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1、中学教师资格认定考试(初级英语学科知识与教学能力)模拟试卷 34及答案与解析一、单项选择题1 The correct pronunciation of the underlined letters in the word “wanna“ is_.(A)/(B) / /(C) / /(D)/a:/2 The stress of the following words are all on the first syllable except_.(A)golden(B) design(C) rising(D)pattern3 _price, the newly-developed fridge ha

2、s a big advantage over any other.(A)In terms of(B) By means of(C) Owing to(D)According to4 The dilemma for modern people is that they hate cell phones whereas they cannot live _them.(A)with(B) without(C) on(D)for5 Experience is a hard teacher because she_the test first, the lesson afterwards.(A)give

3、s(B) has given(C) was giving(D)would give6 According to a recent research, the old are more than twice as likely to have a positive attitude to life_the young.(A)as(B) than(C) while(D)until7 Nancy s gone to work but her car s still there. She_by bus.(A)must have gone(B) should have gone(C) ought to

4、have gone(D)could have gone8 He made a promise_ he earned money, he would build a new school to help develop education.(A)what(B) that(C) that if(D)what if9 A Chinese student makes a sentence as follows “He is a rich man who like traveling“. The error in that sentence is the result of_.(A)negative t

5、ransfer(B) positive transfer(C) overgeneralization(D)pragmatic failure10 The relationship between “furniture“ and “desk“ is_.(A)superordinate(B) antonymy(C) hyponymy(D)homonymy11 Which type of approach can best describe the following learning pattern? Students search for materials in self-assess cen

6、ter.(A)Autonomous learning.(B) Interactive learning.(C) Contextualized learning.(D)Task-based learning.12 What vocabulary learning strategy does the following activity help to train?The teacher created a situation and asked students to think of words and expressions that can be used in that situatio

7、n.(A)Association.(B) Generalization.(C) Collocation.(D)Contextualization.13 What should the teacher try to avoid when selecting listening materials?(A)The text scripted and recorded in the studio.(B) The text with implicated concepts beyond the comprehension of students.(C) The text with local accen

8、ts in pronunciation.(D)The text with some difficult words for students.14 When designing activities in writing class, the teacher should take the following aspects into consideration EXCEPT_.(A)students language competence(B) writing strategies(C) students pronunciation of the topic(D)writing purpos

9、e15 Which of the following activities can be used to get the main idea of a passage?(A)Reading to decide on the title.(B) Reading to sequence the events.(C) Reading to fill in the charts.(D)Reading to do a match.16 _stage for teaching writing includes discussion or debate on relevant topic, picture

10、telling, free talk, reading short passages, and audio-visual activities.(A)Pre-writing(B) While-writing(C) Post-writing(D)Intensive-writing17 Before doing a writing task, the teacher elicits students ideas by asking them to list as many words or phrases that come into their mind about the topic as p

11、ossible. Here the teacher is playing the role of a(an)_.(A)controller(B) participant(C) organizer(D)prompter18 When a student said in class, “I come home at 6 oclock yesterday“, the teacher said “Came not come“. Which rule of effective feedback does the teacher NOT obey?(A)Relevance.(B) Accuracy.(C)

12、 Guidance.(D)Timeliness.19 What is the teacher doing by saying this in terms of instruction? “Now, did the questions help you understand the text better?“(A)Observing the activity.(B) Evaluating the activity.(C) Monitoring the activity.(D)Controlling the activity.20 Which of the following does not m

13、ake a good English teacher?(A)Following strictly the lesson plan.(B) Considering students needs and levels.(C) Using very simple and clear instructions.(D)Keeping on teaching reflection.二、简答题21 在对待学生问答时,教师应如何给予评价?列举两种评价用语。三、教学情境分析题22 下面是某课堂实录的核心环节内容。核心环节 1:感知体验1引入话题 sports,复习并引入新的表示运动的目标词汇并教授 be goo

14、d at 结构。T: Spring is a good season to do sports, right? Ss: Yes.T: Do you like sports? Ss: Yes.T: What sport are you good at? S1: I am good at basketball.T: Good. And you? S2:1 am good at table tennis.T: What sport are you good at? S3:1 am good at skiing.2引入描述运动的形容词。T: What sport do you think is dan

