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1、专升本(英语)模拟试卷 121(无答案)一、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1 Some days go by much more quickly than others. Some hours seem as if they _.(A

2、)never end(B) would never end(C) would have ended(D)had ended 2 My wife suggested going to Hong Kong for a holiday, but I favored _ Shenzhen.(A)being visited(B) having visited(C) visiting(D)to visit 3 The company often receives as many as five hundred letters _ one day.(A)on(B) at(C) in(D)for 4 I us

3、ually select the most difficult job for myself because I find that the more a job challenges me, _.(A)the most I like it(B) I like it the most(C) the more I like it(D)I like it the most 5 Sallys score on the exam is the lowest in the class. She _ hard.(A)should have studied(B) must have to study(C)

4、must have studied(D)neednt have studied 6 In Britain, the best season of the year is probably _ spring.(A)latter(B) later(C) last(D)late 7 _ he was a regular customer, the boss allowed 10% discount off the prices of the goods.(A)Giving(B) Given that(C) Giving that(D)To give that 8 Like the old, _ re

5、spected in our country.(A)the female is(B) a female is(C) the female are(D)female is 9 In his poems, he compared his little daughter _ a flower.(A)by(B) to(C) for(D)as 10 All flights _ because of the heavy storm, we decided to take the train.(A)having canceled(B) being canceled(C) having been cancel

6、ed(D)canceled 11 Mother hopes her son will _ doing anything rash.(A)keep from(B) avoid from(C) ask from(D)protect from 12 This story is not real; it is _.(A)imaginative(B) imaginary(C) imaginable(D)imagining 13 He slept in the _ of the trees on such a hot day.(A)shade(B) shelter(C) shadow(D)shield 1

7、4 The boy is so lovely. I cannot help _ his cheek whenever I meet him.(A)kiss(B) to kiss(C) kissing(D)will kiss 15 She is deeply attracted by TV play. She wont leave the TV set _ the whole family is waiting for her to have supper.(A)even if(B) just as(C) as if(D)so that 16 He kept the portrait _ he

8、could see it every day, as it always reminded him of the happy days he spent with her.(A)where(B) when(C) which(D)that 17 I was in a hurry. Not until I got to the airport _ my passport missing.(A)I did find(B) had I found(C) I found(D)did I find 18 It is my advice that he _ right now, or he might be

9、 late for the plane.(A)starts(B) will start(C) start(D)would start 19 It is obvious _ on more important things.(A)which the money should we spend(B) what the money should we spend(C) that the money should we spend(D)that we should spend the money 20 The little boy dare not tell his parents what he d

10、id, _ they would not forgive him.(A)in case(B) for fear that(C) that(D)since 21 July 13, 1913 is a day _ he will never forget. His father was murdered on that day.(A)when(B) that(C) which(D)for which 22 The milk boiled over and there was a _ smell of burning.(A)horrible(B) beautiful(C) hostile(D)bit

11、ter 23 The children will not be allowed to come with us if they dont _ themselves.(A)guide(B) behave(C) act(D)direct 24 We must be patient _ children.(A)under(B) to(C) with(D)of 25 Ill give you my telephone number in case you _ want to get in touch with me again.(A)should(B) will(C) shall(D)need 26

12、Johnny was very _ and preferred not to talk about his achievement.(A)modest(B) impatient(C) indifferent(D)mysterious 27 My brother changed his major at college several times and he never _ any one very long.(A)stuck to(B) kept back(C) let alone(D)made way 28 Ill get it for you _ I could remember who

13、 last borrowed it.(A)on condition(B) as far as(C) if only(D)lest 29 _ natural resources it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe.(A)In the form of(B) By means of(C) In terms of(D)On the basis of 30 This is the woman _ the musician said was regarded as the best pianist in the country.(A)w

14、hom(B) whose(C) who(D)which 31 The school claims to be able to _ students English in three months.(A)teach(B) explain(C) instruct(D)learn 32 Hes _ by the news that I didnt know what to say.(A)admired(B) interested(C) amazed(D)wondered 33 It is because she is too inexperienced _ she does not know how

15、 to deal with the situation.(A)so(B) that(C) so that(D)therefore 34 Having heard so much about Mr. Smith, they were _ to meet and have a chat with him.(A)eager(B) desperate(C) urgent(D)earnest 35 _ its good picture quality, this camera lens is too expensive for most people.(A)Except for(B) Besides(C

