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1、北京高职升本(英语)模拟试卷 6(无答案)一、Vocabulary and Structure1 You_park here! Its an emergency exit. Thanks for telling me.(A)wouldnt(B) neednt(C) couldnt(D)mustnt2 The police finally arrested the_criminal.(A)famous(B) renowned(C) respectable(D)notorious3 We forgave his bad temper because we know that his sons il

2、lness had put him under great_.(A)excitement(B) crisis(C) stress(D)nervousness4 A completely new situation is likely to_when the school leaving age is raised to 16.(A)rise(B) raise(C) arise(D)happen5 After the war Fleming specialized_bacteriology, and in 1924 he became professor of bacteriology at S

3、t. Marys Hospital.(A)with(B) in(C) on(D)by6 It is said that Rontgen discovered the new rays_accident.(A)by(B) on(C) for(D)in7 He regretted_her advice.(A)not having followed(B) having not followed(C) not following(D)following not8 _other courses, he devotes all his time to studying English.(A)Not lik

4、ing(B) Liking not(C) Having not liked(D)Not having liked9 Over the past few years medical researchers_for a means of controlling the virus.(A)have searching(B) are searching(C) have been searching(D)search10 Rebecca_me earlier if she had not liked her house she bought last month,(A)told(B) would tel

5、l(C) had told(D)would have told11 I saw Sam in the library yesterday morning. You_him; he is still abroad.(A)might not see(B) could not see(C) cant have seen(D)mustnt have seen12 Mr. Smith was caught by a radar trap doing 60 M.P.H. in a 30 M.P.H. area,_driving near his home.(A)while(B) if(C) wheneve

6、r(D)during13 There is nothing wrong with it,_? No. Yours is a specially-built model. Drive carefully, though.(A)is it(B) has it(C) are they(D)is there14 We should be able to deal with your complaint soon,_you give us all the necessary information.(A)as though(B) provided that(C) or else(D)as if15 Ad

7、vice should be provided free to_needs it.(A)whom(B) whoever(C) who(D)no matter who15 Choosing Your Ideal Camp16 Which camp is the best choice for an 8-month baby to learn swimming?(A)Cybercamps.(B) Glen Cove.(C) Farmingdale.(D)Camp Blue Bay.17 In Cybercamps, you will learn_.(A)how to design a Web pa

8、ge(B) how to do Red Cross swimming(C) how to improve your level of subjects(D)how to play tennis18 If you want to stay in Glen Cove for a month, you have to pay_.(A)$425(B) $1062.5(C) 749(D)425019 If you want to enroll a camp for your daughter, you may call_.(A)206-442-4500(B) 519-676-0904(C) 516-75

9、6-1751(D)516-741-255019 Early in the 18th century, Captain Cook, a famous explorer of Australia, unexpectedly caught sight of an unusual animal during his first visit to Australia. The animal had a large mouse-like head and jumped along on its large legs. To his great surprise, the unusual animal ca

10、rried its young in a special pocket of flesh. Captain Cook pointed to the animal which was eating grass in the distance and asked his native guide what the animal was referred to. The guide seemed not to know mat he was pointing at and finally said “Kang-a-roo“, but their requests were met with puzz

11、led looks of the native people. Before long they got to discover that the native guide who made the answer to Cooks question really meant, “I dont know what you are pointing at.“ Funny enough, the name “ Kang-a-roo“ stuck and it is still in use today.20 Whats the main idea of this passage?(A)Captain

12、 Cooks guide made a joke.(B) Native Australians could not speak English in Cooks time.(C) Some words have rather funny origins.(D)Captain Cook was a lover of wild animals.21 When the native guide said “Kang-a-roo “, he really meant“_“(A)Ah, it is a special kind of animal.(B) I wonder what you have s

13、aid.(C) What do you mean by pointing at that animal?(D)I have no idea of what you are referring to.22 We can infer from this passage_.(A)we should learn many different languages.(B) Captain Cook took the words of his guide in the wrong way.(C) Captain Cook was a foolish explorer.(D)it is very useful

14、 to learn Esperanto and other international languages.22 Throughout the world, in nations rich and poor, more and more women are taking up work outside the home. In the developed nations of Europe and North America, the percentage of women that make up the total workforce has more than doubled over

15、the past four decades. This trend towards more and more women joining the workforce is seen clearly in the recent experience of Britain, where women now make up almost half the countrys workforce. According to a recent report from the British research service, Jobs Research UK, there are two reasons