15、gerous? S3: Skiing.T: What sport do you think is boring? S4: Cycling.核心环节 2:运用T: Can you work in pairs and compare sports? S: Football is more tiring than swimming. S: Running is more popular than gymnastics. T: Good. Another pair?根据上面的信息,从下面两个方面作答:(1)从课堂问答角度对案例进行评析。(2)从学生互动方面对案例进行评析。四、教学设计题23 设计任务:

16、请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计 20 分钟的英语听说教学方案。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:teaching objectives teaching contents key and difficult points major steps and time allocation activities and justifications教学时间:20 分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学初中一年级第二学期学生,班级人数 40 人。多数学生已经达到义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)二级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。语言素材:Conversation 1Tom: Hey, Peter.Pe

17、ter: Hi, Tom.Tom: How s the weather down there in Shanghai?Peter: It s cloudy. How s the weather in Moscow?Tom: It s snowing right now.Conversation 2Peter: Hi, Aunt Sally.Aunt Sally: Hello, Peter.Peter: How s the weather in Boston?Aunt Sally: Oh, it s windy.Conversation 3Peter: So, how s the weather

18、 in Beijing?Julie: It s sunny. Conversation 4Peter: Hi, Uncle Bill.Uncle Bill: Hello, Peter.Peter: Hows the weather in Toronto?Uncle Bill: Its raining, as usual!五、阅读理解23 As regards social conventions, we must say a word about the well-known English class system. This is an embarrassing subject for E

19、nglish people, and one they tend to be ashamed of, though during the present century class-consciousness has grown less and less, and the class system less rigid. But it still exists below the surface. Broadly speaking, it means there are two classes, the “middle class“ and the “working class“. (We

20、shall ignore for a moment the old “upper class“, including the hereditary aristocracy, since it is extremely small in numbers; but some of its members have the right to sit in the House of Lords, and some newspapers take surprising interest in their private life.) The middle class consists chiefly o

21、f well-to-do businessmen and professional people of all kinds. The working class consists chiefly of manual and unskilled workers.The most obvious difference between them is in their accent. Middle-class people use slightly varying kinds of “received pronunciation“ which is the kind of English spoke

22、n by BBC announcers and taught to overseas pupils. Typical working-class people speak in many different local accents which are generally felt to be rather ugly and uneducated. One of the biggest barriers of social equality in England is the two-class education system. To have been to a so-called “p

23、ublic school“ immediately marks you out as one of the middle class. The middle classes tend to live a more formal life than working-class people, and are usually more cultured. Their midday meal is “lunch“ and they have a rather formal evening meal called “dinner“, whereas the working mans dinner, i

24、f his working hours permit, is at midday, and his smaller, late-evening meal is called supper.As we have said, however, the class system is much less rigid than it was, and for a long time it has been government policy to reduce class distinctions. Working-class students very commonly receive a univ

25、ersity education and enter the professions, and working-class incomes have grown so much recently that the distinctions between the two classes are becoming less and less clear. However, regardless of ones social status, certain standards of politeness are expected of everybody, and a well-bred pers

26、on is polite to everyone he meets, and treats a laborer with the same respect he gives an important businessman. Servility inspires both embarrassment and dislike. Even the word “sir“, except in school and in certain occupations (e. g. commerce, the army, etc.) sounds too servile to be commonly used

27、.24 The middle class mainly refers to people_.(A)who were born as aristocrat(B) who have the right to sit in the House of Lords(C) who speak in many different local accents(D)who are prosperous businessmen or who work in some professions25 The most obvious difference between the working class and th

28、e middle class in English is their_.(A)dress(B) work(C) accent(D)meal26 Why isnt the word “sir“ commonly used in Britain?(A)Because it sounds too servile and is likely to cause embarrassment.(B) Because it can only be used in some certain occupations.(C) Because it is an impolite word.(D)Because it

29、shows that the speaker is not well-bred person.27 The “upper class“ in England today_.(A)are extremely small in number so that media pays no attention to them(B) still use old words like Sir in their everyday life(C) include the hereditary aristocracy(D)refer only to the royal family28 Which of the

