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1、2008 年河南省浚县教师公开招聘考试(中学英语)真题试卷及答案与解析词汇与结构1 English words are not always spelled( )(A)the way they sound(B) as they are sounding(C) in the way how they sound(D)in the way of their sounds2 No sooner had Mrs Smith entered the room a knock at the door(A)did she hear(B) than she heard(C) when she heard(D)

2、then she heard3 We left the meeting,there obviously( )no point staying(A)were(B) to be(C) being(D)was4 Everyone should be( )to a decent standard of living and an opportunity to be educated(A)iustified(B) identified(C) attributed(D)entitled5 What a lovely day!Its worth( )all my life(A)remembering(B)

3、to remember(C) to be remembered(D)being remembered6 To our( )his illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared(A)anxiety(B) relief(C) view(D)iudgment7 Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar( )correctly(A)you will write(B) you can write(C) can you write(D)you could write8 It n

4、ever( )to him to ask his friends for help because he is an independent person(A)happened(B) only(C) appeared(D)occurred9 ( )taken good care of,he would not have recovered so quickly(A)Had not he been(B) Had he been not(C) Had he not been(D)Had he been10 ( )as she is,she knows a lot。(A)A child(B) Chi

5、ld(C) Being a child(D)To be a child11 Surroundings have changed and( )in them(A)the people have so(B) have the people so(C) so have the people(D)the people so have12 Never( )as bad as it is now in this city(A)air pollution has been(B) has been air pollution(C) air has pollution been(D)has air pollut

6、ion been13 ( )that the pilot couldnt fly through it(A)so severe was the storm(B) The storm so severe was(C) so the storm was severe(D)Such was the storm severe14 Creativity is generallyto be one of the key aims of both Chinese and Western education,since it is the key( )a bright future(A)consider:to

7、(B) considered;to(C) considered:for(D)consider;of15 Recently new approaches( )to encourage creativity in students(A)have developed(B) has been developed(C) have been developed(D)develop阅读理解15 Do you believe that only boys do well in science?Does it seem to you that girls have better voeabularies tha

8、n boys?In your opinion,are boys better at building things?If your answer to each ofthose questions is“Yes”you are fight according to an article in Current ScienceThere are exceptions,but here are the facts0n the averagemales score higher on tests that measure mathematical reasoning,mechanicalability

9、 ,and problemsolving skillsFemales show superior ability in tests measuring vocabulary,spelling and memoryBut these differences will probably not always existIn the future,a persons abilitiesmay not be determined by sexAs one scientist says, “Nothing is impossible for a person to be or do if he or s

10、he really wants it”In several recent studiesyoung babies have been observed and tested to discover how differentabilities are developedA scientific team headed by Jerome Kagan,a psychologist at Harvard Universityis studying the thinking ability of 1 1 months old childrenThe test is a simple one The

11、baby,while seated on its mothers lap,watches a“showOn a puppet theater stageIn Act I of the showan orange-colored block is 1ifted from a blue box and moved slowly across the stageThen it is returned to the boxThis is repeated six times Act II is similar, except that the orange block is smallerBaby b

12、oys do not react at all to the difference in the size of the block,but girls immediately become excited and begin to babbleThey seem to be trying to talkIt is known that bones,muscles,and nerves develop faster in baby girlsUsually,too,baby girls talk at an eadier age than boys doScientists think tha

13、t there is a physical reason for thisThey believe that the nerve endings in the left side of the brain develop faster in girls than they do in boys And it is this side of the brain that strongly influences an individuals ability to use words,spell,and remember things By the time they start school,th

14、erefore ,little girls have an head start on boysGirls arephysically more ready to remember facts,to spell,and to read These,of course,are skills that are important in elementary schoo1But what has been happening to baby boys all this time?They have been developing somethingcalled aggressionAn aggres

15、sive person has courage and energyHe feels strong and independentHe is often the first one to start a fight16 According to the article,which of the following is false?(A)Boys do well in science(B) Girls have better vocabulary than boys(C) Boys are better at building things(D)Boys are as good as girl

16、s at science17 The author of the article believes( ).(A)Males, without any exception,score higher on tests that measure mathematical resoning,mechanical ability and problem solving skills(B) Females show superior ability in tests measuring vocabulary,spelling,and memory(C) Sex may be a key factor th

17、at determines a persons ability(D)The differences above probably always exist18 The test made by a scientific team headed by Jerome Kagan shows( )(A)baby boys never notice the difference in the size of the block(B) baby boys try to talk(C) baby girls seem to notice the difference in the size of the

