shall we do then? Steve: I dont know. 【 D3】 _ Henry: 【 D4】 _ Steve: T

2、hats fine with me. A. The tickets are sold out. B. How about going for a movie? C. I should have come earlier. D. What would you like to do? 1 【 D1】 2 【 D2】 3 【 D3】 4 【 D4】 4 Sue: Is it true that your car was stolen? George: Yes, it was stolen yesterday. Sue:【 D5】 _How did it happen? George: I parke

3、d it at the back lane near my office. When I went to get it after work, it was gone. Sue: 【 D6】 _ George: Yes I did. I hope it will be recovered soon. Sue:【 D7】 _The police have a good track record against car theft. A. Don t worry. B. Did you feel better? C. Did you make a police report? D. Im sorr

4、y to hear that. 5 【 D5】 6 【 D6】 7 【 D7】 7 Teddy: Gravity is very important. Bob: What do you mean? Teddy: Gravity is the force that pulls everything down. Bob: 【 D8】 _ Teddy: If you pour water into a glass, the water goes down into the glass. Bob: 【 D9】 _ Teddy: Without gravity, the water would go u

5、p. Without gravity, we would go up, too. Bob: We would float into the sky like a balloon? 【 D10】 _ A. Im not sure. B. Of course it does. C. That would be fun! D. Give some examples. 8 【 D8】 9 【 D9】 10 【 D10】 二、 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Eac

6、h passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 10 One cowardly person came to a master of

7、 martial arts(武术 )to learn bravery. The master looked at him and said: “ I will teach you only on one condition, if for one month you will live in a big city and to every passing person on the street you will loudly, openly and looking straight into the eyes tell that you re a coward.“ The person go

8、t really sad, because this task seemed scary to him. For a couple of days he was very sad, but to live with his cowardice(胆小 )was so unbearable that he travelled to the city to accomplish his mission. At first, when meeting the passers, he lost his speech. But he needed to finish the master s task,

9、so he began to overcome himself. When he came up to his first passer to tell about his cowardice, it seemed to him that he would die from fear. But each time, his voice sounded louder and more confident. And then a moment came when the man caught himself thinking that he was not scared anymore, and

10、the further he continued doing the task, the more convinced he was that the fear was abandoning him. That way a month had passed. The person came back to the master and said: “Thank you, teacher. I finished your task. Now I m not afraid anymore. But how did you know that this strange task will help

11、me?“ “ The thing is,“ the master smiled, “ that cowardice is only a habit. And by doing the things that scare us, we can destroy the stereotypes. And now you know that bravery is the same habit. To make it a part of yourself, you need to move forward into the fear. And then the fear will retreat, an

12、d bravery will take its place.“ 11 What task did the master ask the person to finish? ( A) To live with strangers for one month. ( B) To travel to a big city and talk to strangers. ( C) To tell strangers about his own weakness. ( D) To ask strangers for help with his problem. 12 What did the person

13、think of the task? ( A) Totally unbearable. ( B) Rather difficult. ( C) Possibly boring. ( D) Somewhat exciting. 13 What does Paragraph 4 mainly describe? ( A) The challenges the person faced. ( B) The person s gratitude to the master. ( C) The changes experienced by the person. ( D) The person s un

14、derstanding of the task. 14 When the person came back to the master, _. ( A) his fear was partly gone ( B) his problem remained unsolved ( C) he was no longer cowardly ( D) he was not sure what to do next 15 In the last paragraph the master explains_. ( A) why cowardice can change into bravery ( B)

15、why it is hard to overcome cowardice ( C) what is the most important part of bravery ( D) what should be done to build up confidence 15 Textbook prices are traditionally high. “ Combined with the rising cost of tuition, the price of books for our students is just killing these kids,“ said Peter Jaso

16、n, Ph.D. , a local community college professor. Adding to that problem, many college instructors change textbooks year after year: they either upgrade to a new edition or switch to an entirely different textbook. This further hurts students because if an instructor no longer uses a particular textbo

17、ok, that book has no resale value. Students are one of the poorest groups of people in America. Almost half of them have at least one part-time job. In fact, some even have three jobs and still manage to have high grades and go to school full-time. So Dr. Jason decided to make life a little easier a