16、) Apart from(D)In spite of 二、Part III Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter o

17、n the Answer Sheet.35 Magnesium is another mineral we now obtain by collecting huge volumes of ocean water and treating it with chemicals. Although originally it was derived only from brines or from the treatment of such magnesium-containing rocks as dolomite, of which whole mountain ranges are comp

18、osed. In a cubic mile of sea water there are about four million tons of magnesium. Since the direct extraction method was developed about 1941, production has increased enormously. It was magnesium from sea that made possible the wartime growth of the aviation industry, for every, air plane made in

19、the United States (and in most other countries as well) contains about haft a ton of magnesium metal. And it has innumerable uses in other industries where a lightweight metal is desired, besides its long-standing utility as an insulating material, and its use in printing inks, medicines, and toothp

20、aste.36 What is the main topic of this passage?(A)Use of sea water.(B) Treatment of sea water.(C) Chemical properties of magnesium.(D)Derivation and users of magnesium. 37 According to the passage, why is magnesium important to industry?(A)It is strong.(B) It conducts heat well.(C) It weighs little.

21、(D)It is inexpensive to produce. 38 According to the passage, magnesium was first obtained from _.(A)rocks found on land(B) great amounts of ocean water(C) the sea floor(D)major industrial sites 39 According to the passage, which of the following was a direct consequence of the new method of obtaini

22、ng magnesium?(A)The development of insulation materials.(B) Increased airplane production.(C) Improved medical facilities.(D)The development of the cheap inks for printing. 40 It can be inferred from the passage that during the past fifty years the demand for magnesium has(A)declined greatly(B) rema

23、ined stable(C) increased slightly(D)risen dramatically 40 The influence of advertising is felt in every phase of American life. (The advertiser made the cigarette synonymous with masculine virility and suave sophistication.) He gave birth to the multi-million dollar chewing gum industry by promising

24、 to double the publics pleasure and fun. Brand names for tooth-pastes, soaps, detergents, and deodorants have, through his efforts, become household expressions. Perhaps a public service was performed when advertisers were asked to convince the American public that it should eat horse mackerel. The

25、advertising industry met this challenge by changing the horse mackerels name to tuna fish.41 Which of the following expresses the main idea?(A)Advertising molds public opinion.(B) The American public lacks taste.(C) The Federal Government should control advertisers.(D)Advertising increases the cost

26、of living. 42 The advertiser is to the consumer as _.(A)strategy is to promotion(B) profit is to business(C) fish is to water(D)suggestion is to action 43 The author develops his main idea by _.(A)demonstrating how brand names become household names(B) giving examples from the advertising world(C) w

27、arning the public about certain unfair advertising techniques(D)demonstrating how advertisers perform a public service 44 The word “convince“ in the passage means _.(A)cause someone to believe(B) prove(C) make someone understand(D)ensure 45 Which of the following is an appropriate title for the pass

28、age?(A)The Family Life of Americans.(B) Public Service and Advertisers.(C) The Influence of Advertising.(D)Brand Names and Public Pleasure. 45 If it were only necessary to decide whether to teach elementary science to everyone on a mass basis or to find the gifted few and take them as far as they ca

29、n go, our task would be fairly simple. The public school system, however, has no such choice, for the jobs must be carried on at the same time. Because we depend so heavily upon science and technology for our progress, we must produce specialists in many fields. Because we live in a democratic natio

30、n, whose citizens make the policies for the nation, large numbers of us must be educated to understand, to support, and when necessary, to judge the work of experts. The public school must educate both producers and users of scientific services.In education, there should be a good balance among the

31、branches of knowledge that contribute to effective thinking and wise judgment. Such balance is defeated by too much emphasis on any one field. This question of balance involves not only the relation of the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the arts but also relative emphases among the natur

32、al sciences themselves.Similarly, we must have a balance between current and classical knowledge. The attention of the public is continually drawn to new possibilities in scientific fields and the discovery of new knowledge; these should not be allowed to mm our attention away from the sound, establ

33、ished materials that form the basis of courses for beginners.46 According to the first paragraph, the task of education is fairly complicated because _.(A)the current public school system is too complicated to be understood(B) the public school system has no choice of what to teach(C) it is difficul

