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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 694(无答案)一、Part I Writing (30 minutes)1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A Letter Applying for a Bank Loan. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1. 点明写信的目的并且对个人情况作介绍2. 申请助学贷款的原因及数额3. 你的还款打算 二、Part II Reading Comprehe

2、nsion (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark:Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statem

3、ent contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.1 7 Things You Cant Say in CanadaAttacking our sacred cows (things or people that cannot be criticized) may turn you into one looked down upon by all others but it can also be a lot

4、 of fun.Every culture has its unacknowledged taboos the things you are forbidden to say or do in polite company, the accepted truths you are not allowed to doubt. You might think that a liberal, open-minded country like Canada would be free of such taboos, but youd be wrong. In spite of our belief i

5、n our own enlightened tolerance, some things are simply not open to debate. If you try, youre bound to shock the neighbors.Its risky to question the wisdom of the tribe. You might get stoned. On the other hand, some people might come near to you very quietly afterwards and confess that they secretly

6、 agree.So heres a challenge to a few of our nations most widely held beliefs. You say these things in public at your own danger. I will be elaborating on these points over the months to come. Feel free to stone me or secretly agree or, even better, add to the list. At the very least, theyre sure to

7、start a good dinner-party fight. Margaret Atwood writes some really awful books.The queen of Canadian Literature dominates the literary world like a giant. Nobody has won more awards than she has, and nobody is more feared. There is no such a thing as a bad review of a Margaret Atwood book in Canada

8、. Thats too bad, because many of her books are tedious and unreadable, full of tortuous plots and unpleasant characters. Why will no one say so? Because were grateful that shes put us on the global map. If they do, theyll never work in this country again.Recycling is a waste of time and money.Once u

9、pon a time it was easy to put out the trash. Today, the Garbage Gestapo rules our lives.Every household has become a mini version of the village dump, and every one of us has become a garbage picker, carefully separating our organic waste from our bottles and papers, and worrying about where our dif

10、ferent kinds of garbage are supposed to go. Dont try to sort a wine bottle into the wrong bag! The trash police will punish you. The truth about recycling is that its a giant waste of dollars and doesnt help the environment. But dont tell your kids. They wont believe you. Theyve been brainwashed. On

11、ly private enterprise can save public health care.Tommy Douglas, the CBCs Greatest Canadian, brought us universal health care. But even his plan didnt originally pay for everybodys minor diseases, such as ingrown toenails. His primary goal was to make sure nobody faced financial ruin if they got sic

12、k. Today we have a system where controlling costs is more important than treating patients, and where ideology is disabling us. In some places, including Toronto, people go blind waiting for cataract (白内障 ) surgery. The government could restore their sight tomorrow simply by sending them to a privat

13、e clinic instead of to a hospital. The cost to the government would be exactly the same. But in Canada, private is a dirty word, and so the government would rather you go blind. Poor Tommy would be spinning in his grave. David Suzuki is bad for the environment.From global warming to farmed salmon an

14、d genetically modified crops, David Suzuki has just one message: The end is near.He is our homegrown prophet of doom who can predict what will happen in the future. He advocates the essential wickedness of the human race. Like a modern Savonarola, he warns that unless we cast our material possession

15、s into the bonfire, were all going to hell.The trouble with this predicting vision is that people are starting to isolate from the environment. And our hugely expensive investment in the unworkable Kyoto treaty, which Mr. Suzuki tells us doesnt go nearly far enough, will wipe out more practical meas

16、ures to cut smog and clean up our waste sites. A national daycare program wont do a thing to help poor kids.Cheap national daycare! Who could be against it? Its supposed to give kids a better start in life, and nobody can object to that. But in Quebec, where the program started, universal daycare ha

17、s turned out to be nothing more than a giant (and extremely costly) subsidy for relatively well-off middle-class parents. Few poor parents use the system.No doubt convenient daycare is a gift set by god for many people. But so far there is no definitive evidence that kids who go to daycare go on to

