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1、教师公开招聘考试(中学英语)模拟试卷 24 及答案与解析案例分析题1 教学案例分析(1 6 分) 下面是一篇八年级的写作课教学材料及教学过程设计,请用中文从以下方面进行评析。 1任务设计; 2教材处理; 3学生角色。教学材料: How often do you exercise? 3a Look at the information in the chart and complete the report. Linda is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States. American Teenager magazine as

2、ked her about her habits. Linda has a lot of good habits. She always exercises and she reads books_. Also, she_drinks juice and she_ stays up late. However, she has some bad habits, too. She_watches TV for more than two hours a day, and she eats hamburgers. Her parents are not very happy because she

3、_ helps with housework and_go to the dentist for teeth cleaning. She says she is afraid! Complete the chart with your own information. In the last column, use expressions like always, every day, twice a week and never.3b Write a report about your good and bad habits. Say how often you do things. Use

4、 the chart in 3a as an example.教学过程: Pre-task:(Show a picture of Linda on the screen) Ask the students to go through the story about Linda and try to work out the mind and the story of Linda to the class and ask them to put missing words in the blank. Turn the Ss attention to the chart in 3a and wor

5、k together with them using always, often, sometimes, never, etc. Task 1: Put the students into groups of four and ask them to choose a group leader. Ask them to complete the chart in 3b by putting together their good and bad habits. Ask them to sort out the information. Task 2: The groups go on to w

6、rite a report about the habits of group members. Task 3: One reads the report to the group aloud, while the rest listen, check and find mistakes. Task 4: Each group sends a representative to read the report to the class. The students from other groups come to the front to have a look at the comments

7、 from the three perspectives: handwriting, grammar and content. Teacher feeds back on the comments. Task 5: Each group works together again to improve the report. Ask each group to put their report on the wall and ask them to read the report and choose the best one.填空题2 教师在进行口语教学时,把“使学生能够谈论英语国家节日” 作

8、为教学目标之一,根据义务教育英语课程标准,这属于_目标。3 高中英语选修课程分为两个系列。系列 1 的课程共有 6 个模块。系列 2 的课程为任意选修课,这个系列的课程分为三类,即语言知识与技能类、_类和欣赏类。4 依据普通高中英语课程标准(实验),高中英语教学要鼓励学生通过积极尝试、自我探究、自我发现和_等学习方式,形成具有高中生特点的学习过程和方法。5 外语教学中,_是最古老的外语教学法,其教学目的是培养学生阅读外语范文和模仿范文进行写作的能力。6 依据普通高中英语课程标准(实验),以考查学生综合语言运用能力为目标,力求科学地、全面地考查学生在经过一段时间学习后所具有的语言水平,称为_。词

9、汇与结构7 It s not easy to win a victory over bad habits,_with awareness and self-control, it s possible.(A)for(B) but(C) or(D)so8 Either you or one of your students_to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.(A)are(B) is(C) have(D)be9 In the cinema, there was an old man_beside me.(A)at(B) sit(C) sittin

10、g(D)to sit10 _and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.(A)To be tired(B) Tired(C) Tiring(D)Being tired11 The situation was in a mess. What a pity! It_in a dramatically different way.(A)should develop(B) would develop(C) must have developed(D)could have develope

11、d12 How about your journey to Mount Emei? Everything was wonderful except that our car_twice on the way.(A)slowed down(B) broke down(C) got down(D)put down13 What is the new bridge like? Well, it is now_of the old one.(A)more than the width twice(B) more than twice the width(C) more than twice as wi

12、de as(D)twice more than as wide as14 His experience abroad provides a wider_on the problem.(A)privilege(B) perspective(C) participation(D)priority15 One of the most spectacular qualities of man is notably his_to any kind of natural environment.(A)tendency(B) adaptability(C) adoptability(D)availabili

13、ty16 How are you doing today?(A)You dont say(B) It couldnt be better(C) Dont mention it(D)I cant help it17 I wonder if I can win the English speech contest. _ ! Its really a good chance.(A)Go for it(B) Never mind(C) Got it(D)Good idea18 This picture is believed_painted by Tom.(A)it was(B) to be(C) t

14、o being(D)to have been19 The problem of_to select as his successor was quickly disposed of.(A)what(B) which(C) whom(D)how20 Every bottle of our medicine has been tested in the lab, and_ were sure of our safety.(A)therefore(B) nevertheless(C) otherwise(D)moreover21 She still goes to the gym every day