16、 for the great rise among women entering the workforce in Britain over the past decade: The first, and major reason for this is that unemployment rose more quickly among men during the last time the economy was at a low; the second reason is that the number of women working in service jobs has incre

17、ased greatly.According to Incomes Data Services (IDS), Britain appears to be fast approaching a point when there will be as many women employees as men, although half the women are in part-time employment. The IDS predicted that in the coming months, job losses were more likely to continue to affect

18、 more full-time male workers than the mostly female part-time workers.“If these trends continue, then economic recovery is likely to quicken the move toward a much larger part-time female workforce, employed chiefly in the service sector,“ the report said.These trends are not limited to the UK alone

19、. Throughout Europe and North America, and increasingly even in Japan, the percentage of female workers in the workforce is steadily increasing, while the percentage of male workers continues to fall. Because the jobs taken up by women are chiefly service sector jobs and because many are part-time p

20、ositions, the results of this trend are clear. Family incomes will stay frozen and even fall throughout most of the developed world. As high-paying manufacturing jobs become more difficult to find and with companies moving production to cheaper markets in developing nations in Asia, Latin America an

21、d Africa, unemployment among men in developed nations will rise further, in many countries to ten percent or more. How these changes in the workforce of Britain and other developed nations affect national policies, social development and family relations are important questions that researchers will

22、 be seeking to answer over the coming decade.23 The passage implies that_.(A)fewer men are working now than ever before(B) more women are engaged in part-time rather than full-time employment(C) more women are working now than ever before(D)more women were unemployed than men in the last recession24

23、 Today, women in Britain_.(A)make up exactly half the workforce(B) make up less than half the workforce(C) prefer part-time to full-time work(D)are paid less than they were in 197025 According to the passage, half of the working women in Britain work part-time because_.(A)full-time workers are suffe

24、ring job losses(B) the country is approaching the time when half of all workers will be female(C) so many men have lost their jobs(D)many of the service jobs they fill are part-time26 The passage tells us that if present trends continue_.(A)fewer men will find fall-time employment(B) Britains econom

25、y will lose its manufacturing base(C) there will be more part-time jobs for women(D)women will demand higher pay and better benefits27 The last sentence of the passage implies that changes in the workforce_.(A)are of little importance(B) will lead to important social changes(C) are quite easy to pre

26、dict(D)should be investigated27 Weather changes when the temperature and the amount of water in the atmosphere change. We can see and feel water coming from the atmosphere when we have rain. But the water must somehow get back to the atmosphere. Meteorologists call this the water cycle. There are ma

27、ny stages in the water cycle. Rain falls when water vapor in clouds condenses (凝结 ). Drops of water form and fall to the ground. The water soaks into the ground and feeds streams and rivers. A lot of rain falls into the sea. The heat of the sun evaporates some of the water in the ground and in the r

28、ivers, lakes, and the sea. It changes the liquid water into water vapor. The vapor rises onto the air. Water vapor is normally invisible. On a very damp or humid day, however, you can sometimes see water vapor rising from a puddle (水坑) or pond in a mist above the water. Water vapor also gets into th

29、e air from living things. Trees and other plants take in water through their roots and give off water vapor from their leaves. People and land animals drink water and breathe out water vapor. In all these ways the water returns to the air. There it gathers to form clouds and condenses to form rain.

30、The rain falls to earth, and the cycle starts again. It continues even if snow or hail fall instead because both eventually melt to form water. The amount of water vapor in the air depends on the temperature. The air is more moist in the tropics than in the cold polar regions.28 What is the topic of

31、 the passage?(A)Water cycle.(B) Water vapor.(C) How rain forms.(D)Water, vapor, rain.29 According to the passage, how many ways are there for water to get into the air?(A)Two.(B) Three.(C) Four.(D)Five.30 Whether water vapor can be seen or not depends on_.(A)how much water is evaporated(B) how good

32、your eyes are(C) in which way water is evaporated(D)climate or weather31 It can be inferred from the passage that_.(A)there is more water vapor in the tropics than in cold polar regions(B) there is more water vapor in cold polar region than in the tropics(C) there are more rains in the tropics than

33、in polar regions because there is less vapor(D)the amount of water vapor in the air depends on how often it rains31 The World Trade Organization (WTO), founded on January 1, 1995, aims to encourage international trade to flow as freely as possible, making sure that trade agreements are respected and