18、nd a lot cheaper for his students by writing his own book on public speaking. He thinks that many books have an increased price because of bells and whistles: CD-ROMs, lots of color photographs, and lots of graphics. He talked to his students, and many of them, like him, prefer to keep things simple

19、. They want to have a book which is brief and concise, not long-winded. A few years ago Dr. Jason finished his own textbook. “ Compared to most other public speaking primers(启蒙书 ), mine is half the number of pages, and one-third the price. That is, $ 30 instead of $ 90. Plus, it is published in a th

20、ree-ring binder format. So, when I wrote a second edition last year, students only had to buy the 35 new pages and delete 35 of the original pages. For only $ 7.00, they had upgraded to the new edition. I ve had great feedback from my students about this loose-leaf concept. Maybe the word will get o

21、ut, and more writers and publishers will try it,“ said Dr. Jason. 16 What can we learn from Paragraph 1? ( A) College textbooks are way too expensive. ( B) Students dont like to sell their own textbooks. ( C) Students ask their instructors not to use any textbooks. ( D) Some students were rejected b

22、y their instructors. 17 According to Paragraph 3, the “bells and whistles“ of a book refers to_. ( A) the feedback from readers ( B) additional features ( C) book types ( D) the subject varieties 18 Dr. Jason decided to help his students by_. ( A) collecting used textbooks ( B) writing a concise tex

23、tbook ( C) selling second-hand books ( D) making public speeches 19 What did Dr. Jason s students do when he wrote a second edition? ( A) They kept parts of the old edition. ( B) They switched entirely to a new book. ( C) They kept away from any new book. ( D) They bought the new book at a discount.

24、 20 What does Dr. Jason hope that more writers can try? ( A) A loose-leaf concept. ( B) A second edition. ( C) New topics. ( D) Contact with readers. 20 Some Stanislaus County farmers are having a tough time harvesting their crops because of a shortage of workers. For years Vito Chiesa, who farms ne

25、ar Hughson, has grown peaches, but these days he s replacing them with almonds (杏仁 ). “ This is where I started losing peaches,“ he pointed out to NewslO reporter Tim Daly. “Just like that, we got the bulldozers(推土机 )and pushed. You re going to see almonds out there next year.“ Farmers can t find en

26、ough workers to handle crops like peaches that require careful hand picking because machines would damage the ripe peaches and then the farmer could not sell them. Some farmers will soon switch to growing almonds. Almonds are harvested differently. They require fewer workers because trees are mechan

27、ically shaken. The almonds fall on the ground and then are gathered up. The farmer does not have to hire many workers to pick the almonds off the trees. Some farmers think there are a couple of reasons for the labor shortage, which is even worse in the southern Central Valley. One is that workers ma

28、ke higher wages doing construction work and there is plenty of that in the Central Valley. Another is that since the September 11, 2001 attacks, there is more enforcement at the state s border with Mexico, resulting in fewer workers coming into California. One solution might be to allow Mexican work

29、ers to work here as guests, so people who want to work and contribute to the economy of the U.S. can have the opportunity to provide for themselves and family. That would also help the farm labor situation without making the country less secure. Farmers say that unless things change, more produce wi

30、ll come from South America and China where labor is cheap and there is more competition. 21 The farmers are reported to have difficulty in_. ( A) hiring harvest workers ( B) selecting the right fruit to grow ( C) selling their farm produce ( D) changing their way of farming 22 We learn from the pass

31、age that Vito Chiesa_. ( A) is very happy to make a change ( B) is a driver of the bulldozer ( C) is to shift to growing peaches ( D) is going to grow almonds 23 More manual work is required for_. ( A) picking ripe peaches ( B) picking ripe almonds ( C) planting peaches ( D) planting almonds 24 What

32、 is the second reason for the labor shortage? ( A) The fear of more terrorists attacks. ( B) The reduced number of Mexican workers. ( C) The economic depression. ( D) The border dispute between the U.S. and Mexico. 25 The competition mentioned in the last paragraph is between_. ( A) South America an

33、d China ( B) Stanislaus County farmers and their laborers ( C) American farmers and farmers overseas ( D) peach farmers and almond farmers 25 The timing of flu season is a little hard to predict. Part of what makes it unpredictable is that scientists still don t understand exactly why we have one at

34、 all. There have been lots of theories: One theory is that people spend more time indoors, with the windows closed, breathing each other s air. Other scientists have argued that cold of winter weakens our immune systems. A third theory is that the flu virus lives in the cold, dry air, but suffers in

