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1、2005 年北京高职升本(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 I dont think this software is appropriate_children under 12 years old.(A)for(B) among(C) to(D)with2 Passengers should allow for_travel time to the airport in rush hour traffic.(A)actual(B) exact(C) additional(D)accurate3 I was advised to_my fligh

2、t number at least 24 hours in advance when I was visiting-Paris.(A)justify(B) confirm(C) identify(D)convert4 As soon as he comes back Ill tell him when_and see him.(A)yon come(B) do vou come(C) you will come(D)will you come5 We are past the period of evolution when only the fittest can_.(A)endure(B)

3、 function(C) remain(D)survive6 The name originated from the days_this house belonged to the local policeman.(A)which(B) when(C) that(D)what7 Mr. Black has_arrived in New York and will meet with the Minister of Trade on Monday morning.(A)still(B) yet(C) already(D)barely8 Tom told me that he was reall

4、y rich and owned a Ferrari, but I_him at once.(A)saw off(B) saw out(C) saw over(D)saw through9 It was not until December 31 _we finally got a letter from him,(A)that(B) when(C) which(D)then10 Miss Poole had no friends and seldom had visitors, _the girls who came over occasionally for high tea.(A)exc

5、ept(B) besides(C) in addition to(D)apart from11 Never for one moment_that it could happen to her.(A)has she imagined(B) she did imagine(C) had she imagined(D)she would imagine12 Because the equipment to be shipped to France is very delicate, it must be handed with_.(A)care(B) pleasure(C) ease(D)conf

6、idence13 You_come to meet me here at the station. The tube is quite convenient in this city.(A)neednt(B) neednt have(C) didnt need to(D)dont need to14 At one time we had about eighty people here who did nothing but_into his family history.(A)to research(B) researched(C) researching(D)research15 _har

7、der, you would have passed this exam.(A)Were you worked(B) Had you worked(C) If you worked(D)If you have worked15 Most holidaymakers are not aware of the health risks they face abroad, even in the most popular destination, because official advice is not reaching them, according to a report from the

8、Foreign Policy Center.The research by the European think-tank found that only 9 percent of travelers could name a health threat on their trip, from sunburn to malaria, and only 2 percent of holidaymakers consult the Foreign Office before their departure.The failure to take necessary precautions abro

9、ad could lead to a serious situation which can be disastrous for both individual health and the global economy. The growing intensity and complexity of travel patterns means controlling health problems is becoming even more difficult. Recent outbreaks of SARS and bird flu in the Far East have shown

10、that even relatively small outbreaks can have a great impact on countries economies and the travel industry.In 2002, Britons made 60 million trips abroad, and around 30-50 percent fell ill, though most cases were minor complaints such as sunburn. The “Health Travel“ report recommends major changes i

11、n the way travelers are advised about health abroad. Worldwide studies have shown that health officers often give inadequate travel health advice that is not up-to-date, many people assume they will be told about health risks and dont realize they should seek advice themselves, and most brochures do

12、nt contain any health information.The report suggested that instead of relying on the Foreign Office to give advice, travel agents, insurers, the media and guide books should all pass on health information. It said there should be more projects along the lines of the “Know Before You Go“ campaign wh

13、ich asks travel companies to pass on Foreign Offices advice to customers.But it said advisers should not be overly scrutinized (细查) in case they stopped publishing warnings, and travelers should be aware there is always an element of uncertainty in any health warning. Equally, the report said that t

14、oo many warnings might mean tourists would stop paying attention to them.16 Most tourists traveling in foreign countries have little knowledge of_(A)the health problems on the trip(B) the diseases they have developed(C) the policy of the destination country(D)the advice given by the local hospital17

15、 The outbreak of a disease is harder to control because_.(A)individual health problem is ignored by both the government and the tourists(B) the way people travel today has become more complex(C) there is lack of international cooperation(D)it is often infectious in nature18 According to a report in

16、the “Health Travel“,_.(A)great changes have taken place in the way the tourists travel overseas(B) many travelers failed to realize the health risks they would face abroad(C) travel agents, insurers and media often give wrong health information to tourists(D)travel health advice provided tor the tou

