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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 806(无答案)一、Part I Writing (30 minutes)1 假如你是李明,写一封求职信,内容包括:1你对 8 月 18 日在 21st Century 报上所登的招聘外贸经理的广告很感兴趣。2你是某重点大学一名四年级学生,今年七月毕业,所学专业为国际贸易,以及其他情况。3随函附上中英文简历,期望有机会到贵公司面试二、Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to g

2、o over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark:Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not

3、 given in the passage.1 Why You Cant Ignore the Changing Climate by Eugene LindenPARADE Magazine (June 25, 2006)As we learned last year in New Orleans, weather can be a weapon of mass destruction. With the 2006 hurricane season now upon us, scientists say the climate is changing in ways that could p

4、roduce many more superhurricanes, as well as extreme floods, droughts and heat waves that could threaten our way of life.Still, its easy to ignore the signs of global warming because weve always had crazy weather. Unfortunately, many of the predicted changes have begun, and they already affect our h

5、ealth and pocketbooks. Heres what we know:Look Outside: The Weather Already Is ChangingEvery year since 1997 has been in the Top 10 list of hottest years, and 2005 set a record. The Earth has warmed about 1.4F since the late 19th century, and the warming has accelerated during the past four decades.

6、That increase sounds small, but it has been sufficient to make weather records fall by the thousands. Studies by Kerry Emmanuel at MIT and others have documented that hurricanes are getting more intense. Extreme storms like the one that flooded New England with more than 10 inches of rain in May are

7、 becoming more frequent too. Birds are migrating earlier. Trees are blooming, and flowers and crops are popping up unseasonably early across the country.The warming has produced clear winners: pests. Mosquitoes love the warmer weather and are celebrating by bringing infectious diseases to new places

8、. A recent Duke University study found that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has led to out-of-control growth of poison ivy (常春藤), as well as increased levels of allergy-producing pollen (引起过敏的花粉 ). Beetle populations have exploded in evergreen trees. Why should we care about beetles? It w

9、as beetles that killed the trees in Southern California, which provided the dry fuel for the wildfires that destroyed hundreds of homes in 2003.Higher temperatures also are causing glaciers (冰川) to melt fast. Mount Kilimanjaro (乞力马扎罗山 非洲的最高山峰), for instance, has been topped with ice for at least 11,

10、700 years. Within the next 15 years, however, its summit might be ice-free, according to Lonnie Thompson, a glaciologist at Ohio State University. The fastest warming is taking place in the far north, where glaciers are receding. You may think this isnt relevant to those of us farther south, but sno

11、w and ice play a big role in balancing Earths climate by reflecting sunlight back into space. Melting snow and ice could push climates everywhere past a tipping point: As the Earth warms, melting snow and ice expose dark surfaces such as land and oceans, and the switch from heatreflecting to heat-ab

12、sorbing surfaces could turbo-charge further warming.Were Making It Worse“Im changing the climate! Ask me how“ reads a bumper sticker that activists have been plastering on SUVs. Their point is that gas-guzzlers (耗油量大的车) contribute to climate change. In a more sober way, the great majority of scienti

13、sts are saying the same thing: Burning gas or oil in engines and furnaces has pushed carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere far above where theyve been for hundreds of thousands of years, and the debate has ended over whether these emissions are making the planet hotter. The Intergovernmental Panel

14、 on Climate Change, a group of more than 1,500 scientists from 60 countries, asserts that some portion of the recent warming is the result of human activities.Last year, the worlds leading scientific journal, Science, looked back at all the scientifically credible articles published between 1993 and

15、 2003 that dealt with modern climate change. Not one took issue with the consensus that humans are contributing to the changes we are seeing.A Darkening Financial ForecastChanging weather already costs you money. Of course, many Americans have felt the impact of hurricanes and floods, but even those

16、 not directly affected by extreme weather are paying a steep price:On May 13, the front page of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune trumpeted the news that State Farm Insurance, Floridas largest property insurer, was seeking to raise rates by more than 70% for houses and 95% for mobile homes. That would jum

