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1、中学教师资格认定考试(高级英语学科知识与教学能力)模拟试卷 12及答案与解析一、单项选择题1 The children all turned_the famous actress as she entered the classroom.(A)looked at(B) to look at(C) to looking at(D)look at2 I beg you to quit smoking. I cant really_that smell. Im extremely sorry to hear that.(A)hold on to(B) put up with(C) break awa

2、y from(D)get into3 Now that weve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions_?(A)taking(B) take(C) taken(D)to take4 The meat you bought last week_terrible. It_bad.(A)smells; must go(B) smells; must have gone(C) is smelt; must go(D)is smelt; must have gone5 Ive got to go now. Must you?

3、 I_you could stay for dinner with us.(A)think(B) thought(C) have thought(D)am thinking6 The report was not concrete and in a way lacked persuasion. But_, I felt it was fair.(A)above all(B) in a word(C) on the whole(D)in other words7 The national anthem of Canada is_.(A)Canada The Beautiful(B) 0 Cana

4、da(C) God Defend Canada(D)Advance Canada Fair8 William Wordsworth is an English_.(A)poet(B) novelist(C) playwright(D)critic9 Which of the following sounds does “lateral“ refer to?(A)l(B) w(C) h(D)j10 Which vowel is different from the others according to the characteristics of vowels?(A)is(B) u(C) e(

5、D)i11 The head of the phrase “ the city Rome“ is_.(A)the city(B) Rome(C) city(D)the city and Rome12 I got to the office earlier that day, _the 7:30 train from Paddington.(A)caught(B) having caught(C) to have caught(D)to catch13 After we turned off the light, we all_a deep happy sleep.(A)broke into(B

6、) put into(C) brought into(D)fell into14 _with your hands and I will lift you up.(A)Hang on(B) Hang up(C) Hang about(D)Hang down15 I hope the information I found on the internet is_.(A)up to now(B) up to date(C) out of place(D)up to you.16 He used_on the right in China, but he soon got used_on the l

7、eft in England.(A)to drive; to drive(B) to drive; driving(C) to driving; to drive(D)to drive; to driving17 May I ask you a question? _.(A)Go ahead(B) Its a pleasure(C) Help yourself(D)Ask, please18 Im sorry. I_my exercise book at home. Dont forget_it here tomorrow please.(A)forget; to take(B) left;

8、to bring(C) forget; to bring(D)left; to take19 Which of the following statements does NOT belong to object teaching method?(A)To make use of objects in teaching.(B) To create situations in teaching.(C) To make use of multi-media in teaching.(D)To teach with the help of gestures, movements or express

9、ions. 20 Which of the following is the school s mission and characteristic of the course?(A)National curriculum.(B) Local curriculum.(C) Subject curriculum(D)School-based curriculum.二、简答题21 普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)提出“对学生学习的评价应坚持形成性评价和终结性评价相结合的原则,既关注结果,又关注过程”。(1)简述终结性评价对英语教学的意义。(2)英语课程通常采用哪些形式进行终结性评价?三、教学情境

10、分析题22 教学片段:(1)听力课上,教师播放材料之前没有提供任何信息,甚至连一些生词和简单的介绍都没有。(2)听的过程中仍然没有提示,也没有其他辅助活动帮助学生理解。(3)听完之后,教师立即对答案,然后再听一遍就可以了。请对以上教学片段做出评析。四、教学设计题23 请根据所提供的信息和语言素材进行教学设计。设计任务:请参考人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 一课中 Reading部分的语言素材,请根据学生情况,设计一节课的课程教案。学生概况:本班为中等城市普通学校高中一年级的学生,班级人数为 40 人。多数学生已具备一定的英语语言能力。学生能够积极参与

11、课堂活动,合作意识较强。教学时间:45 分钟。教学设计需包括:教学目标;教学步骤;教学活动方式、具体内容。五、阅读理解23 “Can I see my baby?“ asked the happy new mother. When the baby was in her arms, she couldnt believe her eyes. The baby was born without ears.Time proved that the babys hearing was perfect though he had no ears. He got on well with his cla