34、t to decide whether elementary science should be taught in public schools(D)the educators have to take care of both ordinary and gifted students 47 The word “defeated“(Para.2) most probably means _.(A)broken(B) beaten(C) destroyed(D)damaged 48 Which of the following points is NOT INCLUDED.in the pas

35、sage?(A)One of the major tasks of education is to discover the most promising students.(B) In order to teach effectively, educators are requested to lay emphasis on one particular field.(C) Some subjects have been over-emphasized in public schools.(D)The progress of the society cannot merely rely on

36、 inventors. 49 It can be inferred from the passage that _.(A)students should learn more up-to-date knowledge(B) lack of scientific knowledge will lead to poor relations between producers and users of scientific services(C) students are getting to know the importance of a good balance among the branc

37、hes of knowledge(D)sufficient attention should be given to bask knowledge 50 The best title for this passage might be _.(A)Current Situation in Education(B) Education System in Public School(C) Balance in Education(D)Importance of Teaching Science and Technology 50 The author is an aggressive, brill

38、iant and literate astronomer. This vastly entertaining book has a simple manner with complex ideas, without being patronizing, and is often very funny.In 274 pages Sagan deals with everything from the formation of the Earth to the puzzling possibilities of contact with extra-terrestrial life. This i

39、s the moment in history when mans stepping into the universe has suddenly become conceivable. To Sagan this is more exciting and important than was the exploration of the New World in the sixteenth century. So expenditure on the space programme, pruned of recent excesses, ought to continue-it is, ac

40、cording to Sagan, no larger a part of Americas gross national income than was the relative cost to England in the sixteenth century of exploration in sailing ships.The book is not for scientific illiterates, nor is Sagan a pedestrian scientist. Although he makes short work of the unidentified foreig

41、n objects (UFO) spotters, he is unafraid to take us on a speculative journey to a black hole which, for all he knows, might be the quick route to somewhere else, not necessarily our universe.Sagan exhibits a passionate interest in life in the cosmos in which there are .almost certainly civilizations

42、 much more advanced than our own. We are the result of a number of relatively recent cosmic accidents, but for all that, Sagan is no less excited about our future,51 From the passage we understand that Carl Sagan writes _.(A)forcefully and complexly(B) elaborately and literally(C) simply and humorou

43、sly(D)snobbishly and cleverly 52 Carl Sagan suggests that modem man _.(A)is very confused about the origin of the Earth(B) might possibly reach life outside the(C) believes it is possible to step off the Earth(D)is historically incapable of exploring the universe 53 How much does Sagan ,think Americ

44、a should spend on Space Exploration?(A)More than she does at present.(B) Less than she does at present.(C) As much as England did in the sixteenth century.(D)All of her gross national income. 54 It would appear that the public Sagan hopes to attract _.(A)are interested in UFO spotting(B) are only in

45、terested in science fiction(C) are unable to write science fiction(D)have a reasonable grounding in science 55 The text seems to imply that other forms of life in the cosmos _.(A)have never existed(B) have all died out(C) may exist in the future(D)are in existence 三、Part IV ClozeDirections: There ar

46、e some blanks in the following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passages. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.55 Christopher is not married yet: he is still a【36】. He is interested【37】football,

47、 which is an exciting【38】and enjoys【39】to watch a football【40】. So most winter Saturday afternoons he puts on his old raincoat, which is badly out of【41 】and【42】the house at five past twelve so【43】to arrive early. He goes【 44】bus and gets【 45】the bus at the football ground. Even【46】it may be raining

48、, he finds thousands of【47】already waiting in a long【48】outside the gates. Sometimes, if it is raining【49】hard for him to enjoy himself, he watches another match on television【 50】of going out. He likes to spend Saturday evening【51】about football matches【52】the back page of the newspaper. Some peopl

49、e like to spend the evening【53】in noisy pubs but Christopher prefers his comfortable and【54】sitting-room. He feels as【55】he is a completely happy man until work starts again on Monday morning.(A)bachelor(B) young man(C) single(D)spinster (A)at(B) on(C) in(D)for (A)play(B) game(C) sport(D)pastime (A)to come(B) coming(C) to go(D)going (A)g


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