30、following is not true about the English class system?(A)It is an embarrassing subject for English people.(B) Working-class students cannot receive a university education.(C) The class system is much less rigid than it was.(D)The class system still exists below the surface.28 Scientists have found th

31、at although we are prone to snap overreactions, if we take a moment and think about how we are likely to react, we can reduce or even eliminate the negative effects of our quick, hard-wired responses.Snap decisions can be important defense mechanisms; if we are judging whether someone is dangerous,

32、our brains and bodies are hard-wired to react very quickly, within milliseconds. But we need more time to assess other factors. To accurately tell whether someone is sociable, studies show, we need at least a minute, preferably five. It takes a while to judge complex aspects of personality, like neu

33、roticism or open-mindedness.But snap decisions in reaction to rapid stimuli arent exclusive to the interpersonal realm. Psychologists at the University of Toronto found that viewing a fast-food logo for just a few milliseconds primes us to read 20 percent faster, even though reading has little to do

34、 with eating. We unconsciously associate fast food with speed and impatience and carry those impulses into whatever else were doing. Subjects exposed to fast-food flashes also tend to think a musical piece lasts too long.Yet we can reverse such influences. If we know we will overreact to consumer pr

35、oducts or housing options when we see a happy face (one reason good sales representatives and real estate agents are always smiling), we can take a moment before buying. If we know female job screeners are more likely to reject attractive female applicants, we can help screeners understand their bia

36、sesor hire outside screeners.John Gottman, the marriage expert, explains that we quickly “thin slice“ information reliably only after we ground such snap reactions in “thick sliced“ long-term study. When Dr. Gottman really wants to assess whether a couple will stay together, he invites them to his i

37、sland retreat for a much longer evaluation: two days, not two seconds.Our ability to mute our hard-wired reactions by pausing is what differentiates us from animals: dogs can think about the future only intermittently or for a few minutes. But historically we have spent about 12 percent of our days

38、contemplating the longer term. Although technology might change the way we react, it hasn t changed our nature. We still have the imaginative capacity to rise above temptation and reverse the high-speed trend.29 The time needed in making decisions may_.(A)vary according to the urgency of the situati

39、on(B) prove the complexity of our brain reaction(C) depend on the importance of the assessment(D)predetermine the accuracy of our judgment30 Our reaction to a fast-food logo shows that snap decisions_.(A)can be associative(B) are not unconscious(C) can be dangerous(D)are not impulsive31 To reverse t

40、he negative influences of snap decisions, we should_.(A)trust our first impression(B) do as people usually do(C) think before we act(D)ask for expert advice32 John Gottman says that reliable snap reactions are based on_.(A)critical assessment(B) thin sliced study(C) sensible explanation(D)adequate i

41、nformation33 The authors attitude toward reversing the high-speed trend is_.(A)tolerant(B) uncertain(C) optimistic(D)doubtful中学教师资格认定考试(初级英语学科知识与教学能力)模拟试卷 34答案与解析一、单项选择题1 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查元音字母的发音。题目问“wanna”这个词中下划线部分的发音。这个单词的发音是w n ,a 字母发 的音。2 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查单词重音。双音节单词的重音多数在第一个音节上,但是以be-,com- , con

42、-,de-,dis-,em-,en-,mis- ,pre-开头的双音节单词,重音通常在第二个音节上。故本题答案为 B。3 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查短语辨析。句意为“_价格,新制造的冰箱比任何其他的冰箱拥有更大的优势”。In terms of“就而言,在方面”,By means of“用,凭借”,Owing to“由于,因为”,According to“根据,按照”。根据句意,应该是新制造的冰箱比其他冰箱拥有更大的价格优势。故选 A。4 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查介词。句意为“现代人的困境就是他们讨厌手机但是离开手机他们又活不下去”。without 表示否定,“没有,无”,符合

43、题意。5 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查时态。句意为“经验是个很苛刻的老师,因为她总是一上来就把你考倒,然后再给你上课”。由 is 可知,此处应该用一般现在时或与此相关的时态,排除 C、D 两项。B 项为现在完成时,表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响,用在这里显然不符合语境,而且本句中也没有现在完成时的时间标志词。故选 A。6 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查倍数表达方式。句意为“根据最新的调查显示,老年人积极对待生活的可能性是年轻人的两倍多”。本题的倍数表达方式为“倍数+asas”。故选 A。7 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查情态动词。句意为“南希已去上班,但她的车还在那儿。她一定是乘