18、do better in school or in life. So if we want to invest billions in helping kids, why are we spending it on the kids who need help the least? Group of Seven artists are overexposed genre painters.I like A.Y. Jackson as much as you do. His paintings remind me of when I went to summer camp. I grew up

19、with a reproduction of The West Wind hanging in our living room. (That was by Tom Thomson, who wasnt really a member of Group of Seven, but never mind.) Group of Seven were the first artists to depict the wild Canadian landscape, and they were bold young rebels in their time.But that time was 80 yea

20、rs ago. Today their work is the essence of bourgeois picture-postcard art the kind of art safe to take your mother to see. Enough, already. Maybe its time we moved on.The United States is the greatest force for good the world has ever known.Of all the shocking things you can say around the dinner ta

21、ble, this is the most shocking one. After all, America-criticizing is part of our national identity.At best, we see our neighbor as a well-intentioned but arrogant and wrong-doing bully that throws its weight around too much. At worst, we see our neighbor as one of the most evil nations in the world

22、. And yet, right now, hundreds of millions of people in desperately poor parts of the world are being liberated from millennia of suffering and serfdom. Why? Because of the United States, which has spread its idea of economic freedom and its purchasing power around the world.2 The author describes C

23、anada as a country which_.(A)is free of taboos(B) is thinly populated(C) is highly industrialized(D)is liberal and open-minded3 Who has been regarded as the queen of Canadian Literature?(A)Sharon H. Nelson.(B) Cynthia Hood.(C) Margaret Atwood.(D)Audrey Thomas.4 In the authors point of view, Margaret

24、 Atwoods books are_.(A)thrilling(B) monotonous(C) encouraging(D)simple-minded5 The author thinks that he becomes a garbage picker because he has to_.(A)carefully sort out different kinds of garbage(B) help cleaning the community every weekend(C) dispose of any garbage dumped by his kids(D)pick recyc

25、lable items from the local landfill6 Which of the following was not included in Tommy Douglas health plan?(A)Ingrown toenails.(B) Tooth extraction.(C) Cataract.(D)Insomnia.7 David Suzuki believes that “the end is near“, and he is regarded as_.(A)an environmental spokesman(B) an advocate of genetic e

26、ngineering(C) a local prophet of doom(D)the most wicked Canadian8 The aim of Kyoto treaty was to solve_.(A)insurance problems(B) educational problems(C) population problems(D)pollution problems9 In Quebec, the national daycare system is seldom used by_.10 The original painting The West Wind was pain

27、ted by_.11 Thanks to, people in poor areas of the world are being liberated from_millennia of suffering and serfdom.Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was

28、said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.(A)Mike cant pass the exam.(B) Mike doesnt need to study at all.(C) Mike shoul

29、d get some fresh air in the morning(D)Having a good rest will help Mike with the exam.(A)Take the wallet to the reception desk.(B) Look for the owner of the wallet in the company.(C) Ask the receptionist for help.(D)Put the wallet back in the elevator.(A)Professor Smith will help Mary to take the co

30、urse simultaneously.(B) Mary will probably postpone taking the course of statistics.(C) Mary will require taking the accounting course first.(D)Mary will take the course of Professor Smith.(A)To try playing a new game.(B) Not to worry about his grades.(C) To spend more time on his studies.(D)To teac

31、h them how to play the games.(A)He is not interested in the competition.(B) He doesnt know if the super girl was successful.(C) He cant follow the state competition.(D)He thinks the super girl of last week was eliminated.(A)In a library.(B) In a cinema.(C) In a literature class.(D)In a history class

32、.(A)She will be absent in the next class.(B) She will help the professor hand out the course outline.(C) She will copy the outline by herself.(D)She will go to the office of the professor.(A)Her brother wants to rent a room with another person.(B) Her brother can take the man to the picnic.(C) Her b

33、rother wants to share his room with another person.(D)Her brother wants someone else to go to the picnic with him.(A)Why KTV is popular in China.(B) How the employees spend their weekend usually.(C) Where to celebrate their success.(D)Which is the best pub in the neighborhood.(A)Eric comes from Euro