17、p average insurance costs from about 1,733 to 3,101. But even if you live on Cape Cod more than 1,000 miles from the Gulf Coast insurers are raising rates and pulling out of some markets as they try to adjust to a new world in which the past behavior of hurricanes is no longer a reliable guide to th

18、e future.Southern California where water availability is largely determined by snowfall in faraway mountains already must scramble for water. Scarcities will become a severe problem if the snow pack continues to shrink and melt earlier because of warming temperatures, leaving residents extremely thi

19、rsty during the summer months. An extended water crisis will likely hurt house prices, setting off a chain reaction of job losses, foreclosures (回赎权取消) and bank failures.Drought in the West already affects hydro-electric power production. Power shortages could reach the Pacific Northwest if the regi

20、ons river flows dropped below the levels needed to cool even coal- and gas-fired power plants. For Americas workers, climate change will feel like an enormous tax, stripping savings and imposing costs ranging from disrupted jobs to a rash of health threats.Climate Has Destroyed Past CivilizationsFro

21、m the Fertile Crescent to the Yucatan Peninsula (尤卡坦半岛美洲北部), past civilizations made the fatal mistake of assuming that good weather would continue. An abrupt shift to drought in Mesopotamia (美索不达米亚地区 ) 4,200 years ago probably spelled the doom of the Akkadian (古比伦阿卡得人的) culture, which united city-s

22、tates into the first known empire. Others see the fingerprints of climate in the collapse of the Mayans (马雅人 ) around 900 AD., the disappearance of the Anasazi from the American Southwest a few centuries later and the end of Norse expansion into the New World in the 14th century. A recurrent pattern

23、 of history has been for civilizations to take root and flourish while the weather is good, only to fall when the weather suddenly changes.But dont our technology and markets make us different? Absolutely, but 6 billion people still rely on crops grown in fertile areas like the American Midwest area

24、s vulnerable to drought in a warming world.Past civilizations had no way to know that climates could change. We do. But if we are to prevent disaster from happening, we have to act on our knowledge, and we havent done that yet.2 The extreme weather we have experienced in the past decades resulted fr

25、om the ever increasing global warming.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG3 The warming causes population explosions of mosquitoes as well as beetles, but it has been documented that the latter have done more damage to man than the former have.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG4 The fastest warming is taking place in the regions around th

26、e South Pole, where glaciers are disappearing at an astonishing speed.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG5 Scientists from many countries agree that the recent warming is caused in part by such human activities as mans ever-increasing consumption of gas or oil.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG6 As the result of insurance rates rising na

27、tionwide, Americans as a whole are suffering financially, no matter whether they are directly affected by destructive weather or not.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG7 To a large extent, our ancestors total ignorance of sudden changes in weather led to the destruction of some ancient civilizations.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG8 Th

28、e author holds optimistically that with the aid of our knowledge and technology, we will eventually be able to find ways to prevent sudden changes in climates and avoid natural disasters.(A)Y(B) N(C) NG9 Snow and ice can balance Earths climate by _, but the never-ending melting of snow and ice, coul

29、d cause land and oceans to switch from _to _ surfaces.10 Water availability in Southern California is determined largely by _.11 For Americans, changing weather already costs them money, and it will feel like _.Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conv

30、ersations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is

31、 the best answer.(A)Getting another ticket at the door.(B) Waiting for the man at the door.(C) Exchanging the ticket for a better one.(D)Trying to sell the ticket.(A)He will work for his father.(B) He will take another examination(C) He will choose another school.(D)He will study at college.(A)Clean

32、 up her room.(B) Get the report back.(C) Not wait for him.(D)Not bother to get the umbrella.(A)He will not leave the school.(B) Hell stay at home.(C) He is going on vacation.(D)He doesnt want to go home.(A)The man and woman shopped all over the town.(B) The woman bought some bookcases on sale.(C) Th

33、e woman went to many different stores.(D)The man sold the woman some expensive bookcases.(A)He doesnt want her to visit.(B) She will visit his class tomorrow morning.(C) The class is boring.(D)She cant visit his class tomorrow morning.(A)8:45.(B) 10:05.(C) 8:35.(D)9:45.(A)Their car.(B) Their office.