15、, _?(A)isnt she(B) does she(C) is she(D)doesnt she22 But for your help, I_the work ahead of time.(A)wouldnt have finished(B) didnt finish(C) hadnt finished(D)wouldnt finish23 Everyone knows that_ is dangerous to play with fire, but_ is difficult is to prevent children from playing with fire.(A)it; i

16、t(B) what; what(C) it; what(D)what; it24 The study of the phonic medium of language is defined as_.(A)semantics(B) phonology(C) morphology(D)phonetics25 _was the home of the Lake Poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor, Coleridge and Robert Southey of 19th century Britain.(A)Lough Neagh(B) Windermer

17、e(C) Lake District(D)Coniston Water26 _wrote the famous pamphlet, Common Sense, before the American Revolution.(A)Thomas Jefferson(B) Thomas Paine(C) John Adams(D)Benjamin Franklin阅读理解26 It is no secret among athletes that in order to improve performance youve got to work hard. However, hard trainin

18、g breaks you down and makes you weaker, it is rest that makes you stronger.Improvement only occurs during the rest period following hard training. This adaptation is accomplished by improving efficiency of the heart and certain systems within the muscle cells. During recovery periods these systems b

19、uild to greater levels to compensate for the stress that you have applied. The result is that you are now at a higher level of performance.If sufficient rest is not included in a training program, imbalance between excess training and inadequate rest will occur, and performance will decline. The “ov

20、ertraining syndrome(综合症)“ is the name given to the collection of emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms due to overtraining that has persisted for weeks to months. It is marked by cumulative exhaustion that persists even after recovery periods.The most common symptom is fatigue. This may limit

21、 workouts and may be present at rest. The athletes may also become moody, easily imitated, have altered sleep patterns, become depressed, or lose the competitive desire and enthusiasm for the sport. Some will report decreased appetite and weight loss. Physical symptoms include persistent muscular so

22、reness, increased frequency of viral(病毒性的)illnesses, and increased incidence of injuries.The treatment for the overtraining syndrome is rest. The longer the overtraining has occurred, the more rest required, therefore, early detection is very important. If the overtraining has only occurred for a sh

23、ort period of time(e.g. 3-4 weeks)then interrupting training for 3-5 days is usually sufficient rest. It is important that the factors that lead to overtraining be identified and corrected. Otherwise, the overtraining syndrome is likely to recur. The overtraining syndrome should be considered in any

24、 athlete who manifests symptoms of prolonged fatigue and whose performance has leveled off or decreased. It is important to exclude any underlying illness that may be responsible for the fatigue.27 The first paragraph of the passage tells us that_.(A)the harder an athlete trains, the better his perf

25、ormance will be(B) rest after vigorous training improves an athletes performance(C) strict systematic training is essential to an athletes top performance(D)improvement of an athletes performance occurs in the course of training28 By “overtraining“ the author means_.(A)a series of physical symptoms

26、that occur after training(B) undue emphasis on the importance of physical exertion(C) training that is not adequately compensated for by rest(D)training that has exceeded an athletes emotional limits29 What does the passage tell us about the “overtraining“ syndrome?(A)It occurs when athletes lose in

27、terest in sports.(B) It appears right after a hard training session.(C) The fatigue it results in is unavoidable in the athletes training process.(D)It manifests itself in fatigue which lingers even after a recovery period.30 What does the phrase “leveled off“(Para. 5)most probably mean?(A)Slowed do

28、wn.(B) Become dull.(C) Stopped improving.(D)Been on the decline.31 The author advises at the end of the passage that_.(A)overtraining syndrome should be treated as a serious illness(B) overtraining syndrome should be prevented before it occurs(C) an athlete with overtraining syndrome should take a l

29、engthy rest(D)illness causing fatigue should not be mistaken for overtraining syndrome英汉翻译32 父亲节快到了,我想给父亲买些礼物。Fathers Day is coming,I want to_33 她迫不及待地告诉她妈妈那个好消息。She_her mother the good news34 李明不仅聪明而且勤奋。Li Ming is_35 他习惯于每天晚饭后散步。He_every day36 你除非亲眼所见,否则无法想象我们家乡的变化有多大。You cant imagine how greatly o

30、ur hometown has changed_37 快乐教育是指强调培养学生成为德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的人。它改变了我们以往“唯有高分的学生才是人才” 的观念。因为我们国家的建设事业不仅仅需要工程师和科学家,同样需要各行各业的能工巧匠。短文改错37 下文中共有 10 处语言错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。When Rachel was eight, she was inviting to go to a beach togethe