17、rists is not adequate and often out of date19 The word “impact“ (Line 5, Para. 3) most probably means_.(A)affection(B) influence(C) contribution(D)significance20 The authors purpose in writing the passage is_.(A)to stress the health threat that tourists face abroad(B) to inform people of diseases in

18、 scenic spots abroad(C) to advise travelers about what to do before they travel abroad(D)to discuss the relationship between ones health and worlds economy20 Be careful of those who use the truth to deceive. When someone tells you something that is true, but leaves out important information that sho

19、uld be included, he can create a false impression. For example, someone might say, “I just won a hundred dollars on the lottery (彩票). It was great. I took that dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for one hundred dollars!“ This guys a winner, right? Maybe yes, maybe no. We then discovere

20、d that he bought two hundred tickets, and only one was a winner. Hes really a big loser!He didnt say anything that was false, but he deliberately omitted important information. Thats called a half-truth. Half-truths are not technically lies, but they are just as dishonest.Untrustworthy candidates in

21、 political campaigns often use this strategy. Lets say that during Governor Smiths last term, her state lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs. Then she seeks another term. One of her opponents runs an ad saying, “During Governor Smiths term, the State lost one million jobs!“ Thats true

22、. However, an honest statement would have been, “During Governor Smiths term, the State had a net gain of two million jobs.“Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths. Its against the law to make false claims so they try to mislead you with the truth. An ad might boast (自夸), “Nine out often doctors

23、recommend Yucky Pills to cure nose pimples (疙瘩).“ It fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Corporation. This kind of deceiving happens too often. Its a sad fact of life: Lies are lies, and sometimes the truth can be a lie as well.21 The word “deceive“

24、(Line 1, Para. 1) probably means_in this passage.(A)to tell someone to make his judgment(B) to refuse to believe that something is true(C) to make someone believe something is true(D)to give someone a wrong belief about something22 According to the passage, the half-truths used by advertisers in the

25、ir advertisements are often_.(A)illogical(B) interesting(C) misleading(D)persuasive23 The authors purpose in writing this passage is to tell readers_.(A)to think carefully about what they read and hear(B) to avoid leaving out important information(C) how to read advertisements(D)how to deal with lia

26、rs24 Which statement is true according to the passage?(A)Its common to deliberately omit important information in a news report.(B) Its quite likely that the truth can be used in dishonest ways.(C) Most people became jobless during Governor Smiths term.(D)It is a fact that lies are lies but truths c

27、an hardly be lies.25 Which is the best title for this passage?(A)Why People Lie.(B) Making False Claims.(C) Lying with the Truth.(D)How to Win a Lottery.25 Now, online learning has become acceptable and commonplace. It is seen by students and employees as a more flexible and convenient way to take c

28、lasses; it will allow courses to be delivered more cost-effectively; and teachers figure theyd better start teaching online or be left without a job. Whether any of this is true or not doesnt matter online learning is “hot“ and everybody wants to be a part of it.The following questions are intended

29、to guide you in your decision about whether an online course is a good match for you. Yes No 1. I have excellent organizational skills. 2.I am a very self-directed learner. 3.I tend to get things done ahead of time rather than waiting to the last minute. 4. I can figure out written instructions very

30、 well on my own. 5.I prefer immediate feedback on assignments and get frustrated when I have to wait. 6. I like learning about new technologies; they dont threaten me. 7. I can perform the basic computer tasks. 8. I can find at least 10 to 15 hours a week to devote to each online course I may take.

31、9. I have Internet Explorer 5.0 or later or Netscape 4.x or later on my computer andmy Internet access is via a 56K modem or better. 10. I have frequent access to a computer and to the Internet.If you answered YES to most of these questions, it is a good sign that you have the learner characteristic

32、s needed to succeed in an online course.If you answered NO to most of these questions, its possible that taking a fully online course may not be your best choice. You may wish to try online learning in a web-enhanced course to determine if a fully online course is the best choice to meet your educat

33、ional needs. If you plan to take an online course at Armstrong Atlantic State University, you will have access to technology help with your course through Student Technology Services. They can be reached by phone 927-5321 or by email at techhelpmail.armstrong.edu.26 From the passage we can learn tha