34、pe, while Chen is a Chinese.(B) Chen suggests that they go to pubs.(C) Chen already knows that Eric has no interest in KTV.(D)Some of the employees in the company are Americans.(A)Eric takes Chens advice at the end of the dialogue.(B) Eric seldom goes to KTV.(C) Most Americans prefer to go out to si

35、ng with their friends.(D)Chinese people do not like to go to pubs.(A)The purpose of laughter.(B) The cause of laughter and its effects.(C) Who and when people laugh.(D)The origins of laughter.(A)It is a survival technique for babies.(B) To ease hostilities.(C) To make parents feel relaxed.(D)To figh

36、t diseases.(A)She can hear them crying very loudly at the zoo.(B) Shes heard them panting and was told it was laughter.(C) Shes read about it from Darwin.(D)She used to work at a zoo.(A)He has some pet apes in his apartment.(B) Hes worried the chicken he left out will spoil.(C) Hes worried his roomm

37、ates will worry about him.(D)Hes worried he will miss out on his dinner.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must cho

38、ose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.(A)To estimate the extreme weather.(B) To develop the satellite technology.(C) To improve agricultural output.(D)To learn how to change information to maps more efficiently.(A)By turning the intensity of sunshine into maps.(B) By analyzi

39、ng the recent weather report.(C) By capturing the microwave radiation from the soil.(D)By analyzing information provided by ground observation centers.(A)Acquire information from satellites more efficiently.(B) To realize full coverage of area the satellite passes over.(C) Building more ground obser

40、vation centers.(D)Compare satellites information with those from ground.(A)Historic significance.(B) Splendor and peacefulness.(C) Cultural appeal.(D)Beauty and comfort.(A)Visiting the capital of Salt Lake City.(B) Visiting the Temple Square.(C) Hiking through national parks.(D)Hiking remote Indian

41、reservations.(A)All transportations during the tour.(B) Three formal meals a day.(C) Two nights stay in Salt Lake City.(D)Equipment for the hiking adventure.(A)She was born in 1960.(B) She was born in 1940.(C) She was born in 1916.(D)She was born in 1956.(A)She won the first place.(B) She won the se

42、cond place.(C) She won the third place.(D)She won no medals at all.(A)In Saint Bethlehem, USA.(B) In Melbourne, Australia.(C) In Tennessee, USA.(D)In Rome, Italy.(A)In the two hundred meter race.(B) In the one hundred meter race.(C) In the two hundred meter sprint relay event.(D)In the one hundred m

43、eter and the two hundred meter races.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered

44、 from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 Everywhere, water use is increasing. Humans already use fifty-

45、four percent of all the fresh water in rivers, lakes and underground. There are some 【B1】_ that this rate will reach seventy percent by 2025. Fresh water is necessary for life on Earth. People need water for everyday activities and to【B2】_ food. Water also is important for energy production and the

46、health of Earths【B3】_ systems.The United Nations is organizing a 【B4】_ of events to increase concern about water issues. UN officials have declared 2003 the International Year of Fresh Water. A goal of the【B5】_ is to build support for policies to use water more wisely. Another goal is to get more pe

47、ople to use water in ways that will not【B6】_ the environment. The world population is more than six thousand million people. More than one thousand million lack safe drinking water. More than two thousand million suffer from 【B7】_ linked to dirty water. And, more than two thousand million live witho

48、ut waste-treatment【B8】_ .Water was one of the issues discussed at the LIN Millennium Summit two years ago.【B9】_ .Officials renewed that goal last year at the Summit on Sustainable Development, in Johannesburg, South Africa.【B10】_ Nitin Desai directs the LIN Office for Economic and Social Affairs. He

49、 says success in these goals will require major changes in the ways people use water. He says【B11】_ .37 【B1 】38 【B2 】39 【B3 】40 【B4 】41 【B5 】42 【B6 】43 【B7 】44 【B8 】45 【B9 】46 【B10 】47 【B11 】Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through caref


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