18、block(D)baby girls know how to use language19 Concerning the difference between baby boys and girls in physical development of ability scientists believe( )(A)the nerve endings in the left side of the brain develop faster in baby boys(B) an individuals ability to use words,to spell, and to remember

19、things is strongly influenced by the right side of the brain(C) both baby boys and baby girls talk at an early age(D)there is a physical reason for the difference in the development of abilities of baby boysand baby girls20 The author implies in the last two paragraphs that( ).(A)1ittle girls have a

20、n advantage in elementary school(B) boys are physically more ready to remember facts,to spell,and to read(C) after starting school,boys begin to develop something called aggression(D)girls feel strong and independent20 Admitted into a TeachersUniversity,1 was iust one and a half decades of years,not

21、 an adultI was hornesick very much thenWhom should I talk to when I might have some private affairs to communicate?How could I solve aU my issues and trifles that had all been handled by my parents(fortunately,my only sister,who was seven younger than me,gave me a hand then)?But c011ege life was rea

22、lly a new and unique one to experienceFirst of all ,I must be proud of being a student hereThenI should set a good example for my only younger sisterAs for responsibility,I had to urge me to go a long way to my goal of realizing my life-value with such a spirit of“Where there is a willthere is a way

23、” I didnt want to talk horse,but needed to do hard and down-toearth workAnd I knew my sense of self-controlling wasnt that utterTo take sleep as an example,I tended .To oversleepOf course,I couldnt obtain something worth overnightSo I should school myself moreWhile the beginning was hard,my college

24、life was very unforgettableBeing the youngest,1 was one of the top students in my class:in my first year,I took the first place in some subjects,especially in writing courses-my compositions were read in class1 was awarded a few times in Chinese Wushu games and that likeWhen I now come back from my

25、teaching post,I tend to sit in my chair,gazing at the old textbooks I had majored and the big sword hanging on the wallThey all recall me of my college life that is really dear to meIf only 1 were young,I would experience it again21 Before I was enrolled into 8 university,( )(A)I was already a score

26、 years old(B) I had to cope with all my issues and trifles(C) I had scarcely arranged my daily life myself(D)my sister eomforted me as I was homesick22 Can you guess how old my sister was then?(A)Seven(B) Eight(C) Nine(D)Ten23 “Where there is a will,there i8 a way”means( )(A)“strong will leads to su

27、ccess”(B) “suceess doesnt go to the determined”(C) “the man who has a firm resolve wont succeed”(D)“where there is a manhe will make a way to go on it”24 What does“to talk horse”mean?(A)It means to talk about horses(B) It means to talk about horsesuse(C) It means to talk big(D)It means to talk cauti

28、ously25 Which of the following four is NOT TRUE according to the passage?(A)The author was eonfused when enrolled by a TeachersUniversity(B) The author was Successful in studies and sports(C) The author is now a schoolteacher(D)The author seems somewhat to be a bluestocking now英汉翻译26 English is the

29、most widely used language on the globeOne in every seven human beings cansDeak itM0re than half of the worlds books and three quarters of international mail are in EnglishOver 70 percent of the worlds radio programs are in English27 With the coming of the fax machine,telephone,international publicat

30、ions ,and computers,personal and professional relationships can be maintained irrespectively of time and space.28 New communicatiOIlS technologies now facilitate communication among and between the worlds national civil society,especially within the fiehls of human rights,consumer protection,peace ,

31、gender equality,racial justice,and environmental protection29 The WHO team showed great interest in studying how traditional Chinese medicines can be used to treat the fatal virus30 Many colleges have become highly efficient tin processing studentsBy using computer-assisted learning,large lecture cl

32、asses,and heavy reliance on parttime faculty,administrators have significantly cut the cost of educating each studentYet students and accrediting agencies have criticized some of these colleges for failing to educate their students properly书面表达31 For this part,you should write a composition in at le

33、ast 100 words(not including the given sentences),commenting on the following phenomenon and telling your idea of teachingSome students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to doOthers prefer to be left to work on their OWnStill others like a democratic discussion type of class2008 年河南

34、省浚县教师公开招聘考试(中学英语)真题试卷答案与解析词汇与结构1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 后面的从句是 the way 引导的方式状语从句,用来修饰谓语动词spelled。2 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查 no soonerthan 的句型。3 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 考查非谓语动词,逗号前后的两个句子之间没有连词,后面一句应为 there be 的现在分词形式,表示原因。4 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 entitle-sbto sth使某人享有某种权利,本句用的是被动语态。5 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查 worth 的用法,be wortth+n表示“值得”,be