44、了公交车去的”。must have done 是对过去事情的肯定推测,符合句意。shouldought to have done“本应该做某事却没有做”,could have done“本可以做某事却没有做”,显然均不符合题意。8 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 考查同位语从句和条件状语从句。句意为“他许诺如果他挣了钱,就会建一所新学校来发展教育”。此处 that 引导同位语从句,用来说明 promise 的具体内容。同位语从句里包含了一个条件状语从句。故选 C。9 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查二语习得。二语习得者在学习外语的过程中很容易受到母语的影响。如果外语和母语有相似之处,母语便可有

45、利于外语学习,这叫作正迁移(positive transfer,也叫 facilitation);如果外语和母语有不同之处,母语便会阻碍外语的学习,这叫作负迁移(negative transfer,也叫 interference),差异越大,影响越大。题干例子便是负迁移的表现,因为汉语中谓语动词没有第三人称单数形式。故选 A。外语习得中还有一些错误,不能用母语的影响来解释,比如 He speaked English这个例子,只能说是学习者过度应用了语法规则,这种现象叫作overgeneralization。语用错误 (pragmatic failure)则是按照本民族的文化习惯来表达,结果违反

46、了目的语国家的文化习俗,比如和外国人见面时打招呼:“Have you had dinner?”10 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 考查语义学中的涵义关系。hyponymy“上下义关系”,体现的是概念上的种属之间的关系。在上下义关系中,概括性较强的词为上义词(superordinate),特定性较强的词为下义词(hyponyms)。题干中的 furniture“家具”与 desk“桌子”为上下义关系,桌子属于家具,家具是上义词,桌子是下义词。antonymy“反义词”,homonymy“同形异义词”。故选 C。11 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查学习方式。autonomous learnin

47、g“自主学习”,interactive learning“交互学习”,contextualized learning“情境化学习 ”,task-based learning“任务型学习”。学生自己在自我评估中心查资料,属于“自主学习”,故选A。12 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 考查词汇教学。该教师在词汇教学中创造情境,让学生了解词汇在具体情境下的使用,意在训练学生在情境中学习词汇的学习方法,故选 D。13 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查听力材料的选择。教师在选择听力材料的时候,要尽量避免材料里面含有超越学生理解能力的概念。14 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 考查写作教学。写作活动的设计要

48、考虑学习者的语言知识水平,明确写作目的,对学生进行写作方面的策略训练,提高学生的写作能力,进而激发并促进他们写作兴趣的形成等。故选 C。15 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查阅读技能教学。在阅读课的教学过程中,可以通过读标题,读文章的首段、尾段,读每一段的段首、段尾的方式来获取文章的中心太意。阅读文章以确定文章的标题的活动常被用来获取文章大意。故选 A。16 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查写作教学。写前活动包括对相关话题的讨论、辩论、图片讨论、自由会话、读短文、视听活动等。故选 A。17 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 考查课堂中的教师角色。在英语写作课教学时,让学生以列单的形式把对某一主

49、题所产生的各种想法、事实、例子和感受等以词汇或短语的方式表述出来,这运用的是头脑风暴法,体现了教师的组织者角色。故选 C。18 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 考查教学反馈。题目问的是“当学生说我昨天 6 点钟回的家,教师说是 came 而不是 come时这位教师的反应违背了哪项原则”。A 项为相关性,B 项为准确性,C 项为引导性,D 项为及时性。在这段话中教师直接指出了学生的错误并给予纠正,显然是没有注意反馈的引导性。故选 C。19 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查教学活动评价。教师问“这些问题帮你更好地理解文章了吗?”这是教师在对教学活动做评价。故选 B。20 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查教师专业素质。一名优秀的英语教师应该能够考虑学生的需求和水平差异,选择不同的教学方式和方法;教师课堂指令越简单、清晰,学生对指令的理解和任务的执行就越好,这点对英语水平高或低的学生均适用;教师


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