
m him.(A)which(B) when(C) that(D)then3 Theres someone knocking at the door. Who could_be?I have no idea.(A)he(B) it(C) she(D)that4 He had_all his goal


1、m him.AwhichB whenC thatDthen3 Theres someone knocking at the door. Who couldbeI have no idea.AheB itC sheDthat4 He hada。

2、are much.AalikeB sameC exactDresembled3 No sooner had the ship pulled away from the dockit had to return to pick up more。

3、 is absolutely necessary.AifB unlessC whenDas3 Michael doesnt know what toat the university; he cant make up his mind ab。

4、er been to Tibet but thats the only city.Awhere she most likes to visitB that she most likes to visitC which she likes t。

5、ing.AhappensB happenedC has happenedDhad happened3 the numbers of such developments are relatively small, the potential 。

6、avel time to the airport in rush hour traffic.AactualB exactC additionalDaccurate3 I was advised tomy flight number at l。

7、chDtake3 I couldnt helpsorry for the poor man who died in the car crash.AfeelingB feelC to feelDfelt4 The villageI was b。

8、 canman of the deadly disease.AsaveB treatC removeDcure3 I called Mr. Smith at his office this morning, but the voiceans。

9、B It dependsC Dont mention itDBy no means2 Your service is entirely, not compulsory.ApreferentialB reluctantC selectiveD。

10、39;m afraid not.2 If you are caught, youll be expelled from school.Ato cheatB cheatingC to have cheatedDhaving cheated3 。

11、C Not at allDThats OK2 The very idea of her winning the beauty contest is quite.AabsurdB unlikelyC impossibleDnonsense3 。

12、became obvious that a thunderstorm was.AimmediateB evidentC imminentDeminent3 of halfstarving wolves were roaming the sn。

13、o, you neednt2 My father does not likemeat.AskinnyB slimC leanDslender3 Before the invention of refrigeration, theof fis。

14、 rather notDI dont think so2 Henry wasnt paid because he was thesecretary of the association.AhonorableB honoringC honor。

15、 only ofintelligence, he speaks four languages fluently.AmiddleB minorC averageDslow3 It is hoped that the prisoner will。

16、 nice and polite towards his teachers as well as his schoolmates.ArespectiveB respectfulC respectableDrespecting3 No on。

17、ule to leave thingsyou can find them.AwhenB whereC thenDthere3 Its always difficult to be in a foreign country,if you do。

18、lly arrested thecriminal.AfamousB renownedC respectableDnotorious3 We forgave his bad temper because we know that his so。

19、fe the wealthy man had long been used togreatly soon after the big failure of his business in 2008.AchangedB changeC cha。

20、g highly of her role in the play, of course, made the others unhappy.AwhoB whichC thisDwhat3 Stories spread quickly amon。

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