35、 worth doing sth表示“某事值得被做”。6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 他的病没有我们害怕得那么严重,所以是 relief“让我们宽慰的”。7 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 考查倒装语序,句首的 only 如果后面跟了副词、介词短语或从句等状语,则主句用倒装结构。 8 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 occur to sb(想法或观念) 被想到,句意为:他从来没有想过求朋友帮忙,因为他很独立。9 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 考查虚拟条件句中的部分倒装,含有 were,should 或 had 的虚拟条件句,可以省略 if,把条件句倒装,结构是 Were(Should,Had)+

36、 主语。10 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 as 引导的让步状语从句,要部分倒装,作表语的名词没有形容词修饰置于句首时,省略冠词。11 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 soneither nor 表前面所说的情况也适合于后者时,其倒装结构为“soneithernor+ 助动词系动词情态动词+主语”。12 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 否定副词位于句首时,主句需部分倒装。13 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 so 或 such 引导的短语放在句首,要部分倒装。强调 so 所修饰的形容词或副词,常将 so 连同它所修饰的形容词或副词一起提到句首,主句要用倒装结构。14 【正确答案】 B15 【正确答案

37、】 C【试题解析】 develop 与主语之间是动宾关系,用被动语态,排除 A、D ,根据主谓一致原则,选 C。阅读理解16 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 第一段中 but here are the facts 是对前三个问句的肯定回答,所以A、B、C 项是正确的,D 项不符合文意。17 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 男女在智力发展上存在不同,然而由第一段的There are exceptions和第二段的 a persons abilities may nol be determined by sex,可排除 A、C 和 D项。18 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 由第三、四段可知 11 个月

38、大的女孩儿的观察力要比男孩儿强,即选项 C 正确。19 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 第五段提到,女孩子的左脑优势比男孩子早,而左脑影响个体的语言能力和记忆能力,所以女孩子学会说话也往往比男孩子早,故选 D。20 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 由第五段最后两句可推断,选项 A 正确。21 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 题干的关键词是 Before,由第一段最后一句可知 C 正确。22 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 作者刚上大学的时候是 one:and a halfdecades of years,即 15 岁,且由第一段最后一句 my only sistler,who was seven yo

39、unger than me 可知作者的妹妹当时是 8 岁。23 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 where there is a will,there is a way 世上无难事,只怕有心人,与A 项同义。24 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 见第二段 I didntwant,to talk horse,but needed to do hard and down-to-earth work(我不想说大话,我要好好学习,做一些实际的事情),talk horse 与 talk big 为同一个意思,“吹牛,说大话”。25 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 由第一段可知 A 正确,由第三段可知 B 正确

40、,由最后一段 teaching post 可知 C 正确。D 项中的 bluestocking“女学者,炫耀学问的女人”,与文意不符。英汉翻译26 【正确答案】 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言。地球上七个人中就有一个人会说英语。世界上超过一半的书籍和四分之三的国际邮件是用英文书写的,超过70的广播节目也都是英文的。27 【正确答案】 随着传真机、电话、国际出版物、电脑的问世,人际关系与职业关系的维系可不再受时间与空间的限制。28 【正确答案】 新的通信技术促进世界各国之间和国家民间团体之间的交流,特别是在人权、消费者权益保护、和平、性别歧视、种族歧视和环保等领域。29 【正确答案】 世卫组织的研

41、究团队对传统中药如何用来治疗致命病毒表现出极大的兴趣。30 【正确答案】 许多高校在处理学生问题这一方面表现得极其高效。通过使用计算机辅助教学、大教室授课及大量依赖兼职教师,学校管理者已经大大削减了每个学生的教育成本。然而,学生和认证机构批评其中的一些学校未能采取适当方法对学生进行教育。书面表达31 【正确答案】 If a teacher and his lessons are loved by the students,undoubtedly,the students would leaill effectivelyHowever 。some students prefer。a strict

42、 teacher ,while others prefer a democratic teacherIts difficult to choose one teaching method that satisfies all students at the same timeIn my opinion,a teacher should be faiily strict in case that he needs to tell students exactly what to doThe students arent old enough to control and discipline t

43、hemselves and its up to the teacher to regulate themOn the other hand,in the classroom the teacher should give students a chance to growDo not mold them all of the same patternLet them seek knowledge,but do not find it for themOnly in this way can the teacher play its leading role in his class properly


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