34、t online learning has become “hot“ because_.(A)a lot of students like its flexibility and convenience(B) it doesnt require classrooms or other on-site facilities(C) everybody wants to be a part of it(D)more teachers start teaching online27 Those who_may not be successful when they take a fully onlin

35、e course.(A)have easy and convenient access to a computer(B) can find 12 hours a week on line(C) are poorly self-organized(D)are self-directed28 If someone answered NO to most of these questions, hes advised to_.(A)take a fully online course(B) try a web-enhanced course(C) get access to technology h

36、elp(D)choose courses on computer science29 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?(A)Students who lack organizational skills are not likely to do well in online courses.(B) Adequate computer hardware and software are necessary for an online course.(C) Certain online courses are not w

37、ell suitable for educational purposes.(D)Taking an online course requires a basic understanding of computers.30 This passage is probably_.(A)an application form lor an online learner(B) a survey report about online learning(C) an analysis test on the characteristics required by online learning(D)an

38、advertisement of the online course at an American university30 If the developing-world Colombians are happy mostly because they really like to be and the developed-world Japanese are not so happy because, for them, personal happiness isnt part of the plan, it would seem to follow that ones happiness

39、 has little to do with material well-being and a lot to do win attitude at least when it comes to filling out surveys. The planets happiest souls, as determined by the World Happiness Database at Rotterdams Erasmus University, are the Danes, the Swiss and the Maltese, all of whom score 8 on a 10-poi

40、nt scale of happiness. Most of Asians, including the Japanese, score 6 on this measure, while troubled Pakistan is near the bottom at 4.3.Biswas-Diener agrees that attitude counts, but also notes that highly developed nations, as a group, score consistently high, suggesting that it doesnt hurt a cou

41、ntry to pave its highways and disinfect its water supply. Democracy, as measurement tor most of the world, is a sure guide to happiness. And there are no superpowers when it comes to happiness. The U.S. is pretty active, but in the study of international college students, it ranked the eighth, tied

42、with Slovenia. It would appear that merely living as if you are No.1, and running around the world shouting you are No.1, doesnt mean that you feel like No.1 inside.Even Biswas-Diener cautions that national-happiness rankings are crude instruments. Thats especially true when comparing West with East

43、, cultures where the pursuit of happiness is a national obsession (迷恋) with cultures where, as the Chinese philosopher Chuang Tze put it, “happiness is the absence of the longing for happiness“. Still, if you belong to one of the highest-ranking countries, youll enjoy gazing at the big scoreboard an

44、d thinking about the source of your collective joy. Whereas, if your motherland fares badly, you might want to consider spending more time in Denmark.31 Danes are happier than Japanese because_.(A)they take a more positive attitude to life(B) they do not need to work so hard(C) they are a lot wealth

45、ier(D)they are from Europe32 The word “counts“ (Line 1, Para. 2) most probably means_.(A)works(B) decides(C) matters(D)explains33 Another factor contributing to happiness is_.(A)highways(B) democracy(C) higher education(D)unpolluted water supply34 The fact that the U.S. ranked eighth in the study of

46、 international colleges shows that_.(A)Americans like to claim happiness(B) American college students are active(C) America has close relationship with Slovenia(D)Americans are not as happy as they appear to be35 What the Chinese philosopher said probably means that_.(A)only the person himself knows

47、 whether he is happy or not(B) those who fight for happiness can never be happy(C) happiness will be available to those who dont seek it deliberately(D)you can never get the happiness without a long struggle for it二、Cloze35 Mark Clements, 53, a garageman, had long and untidy hair. Laura Shira, 43, w

48、ho gives haircuts, needed car repairs. Rather than【36】for service, the two residents helped each other. A typical small-town favor, right? No, the two didnt know each other. They【37】the Neighborhood Service Exchange (NSE), where members【38】their skills. The exchange need not be direct; members earn

49、credit for hours【39】and can cash in later from anyone in the group.The NSE may help people save a little money, but at its heart its building a(n)【40】of community in a place that was losing that small-town feel. In a recent【41】, 78% said they didnt feel comfortable asking a neighbor for help. “We want neighbors to【42】like neighbors again,“ says


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