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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 15(无答案)一、Part I Writing (30 minutes)1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Deepen Chinas Reform. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1. 现有的改革成果已为进一步深化改革奠定了基础2. 然而改革的道路并不平坦3. 建议我们应该二、Part II Reading C

2、omprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark:Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the

3、 statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.2 The Web LifestyleIf you asked people today why they used the telephone to communicate with their friends or why they turned to the television for entertainment, they would

4、look at you as if you were crazy. We dont think a- bout a telephone or a television or a car as being oddities. These things have become such an integral part of life that they are no longer noticed, let alone remarked upon.In the same way, within a decade no one will notice the Web. It will just be

5、 there an integral part of life. It will be a reflex to turn to the Web for shopping, education, entertainment and communication, just as it is natural today to pick up the telephone to talk to someone.There is incredible interest in the Web. Yet it is still in its infancy. The technology and the sp

6、eed of response are about to leap forward. This will move more and more people to the Web as part of their everyday lives. Eventually, everyones business card will have an electronic, tail address. Every lawyer, every doctor and every, businessfrom large to smallwill be connected.In the United State

7、s elections, people now turn to the Internet to see real-time results. The Pathfinder mission to Mars and the problems with the Mir space station drew millions of people to the VI kb for more up -to- date detail than were available elsewhere.A change like this is often generational. Older people hav

8、e to learn something new outside their everyday experiences, while kids who grow up with a new technology simply treat it as given. College campuses in particular are providing the ingredients to generate the critical mass for a Web-ready culture.Today in the United States, there are over 22 million

9、 adults using the Web, about half of whom access the Internet at least once a day. Meanwhile, the variety of activities on the Web is broadening at an amazing rate. There is almost no topic for which you cannot find fairly interesting material on the Web. Many of these sites are getting excellent tr

10、affic flow. Want to buy a dog? Or sell a share? Or order a car? Use the Internet. Where are we going to get the time to live with the Web? In some instances, people will actually save time because the Web will make doing things more efficient than in the past. Being able to get information about a m

11、ajor purchase, for example. Or finding out how much your used car is worth. Or what is your cheapest way of getting to Florida. That is very easy to find on the Web, even today. In other instances, people will trade the time they now spend reading the paper, or watching television, for information o

12、r entertainment they will find on the computer screen. Americans, particularly young ones, will spend less time in front of a television screen, more on the Web.One great benefit of the Web is that it allows us to move information online that now resides in paper form. Several states in America are

13、using the Web in a profound way. You can apply for various permits or submit applications for business licenses. Some states are putting up listings of jobsnot just state government jobs, but all the jobs available in the state. I believe, over time, that all the information that governments print,

14、and all those paper forms they now have, will be moved on to the Internet. Electronic commerce notches up month-by-month too. It is difficult to measure, because a lot of electronic commerce involves existing buyers and sellers who are simply moving paper-based transactions to the Web. That is not n

15、ew business. Microsoft, for example, purchases millions of dollars of PCs online instead of by paper. How- ever, that is not a fundamental change; it has just improved the efficiency of an existing process. The biggest impact has occurred where electronic commerce matches buyers and sellers who woul

16、d not previously have found each other. When you go to a book site and find an obscure book that you never would have found in a physical bookstore, that is a new type of commerce.Today, about half of all PCs are still not connected to the web. Getting communications costs down and making all the so

17、ftware simpler will bring in those people. And that, in turn, will move us closer to the critical mass that will make the Web lifestyle everyones lifestyle. One element that people underestimate is the degree to which the hardware and software will improve. Just take one aspect: screen technology. I

18、 do my e-mail on a 20-inch liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor. It is not available at a reasonable price yet, but in two years it will be. In ten years, a 40-inch LCD with much higher resolution will be commonplace.The boundary between a television set and a PC will be blurred because even the set

19、-top box that you connect up to your cable or satellite will have a processor more powerful than what we have today in the most expensive PC. This will, in effect, make your television a computer.Interaction with the Web also will improve, making it much easier for people to be involved. Today the k

20、eywords we use to search the Web often return to too many articles to sort through, many of them out of context. If you want to learn about the fastest computer chip available, you might end up getting responses instead about potato chips being delivered in fast trucks. In the future, we shall be ei

21、ther speaking or typing sentences into the computer. If you ask about the speed of chips, the result will be about computers, not potatoes. Speech recognition also means that you will be able to call in on a phone and ask if you have any new messages, or check on a flight, or check on the weather.To

22、 predict that it will take over ten years for these changes to happen is probably pessimistic. We usually overestimate what we can do in two years and underestimate what we can do in ten. The Web will be as much a way of life as the car by 2008. Probably before.2 The web is still in its infancy, so

23、people are uninterested in it.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG3 According to the authors prediction, the web will be as much a way of life as the car by 2008.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG4 Many people will spend less time in front of a television screen more on the web in the world.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG5 Because the set-up box that you

24、 connect up to your cable or satellite, the boundary between a television set and a PC will be not clear.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG6 _ people are using the web now in the U.S.A.7 _is one great benefit of the web.8 According to the author, getting communication cost down and_ can be taken to bring in more peopl

25、e to use the Internet.9 When you go to a book site and find an obscure book that you never would have found in a physical bookstore, that is a_.10 Today about half of all PCs are still not connected to the web; one element that people underestimate is the degree to which the_ will improve.11 The web

26、 will just be an integral part of life, it will be a reflex to turn to the web for shopping, education, entertainment and_.Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about wh

27、at was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.(A)The woman will be jobless.(B) Tile woman will take a job interview.(