12、ssmates. But one day, he said to his mother, tears in his eyes, “A big boy called me a freak(畸形物). “The boys father asked the family doctor, “Could nothing be done?“I believe I could graft(植入)on a pair of outer ears if they could be gotten, “ the doctor said. They tried to find a person who would be

13、 helpful for the young man.One day, his father said to the son, “Youre going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have found someone who will donate(捐献)the ears you need. But we must keep it a secret who the person is.The operation was a great success, and a new person appeared. His cleverness and har

14、d work made him a very successful person. He married and lived a happy life.He would ask his father, “Who gave me the ears? I could do enough for him or her. “ I do not believe you could, “ said the father. “The agreement was that you are not to know. not yet. “The years kept it secret, but the day

15、did come. He stood with his father over his mothers body.Slowly, the father raised the thick, brown hair. To his surprise, the son found his mother had no outer ears.“ Mother said she was glad she never had her hair cut, “ his father said in a low voice, “ and nobody ever thought mother less beautif

16、ul, did they?“24 The mother was surprised at the first sight of her baby because the baby_.(A)had no outer ears(B) was born without hair(C) was in her arms(D)could not hear her25 The underlined sentence “.a new person appeared, “in paragraph 6 means “_. “(A)a new baby was bom in the hospital(B) a st

17、ranger came into the hospital(C) a new doctor took care of the boy(D)the boy came to live a new life26 Why did the boys mother never have her hair cut?(A)Because she liked her thick, brown hair.(B) Because her work didnt allow her to do that.(C) Because the hair was good for her health.(D)Because sh

18、e wanted to keep the fact a secret.27 Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to(根据)the passage?(A)The boy couldnt hear without ears at first.(B) The boy didnt know the truth until his mother died.(C) His parents often encouraged him to work hard.(D)His classmates were always making fun o

19、f him.28 Which is the best title(标题)for the passage?(A)A Clever Boy.(B) Kind Parents.(C) Great Love.(D)An Ear Operation.28 It was the summer of 1965. DeLuca, then 17, visited Peter Buck, a family friend. Buck asked DeLuca about his plans for the future. “Im going to college, but I need a way to pay

20、for it, “ DeLuca recalls saying. “ Buck said, You should open a sandwich shop.That afternoon, they agreed to be partners. And they set a goal; to open 32 stores in ten years. After doing some research, Buck wrote a check for $1, 000. DeLuca rented a storefront(店面 )in Connecticut, and when they could

21、nt cover their start-up costs, Buck kicked in another $1, 000.But business didnt go smoothly as they expected. DeLuca says, “ After six months, we were doing poorly, but we didnt know how badly, because we didnt have any financial controls. “ All he and Buck knew was that their sales were lower than

22、 their costs.DeLuca was managing the store and going to the University of Bridgeport at the same time. Buck was working at his day job as a nuclear physicist in New York. Theyd meet Monday evenings and brainstorm ideas for keeping the business running. “We convinced ourselves to open a second store.

23、 We figured we could tell the public, We are so successful, we are opening a second store. And they didin the spring of 1966. Still, it was a lot of learning by trial and error.But the partners learn-as-you-go approach turned out to be their greatest strength. Every Friday, DeLuca would drive around

24、 and hand-deliver the checks to pay their suppliers. “It probably took me two and a half hours and it wasnt necessary, but as a result, the suppliers got to know me very well, and the personal relationships established really helped out, “ DeLuca says.And having a goal was also important. “There are

25、 so many problems that can get you down. You just have to keep working toward your goal, “ DeLuca adds.DeLuca ended up founding Subway Sandwich, the multimillion-dollar restaurant chain.29 DeLuca opened the first sandwich shop in order to_.(A)support his family(B) pay for his college education(C) he

26、lp his partner expand business(D)do some research30 Which of the following sentences is TRUE of Buck?(A)He put money into the sandwich business.(B) He was a professor of business administration.(C) He was studying at the University of Bridgeport.(D)He rented a storefront for DeLuca.31 What can be le

27、arned about their first shop?(A)It stood at an unfavorable place.(B) It lowered the prices to promote sales.(C) It made no profits due to poor management.(D)It lacked control over the quality of sandwiches.32 They decided to open a second store because they_.(A)had enough money to do it(B) had succe