31、r along some friends and their parents. Her parents told to her she could go there but that she couldnt swim. When she got to beach, her friends parents told that her that she could go and swam. They wouldnt tell her parents, but it would be OK. Even though she thought his parents would never know,

32、she told them that she would not go swimming because her parents had asked her not to. The adult tried to convince her it was OK, but she still said no to them because she knew she should do what was rightly. She chose to keep her promise and honor her parents by obey them.阅读填空47 “Daily Star, sir“ c

33、alled Jason, carrying some newspapers under his arm. The little boy had been running up and down the street, but there were still twenty【C1】_left. His voice was almost gone and his heart was【C2】_. The shops would soon close, and all the people would go home. He would have to go home too, carrying th

34、e papers in exchange for money. He had hoped to sell more papers tonight to make more money to buy a【C3】_for his mother and some seeds for his bird. That was why he had bought the papers with all his money. He broke down as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers.“You dont know the【C4】_of s

35、elling papers. You must shout, Hot news! Bomb bursting! “ another newsboy Chad told Jason.【C5】_its not in the paper at all,“ replied Jason. “Just run away quickly【C6】_they have time to see, and youll【C7】_out and get your money,“ Chad said.It was a new idea to Jason. He thought of his bird with no【C8

36、】_and the cake he wanted to buy for his mother, but was determined that he would not tell a lie. Though he was【C9 】 _a poor newsboy, he had been【C10】_some good things.The next afternoon Jason went to the office for his papers【C11】_. Several boys were crowding around Chad, who declared with a【C12】_sm

37、ile that he sold six dozen the day before. He added that Jason【C13】_money because he would not tell a lie. The boy【C14】_at Jason. “You wouldn t tell a lie yesterday, my boy?“ A gentleman at the office came up and patted Jasons shoulder modestly.“You re just the boy I am looking for.“ A week later Ja

38、son started his new【C15 】_. He lost sale of twenty papers because he would not tell a lie, but got a well-paid job because he told the truth.48 【K1】49 【K2】50 【K3】51 【K4】52 【K5】53 【K6】54 【K7】55 【K8】56 【K9】57 【K10】58 【K11】59 【K12】60 【K13】61 【K14】62 【K15】书面表达63 For this part, you are required to write

39、a short easy entitled Online Shopping. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.(1)现在网上购物已成为一种时尚。(2)网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题。(3)我的建议。教师公开招聘考试(中学英语)模拟试卷 24 答案与解析案例分析题1 【正确答案】 1任务设计在任务型教学中,教师要从学生“学” 的角度设计教学活动,使学生的学习活动具有明确的目标,并构成一个有梯度的连续系列。学生在活动中不断地获得知识或得出结论,从而获得语言运用的能力。教师应依据结合教学内

40、容。创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,吸引和组织他们积极参与。学生通过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。通过以上的教学过程设计,我们分析得出:(1)可取之处:教师采用了小组的活动形式,可以锻炼学生运用语言进行交流的能力,调动学习的积极性。(2)不足之处:教学模式没有明确层次。由开始的 Pre-task,我们可以猜测应该是运用了 PWP 的教学模式,但是在实际的应用过程中,该教学设计没有明确 While-task 和 Post-task 部分的内容。因此使得该教学过程显得混乱而不够完整。2教材处理随着课程改革的进行。教师灵活和创造性地使用教材显得越来越重要。正确

41、处理和灵活运用教材已成为教师的一项基本功。教师应对教材中不合适的内容进行适当调整,突破固有的思维定势,从更深层次上认识教材和合理使用教材。根据学生认知特点、心理特点和教学的实际情况,教师可对教材内容的顺序进行适当的调整使其更符合学生兴趣和能力需要,更加贴近学生的实际生活,以引导学生更有效地学习。通过对以上教学过程分析,我们可以看出:(1)该教师结合教材内容,利用教材中的表格信息,让组内的学生通过“write a report about the habits ofgroup members”的活动,可以调动学生的学习积极性,将课堂贴近生活实际,是灵活运用教材的可取之处。(2)对教材应用的不足之