34、 that any disputes can be settled.In the five years since its founding, the WTO has become well known as one of the worlds most powerful economic organizations, taking its place alongside the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.The system of global rules for international trade, however, date

35、s back half a century to 1948 when the General Agreement on Tariffs (关税) and Trade (GATT) was formed after World War II.As time went by, it became clear that the GATT had two major weak points the limited areas of trade it covered, and the lack of an effective system to settle disputes.After seven y

36、ears of trade talks ending in 1994 the so-called Uruguay Round, it finally gave birth to the WTO, complete with an effective system to settle disputes and new rules covering trade in services and intellectual property.Even after seven years of talks and 22 500 pages of agreements there were still pr

37、oblems, especially the difficult-to-deal-with areas of agriculture and services, which the member nations agreed to revisit in 2000.The WTO, with its head office in Geneva, has 135 members with 30 more waiting to join.32 From the passage we know that the GATT stopped working_.(A)soon after World War

38、 ended(B) just at the end of the year 1994(C) a little more than 50 year after World War II(D)seven years before the Uruguay Round talk33 Compared with the GATT, the WTO_.(A)can do better to settle disputes in more areas of international trade(B) got its members to sign agreements more easily(C) has

39、 too many areas of international trade to deal with effectively(D)didnt pay enough attention to services and intellectual property34 In the new century the WTO will_.(A)take the place of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund(B) have new rules covering trace in services and intellectual prop

40、erty(C) make complete new rules in every area of international trade(D)have more members and do much more to settle more problems35 The best title for the text is_.(A)WTO another name for GATT(B) WTO an international service organization(C) WTO one of the worlds strongest economic organizations(D)WT

41、O one of the worlds most powerful economic organization二、Cloze35 While traveling abroad, Mr. Jackson Frank ran short of money, so he wrote his brother【36】for 500, “Send me the money by【37】,“ he wrote, “to Fisher Bank“After a week he began calling at the Fisher Bank. He showed his passport. “Nothing

42、has come【38 】you,“ he was told. This went on for two weeks, and Mr. Frank got very【39】. He sent another telegram to his brother, asking where the money was. There was【40 】reply, and not a single pence reached him.In the fourth week Mr. Frank was arrested for【41】to pay his hotel bill. His passport, p

43、ackage and everything else were taken away from him. He tried to【42】the problem, but nobody would believe him. He was forced to stay in prison for 30 days as a【43】When he was set 【 44】, he immediately went to the Fisher Bank. The clerk he spoke to was a new man. “Have you【45】500 for me?“ he asked, e

44、agerly, “My name is Jackson Frank.“(A)lending(B) borrowing(C) wanting(D)asking(A)telegram(B) plane(C) train(D)ship(A)to(B) from(C) with(D)for(A)happy(B) eager(C) worried(D)disapproved(A)hardly(B) little(C) few(D)no(A)failing(B) having(C) trying(D)refusing(A)solve(B) explain(C) settle(D)say(A)warning

45、(B) lesson(C) punishment(D)rewarding(A)off(B) free(C) out(D)back(A)accepted(B) posted(C) returned(D)received三、Word Formation46 He_(apology) for interrupting us yesterday.47 She tried to_(beauty) her room with posters and plants.48 You can read the_(simple) version if you think it too difficult for y

46、ou to read this novel in the original.49 You are working in this company, which means you are one of its_(employ) here.50 I am not going to_(sympathy) with her.51 A woman who works as a_(waiter) does the same job as a waiter.52 A_(piano) is someone who earns a living by playing the piano.53 A study

47、has been ordered into the feasibility of_(long) the airports main runway by 200 meters.54 30,000 US dollars had been spent on_ (modern) the meeting hall.55 We could not find enough food to_(food) the baby.Section ADirections: Translate the following English into Chinese.56 Actually the umbrella was

48、not invented as a protection against rain. Its first use was as a protection against the sun .57 As far as ability is concerned, Tom is the right person for the job.58 He spoke English so well that I took it for granted that he was an American.59 It is known to all that the new trade rules will go i

49、nto effect next year.60 The base of the company is in New York, but its branches are all over the world.四、Writing61 This part is to test you ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a speech. You can refer to the following information in Chinese. You should write about 100 words on the Answer Sheet.请你在主题为“ 和谐宿舍生活 ”的班


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