34、(C) Their new house.(D)Their journey.(A)To teach and train citizens.(B) To save natural resources.(C) To protect persons and property.(D)To collect taxes.(A)By selling coal and other natural products.(B) By selling services that make life comfortable.(C) By selling land containing oil.(D)By selling

35、public land.(A)Taxes and services for the public.(B) Peoples attitude toward taxes.(C) Environmental pollution and protection.(D)Police efforts to protect people.(A)More work as a teaching assistant.(B) A higher salary.(C) A longer vacation period.(D)A research assignment.(A)Hell start next week.(B)

36、 He wouldnt enjoy it.(C) He would like time to decide.(D)He wants his advisers opinion.(A)Finish his degree in the fall.(B) Let someone else read his evaluation.(C) Consider taking fewer courses.(D)Get more teaching experience.(A)Franks talent for teaching.(B) Franks interesting approach to research

37、.(C) A present Frank will receive for graduation.(D)A congratulatory letter from the department.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear

38、a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.(A)Shops that take care of pets.(B) Shops that sell food and clothing for pets.(C) Shops that provide medical treatment for pets.(D)Shops that sell various pets(A)To have a good company.(B) To make them live a nic

39、e life.(C) To keep away unwanted animals.(D)To keep away loneliness.(A)People treat their pets as family members.(B) Most pets live a very comfortable life.(C) Pets all over the world live in the similar way.(D)Pet owners have some tender feelings for their pets.(A)Many people who are in need work i

40、n it.(B) The hospital blood is mainly provided by it.(C) Anyone can get help from it.(D)It covers nearly the whole world. (A)Tsunami.(B) Dunant.(C) Crow(D)Barton. (A)The fact that he was soldier himself then.(B) The fact that he was a war-prisoner.(C) The result of an international meeting.(D)The si

41、ght of suffering people in a battle. (A)A couple that has stressful discussion takes the longest time to heal the wound.(B) A couple that has hostile argument takes the longest time to heal the wound.(C) Supportive discussion slows the wound healing process.(D)Higher levels of stress speed up the wo

42、und healing process.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 wi

43、th the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 33 A new tropical storm has formed in the Caribbean, matching a 72-year-old record

44、 for the highest number of Atlantic storms in a single season. Tropical Storm Wilma is the 21st【 B1】_storm of the 2005 season and is【B2】_to become a hurricane be- fore heading to Mexicos Yucatan peninsula and possibly the battered U. S. Gulf【 B3】_by the end of the week.The last time this many storms

45、【B4 】_since record-keeping began 154 years ago was in 1933. If Wilma does turn into the seasons 12th hurricane it would also【B5】_a 1969 record of the most hurricanes in one term.Reeling from the【B6 】_effects of Katrina, Rita, and Dennis, the residents of the Gulf Coast are【B7】_Wilma stays away. Hurr

46、icane Katrina, which hit on August 29, killed more than 1,240 people and is expected to cause more than $ 34 billion in【B8 】_losses.【B9 】_. Scientists say the cause of the increase is a rise in ocean temperatures and a decrease in the amount of disruptive vertical wind shear that splits hurricanes a

47、part.【 B10】_.【B11】_. They say the conditions are similar to those when the Atlantic was last in a period of high activity in the 1950s and 60s.34 【B1 】35 【B2 】36 【B3 】37 【B4 】38 【B5 】39 【B6 】40 【B7 】41 【B8 】42 【B9 】43 【B10 】44 【B11 】Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten b

48、lanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a sin

49、gle line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.44 People are always coming up with new rules for running a successful business. But the truth is that some of the most useful rules are the regular old【S1 】_ones. For example, no enterprise will be successful unless the people running it are【 S2】_to working hard and giving real meaning to the word “teamwork“, In addition, it is【S3 】_

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