35、 the warm, humid air. For a while, scientists had a hard time testing these theories: they needed to run experiments, but researchers aren t allowed to infect humans with illnesses, and most lab animals arent affected by the flu the same way people are. In 2007, a medical researcher named Peter Pale

36、se found an 80-year-old journal article that reported that guinea pigs (豚鼠 )get infected and pass on the flu just like humans. Palese decided to test Theory 3. The research team led by Palese ran several experiments and in each experiment, they injected half the guinea pigs with influenza A (the com

37、mon flu), and put them in a box next to a box of uninfected animals. At a temperature of 41 degrees, all four of the exposed guinea pigs caught the flu, but when Palese repeated the experiment at 68 degrees, only one of the animals was infected. And when he ran the test at 86 degrees, none of the ex

38、posed animals got sick. The researchers also ran experiments where they varied the humidity in the room but kept the temperature constant: the drier the air, they found, the more animals got sick. Palese s study showed that the influenza virus does spread more effectively in cold, dry air. 26 What d

39、oes Paragraph 3 mainly discuss? ( A) The direction for future research. ( B) The necessity of running more tests. ( C) The difficulty of testing the theories. ( D) The cost of animal experiments. 27 Palese got the idea to experiment with guinea pigs from_. ( A) a past research ( B) an 80-year-old sc

40、ientist ( C) a fellow researcher ( D) a journal article long time ago 28 At a temperature of 68 degrees, how many guinea pigs were infected? ( A) None. ( B) Only one. ( C) Half of them. ( D) All of them. 29 Palese s experiments with the guinea pigs_. ( A) fully support Theory 3 ( B) partly confirm T

41、heory 2 ( C) raise doubt on Theory 1 ( D) find little evidence for all theories 30 The purpose of the writer is to_. ( A) introduce a new flu theory ( B) report a test on one flu theory ( C) compare the various flu theories ( D) point out a new approach to flu study 三、 Part II Vocabulary and Structu

42、re (30%) Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 31 John_away for

43、the last two days but he should be back tomorrow. ( A) is ( B) went ( C) has been ( D) has gone 32 They will not decide their attitude until they_what the speaker has to say. ( A) have heard ( B) will hear ( C) would hear ( D) had heard 33 _dinner is ready, I 11 give you a call. ( A) As soon as ( B)

44、 No sooner than ( C) Hardly when ( D) Other than 34 She has not arrived yet. She_the bus. ( A) might miss ( B) may miss ( C) may have missed ( D) should have missed 35 You needn t _ the class to tell me that: you could have come up to me afterwards. ( A) have interrupted ( B) to have interrupted ( C

45、) interrupt ( D) to interrupt 36 The_impact of inflation lies in the decline of people s living standard and social instability. ( A) native ( B) negative ( C) natural ( D) national 37 There is very_ knowledge about how to make the transition from childhood to adulthood less painful. ( A) few ( B) l

46、ittle ( C) many ( D) much 38 _the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time. ( A) In case of ( B) In spite of ( C) Because of ( D) But for 39 Young people are redefining for themselves_it means to be a man or a woman. ( A) how ( B) that ( C) which ( D) what 40 You re the person you

47、are, so it makes sense to be that person rather than someone_. ( A) elsewhere ( B) otherwise ( C) else ( D) other 41 John had his leg broken the other day, which_his absence from class for the last week. ( A) calls for ( B) accounts for ( C) shows off ( D) sets forth 42 Not all persons arrested and_

48、with a crime are guilty. ( A) sentenced ( B) accused ( C) persecuted ( D) charged 43 Communication is the process of_a message from a source to an audience via a channel. ( A) transforming ( B) transmitting ( C) submitting ( D) switching 44 What_a crime depends on what the country s law allows. ( A)

49、 relates ( B) commits ( C) constitutes ( D) reaches 45 They talked for a long time,_longer than he felt was necessary. ( A) quite ( B) pretty ( C) fairly ( D) much 46 Sister Wendy only eats plain food_she doesn t drink alcohol. ( A) and ( B) but ( C) while ( D) yet 47 _all my relatives, I like my Aunt Emily the best. ( A) Above ( B) For ( C) Of ( D) In 48 You_me


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