
ou off this time, but next time you will be punished.(A)leave(B) let(C) put(D)set3 Tea picked at the Qingming Festival is favored by people_ its tende


1、ou off this time, but next time you will be punished.AleaveB letC putDset3 Tea picked at the Qingming Festival is favore。

2、tressAscienTificB ScientificC sCienTificDscientiFic3 The text is approachable, coping well with quitesubjects.AcomplexB 。

3、g has the proper word stressAfrivolousB frivolousC frivolousDfrivolous3 But not all pretended deeds have to fall short o。

4、parents have said theyll getfor me.AoneB itC thisDthat3 The origins of human speech remain a mystery,we have a fairly ac。

5、ality2 How do you know that Mary was angry I could tellher face.AforB withC toDby3 Mr. Wilson said that he did not want 。

6、nDpromise2 To fully understand the writer, we must read not only between the lines but also the lines to know what is im。

7、ne.AhurtB was hurtC has hurtDhad been hurt3 Wethe difficulty together, but why didnt you tell meAshould faceB might face。

8、ngB masterC testDstream3 We will see that communities and rural areas have better to ecommerce and express delivery serv。

9、essAcomParisonB ComparisonC compaRisonDcomparisON3 It took many months ofto build the house.AjobB workC labourDtask4 Chi。

10、ence2 While teaching, we should keep our class running smoothly and .AthoroughlyB efficientlyC speedilyDdirectly3 Are yo。

11、n the first syllable except.AgoldenB designC risingDpattern3 price, the newlydeveloped fridge has a big advantage over a。

12、rough the nasal is.Astart nowB good luckC make sureDwhat time3 She sometimes uses WeChatmy mobile phone, but only to con。

13、ollowing words has a different pronunciation from othersAsplashB spreadC scopeDspade3 When the idea of winning in sports。

14、上开展小组合作学习时,学生对这种学习方式缺乏兴趣,在小组中不愿主动承担学习责任,总是希望搭小组的便车 .由此教师决定开展 如何提高学生小组合作学习效率 的研究.这是运用了教师专业发展方法中的 .A终身学习B教育反思C行动研究D合作交流3 卢。

15、的方式训练学生思维能力.当有学生举出带分式根式的例子时追问:你是怎么想的 为什么王老师的做法 .A注重启发引导B注重因材施教C注重团结协作D注重学生差异3 由于面临着升学的压力,某位外语老师经常和其他音体美类学科老师提出请求,将课时让给她上。

16、式是最好的,效率最高的2 王老师穿了一套新衣服,课前一进班级,有几个淘气的男同学就凑在一起,用调侃的语调大声喊道: 老师,我爱你. 下列处理方式,最恰当的一项是 .A露出羞涩的神情B严厉地批评他们C微笑着说:我告诉大家一个秘密,我也爱你们。

17、意于法则而自合于法则,真正由教学的 必然王国迈人教学的自由王国 .这体现了教师 的劳动特点.A复杂性B长期性C创造性D间接性3 针对如何对待自己做过的错题,王老师组织学生进行讨论,最后同学们决定分组进行错题整理,每组建立一个学科错题本,组内。

18、他自己出钱设立了班主任基金 ,用于奖励每学期末前三名的学生,孙老师的做法 .A正确,物质奖励具有良好的激励作用B不正确,考试成绩不能衡量学生的综合素质C正确,考试成绩是衡量学生的重要依据D不正确,考试成绩不是评价学生的唯一指标3 下列对素质。

19、学记注释道:动词,是引导的意思, 牵:牵着走. 开:启发.下列选项对上文理解不正确的是 .A这句话体现了 主体教育 思想的基本准则B这句话强调应给与学生最大限度的自由,鼓励其自主发展C从中可知,学生是可以自学成才的D注重引导而不牵引,严格要。

20、面,同时教师对他们的小动作采取不理不睬的态度.该教师的做法 .A正确,保证了班级里大多数学生的正常学习环境B正确,防止这些爱搞小动作的学生扰乱课堂C错误,不利于良好师生关系的形成D错误,忽略了纪律不良学生的需求3 美术课考试中.王老师让同学。

标签 > 职业资格类试卷中学教师资格认定考试初级英语[编号:193939]

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