28、C) The woman will work in the foreign language department.(D)The woman will work in her parents company.(A)He is going to join in the game.(B) He is going to Washington and Los Angeles.(C) He wants to watch the football game.(D)He doesnt care to miss the game.(A)He is rowing a boat with the woman no

29、w.(B) He is ashamed of being poor.(C) He cant afford to buy expensive things.(D)He has the same hope.(A)His friends are very tall.(B) His luck has been bad.(C) Hes looking for a neat job.(D)He has everything he needs.(A)Tomatoes are more nutritious than eggs.(B) The eggs are next to the tomatoes.(C)

30、 Most healthy food stores sell tomatoes and eggs.(D)Tomatoes and eggs are delicious.(A)He suggests the woman buy a new bicycle.(B) He suggests lending his own bicycle to the woman.(C) He suggests the woman have her bicycle repaired.(D)He suggests the woman repair the brakes.(A)He thinks its too high

31、.(B) He thinks its very low.(C) He thinks it could be lower.(D)He thinks its neither low nor high.(A)He doesnt care for childrens programs.(B) He regrets missing the program.(C) He has already seen it.(D)He enjoys the program.(A)A tea shop.(B) A newsagent.(C) Lights.(D)A shoes store.(A)Apple pies.(B

32、) Sandwiches.(C) Scones.(D)Cakes.(A)Turner is more interested in the notice of “Open for Devon Cream Teas“ than the Town Hall.(B) Donald does not watch television too often because he believes that television programs do not provide enough background for what happened in the world.(C) Donald thinks

33、that a Devon cream tea is better than a tin of cold beans.(D)Turner asks Donald to get him a newspaper because he wants to know about the weather.(A)He stayed in bed.(B) He tried to get outside.(C) He cried for help.(D)He became mad.(A)He was suffering from a heart trouble because of the sudden eart

34、hquake.(B) He went to bed so late the previous night that he wasnt woken up by the earthquake.(C) He was having terrible flu.(D)He was having spiritual disease.(A)The first earthquake did wake him up but he didnt realize what was happening.(B) The first earthquake woke up the man but he didnt want t

35、o leave his house.(C) The man wasnt woken up by the first earthquake.(D)The man was hurt by the earthquake.(A)2 oclock in the morning.(B) 3 oclock in the morning.(C) 4 oclock in the morning.(D)2:30 in the morning.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of eac

36、h passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.(A)There is an office furniture show.(B) There is a painting exhibition.(C) There is a modern ar

37、t contest.(D)There is an off-season sale.(A)Quite impressive.(B) Rather meaningless.(C) Absolutely childish.(D)Extremely funny.(A)His painting is a mess.(B) His painting does not belong to art.(C) He feels terrible while painting his picture.(D)Georges mother has made the same comment.(A)A significa

38、nt earthquake occurs in the United States.(B) A significant earthquake occurs in the ocean.(C) A significant earthquake does not kill anybody.(D)A significant earthquake usually measures over 6.5 on the Richter scale.(A)75 quakes.(B) 64 quakes.(C) 119 quakes.(D)70 quakes.(A)Off the Big Island.(B) Ne

39、ar Challis.(C) In Coalinga.(D)Off the southern coast.(A)The housing problem in the U.S.(B) The problem of taking drags in the U.S.(C) The problem of unemployment in China.(D)The problem of the workers strikes in England.(A)A druggist.(B) An addict.(C) physician.(D)A dentist.(A)The poor.(B) The unemp

40、loyed.(C) The old.(D)The young.(A)Drags have caused American people to have no enough drags of medical use.(B) Drugs have mined many American peoples mind.(C) Drags have caused many American people to lose health.(D)Both B and C.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three tim

41、es. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required

42、to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 37 The English (36)_ settlements in North America began in the 17th century when Western Europe was (37)_ great changes. During the Middle-Ages, Europe was under the single

43、(38)_ authority of the Roman Catholic Church. The peasants were tied to the soil and worked in the fields for their lands. (39)_ and craftsmen were (40)_ by the social disorders. Art and learning were controlled by the Church. By the 16th century, some new and powerful social forces began to (41)_ w

44、hich led to the awakening of Europe and the discovery of America.The first new force was the development of capitalism. The growth of capitalism produced two new classesthe bourgeois class and the working class, with the fast development of (42)_ and trade, the bourgeoisie became (43)_ powerful in p

45、olitics as well as in economy. They wanted to share power with feudal lords and (44)_. The English Revolution was the result of this growth of capitalism.(45)_. The God-centered world was challenged by the great progress in natural and social science. Many challenged the authority of the Bible and w

46、ere willing to observe, experiment and test truths for themselves. This attitude pushed the development of technology.(46)_.Section ADirections: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the

47、statements in the fewest possible words.48 Sew in FashionThis seasons hottest looks are a cross between ready-to-wear and “do-you-dare?“ screams the Home Sewing Association(HSA), the industrys creative and educational voice.“So many of the top magazines are touting the personalization of items you a

48、lready ownor are about to purchase and augmentfor a truly updated look,“ states Joan Campbell, executive vice president of the association.Campbell points to re. cent articles in the best known “bibles of style“, todays fashion and lifestyle magazines. “In Style, Vogue and Glamour have all highlight

49、ed done by you fashions that are simple to create and easy to love.“Sew, whos doing it? In a pivotal moment in Eyes Wide Shut, Nicole Kidman chides, “You. wouldnt believe.“ Well, believe it or not, in a feature issue of In Style, Ms. Kidman reveals ten surprising and remarkable things. Among them? She can sew. And sew well.Ms. Kidman was lured into sewing out of a growing dissatisfaction with


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