42、处是不够创新,单纯地应用教材,没有体现创造性使用教材。3学生角色面向全体学生,关注学习者的不同特点和个体差异是英语课程教学的基本理念之一。英语课堂教学设计应坚持以学生为中心,体现学生主体地位。该教学过程中:学生是课堂活动的参与者和课堂活动的主体。教师组织学生分组进行学习,并让学生展示他们的报告,这体现了教师的主导作用和学生主体地位。填空题2 【正确答案】 文化意识3 【正确答案】 语言应用4 【正确答案】 主动实践5 【正确答案】 语法翻译法6 【正确答案】 终结性评价词汇与结构7 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查并列连词。句意:改变习惯不易,但如果是有意识和有自我控制力的话,还是有可能的。

43、前后为转折关系,用并列连词 but。8 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查主谓一致。eitheror 连接两个主语,按就近原则来确定谓语的单复数。one ofyour students 的谓语应用单数形式。故选 B。9 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 考查非谓语动词。现在分词作定语,句意为“在电影院有个老年人坐在我旁边”。故选 C。10 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查形容词作伴随状语。tired“感到疲劳的”,用来形容人;tiring“令人疲劳的”,用来形容事情。逗号前是省略的让步状语从句,它的主语仍是 Andy and Ruby,可知此处意思是感到疲乏。该句补充完整是“Though the

44、y were tired and short of breath,Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai”。句意为 “尽管累得喘不过气来,但是 Andy 和 Ruby 是最早到达泰山山顶的人”。11 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 考查情态动词。前句说“情况现在一团糟”。后句说“多遗憾!这件事本来可以以截然不同的方式发展的”。could have done“本可以,本能够”,表示对过去的推测,故选 D。12 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查动词短语辨析。答句意为“一切都进展顺利,除了我们的汽车在途中抛锚了两次外”。b

45、reak down“抛锚”,slow down“慢下来”,get down“记下,写下”,put down“扑灭”。所以该题的答案为 B。13 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查倍数表达方式。由空格后面的 of 可推断此处使用的倍数表达方式为“倍数+the+名词+of”,故选 B。14 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查名词辨析。本句意思为“他在海外的经历使他在看待问题上有了更开阔的视角”。privilege“ 特权,优待”;perspective“观点,视角,远景”;participation“参与,分享”;priority“优先,优先权 ”。故选 B。15 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考

46、查名词辨析。tendency“倾向”,adaptability“适应性”,adoptability“采纳性”,availability“可用性,有效性 ”。句意为“人类最惊人的品质之一是其对任何自然环境的杰出的适应力”。故选 B。16 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查交际用语。问句意为“你今天过得怎么样?”A 项的意思是“你不必说了”;B 项的意思是“再好不过了”;C 项的意思是 “不值一提,没关系”,用来表达不用谢;D 项的意思是“我无法帮忙”。B 项最符合语境。17 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查交际用语。Go for it 意思是“加油,努力争取”;Never mind 意思是“没

47、关系,别放在心上”;Got it 意思是“知道了,明白”;Good idea 意思是“好主意”。本句意思是:我不知道自己是否能够赢得英语演讲比赛。加油,真的是一次好的机会(隐含了努力就好、结果不重要的意思)。故选 A。18 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 考查动词时态。动词不定式的动作在谓语动词之前发生,要用动词不定式的完成时。故选 D。19 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 考查代词作宾语。“疑问词+动词不定式”作介词 of 的宾语,whom充当 select 的宾语。20 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查副词辨析。句意为“我们的每一瓶药都在实验室检验过了,我们确信我们药的安全性”。根据句意,可

48、知空格处表示“因此”的意思。therefore“因此”,nevertheless“然而”,otherwise“否则”,moreover“此外”。故答案为 A。21 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 考查反义疑问句。句中的动词是 goes,且主句是肯定句。根据“前肯定,后否定”的原则,借助助动词 do 的第三人称单数否定形式进行反义疑问。22 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查虚拟语气。If 条件句可与 but for,without,otherwise,or 等短语转换,此句可转换为 if 非真实条件句为“If I hadnt had your help,I wouldnt have finished the work ahead of time”。此句为对过去的虚拟,主句谓语动词用wouldshouldcouldmight+have done ,句意为“要不是你的帮助,我就不会提前完成这项工作”。故选 A。23 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 考查名词性从句。前半句是由 that 引导的宾语从句,it 作从句中的形式主语,真正的主语是其后的不定式 to play with fire;后半句是由 what 引导的主语从句并在从句中做主语。句意为“所有人都知道玩火危险,但是真正困难的是如何阻


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