28、eded in their business(C) wished to meet the increasing demand of customers(D)wanted to make believe that they were successful33 What contributes most to their success according to the author?(A)Learning by trial and error.(B) Making friends with suppliers.(C) Finding a good partner.(D)Opening chain

29、 stores.中学教师资格认定考试(高级英语学科知识与教学能力)模拟试卷 12答案与解析一、单项选择题1 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 turn 在这里表示“转身”,后面接动词不定式,表示目的。故本题选B 项。2 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 put up with 忍受,容忍;hold on to 坚持,紧握;break away from摆脱;get into 陷入,染上。根据句意,只有 B 项符合要求。3 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 句意为:既然我们已经讨论了我们的问题,那么人们对于作出的决定满意吗?因表示被动的含义,空白处应用过去分词作后置定语,故本题选 C 项。4 【正确答案】

30、B【试题解析】 sthsmells terrible 是常见句式,表示某物气味很难闻,可以先排除 C、D。表示对过去行为的肯定推测,用 must have done 的结构,故选 B。5 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 因为 you could stay for dinner with us 是答话者过去的一个想法,应用一般过去时,表示“原以为”。6 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 on the whole 总的说来;above all 最重要的是;in a word 简言之,一言以蔽之:in other words 换句话说。句意为:这个报告不具体,并且从某种意义上说还缺乏说服力,但总的说来,我

31、觉得它很公正。根据句意可知选项 C 符合题意。7 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 加拿大的国歌是哦!加拿大。8 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 William Wordsworth 是英国前浪漫主义诗人。9 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 英语中只有一个边音(lateral) ,即l。w和j是近音,h 是声门音。10 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 u是圆唇元音,其他三项都不是。11 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 该短语的核心是两个实词:“城市”和“罗马”。12 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 句意为:因为赶上了七点半来自派丁顿的火车,我那天就较早地到了办公室。根据题干语境及结构可知,两句话之间五连词,

32、故用非谓语动词作原因状语。非谓语动词 catch 发生在谓语动词 got to 之前,且非谓语动词语气逻辑主语(即句子主语)之间是主动关系,由此可知,需要用现在分词的完成式,故选 B。A项是过去分词,强调与其逻辑主语之间是被动、完成关系,C 、D 两项属于不定式,常用来作结果状语、目的状语,或在形容词后作原因状语,所以都不符合题意。13 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 fall into a deep happy sleep 表示进入一个甜美的深度睡眠。故本题选 D。14 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 hang on 坚持,抓紧;hang up 挂电话 ; hang about 闲逛;hang

33、down 散落下来。句意为:手抓紧,我把你给举起来。故本题选 A。15 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 up to now 到现在为止;up to date 最新的;out of place 不合适的。根据句意,本题选 B。16 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 used to do 表示过去常常做某事,used to doing 表示习惯做某事,故本题选 D。17 【正确答案】 A18 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 第一个空填 left,leave sthsome place 把某物忘在某地。第二空填tobring,bring sth to some place 把某物带到某地。19 【正确答案】

34、 B【试题解析】 B 项属于创造情境法。20 【正确答案】 A二、简答题21 【正确答案】 (1)终结性评价通常在教学课程(或单元)结束的时候进行,是对学生学期或学年学习成果的检测,同时也是对特定时间内教学成效的检验。终结性评价是考核和检测学生的综合语言运用能力和水平的重要途径,也是反映英语学科教学水平、教学质量、教学效果和教学成果的重要标志之一。(2)英语课程终结性评价通常采用期末考试、学年考试的形式,属于学业考试。终结性评价必须以考查学生的综合语言运用能力为目标,力争科学地、全面地考查学生在经过一段学习后所具有的语言水平。测试应包括口试、听力考试和笔试等形式,全面考查学生的综合语言运用能力

35、。三、教学情境分析题22 【正确答案】 该教师在听力教学过程中只注重让学生听而忽略了讲的作用。这种听力训练不仅使学生感到很被动,而且疲劳乏味,学生注意力很难集中,很难达到理想的教学效果。高中听力教学是英语教学中的一个重要的、基础的环节,然而实际教学中有很多因素会影响听力的教学,比如学生的基本功不扎实、基础知识积累不足(语音语调不熟悉、词汇不过关等),教师的教学方法不得当(教学方法过于传统、只听不讲、听力材料不够丰富生动等),所以在教学实践中要综合运用语音、词汇、阅读技巧、听说结合等教学方法以提高学生的听力水平。除了正常的教学,更为重要的是要加强日常听力的练习,因为英语听力水平的提高不是一蹴而就

36、的而是一个日积月累、相当复杂的过程。听力教学要以学生整体语言能力的提高为基础,要以科学的学习方法和训练方法为前提,在教师的正确指导下,并经过长期的训练,才能达到令人满意的效果。四、教学设计题23 【正确答案】 Teaching Aims1. Train the Ss reading and speaking abilitlies.2. Enable the Ss to know something about the endangered animals and wildlife situation and the way to protect them.3. Help the Ss to r

37、ealize the importance of wildlife protection and to protect the nature. Teaching Important Points1. Enable the Ss to know something about the endangered animals and wildlife situation and protection.2. Help the Ss to realize the importance of wildlife protection and to protect the nature.3. How to h

38、elp students improve their reading skills and understand the passage fully. Teaching Difficult Points1. Help the Ss to realize the importance of wildlife protection and to protect the nature.2. How to help students improve their reading skills and understand the passage fully. Teaching ProceduresSte

39、p 1. RevisionCan you remember the endangered animals?Step 2. Lead-inShow some pictures of dinosaurs. Let the Ss talk about the topic.1. Have you ever learned something about dinosaurs in China?2. Can you imagine the life of them in ancient times?3. Are there any of them living in the world nowadays?

40、 Why or why not? Step 3. ReadingTask 1: Fast reading for general idea. Task 2: Careful reading for detailed information. 1. When did the dinosaurs live?2. What s the rare new species dinosaurs like?3. Why did the dinosaurs die out?Task 3: Discussion; What s the possible reasons for the disappearance

41、 of dinosaurs? Step 4. Summary and Homework Fill in the blanks with the correct forms.1. A healthy diet should provide_(protect)against diseases.2. He suffered hearing_(lose)following an illness.3. The_(power)fanning lobby is pressuring the Government to change the law.4. He came back to America fai

42、rly_(recent).5. You can see much_(far)using a telescope than you can with the naked eyes.6. Im_(trouble)by an annoying neighbor.7. The road to our school_(repair)at the moment.8. A new supersonic aircraft_(design)by engineers in Shanghai.9. All these books_(translate)and the work_(finish)next month.

43、10. While the bridge_(build), I find it difficult to concentrate because of all the noise.五、阅读理解24 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 根据第一段的最后一句“The baby was born without ears”可知选A。25 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 根据第六段中的“The operation was a great success”可知植耳手术非常成功,这意味着男孩儿不再是一个畸形儿,也意味着他的新生活的开始。故选D。26 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 通读全文,根据文章的最后两段可知选

44、 D。27 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 通读全文,根据文章的最后两段可知,直到他的母亲去世,男孩儿才知道了事情的真相。故选项 B 是正确的。28 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 全文讲述了一位母亲把自己的外耳移植给残疾的儿子的感人故事,这体现了母爱的伟大。故选 C。29 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 由第一段中的“Im going to college,but I need a way to pay for it”可知,DeLuca 在 Buck 的建议下开了第一家三明治店的原因是要支付上大学的费用。30 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 由第二段可知,Buck 先开了一张 1000 美元的支票当

45、启动资金,后来当启动资金不够时,他又拿出了 1000 美元。故选 A。31 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 由第三段中的“we were doing poorly”和“their sales were lower than theircosts”可知,他们所开的第一家店由于经营不善,营业额不抵成本。故选 C。32 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 由第四段中的“We figured we could tell the public,We are so successful,we are opening a second store”可知,他们开第二家店的原因是想向公众证明,他们是成功的。故选 D。33 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 文章讲述了 DeLuca 和 Buck 第一次开店失败,总结了经验教训后,他们为了向公众证明自己的成功,又开了第二家店,最后取得了成功。由此可知作者的意思是从失败中不断尝试、学习是他们成功的经验。故选 A。


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